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关 键 词:
含CAD图纸、说明书 辅助站立座椅的新结构及控制系统设计 辅助站立座椅的新结构及控制系统设计说明书 CAD图纸 辅助站立座椅的新结构及控制系统设计【 CAD图纸】 含CAD图纸 座椅设计【含

毕业设计(论文)开题报告课题名称 辅助站立座椅的新结构及控制系统设计学 院 专 业 机械电子工程 _班 级 _学 号 _姓 名 _ 指导教师 定稿日期: 年 12 月 日辅助站立座椅的新结构及控制系统设计一、课题的来源、目的、意义,国内外基本情况1课题来源本课题来自企业项目和社会需求,是设计一种基于服务机器人系统技术的辅助站立座椅,实现座椅的移动、展合等机械运动,简化其结构,增加了移动的可控性,可实现座椅的移动,升降,转弯等功能,为未来老人和残疾人的家居生活提供新模式和新概念并促进助老/助残系列化服务机器人产品的发展智能机器人的应用。2课题目的基于服务机器人系统技术的辅助站立座椅是满足老年人和残疾人的居家生活需要,形成未来老人和残疾人家居生活的新模式和新概念,促进助老/助残系列化服务机器人产品的发展所必需的。随着中国一二线城市老龄化程度的逐渐加深,便捷型家居设计和人性化设计理念下的产品正逐步进入我们的生活。如现在大力推广的老年人手机、折叠老人购物车等产品都是基于这一理念,使科技和技术不仅仅局限于有限的范围,并能实现达到更多的益于人本身的目的。目前,辅助站立座椅在国外已有研究并有小量产品,国内也有少量产品问世但缺乏人性化的考虑,使用者相对并不十分方便,国外产品相对比较成熟但价格昂贵,而国内大多数用户难以承受。为此利用机械设计理论、自动控制技术设计满足老人/残疾人家居生活所必需的坐姿与站姿转换辅助站式座椅具有重要的意义。人性化设计的前身是人体工程学的出现和发展,人体工程学起源于欧美,原先是在工业社会中,开始大量生产和使用机械设施的情况下,探求人与机械之间的协调关系,作为独立学科有40多年的历史。第二次世界大战中的军事科学技术,开始运用人体工程学的原理和方法,在坦克、飞机的内舱设计中,如何使人在舱内有效地操作和战斗,并尽可能使人长时间地在小空间内减少疲劳,即处理好:人-机-环境的协调关系。及至第二次世界大战后,各国把人体工程学的实践和研究成果,迅速有效地运用到空间技术、工业生产、建筑及室内设计中去,1960年创建了国际人体工程学协会。本课题的目的在于通过比较前人的设计产品从而进行结构优化使其能够降低成本并处于人性化的考虑,做部分结构的重新设计,以满足低收入人群的接受能力和需求。为了适应中国部分城市老龄化的现状和老人及残障人士的需求,设计一种方便坐立并轻松战立的辅助型座椅,可实现座椅的移动,升降,转向等功能,为未来老人和残疾人的家居生活提供新模式和新概念并促进助老/助残系列化服务机器人产品的发展智能机器人的应用。3课题意义辅助站立座椅是近年来国内外科技服务人类的一个热门话题。以“理解关爱和谐生活”为主题的第五届中国国际残疾人展,于2010年5月中旬在上海国际展览中心举行。由于世博会首创设立了关爱残疾人的“生命阳光馆”,该届展会备受关注。全球最先进的无障碍设施同台亮相,通过这些辅助设备可以全面提升残疾人和老年人的生活质量,让他们像常人一样处处展现“生命阳光”。 而一直以来,坐轮椅的残疾人最大的梦想是能站立行走,在该展会上,一种可以让高位截瘫患者通过操控按钮就能直立起来的电动直立轮椅首次亮相,备受关注。据现场工作人员介绍,直立轮椅能够让全部丧失行动能力的患者在轮椅的多功能支持下直立“行走”,通过弥补下肢的不便,使他们甚至能够完成一定的日常工作。由此可见,辅助战立座椅对于现代城市化生活中的年老或残障人士有着重要的社会意义和巨大的市场需求前景,可以大大改善该人群的生活范围及生活质量,减少护工等的人力资源消耗,大大减轻了社会系统负担。课题适应中国部分城市老龄化的现状和老人及残障人士的需求,设计一种方便坐立并轻松战立的辅助型座椅,可实现座椅的移动,升降,转弯等功能,为未来老人和残疾人的家居生活提供新模式和新概念并促进助老/助残系列化服务机器人产品的发展智能机器人的应用。4国内外发展的基本概况国外辅助站立座椅领域发展:日本在家庭机器人及智能人性化家具设计产品中有着较长的发展历史,对于辅助型系统和辅助生活型机械发展比较早。在辅助机械座椅的标准制定中更是有着严格的要求。对于其各项参数名称部分如下(1)种类 包括其形式和机能(2)各部分名称(3)要求事项 包括一般要求事项一般及机构要求制造、材料和性能(4)实验环境及其实验机械 包括椅面椅背和承重等(5)规格大小(6)表示另外在传统轮椅的基础上,日本本田公司在借助了日本机器人ASIMO直立行走的的技术上大胆的创新于2008年11月7日,日本本田汽车公司展示了这款步行辅助装置。该产品用来支撑身体重量,减少膝关节压力,以帮助人们站立并做出蹲伏的姿势。这对人们排长队、东奔西跑帮人们送货、以及陪女友逛商场等来说是非常有用的发明。 走路辅助器由座椅、腿支架、鞋这三部分组成。坐上座椅,穿好鞋扣上扣子,打开开关它就会带你四处行走了。本田公司的介绍,产品系统包括:一台电脑、发动机、传动装置、电池以及传感器。它利用臀关节感应器来搜集行走时的信息,帮你站立,再藉由马达协助你行走。值得一提的是,这款产品采用本田开发的平板式无刷电机驱动,体积非常小巧。我国在家庭机器人及智能人性化家具设计中还处于落后的位置,原因在于起步较其他发达国家的投入和应用较晚。辅助站立座椅的开发和投入也只是近几年少部分企业在看到国外的产品后才开始研究并发展。在杭州,一家成立于2010年的能源科技公司,就借鉴了国外的这一发展趋势和思路以全新的设计理念,高端的科技运用,向年老及残障人士提供普通电动轮椅、站立式电动轮椅等一系列产品。部分产品图样如下 我国的轮椅设计已经在逐渐从借鉴到能够自主的研发并实现部分的创新。轮椅作为一种代步辅助运动的工具,消费者一般不会购买第二次,所以,在某种程度上轮椅是一种一次性消费产品,这就要求轮椅的使用寿命足够长,一般轮椅的使用年限5、6年左右,超过这个年限还使用就存在许多安全隐患了。而国内企业往往在开发和生产中忽视这一点。所以,轮椅在设计之初就应该考虑到它的回收,以便材料的重复使用,防止不必要的浪费。这也是国内在这一领域的环保可持续发展的一种趋势。 以下列举几种国内外对于站立辅助机械的产品图1为所设计的自弹式的辅助站立椅垫。该产品的重量轻,携带性好。但对于材料的要求比较高。价格也相应的偏高。 图1图2为国内自主设计制造的可实现站立的辅助式站立轮椅。可实现座椅的展合和移动。 图2图3是本田公司借鉴asimo 的直立行走技术创新的改变了人们对于传统轮椅的思路,是该机构还能实现新走的运动方式。使用方便的乘坐型座椅仅仅只需穿上连在装置上的鞋,再坐上座椅,便可启动辅助系统。 通过开发能够自动跟踪身体和脚动作的座椅和 图3 框架结构,使辅助力量能够像人脚的力量一样移向身体的重心附近。从而使步行、上下台阶、半蹲等各种各样的动作和姿势能得到辅助。 二、 预计达到的目标、关键理论和技术、完成课题的方案和主要措施1.课题预计达到的目标通过对市面上的相关同类产品以及国内外的各种专利进行研究与分析,从使用的实用性,人性化,简易性出发,以减少制造成本,降低售价且功能齐全,增加可回收利用性,设计一台辅助站立座椅,可实现座椅的移动,升降,转弯等功能。控制方案采用单片机控制,整个座椅有一个遥控器,方便操纵者自由实施该座椅的各项功能。1) 前进或后退2) 顺/逆时针转弯3) 座位平台的升降4) 移动及升降的互锁5) 辅助引导轮支架的下摆2.难点1). 座椅各关节联动是否流畅2)电气控制方面的灵敏度是否能达到理想值3). 控制过程中电机转速是否合理4). 供电量是否足够5). 互锁能否保证安全3关键理论及技术通过与同类产品的对比比较,决定采用升降电动缸机构作为轮椅的运动传递源。在确保各个机构实现自身运动前提下,保证各个之间不发生干涉和碰撞。在确定各个机构总体的运动方案的前提下,通过图解法或使用相关软件初步确定各个杆件的尺寸,通过解析法列出机构的运动学方程或使用相关软件如ANSYA、ADAMS,在机构的疲劳极限范围内,寻找一种最佳的尺寸和机构形状使得辅助站立椅的运动稳定性最高,减少因为移动或升降而产生的冲击和振动,使操控者得到最大的灵敏度。达到的理想运动示意和机构原理图如下:在确定各个机构之间的运动方式及尺寸之后,确定各机构之间的连接方式,保证各个零件之间的连接可靠,运动时不产生卡死,噪音等问题。零件尽可能的采用焊接,螺栓连接等常见连接方式,以降低生产成本。采用正确合理的整体机构装配工艺,避免机构因为装配的顺序问题或装配的方法不对而造成破坏原先设想的机构运动,采用合理的表面处理方式,例如喷砂处理,外表面喷塑等。电气控制方面,由于工作环境并不十分恶劣,选用单片机控制而非PLC控制,降低了控制成本,而且单片机控制相对PLC有更好的灵敏度,便于控制的操作和精度。为了使用安全采用电器与机械互锁的方式,保证了轮椅在使用过程中的稳定性,防止因操控者的误操作而造成的机构损毁和人员的受伤。确保使用者在使用的过程中,电线不因为机构运动而损坏。在新型机构的研究基础上,进一步添加合理的人性化的设计,目的使使用者更舒适更符合人体工程学要求;建立合理的机构之间运动的逻辑连贯,确保机构之间的几个运动能够同时操作,通过联动的方式,确保使用者能自由控制该轮椅。三、研究方案执行机构采用一个普通直流储能电瓶驱动辅助站立椅升降机构采用连杆传动辅助站立椅移动、转向机构采用直流电机传动电气控制方面,采用单片机控制 四、论文的框架1.核心部件的选型初选普通直流电机缸作为动力,因为其价格低廉,结构原理简单,体积较小,功率较小。初选MCS-51单片机程序设计,因为其具有比较大的寻址空间 ,处理功能强 ,指令系统相对完善以及完善的各种中断源,抗干扰能力加强,工作亦相对稳定 ,开发环境要求较低,软件资源十分丰富。 2.完成课题的步骤(1)通过资料查阅与分析,了解技术的国内外现状和发展趋势(对国内外技术及现有产品进行对比分析)(2)分析设计要求,比较几种可行的传动方案性能(3)按所需要求,对辅助站立座椅进行整体规划(4)确定各个机构的类型并进行具体设计(包括零件尺寸设计、零件材料选择)(5)完成电气控制部分设计(包括供电方式、控制顺序、单片机程序及接线图 )(6)绘制图纸(7)完成设计说明书3完成课题的主要措施利用ADAMS机械系统动力学仿真软件,创建完全参数化的机械系统几何模型,其求解器采用多刚体动力学理论中的拉格朗日方程方法,建立系统动力学方程,对虚拟机械系统进行运动学和动力学分析,输出位移、速度、加速度和反作用力曲线。利用三维设计软件SOLIDWORKS、UG等,绘制三维零件图以及三维装配图,生成虚拟样机模型。检查该样机存在的干涉等问题,然后利用该样机模型制作装配动画。最后利用AUTOCAD软件绘制全套零件二维工作图以及二维总装配图。利用电路仿真软件设计电路图,调试单片机程序,完成电气控制部分的设计。五、课题进展计划1、查阅有关技术文献,翻译英文文献,了 第七学期内完成解技术的国内外现状和发展趋势 2、座椅新方案确定 第七学期内完成3、座椅的总体方案确定 第七学期内完成4、动力分析、主要传动参数确定 1周5、机械系统机构的设计 2.5周6、控制系统设计(含程序设计) 2周7、三维设计、干涉检验 2周8、机械机构参数优化及主要零件校核 3周9、绘制座椅总图、零件图工作图 2.5周10、撰写毕业设计说明书 1周11、提交设计资料、答辩准备 1周六、 主要参考文献1 袁剑雄,李晨霞 潘承怡编,机械结构设计禁忌,机械工业出版社,2008.062 张建民主编,机电一体化系统设计,高等教育出版社,2000.073 王淑芳著,电机驱动技术,科学教育出版社,20084 成大先著,机械设计手册单行本-机构,化学工业出版社,2004.015 孔凌嘉著,简明机械设计手册,北京理工大学出版社,2008.026 傅蔡安,吴永祥,谢家瀛著,连杆机构设计与应用创新,2008.017 华大年,华志宏著,材料成形及机械制造工艺基础,2002.118 张毅刚著,单片机原理及应用,2003.129 魏峥著,三维计算机辅助设计SolidWorks实用教程,2007.0510 【JIS日本标准】JIS T9206-2001 电动轮椅和机动拖斗电磁兼容性的要求和试验方法11 贾民平,张洪亭,周剑英著,测试技术,2001.1212 邓星钟著,机电传动控制,2000.0613 王知行,邓宗全著,机械原理,2000.0214 曹岩,赵汝嘉著,Solidworks2007精通篇,2007.1215 胡凤兰著,互换性与技术测量基础,2005.02 16 S. H. Lu and C. C. Lee, “Interferometry Measurement of Gauge Block Using External Cavity Diode Laser”, International Symposium on Precision Mechanical Measurement, Aug. 12-22, (2002), Hefei-Jinan, China.17 JIS T9255-2007 Chairs and seats with electrical mechanisms assist standing up and sitting down.pdf指导教师评语:指导教师签字 年 月 日评议小组意见1、论文选题:有理论意义;有工程背景;有实用价值;意义不大。2、论文的难度:偏高;适当;偏低。3、论文的工作量:偏大;适当;偏小。4、设计或研究方案的可行性:好;较好;一般;不可行。5、学生对文献资料及课题的了解程度:好;较好;一般;较差。6、学生在论文选题报告中反映出的综合能力和表达能力:好;较好;一般;较差。7、学生在论文选题报告中反映出的创新能力:好;较好;一般;较差。8、对论文选题报告的总体评价:好;较好;一般;较差(在相应的方块内作记号“”)二级学院所确定评议小组名单(3-5人)组长: 、组员: 、 、 、 单位盖章 主管领导签名: 年 月 日评议结论评议小组组长签名:评议小组组员签名: 年 月 日IV辅助站立座椅的新结构及控制系统设计 摘 要为了适应中国部分城市老龄化的现状和老人及残障人士的需求,设计一种方便坐立并轻松站立的辅助型座椅,可实现座椅的移动,升降,转向等功能,为未来老人和残疾人的家居生活提供新模式和新概念并促进助老/助残系列化服务机器人产品的发展智能机器人的应用。本文运用机械系统动力学分析软件ADAMS对辅助站立座椅的推杆及座椅前板进行运动学与动力学分析和优化。基于AT89C51单片机实现对座椅的控制,通过对电动推杆及直流电机的正反转控制,实现对座椅位姿的调节。使用三维建模软件SOLIDWORKS对座椅建模并进行干涉检验。关键词:辅助站立座椅,单片机,ADAMS,连杆机构AbstractIn order to adapt to the Chinese part city aging actuality and the elderly and the disabled needs, design a convenient sitting and standing relaxed auxiliary type seat, can realize the moving seat, lifting, steering and other functions, for the future of the elderly and the disabled, home furnishing life offers a new mode and new concept and the promotion of the elderly and the disabled seriation service product development of intelligent robot application. Based on the mechanical system dynamics analysis software ADAMS on assistive chair putt and the front seat plate kinematics and dynamics analysis and optimization. Based on the AT89C51MCU to control the seat, electric putter and DC motor control, the seat position adjustment. Use of 3D modeling software SOLIDWORKS to seat modeling and interference checking.Key words: Assistive chair, Single chip microcomputer(SCM), ADAMS, Link mechanism窗体顶端窗体底端目 录1 绪论11.1课题的来源、目的、意义11.2国内外基本情况21.3本文主要研究内容61.4本章小结82 座椅结构的整体方案82.1 护理要求82.2 辅助站立座椅的总体方案82.5 构想的成型92.6 辅助站立座椅的组成102.7 本章小结103 座椅的结构设计113.1 引言113.2 辅助站立座椅的机构介绍113.3初步确定机构中个杆件的尺寸123.4辅助站立轮椅的三维建模与干涉检验133.5 本章小结144 座椅部分零件的校核154.1 引言154.2 力学计算154.3本章小结195 座椅推杆的动力分析及前座板的运动分析205.1 引言205.2 运动机构的动力学分析205.3 本章小结396.辅助站立轮椅控制系统设计406.1 引言406.2 控制系统方案406.3 控制系统逻辑406.4 控制系统硬件设计416.5按键电路互锁466.6 本章小结467 结论478 参考文献489 致谢491辅助站立座椅的新结构及控制系统设计 辅助站立轮椅 (文献翻译) 16 辅助轮椅的设计美国专利4519649 摘要:轮椅改良设计使在身体支撑于一个主框架上,可以使坐姿改变而无需使用外部的升降力达到独立的站立姿态。轮椅包括配套驱动轮、辅助轮和机构的支撑,腰部支撑部件和靠背部件彼此形成的主结构。前部的主结构和腰部支撑部件的尖端部分设一个支点,并扩展部件的支撑与支撑腰部支撑的部件,作为支撑点之间的中间点的主要结构和腰部支点支撑部件。依靠推轮椅使用者的力量(身体抬起,使用者通过他或她的上肢的力量)和扩展的力量。1 轮椅的各部件: 1.一个主框架配套驱动轮和辅助轮;身体的支撑框架包括下肢轴互联支撑构件,腰部支撑构件和靠背的构件,该主结构的身体支撑架被作为独立的结构组成,前端部分的腰部支撑构件是身体支撑架轴连接前端部分支点的主体。装有气弹簧的一端,气弹簧的轴连接到主体上,并在其另一端连接轴及其活塞杆腰部支撑部件和架等机构的支撑,扩展和回缩气弹簧的原因,腰部支撑构件旋转支点主体。锁定在可操作的连接,空气为锁定弹簧的气体在任意位置之间的全面伸长和一个完全缩回的位置,以便恢复弹簧在腰部规定的角度范围内任意角度与水平方面的支撑构件其旋转的支点方法,充分伸长,气弹簧相应的座位和站立身体支撑架所述位置,分别表示完全缩回的位置。 2. 其中一个要求1中所示的轮椅,表示锁定方式包括阀门弹簧接收机构,气弹簧的操作杆。安装一个可操作的双节点支撑,操作线进行阀门操作杆表示阀门的连接操作杆,其紧握操作杆,从而允许伸长和收缩的气弹簧,而释放操作杆引起锁定气弹簧,以免伸长或收缩。3.要求1中所示的轮椅,其中腰部支撑构件连接下肢支持构件,通过链接机制。 4.主框架作为3定义轮椅,其中链接机制,腰部支撑的构件,其余构件包括一个平行四边形的4杆的链接。5.作为3定义轮椅,链接机制,腰部支撑的构件,下肢支撑构件包括有一个任意长度的4杆的链接机制。2 说明: 2.1背景 本发明涉及到了轮椅,这使得它可以与一个极其有限的或没有的功能相结合,如截瘫下肢残疾人从坐姿改变他或她的姿势,以独立的姿态,使用其她推力(升残疾人身体由他或她的上肢动作),他或她每天练习,它的动力无需使用任何外部电源。轮椅是一种所需的覆盖范围大幅走相同的议案,并可以作为一种短距离的运输车辆的车辆。因此,轮椅必须有一个全功能作为日常仪器,运动功能。这使得它可以为残疾人开展工作所使用的轮椅。不过,按照的传统轮椅,轮椅的使用者只可以做固定的姿势工作,但能不能做到可以站立的姿势时的工作,因为他或她的手可能不能达到很高的位置。近年来,轮椅使用外接电源(如电机驱动器使用电池作为动力源)为一个独立的机制已经提出了一个轮椅,这使用户可以独立以站姿的姿态下工作。然而,这种轮椅涉及的收费工作和维护复杂的缺点,增加轮椅的重量和轮椅本身有限的多功能性是极其昂贵的。 2.2相关的图纸 FIG. 1是一个侧视图。根据本发明的一个实例中的轮椅; FIG. 2图1的后视图 FIG. 3 是一个透视图显示的状态,其中一个被用来作为一个扩展部件的气弹簧;FIG. 4 是一个图表,显示的座位角度(站立的角度)和应用于座椅和脚踏板的负荷之间的关系3 优选实施的案例:在图1和图2,参考图1代表一个主体,支撑驱动2和第3轮辅助轮。肘支撑4个固定上部的主构件,每边1个。参考5代表身体支撑架肢体较低的支撑部件6,腰部支撑构件7和8靠背构件组成。这些构件是连接相邻部件彼此之间的相对回转的方式。一个脚踏板和着地部件10是固定的低端下肢的支撑构件6。 7腰部支撑构件的尖端是弯曲的并且弓状形式和一个支架11固定弓状部分,其安装前部的主框架由一个支点12 和1。靠背构件8,腰部支撑构件7和下肢支撑构件6连接两个4杆的链接到另一个独立的机构,包括身体支撑架5。在这些链接,靠背8部件和腰部支撑部件7环节是连接A和B的支点12 1 4杆的平行四边形链接,并链接腰部支撑构件7和下肢的支撑构件6是一个4杆的链路连接的部件,6,7和链接C至支点12之间的联合,并可能有一个任意的或可选的长度。这两个链接机制是安装在主体1。一个气弹簧作为一个升缩的部件13中间之间的主体1和腰部支撑构件7收缩的弹簧13支撑,可以提高和支持点作为支点12腰部支撑构件7 。这气弹簧是一种利用高压气体密封在缸14如图压力的一个弹簧。 部件3启动,并在任意位置停止,活塞和气缸内的活塞连接到一杆15。一个气弹簧接收机构16安装到主体1,而15杆装有腰部支撑构件7。操作一个阀门的操作按钮17(以下简称为“锁定按钮”),可以通过远程控制操作杆18安装到手肘支撑成员4。在图纸上,参考数字19代表的操作线20是一个阀门操作杆。当操作杆18启动,阀门操作杆20和17阀门的操作按钮被启动箭头指示的方向和释放锁气弹簧13。握操作杆18时被释放,另一方面,阀操作杆20和17阀门的操作按钮启动以相反的方向锁定,即气弹簧13。在轮椅上,动力依靠推轮椅的用户(推高了用户的上肢身体力量)和反应气弹簧的力量。用户可以通过使用这两种力的独立姿态。的使用方式如下。轮椅上站起来,需要先刹车,膝盖和腰部使用者的身体会被牢牢地固定皮带轮椅。准备完成后,安装操作杆18肘支撑构件4可启动,气弹簧17锁定按钮被压下,以便打开气弹簧锁。在气弹簧的锁被释放的阶段,开始动作。在这种情况下,用户把他或她的手的手肘支撑件4,然后推动机构,以减少他或她的体重经座位15杆气弹簧,这样延伸,使气体反应的座位轮椅开始提升。用户在待机期间,18杆处在一个理想的高度,以消除锁定按钮17的推力和锁定气弹簧。因此,可以固定在那个位置的座位。要返回从站立的姿势到坐姿,首先锁定气弹簧被释放的18杆,并同时抓住肘部支撑件4用户会降低他或她的身体,以能够使引导他她的体重的座位上。在这种情况下,用户的重量,克服了气体反应和杆气弹簧的合力,这样的座位开始缓慢降低。在这种情况下,用户可以固定在所需的位置锁定气弹簧座椅。以上所述,站立时腰部支撑构件的最大角度相对水平面为75度,其角度可以很容易地设置用户所需的任何值。在站立的的靠背部件8角度可始终保持不变,使链接8构件和腰部支撑成员7的平行四边形的4杆的水平。下肢支持成员6部分可以逐步扩展方面的腰部支撑构件按7,以便它可以对应的伸长与他或她的膝关节他或她的膝盖以下的部分用户在伸长的位置行动。这个伸长的实现,因为有一个任意长度的4杆链接腰部支撑部件7和下肢的支撑构件6的链接。在以上所述的阐述中,延伸的数量是50毫米,最大的站立,但值可以适当调整,根据用户的愿望。俯卧的支撑是站立时必要,直到腰部支撑部件7变为相对水平面的30,但超过30时,站立只能由气弹簧的力量来完成。其他各种调整,可根据用户的重量,通过适当调整气弹簧的反应,此外,气弹簧,可轻松更换。图4底角(独立角度的腰部支撑构件7)和负载之间的关系是一个图表,显示一个座位和座位之间的角度和负载B脚踏板9。横坐标代表的座位角(度),纵负荷(kgf)。从图中可以明显的看出,主要承担用户的重量座位时的角度小,是由脚踏板和座椅时的角度是较大的承载。因此,用户可以不施加过多的力量需要保持坐姿或站立的姿势。此外,部分是因为体重的载荷,甚至在座位的最高站立时,用户可以放心对背部,并顺利的工作在站立姿势。虽然是固定的脚踏板和着地部件10下肢支撑构件在上述体现6中,用户可以移动,同时保持独立的姿态,如果还装有小轮子的轮椅。驱动轮也可能是其操作开关的电动型,安装操作方便轮椅手肘支撑。虽然是不可折叠的轮椅但它可以改变一个可折叠的类型纳入一个折叠的机制。按照本发明,身体支撑架由下肢支撑构件,腰部支撑构件和靠背机构8驱动伸长部件的链接机制的巧妙结合。因此,轮椅使用者可以很容易地从坐姿改变到一个独立站立的位置,反之亦然。即使当用户承担独立的姿态,他或她可以支持身体的支撑框架,使他或她能够顺利地开展工作在独立的站姿姿态。由于用户可以利用和保持独立的姿态,褥疮和残疾人关节挛缩与很少或没有下肢的功能是可以预防的。伸缩机构的气弹簧的使用,使得其持续并顺利地从坐姿改变身体的位置姿态,反之亦然。可以设置其位置,并固定在所需的姿态,更可以使用户在没有任何帮助的情况下的姿势转变。此外,从坐姿转移到独立的姿态,反之亦然,因为手动都可以生效,本发明的轮椅操作简便,并能消除用户反复使用和保养所造成可能的危险。 .WheelchairUnited States Patent 4519649 Abstract:A wheelchair is disclosed in which a body support frame pivoted to a main frame can move from a seated posture to a stand-up posture and vice versa without using an external elevating force. The wheelchair includes the main frame for supporting driving wheels and auxiliary wheels and a body support frame formed by interconnecting a lower limb support member, a waist support member and a back rest member to one another. The forward portion of the main frame and the tip portion of the waist support member are turnably supported by a pivot, and an extension member for turnably supporting the waist support member with the pivot as the support point is interposed between the main frame and the waist support member. The motive force for the stand-up operation of the body support frame relies upon the push-up force of the user of the wheelchair (the body lift-up force of the user by his or her upper limbs) and the force of the extension member.1. A wheelchair comprising: a main frame supporting driving wheels and auxiliary wheels;a body support frame including pivotally interconnected lower limb support member, waist support member and backrest member, said main frame and said body support frame being formed as independent structures, a front end portion of said waist support member of said body support frame being pivotally connected to a front end portion of said main frame by pivot means;a pair of elbow supports each fixed to an upper portion of said main frame at respective sides thereof, said waist support member of said body support frame being disposed between said pair of elbow supports in a seating position of said body support frame;a gas spring fitted, at one end thereof, to a gas spring receiver pivotally connected to said main frame, and pivotally connected at its other end by a piston rod thereof to said waist support member of said body support frame such that extension and retraction of said gas spring causes said waist support member to rotate about said pivot means with respect to said main frame; andlocking means in operable connection with said gas spring for locking said gas spring in an arbitrary position between a fully extended and a fully retracted position so as to fix said waist support member at an arbitrary angle with respect to the horizontal within a prescribed angular range of its rotation about said pivot means, said fully extending and fully retracted positions of said gas spring corresponding to seating and standing positions of said body support frame, respectively.2. A wheelchair as defined in claim 1, wherein said locking means comprises a valve operation lever carried by said gas spring receiver for operating a valve of said gas spring, an operation lever mounted on one of said pair of elbow supports, and an operation wire operably connecting said valve operation lever and said operation lever, whereby gripping of said operation lever operates said valve thereby permitting extension and retraction of said gas spring whereas releasing said operation lever causes locking of said gas spring so as to prevent the extension or retraction thereof.3. The wheelchair as defined in claim 1, wherein said waist support member and said back rest member, and said waist support member and said lower limb support member are connected to said main frame by link mechanisms, respectively.4. The wheelchair as defined in claim 3, wherein said link mechanism for said waist support member and said back rest member consists of a parallelogrammic 4-rod link mechanism.5. The wheelchair as defined in claim 3, wherein said link mechanism for said waist support member and said lower limb support member consists of a 4-rod link mechanism having an arbitrary length.Description:BACKGROUNDThis invention relates to a wheelchair which makes it possible for the handicapped with an extremely limited or no lower-limb function such as a paraplegic to change his or her posture from a seated posture to a stand-up posture and vice versa, using his or her push-up force (the body lift-up action of the handicapped by his or her upper limb) which he or she daily exercises, as the motive force, without using any external power.The wheelchair is a kind of vehicle which is required to cover a range of motion substantially the same as walking and can be regarded as a short-distance transportation vehicle. Accordingly, the wheelchair must have a full function as a daily instrument, a moving function and a function which makes it possible for the handicapped to carry out work by use of the wheelchair. However, in accordance with the conventional wheelchair, the user of the wheelchair can do the work only in the seated posture but cannot do work which can be done only in a stand-up posture because his or her hands cannot reach a high position.Wheelchairs using an external power source (such as motor drive using a battery as the power source) for a stand-up mechanism have been proposed in recent years for a wheelchair which enables the user to do a work in a stand-up posture. However, the wheelchairs of this kind involve the drawbacks that the charging work and maintenance are complicated, that the weight of the wheelchair increases and that the wheelchair itself is extremely expensive with limited versatility.DRAWINGSFIG. 1 is a side view showing the wheelchair in accordance with one embodiment of the present invention;FIG. 2 is a rear view of FIG. 1;FIG. 3 is a perspective view showing the state in which a gas spring as an extension member is used; FIG. 4 is a diagram showing the relation between the seat angle (stand-up angle) and the load applied to the seat and to the foot plate.PREFERRED EMBODIMENTIn FIGS. 1 and 2, the reference numeral 1 represents a main frame which supports driving wheels 2 and auxiliary wheels 3. An elbow support 4 is fixed to the upper part of the main frame 1 on each side. Reference numeral 5 represents a body support frame which consists of a lower limb support member 6, a waist support member 7 and a back rest member 8. These members are connected in such a manner that the adjacent members are turnable relative to each other. A foot plate 9 and a landing member 10 are fixed to the lower end of the lower limb support member 6. The tip of the waist support member 7 is bent in an arcuate form and a bracket 11 is fixed to the arcuate portion and is turnably fitted to the forward portion of the main frame 1 by a pivot 12. The stand-up mechanism of the body support frame 5 consists of the back rest member 8, the waist support member 7 and the lower limb support member 6 which are connected to one another by two 4-rod links. Among these links, the link for the back rest member 8 and the waist support member 7 is a parallelogrammic 4-rod link connecting the links a and b to the pivot 12, and the link for the waist support member 7 and the lower limb support member 6 is a 4-rod link which connects the joint between the both members 6, 7 and the link c to the pivot 12 and may have an arbitrary or optional length. These two link mechanisms are fitted to the main frame 1.A gas spring 13 as an extension member is interposed between the main frame 1 and the waist support member 7 so that the retracting motion of the spring 13 supports and can raise up and down the waist support member 7 with the pivot 12 as the support point. This gas spring is a kind of spring which utilizes the pressure of a high pressure gas sealed in a cylinder 14 as shown in FIG. 3 so that a piston and a rod 15 connected to the piston inside the cylinder are actuated and are stopped at an arbitrary position. A gas spring receiver 16 is fitted to the main frame 1 while the rod 15 is fitted to the waist support member 7. A valve operation button 17 (hereinafter referred to as a lock button) can be operated by remote-controlling an operation lever 18 which is fitted to the elbow support member 4. In the drawings, the reference numeral 19 represents an operation wire, and 20, a valve operation lever.When the operation lever 18 is gripped, the valve operation lever 20 and the valve operation button 17 are actuated in the direction indicated by an arrow and release the lock of the gas spring 13. When the grip of the operation lever 18 is released, on the other hand, the valve operation lever 20 and the valve operation button 17 are actuated in the reverse direction whereby the gas spring 13 is locked.The motive force of the stand-up of the wheelchair in this embodiment relies upon the push-up force of the user of the wheelchair (the force of pushing up the body by the users upper limbs) and the reaction of the gas spring. The user can take the stand-up posture by use of these two kinds of force. The mode of use is as follows.To stand up, the wheelchair may first be braked, and the knees and waist of users body may then be fixed firmly to the wheelchair by a belt. After this preparation is completed, the operation lever 18 fitted to the elbow support 4 may be gripped and the lock button 17 of the gas spring is depressed so as to release the lock of the gas spring. In the stage where the lock is released, the gas spring starts operating. In this instance, the user puts his or her hand upon the elbow support 4 and then pushes up to reduce his or her weight acting upon the seat so that the rod 15 of the gas spring extends due to the gas reaction and the seat of the wheelchair starts elevating. During stand-up, the user releases the grip of the operation lever 18 at a desired height so as to eliminate the push force of the lock button 17 and to lock the gas spring. The seat can thus be fixed at that position.To return to the seated posture from the stand-up posture, first the lock of the gas spring may be released by the operation lever 18 and the user may then lower his or her body while gripping the elbow support 4 so as to apply his or her weight to the seat. In this instance, the weight of the user overcomes the gas reaction and the rod of the gas spring contracts so that the seat starts lowering slowly. In this case, too, the user can fix the seat at a desired position by locking the gas spring.In the embodiment described above, the maximum angle of stand-up of the waist support member is 75 degrees relative to the horizontal but the angle can be easily set to any value desired by the user. The angle of the back rest member 8 during stand-up can be always kept constant with respect to the horizontal by the parallelogrammic 4-rod link for the back rest member 8 and waist support member 7. The portion of the lower limb support member 6 can extend gradually with respect to the waist support member 7 so that it can correspond to the extension of the portion of the user below his or her knees with the extension of his or her knee joint during stand-up. This extension is attained because the link for the waist support member 7 and the lower limb support member 6 is constructed by the 4-rod link having an arbitrary length. In the embodiment described above, the quantity of extension is 50 mm with respect to the maximum stand-up but the value can be properly adjusted in accordance with the users desire. Push-up during stand-up is necessary until the waist support member 7 becomes 30 relative to the horizontal but when it exceeds 30, stand-up can be accomplished only by the force of the gas spring. Various other adjustments can be made in accordance with the weight of the user by appropriately adjusting the reaction of the gas spring and moreover, the gas spring can be replaced easily.FIG. 4 is a diagram showing the relation between the seat angle (the stand-up angle of the waist support member 7) and the load A applied to
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