



课时训练1.单词拼写1.Mist is a s of danger in Great Expectations.答案:symbol2.Is an e person with a lot of money a gentleman?答案:educated3.John is b on getting the first place in the following race.答案:bent4.The achair was made in 1628.答案:antique5.At 17,he had a c record for petty theft.答案:criminal6.It was g of you to share your food with me.答案:generous7.Oliver Twist was written by one of the greatest n in the world.答案:novelists8.It is believed that it will bring good f in the coming year.答案:fortune9.The path t up the hill.答案:twisted10.In a d attempt to escape,he killed the guard.答案:desperate.单项选择1.He is always to charity.So far he has donated billions of dollars.A.fancyB.abruptC.generousD.shabby解析:从下文的“捐钱数十亿美元”可知,他非常大方,用generous“慷慨的,大方的”。abrupt“突然的,生硬的”;fancy“新奇的”;shabby“破烂的,卑鄙的”。答案:C2.I have him to go to Shanghai with me so that we will spend a few days touring together.A.managedB.convincedC.advisedD.suggested解析:根据下文的信息“我们可以一起旅游了”可知,上文指“说服了他和我一起去上海”,用convince sb. to do sth.。A项没有该用法;C项表示劝说但不一定成功;D项不能用于该句型。答案:B3.Most educators know the fact that creativity should the education.A.have a way inB.have a room inC.have a place inD.have a hand in解析:have a place in为固定短语,意为“在有一席之地”。答案:C4.He dislikes if you break your promise,even only once.A.thisB.thatC.itD.one解析:本题考查it作形式宾语的用法。it指代if引导的条件句中的情况。答案:C5.Sorry,I am too busy now.If I time,I would certainly go for an outing with you.A.have hadB.had hadC.haveD.had解析:根据上下文可知,这是对现在情况的虚拟,if 从句用过去时,主句用“would+动词原形”。答案:D6.When asked they needed most,the kids said they wanted to feel important and loved.A.whatB.whyC.whomD.which解析:what they needed most作asked的宾语,其中what在从句中作needed的宾语。答案:A7.Though they lost the game,a small but crowd cheered as the players came off the court.A.desperateB.enthusiasticC.anxiousD.critical解析:desperate“不顾一切的”;enthusiastic“热情的”;anxious“焦急的”;critical“批评的”。根据句意,特别是cheered可知选B项。答案:B8.Do you mind if I open the window? I feel a bit cold.A.Of course not.B.Id rather you didnt.C.Go ahead.D.Why not?解析:根据下一句话“我感到有点冷”可以判断,说话者不想让对方打开窗户。A项表示“当然不介意”之意,与下文不符。would rather后从句用虚拟语气。答案:B9.It has been revealed that some government leaders their authority and positions to get illegal profits for themselves.A.employB.take C.abuseD.overlook解析:句意:据透露,一些政府领导滥用职权,非法牟利。abuse在此意为“滥用”;employ“雇用”;take“拿”;overlook“忽略”。答案:C10.The good thing about children is that they very easily to new environments.A.adaptB.appealC.attachD.apply解析:adapt to“适应”;appeal to“呼吁,恳求,上诉”;attach to“(使)贴(系、粘)在上”;apply to“适用于”。答案:A11.The weather was cold that I didnt like to leave my room.A.reallyB.suchC.tooD.so解析:so.that.“如此以至于”。答案:D12.Theres an unusual in the plot in the middle of the book.A.turningB.twistC.conflictD.attack解析:turning意为“旋转,回转”;twist意为“转折,扭曲”;conflict意为“冲突,争执”;attack意为“攻击,抨击”。根据句意选B项。答案:B.完成句子1.由苏童的小说改编的新电影将在下周一公映。A new film Su Tongs novel is to next Monday.答案:adapted from;be released2.大象受到人攻击的时候通常太害怕而不跑掉。Elephants are usually run away when they are attacked by people.答案:too frightened to3.与购物相比,她宁愿待在家里复习功课。Rather than ,she would at home, over her lessons.答案:go shopping;stay;going4.当必须要用法语打电话时,我感到很讨厌。I hate I have to speak in French on the phone.答案:it when5.行为与名誉相符有时是很难的。It can be hard to ones reputation.答案:live up to6.杰克过去一心想成为一名律师,但后来他成了文学专家。Jack used to law as a profession,but he became an expert on literature.答案:be bent on7.湖里的鱼死光了,这和污染有关系吗?The fish in the lakes .Does it anything with pollution?答案:died out;have;to do8.我认为我们作为英语老师的一个目标是让学生喜爱诗歌。I think one of our goals as teachers of English is to students poetry.答案:make;love 9.要是我哥哥在这儿,一切都没问题了。If my brother here,everything all right.答案:were;would be.阅读理解1.Franz Kafka wrote that “a book must be the ax(斧子) for the frozen sea inside us.”I once shared this sentence with a class of seventh graders,and it didnt seem to require any explanation.Wed just finished John Steinbecks novel Of Mice and Men.When we read the end together out loud in class,my toughest boy,a star basketball player,wept a little,and so did I.“Are you crying?”one girl asked,as she got out of her chair to take a closer look.“I am,”I told her,“and the funny thing is Ive read it many times.”But they understood.When George shoots Lennie,the tragedy is that we realize it was always going to happen.In my 14 years of teaching in a New York City public middle school,Ive taught kids with imprisoned parents,abusive parents,irresponsible parents;kids who are parents themselves;kids who are homeless;kids who grew up in violent neighborhoods.They understand,more than I ever will,the novels terrible logicthe giving way of dreams to fate(命运).For the last seven years,I have worked as a reading enrichment teacher,reading classic works of literature with small groups of students from grades six to eight.I originally proposed this idea to my headmaster after learning that a former excellent student of mine had transferred out of a selective high schoolsone that often attracts the literary-minded children of Manhattans upper classesinto a less competitive setting.The daughter of immigrants,with a father in prison,she perhaps felt uncomfortable with her new classmates.I thought additional “cultural capital” could help students like her develop better in high schools,where they would unavoidably meet,perhaps for the first time,students who came from homes lined with bookshelves,whose parents had earned Ph.D.s.Along with Of Mice and Men,my groups read:Sounder,The Red Pony,Lord of the Flies,Romeo and Juliet and Macbeth.The students didnt always read from the expected point of view.About The Red Pony,one student said,“its about being a man,its about manliness.”I had never before seen the parallels between Scarface and Macbeth,nor had I heard Lady Macbeths soliloquies(独白)read as raps(说唱),but both made sense;the interpretations were playful,but serious.Once introduced to Steinbecks writing,one boy went on to read The Grapes of Wrath and told me repeatedly how amazing it was that “all these people hate each other,and theyre all white.”His historical view was broadening,his sense of his own country deepening.Year after year,former students visited and told me how prepared they had felt in their first year in college as a result of the classes.Year after year,however,we are increasing the number of practice tests.We are trying to teach students to read increasingly complex texts,not for emotional punch(碰撞) but for text complexity.Yet,we cannot enrich(充实)the minds of our students by testing them on texts that ignore their hearts.We are teaching them that words do not amaze but confuse.We may succeed in raising test scores,but we will fail to teach them that reading can be transformative and that it belongs to them.The underlined sentence in Paragraph 1 probably mean that a book helps to .A.realize our dreamsB.give support to our lifeC.smooth away difficultiesD.awake our emotions解析:此句运用了明喻和暗喻的写作手法,通过下文的讲述,可知D项符合句意。答案:D2.Why were the students able to understand the novel Of Mice and Men?A.Because they spent muc


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