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Chapter 12,Communication and Interpersonal Skills 溝通與人際關係技巧,122,Management Communication 吳明泉博士 2006,The Communication Process溝通程序,The transferring and understanding of meaning,EXHIBIT 12.1,123,Management Communication 吳明泉博士 2006,圖12-1,124,Management Communication 吳明泉博士 2006,Communication Process Terms,Encoding編碼 The conversion of a message into some symbolic form Message訊息 The actual physical product from the source Channel管道 The medium by which a message travels Decoding解碼 A receivers translation of a senders message Feedback回饋 The degree to which carrying out the work activities require by a job results in the individuals obtaining direct and clear information about the effectiveness of his her performance,125,Management Communication 吳明泉博士 2006,Written Versus Verbal Communications,Written書面 Tangible有形 Verifiable可查證 More permanent持久 More precise確實 More care is taken with the written words 較為周全、具邏輯性和較清晰的 比較費時 缺乏回饋,Verbal口語 Less secure Known receipt Quicker response Consumes less time Quicker feedback,126,Management Communication 吳明泉博士 2006,The Grapevine葡萄藤,An unofficial channel of communication that is neither authorized nor supported by the organization.組織中非正式的溝通方式,它既不被組織認可,也不被組織支持,然而,資訊卻藉由口耳相傳而散佈開來。 “Good information passes among people fairly rapidlybad information, even faster!”,127,Management Communication 吳明泉博士 2006,Nonverbal Communications非口語溝通,Body language肢體語言 Nonverbal communication cues such as facial expressions, gestures, and other body movements Verbal intonation說話音調 An emphasis given to word or phrases that conveys meaning,128,Management Communication 吳明泉博士 2006,你想要表達的 100%,你實際表達的 80%,被別人聽到的 60%,被別人理解的 40%,被別人記住的 20%,溝通中存在的資訊漏斗,129,Management Communication 吳明泉博士 2006,Communication Barriers溝通的障礙,Filtering過濾作用 The deliberate manipulation of information to make it appear more favorable to the receiver 討好接收者而蓄意地操縱資訊。 Selective perception選擇性認知 Selective hearing communications based on ones needs, motivations, experience, or other personal characteristics 基於個人的需求、動機、經驗、背景以及其它的人格特徵,而選擇性地聽聞。 Information overload資訊過荷 The result of information exceeding processing capacity 資訊數量超過處理能耐。,1210,Management Communication 吳明泉博士 2006,Communication Barriers (contd),Emotion情緒:溝通訊息時,常因個人是高興或悲傷而有不同的解釋。 Jargon術語、行話 Technical language that is not understood by outsiders Gender性別 Men communicate to emphasize status and independence; whereas women talk to create connections and intimacy. National culture民族文化 Communication differences that arise from the different languages and national cultures,1211,Management Communication 吳明泉博士 2006,Overcoming Barriers to Effective communication 克服溝通的障礙,Use Feedback使用回饋:檢查溝通的正確性 Simplify Language簡化語言:使用易了解的語言。 Listen actively主動傾聽:先仔細聽對方說的訊息 ,不要對訊息做不成熟的判斷、解釋,或先思考回應什麼。 Constrain Emotions控制情緒:確定情緒穩定,當不穩定時暫時停止溝通,直到平靜下來。 Watch Nonverbal Cues注意非語言線索:注意行動是否過度,保持語言與行動合度。,1212,Management Communication 吳明泉博士 2006,Using Simple Language?,1213,Management Communication 吳明泉博士 2006,Information Technology (IT),Fax,E-mail,Voice mail語音信箱 Instant messaging (IM)即時訊息 Electronic data interchange EDI電子資料交換 Teleconferencing視訊會議 Video-conferencing IntranetsExtranets Wireless communications無線通訊 Knowledge management知識管理,1215,Management Communication 吳明泉博士 2006,Developing Interpersonal Skills發展人際關係技巧,Listening requires: Paying attention Interpreting Remembering sound stimuli Active listening requires: Listening attentively (intensely) to the speaker. Developing empathy for what the speaker is saying. Accepting by listening without judging content. Taking responsibility for completeness in getting the full meaning from the speakers communication.,1216,Management Communication 吳明泉博士 2006,Characteristics of Feedback回饋的特性,Positive feedback正面回饋 Is more readily and accurately perceived than negative feedback. Is almost always accepted, whereas negative feedback often meets resistance. Negative feedback負面回饋 Is most likely to be accepted when it comes from a credible source or if it is objective. Subjective impression carries weight only when it comes from a person with high status and credibility.,1217,Management Communication 吳明泉博士 2006,Suggestions for Effective Feedback,Focus on specific behavior Keep feedback impersonal Keep feedback goal oriented Make feedback well-timed Ensure understanding Direct negative feedback towards behavior that the receiver can control,EXHIBIT 12.5,針對特定的行為 對事不對人 目標導向的回饋 適時回饋 確保了解 針對接收者所能控制的行為提出負面的回饋,1218,Management Communication 吳明泉博士 2006,Effective Delegation有效授權,EXHIBIT 12.6,1219,Management Communication 吳明泉博士 2006,Contingency Factors in Delegation授權之權變因素,EXHIBIT 12.7,The Size of the Organization組織大小 The Importance of the Duty or Decision任務或決策的重要性 Task Complexity任務複雜度 Organizational Culture組織文化 Qualities of Employees員工品質,1220,Management Communication 吳明泉博士 2006,Empowerment Skills授權的技能,Not abdication非放棄職權 : Clarifying the exact job to be done Setting the range of discretion, the expected level of performance, and the time frame Allowing employees to participate Inform other that delegation has occurred Establishing feedback controls,釐清任務 指定員工負責的範圍、預期的績效、完成時限 允許員工參與 通告授權 建立回饋的管道,1221,Management Communication 吳明泉博士 2006,Managing Conflict管理衝突,Conflict defined定義 Perceived differences resulting in interference or opposition由於知覺到不相容的差異,而導致某種形式的干擾或對立,Traditional view傳統觀點 Assumed that conflict was bad and would always have a negative impact on an organization. Human relations view人群關係觀點 Argued that conflict was a natural and inevitable occurrence in all organizations; rationalized the existence of conflict and advocated its acceptance. Interactionist view互動觀點 Encourages mangers to maintain ongoing minimum level of conflict sufficient to keep organizational units viable, self-critical, and creative.,1222,Management Communication 吳明泉博士 2006,Managing Conflict管理衝突,Functional conflict良性衝突 Conflict that supports and organizations goals Dysfunctional conflict惡性衝突 Conflict that prevents and organization from achieving its goals,1223,Management Communication 吳明泉博士 2006,Conflict and Organizational Performance衝突與績效,1224,Management Communication 吳明泉博士 2006,Sources of Conflict衝突來源,Communication differences溝通差異 Arising from semantic difficulties, misunderstandings, and noise in the communication channels. Structural differences結構差異 Horizontal and vertical differentiation creates problems of integration leading to disagreements over goals, decision alternatives, performance criteria, and resource allocations in organizations. Personal differences個人差異 Individual idiosyncrasies and personal value systems create conflicts.,1225,Management Communication 吳明泉博士 2006,Dimensions of Conflict (Thomas)處理衝突的基本風格,Cooperativeness可以圖利他人以處理衝突之程度 The degree to which an individual will attempt to rectify a conflict by satisfying the other persons concerns. Assertiveness圖利自己才可平息衝突之程度 The degree to which an individual will attempt to rectify the conflict to satisfy his or her own concerns.,1226,Management Communication 吳明泉博士 2006,Dimensions of Conflict (contd),Conflict-handling techniques derived from Thomas cooperative and assertiveness dimensions: Competing (assertive but uncooperative)競爭 Collaborating (assertive and cooperative)合作 Avoiding (unassertive and uncooperative)迴避 Accommodating (unassertive but cooperative)讓步 Compromising (midrange on assertiveness and cooperativeness)妥協,1227,Management Communication 吳明泉博士 2006,Conflict Management What Works Best and When,EXHIBIT 12.10,Strategy Best Used When Avoidance Conflict is trivial, when emotions are running high and time is needed to cool them down, or when the potential disruption from an assertive action outweighs the benefits of resolution Accommodation The issue under dispute isnt that important to you or when you want to build up credits for later issues Competing You need a quick resolution on important issues that require unpopular actions to be taken and when commitment by others to your solution is not critical Compromise Conflicting parties are about equal in power, when it is desirable to achieve a temporary solution to a complex issue, or when time pressures demand an expedient solution Collaboration Time pressures are minimal, when all parties seriously want a win-win solution, and when the issue is too important to be compromised,處理衝突的解決之道,低,低,高,高,利己之心,利他之心,妥協,讓步 當發現自己堅持有錯時 需要降低損失時 當和諧和及穩定重要性高於一切時 需要以退為進、留個後路時 當發現對方的重要性較高時,合作 要獲得共識時 為了維持雙方良好關係 你的目標只是從中學習時,競爭 當問題重大且你確信你的看法正確時。 對付喜歡得寸進尺、貪得無厭的對手。 需要快速作出重大行動時。,迴避 問題不重要時 已經知道自己沒有機會獲利 需要冷卻情緒時 當別人可以幫你處理得更好時 當你需要再收集資訊時,什麼時候該妥協compromising?,當整體目標高於一切,且不值得為衝突撕裂關係時 面臨時間壓力時,較折中的解決辦法 衝突可以因而獲得暫時解決時 作為合作及競爭策略失敗的備援策略,1230,Management Communication 吳明泉博士 2006,Stimulating Conflict刺激衝突,Convey to employees the message that conflict has its legitimate place. Use hot-button communications while maintaining plausible deniability. Issue ambiguous or threatening messages. Centralize decisions, realign work groups, increase formalization and interdependencies between units. Appoint a devils advocate to purposely present arguments that run counter to those proposed by the majority or against current practices.,1231,Management Communication 吳明泉博士 2006,Negotiation協商談判,Negotiation defined定義 A process in which two or more parties who have different preference must make a joint decision and co


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