



高考提能练(四十一) Module 5Ethnic Culture.阅读理解A2019南宁市摸底联考I left England for Sydney in September. It was a career move for my husband, and our 20yearold daughter was feeling adventurous and decided to come, too. However, just before leaving England, my 79yearold mother suffered a stroke (中风). Being strong and independent, she continues to live at home with the help of social services. But she couldnt look after the garden. I thought how wonderful it would be if there was an organization offering volunteer help. Friends asked me what I planned to do in Australia, and I told them I would be looking for a volunteer position with a gardening charitable organization. Imagine my surprise when I found just the organization I had been looking for Easy Care Gardening (ECG)!There are several reasons why I volunteer for ECG. Firstly, as a newcomer to Australia I meet many great people who, like me, volunteer some of their time. We cover a large age range, but all love gardens and helping others.Secondly, through working with ECG I have been lucky enough to explore Sydneys North Shore that I might not have had the opportunity to visit otherwise.Finally, there are all those wonderful people who we call “clients(客户)”, but are more like friends when we visit them often and tend their gardens. What great people I have met, and stories they have to tell the family histories, where they come from and the reasons for immigrating to Australia. I find it a privilege to have access to private gardens which, in many cases, have been the joy of their owners for many years. Each one is individual and reflects the character, needs and the history of each family. Indeed, the gardens reflect the multicultural and historical background of Sydney.体裁:记叙文题材:社会生活主题:参加园艺组织【语篇解读】本文介绍了作者移居悉尼后加入了Easy Care Gardening组织,成了一名园艺志愿者的故事,以及作者加入这个组织的原因。1Why did the author move to Sydney?AShe planned to volunteer there.BHer husband would work there.CShe was very keen on adventures.DShe had to look after her sick mother.答案与解析:B考查细节理解。根据第一段中的“It was a career move for my husband”可知,作者移居悉尼是因为她丈夫的工作变动,故选B项。2What made the author choose to be a gardening volunteer?AHer own experience.BThe tips of her friends.CThe popularity of ECG.DHer gardening skills.答案与解析:A考查细节理解。根据第一段中的“However, just before leaving England, my 79yearold mother suffered a stroke (中风). But she couldnt look after the garden. I thought how wonderful it would be if there was an organization offering volunteer help”可知,作者的母亲因为中风无法照料花园,因此作者希望有一个能提供园艺志愿服务的组织。所以作者选择成为一名园艺志愿者是因为她自己的经历,故选A项。3What do the volunteers at ECG have in common?AThey make friends with their clients.BThey like to explore Sydneys North Shore.CThey are of similar age and background.DThey are kindhearted with the same interest.答案与解析:D考查细节理解。根据第二段中的“We cover a large age range, but all love gardens and helping others”可知,ECG的志愿者虽然年龄跨度很大,但是都热爱花园和帮助他人。D项“他们都很热心肠,有着同样的爱好”符合文意,故选D项。4What does the underlined word “one” in Paragraph 4 refer to?AClient.BReason.CGarden. DJoy.答案与解析:C考查代词指代。根据画线词所在句的前一句“I find it a privilege to have access to private gardens which, in many cases, have been the joy of their owners for many years”可知,作者觉得能够进入私人花园是一种特权,在许多情况下,私人花园都是花园主人的乐趣所在。根据语境和画线词所在句的前后句子中的“gardens”可知,“one”指的就是“garden”,故选C项。B2019重庆第二次调研My earliest memories are about Albania. Its my beautiful country, but in the 1990s, civil war broke out. For eight or nine months, we didnt leave the house. We didnt go to school.In 1996, my mother went to the US. with me and my sister. We arrived in St.Louis with$2,000 in our pockets. We went from one homeless shelter to another, sometimes sleeping in a park or a bus station. My mom got underthetable jobs cleaning restaurants, and my sister and I would sleep on the seats while she worked. Although we were homeless and times were tough, we had each other. Then we lived near a public park with tennis courts, and in my spare time, Id hit against the wall with a racket and balls I borrowed from a local coach.In 2006, I was a highly ranked mens singles player in the United States Tennis Associations southern region. Boston University recruited (招收) me as a tennis player and I became an American citizen. I started college with some scholarships and financial aid. But soon after I got there, it became clear that I wasnt good enough to play professionally. I was good, but I wasnt that good. Going_pro had always been my goal, and when it became clear that it was unattainable there, I lost interest.In 2009, I found a new desire, real estate(房地产). So I moved to Los Angeles, and got a handle on the real estate.Now my sister is a doctor and my mom is finally retired. I bought my mom a house. She made a sacrifice for us. Its only fair that I repay her. 体裁:记叙文题材:人生经历主题:作者一家搬到美国后的经历【语篇解读】本文主要讲述了“我”的人生经历。“我”因阿尔巴尼亚内战和姐姐一起被母亲带到美国。“我”对网球产生兴趣且网球成绩优秀,并被波士顿大学录取。由于没能达到自己的目标,“我”放弃了网球转而经营房地产。如今“我”给母亲购买了房子,“我”的姐姐成了一名医生【难句分析】But soon after I got there, it became clear that I wasnt good enough to play professionally. 分析:该句为主从复合句。句中“soon after I got there”为时间状语从句,“that I wasnt good enough to play professionally”为that引导的主语从句,it作形式主语。译文:但在我到了那里后不久,我就清楚地意识到我不够优秀,不能成为职业运动员。 5Why did the writer leave his home country? ATo go to school. BTo escape the civil war. CTo play tennis as a player. DTo make money on real estate.答案与解析:B考查细节理解。根据第一段第二句“Its my beautiful country, but in the 1990s, civil war broke out”可知,虽然阿尔巴尼亚是我美丽的家乡,但是20世纪90年代那里发生了内战;结合第二段第一句“In 1996, my mother went to the US. with me and my sister”可知,“我”的母亲带着我和姐姐为了躲避阿尔巴尼亚内战而去了美国,故B项正确。 6What influenced the writer most according to the passage? AEnvironment. BMoney. CFamily. DSchool.答案与解析:A考查推理判断。根据第一段第二句“Its my beautiful country, but in the 1990s, civil war broke out”和第二段第一句“In 1996, my mother went to the US. with me and my sister”可知,“我”的母亲带着我和姐姐为了躲避阿尔巴尼亚内战而去了美国。根据第三段中的“Boston University recruited (招收) me as a tennis player and I became an American citizen”“But soon after I got there. Going pro had always been my goal, and when it became clear that it was unattainable there, I lost interest”和第四段“In 2009, I found a new desire, real estate(房地产). So I moved to Los Angeles, and got a handle on the real estate”可知,“我”作为网球运动员被大学招收并且“我”成为美国公民,在大学里“我”以成为职业运动员为目标,但后来发现这个目标无法实现,“我”对网球失去兴趣,转而搬到洛杉矶,开始经营房地产。据此可以判断,“我”所处的环境对我影响最大,故A项正确。 7What does the underlined phrase “Going pro” in the third paragraph mean? AGoing abroad. BMaking progress. CBecoming a professional player. DLearning in Boston University.答案与解析:C考查词义猜测。根据第三段倒数第三句“But soon after I got there, it became clear that I wasnt good enough to play professionally”可知,我去了波士顿大学之后不久,我就清楚地意识到我不够优秀,无法成为职业运动员;结合画线部分所在句“Going_pro had always been my goal, and when it became clear that it was unattainable there, I lost interest”可知,在大学里成为职业运动员一直是“我”的目标,可是“我”无法达成,失去了对网球的兴趣。据此可以判断,画线部分意为“成为职业运动员”,故C项正确。 8How is the passage mainly developed? ABy following time order. BBy giving examples. CBy describing family experiences. DBy analyzing reasons.答案与解析:A考查篇章结构。通读全文可知,文章按照时间顺序讲述了我小时候因阿尔巴尼亚内战而于1996年和姐姐一起被母亲带去美国避难,接着讲述了2006年我的网球成绩优秀而且被波士顿大学录取,接着讲述我放弃做职业运动员的梦想并于2009年搬到洛杉矶经营房地产。据此可以判断,文章是按照时间顺序组织的,故A项正确。.七选五2019成都市摸底测试Everyone dreams. If youve ever tried to figure out the meaning of a strange dream, youre not alone. Humans have been trying to make sense of dreams since recorded history. _1_ Here are some of the findings._2_ People with great creativity are more likely to dream about unusual settings and about blocks in the natural world, such as a log or a rock they cant get around.Youve got a heart problem. People who have frequent nightmares may be significantly more likely to suffer from an irregular heartbeat or chest pain. If you have those problems, its more difficult for you to breathe at night. _3_Youre avoiding something. Do you dream about being followed by a stranger,a monster,or a giant tidal wave? This could indicate that youre afraid to deal with something in your daily life. _4_Youll have a good result in a test. Students whose performance improved were those who had dreamed about the maze (迷宫) during the sleep. _5_ This improves learning and problemsolving skills.Despite the fact that technology has vastly expanded our understanding of dreaming, much of what occurs when were asleep remains as it has always been:a mystery.AHow creative you are.BDreaming may strengthen memories.CWhat kind of problem solver you are.DWhat can our dreams tell about ourselves?EHow can we understand better about ourselves?FThat explains why you cannot have a sound sleep.GAsk yourself what issue or emotion youre faced with.体裁:说明文题材:认识自我主题:神秘的梦【语篇解读】本文是一篇说明文,主要介绍了关于梦的几项研究结果。1答案与解析:D根据空后的“Here are some of the findings”及下文介绍的通过做梦分析自身的内容可知,D项“我们的梦能告诉关于我们自己的什么?”符合语境。2答案与解析:A根据空处所在的位置及文章的结构可知,空处为该段的主题句;结合空后的“People with great creativity are more likely to dream about unusual settings and about blocks in the natural world, such as a log or a rock they cant get around”可知,有创造力的人更有可能梦到不寻常的场景和自然界中的障碍,比如他们无法避开的原木或石头。据此可知,该段主要说明了梦能反映人们的创造力,故A项正确。3答案与解析:F根据前一句“If you have those problems, its more difficult for you to breathe at night”可知,如果你有这些问题,晚上呼吸就会更困难。据此可知,F项“这就解释了你为什么不能睡好觉”承接上文,符合语境。4答案与解析:G根据前一句“This could indicate that youre afraid to deal with something in your daily life”可知,这可能表明你害怕在日常生活中处理一些事情。G项“问问你自己,你面临的问题或情绪是什么”符合语境。5答案与解析:B根据空处后一句“This improves learning and problemsolving skills”可知,这提高了学习和解决问题的技能。据此可知,B项“做梦可以增强人的记忆力”符合语境。.短文改错2017全国卷Mr. and Mrs. Zhang all work in our school. They live far from the school, and it takes them about a hour and a half to go to work every day. In their spare time, they are interesting in planting vegetables in their garden, that is on the rooftop of their house. They often get up earlier and water the vegetables together. They have also bought for some gardening tools. Beside, they often get some useful informations from the Internet. When summer came, they will invite their students pick the fresh vegetables!答案:Mr. and Mrs. Zhang work in our school. They live far from the school, and it takes them about hour and a half to go to work every day. In their spare time, the


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