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Period ThreeLesson 3Clean Machines.阅读理解AMost people would say that they want to lead a healthier life.In fact,to become healthier you have to be willing to make changes to your daily life,and stick with them.Even small changes in your diet and fitness plan will not only keep you healthy,but make you see a big difference in how you look and feel.Diet alone is not enough for you to become healthier.Exercise is also a very important part.You need to have a regular exercise that will help you burn the calories.There are several choices of regular exercise.Joining a fitness club is a good way to ensure that you have a place to go,which will allow you to have good teachers to help you and exercise classes you can attend.Aerobics(有氧运动) is an excellent way to get a good workout.Aerobic classes offer a fun atmosphere of music and exercise.Walking daily is a good form of exercise but to benefit from it you need keep a steady pace and walk often.You can even exercise in the comfort of your own home.There are many great exercise videos that will give you a great workout and that will be great guides for you to find the right exercise for your body type.Including your family in your decision to live a healthier life is a good idea.Since you will be changing your diet and adding a fitness plan,you will need their support.If you have support from others,especially your family,your plan will work wonders.When you adjust(调整) your diet,your families diet will probably be adjusted,too.You can create fun activities that will encourage your children to exercise,and also give them a chance to get fit,too.1According to the first paragraph,to have a healthy life .Ayou should try to look handsomeByoud better change your diet more or lessCyoud better eat as little as possibleDyou should change yourself very much答案B解析细节理解题。根据第一段中的“Even small changes in your diet and fitness plan will not only keep you healthy.”可知,如果你想要有一个健康的生活方式,就多少需要改变一下饮食结构。2All the following can help you to keep healthy EXCEPT .Aattending exercise classesBwalking oftenCjoining fitness clubsDlying at home答案D解析细节理解题。文章第二段介绍了保持健康的若干有效方式,其中包括参加健身俱乐部、训练班和坚持锻炼等。只有D项的意思和文意不符。3The second paragraph mainly tells us that .Ahealthy diet can keep you healthy all the timeBaerobics is a good way to keep you healthyCexercise is important to keep you healthyDthere are all kinds of sport activities答案C解析主旨大意题。根据第二段可知,不管是参加训练班,还是参加健康俱乐部都要求加强锻炼,这样才能保持健康,由此可知该段的主旨大意。4In order to have a healthy life you should .Aget support from your familyBmake a good plan for youCtry to support your familyDmake your family change their diet答案A解析细节理解题。根据最后一段中的“Since you will be changing your diet and adding a fitness plan,you will need their support.”可知,要过上健康的生活,需要取得家人的支持。BThe crops we produce in the UK and around the world could change with climate.The weather is an important part in farming and changes in temperature will strongly affect crop growth.For the UK,temperature rises are likely to mean the crops normally growing in the south of the country will be able to be grown further north.The UN believes there will be a shift northwards of between 200 and 300 kilometers for every degree of warming.This would be similar to the south of England in 2060,having the kind of weather the Loire Valley,in France,experiences now.Due to an increase in drought and heat waves,the types of crops grown in the UK will have to change,which doesnt have to be a bad thing for us.Products which havent been farmed over here before,such as sweet corn,sunflowers,and maize for cereals,could all provide new business for farmerscertainly in the south east.However,if farming practices do change in this country,procedures will have to be put in place beforehand as introducing something new of farmland involves a lot of preparation.Also,irrigation systems may need to be improved so rain from winter can be stored for the summer as it is hotter.Researchers are finding that pests,such as aphids,are starting to hatch(孵化) earlier in the year.In the last 1015 years theyve been arriving in springtime and the population of aphids appears to be growing too.Aphids are a real problem as they can cause so much damage to crops and if theyre arriving earlier in the year they can get the produce when its very fragilecausing more damage than they used to.5It is quite possible that the author comes from .Athe UK Bthe UNCFrance DScotland答案A解析细节理解题。从第一段第一句“The crops we produce in the UK.”和第三段第一句可知。6The underlined word “This” in Paragraph 2 refers to .Athe kind of weather the Loire Valley,in France experiences nowBthe kind of weather the south of England in 2060 will haveCthe UNs belief that there will be a shift northwards of between 200 and 300 kilometers for every degree of warmingDthe UKs temperature rises mean the crops growing in the south will be able to be grown further north答案D解析词义理解题。this指代上文所讲“temperature rises are likely to mean the crops growing in the south of the country will be able to be grown further north”。7The main idea of this passage is that .Athe crops raised in the south will be transplanted to the north in 2060Bthe temperature rises will bring about either good or bad effectsCthe climate has a strong influence on cropsDthe global warmth causes more positive effects than negative答案C解析主旨大意题。从文中所讲气温上升造成作物品种变化以及昆虫孵化提前造成作物受害可以推断出气候对作物有重要影响,所以选C项。8To go well with the changes of farming practices as a farmer, .Aone must be prepared beforehand for farming proceduresBone can do nothing but beg for the Gods mercyCone should build more irrigation systemsDone will have to kill more pests,for example,aphids答案A解析推理判断题。农民要提前为温度升高带来的变化做准备。.完形填空As a husband who remains Chinese,I enjoy eating Chinese food and in particular cooking Chinese food. 1 ,my wife,good at French cooking and furthermore good to 2 a high standard of hygiene(卫生) in our house,dismissed my efforts as a Chinese 3 .One day,however,the laidoff cook,could not 4 asking her to make room for him,“My darling,today,I really want to prepare some 5 food.Could you please lend me the 6 ?”“No problem,but dont make too much dirt.” My wife,used to cooking in pure water,was excited, 7 a little bit worried.I shut the door and,as a cook,began to play 8 and loudly with the cooking tools and dance around the stove.The menu was 9 one week earlier.Soon,the strong smell of Sichuan dishes spread all over the house and I 10 with the first course.“Come on,Darling!” I proudly 11 .My lovely wife came into the dining room.“Whats this?” she asked doubtfully, 12 at the black egg on the plate.“This is a Chinese dish,Songhuadan.In Europe it is 13 called the egg of one hundred years.It is really delicious. 14 it.” Seeing her hesitating,I brought a piece of Songhuadan up to her mouth.“ 15 !Why is it so smelly?” she cried,nearly throwing it up.“My darling,it is delicious! 16 do you find it horrible?” I was 17 .Seeing dark clouds cover her face,I immediately used the 18 panacea(万能药) “I love you”The clouds 19 and her face was brightened again by sunshine.However,she determinedly 20 to risk a further bite.1A.Therefore BHoweverCMoreover DStill答案B解析however表示转折,上文说丈夫热衷于做中国菜,下文说妻子却让其“下岗”。2A.live Blike Cwant Dkeep答案D解析keep在这里表示保持一个高水平的卫生条件。3A.worker BcookChusband Dperson答案B解析cook厨师,指丈夫。4A.permit BwaitChelp Dremain答案C解析could not help doing sth.是固定句型,“情不自禁做某事”。5A.French BChineseCEuropean DSichuan答案B解析由上下文可知,丈夫做的是中国菜。6A.kitchen BhouseCroom Dstove答案A解析此处指丈夫向妻子借厨房做中国菜。7A.so BandCfor Dbut答案D解析兴奋和担心是转折关系,所以用but。8A.carelessly BhappilyCsmoothly Dnervous


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