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高考提能练(二十二) Module 4Great Scientists.阅读理解A 2019贵阳监测 Nov. 21 is World Hello Day. It began back in the 1970s as part of an effort to make the world more peaceful. It was created just after the war between Israel and Egypt in 1973. The philosophy (哲学) behind it is: Say “Hello” and stop war.It sounds like a fine idea, but most of us know that simply saying “Hello” wont bring about world peace. Still, on a smaller range, the simple act of saying “Hello” to someone can make a lot of difference.This might not be obvious. After all, its such a casual thing and requires so little effort. You raise your head to someone as you pass by them in the school corridor(走廊), say “Hello”, and then its over.Although we might not realize it, a small thing like a greeting can mean a lot to a person. Many people are lonely because theyre shy. They find it difficult to communicate with people, even though they want to. It leads to them feeling cut off.On this basis, maybe its a good idea, not just on Nov. 21, but every day, to remember to say “Hello” to as many people as we can. The stranger who hears your greeting may secretly smile in their heart. You might even make their day. Greeting other people is the easiest way to be polite.Politeness is the way we individual humans link up with the rest of the human world outside of our circles of family and friends.Politeness is one of the aspects of culture that make us a society rather than just many individuals living in the same space. No one said it better than the French author Joseph Joubert: “Politeness is the flower of humanity.” A “Hello” to a stranger is a small thing, and often neglected(忽视), but through it we can make the world better for another person. 体裁:说明文题材:节日文化主题:世界问候日【语篇解读】 本文是一篇说明文,主要介绍了世界问候日的由来及意义的相关信息。1What is World Hello Day intended for?APhilosophy.BPeace.CPoliteness. DWar. 答案与解析:B考查细节理解。根据第一段中的“Nov. 21 is World Hello Day. It began back in the 1970s as part of an effort to make the world more peaceful”可知,世界问候日设立的初衷是为了和平。2What has an effect on people most?ARaising heads to others. BDoing something casually. CMeeting in the school corridor. DThe simple act of saying “Hello”答案与解析:D考查细节理解。根据第二段第二句“Still, on a smaller range, the simple act of sayingHello to someone can make a lot of difference”可知,对别人影响最大的是打招呼这种简单的行为。3Why do some people feel lonely?AThey are unwilling to communicate with others. BThey are too shy to communicate with others. CThey are very fond of living alone. DThey dont like doing things as others do.答案与解析:B考查推理判断。根据第四段中的“Many people are lonely because theyre shy. cut off”可知,一些人感到孤独的原因是他们太害羞了,不敢和别人交流。4What can we learn from the last paragraph?AWe should neglect a small thing. BSaying “Hello” to others is powerful. CThe flowers make the world better. DNo one is better than Joseph Joubert.答案与解析:B考查推理判断。根据最后一段中的“AHello to a stranger is a small thing, and often neglected(忽视), but through it we can make the world better for another person”可知,向别人打招呼是有影响力的。B2019长春监测 Can exercise during childhood protect you against memory loss many decades later? Exercise early in life seems to have lifelong benefits for the brain, in rats at least.“This is an animal study, but it shows that physical activity at a young age is very important not just for physical development, but for the whole lifelong track of cognitive (认知的) development during ageing,” says Martin Wojtowicz of the University of Toronto, Canada. “In humans, it may delay the appearance of Alzheimers disease (阿尔茨海默病), possibly to the point of preventing it.”Wojtowiczs team divided 80 young male rats into two equal groups, and placed running wheels in the cages of one group for a period of six weeks. Around four months later when the rats had reached middle age the team taught all the rats to connect an electric shock with being in a specific box. When placed in the box, they froze with fear.Two weeks later, the team tested the rats in three situations: exactly the same box in the same room, the same box with the room arranged differently, and a completely different box in a different room.The rats without access to a running wheel when they were young now froze the same percentage of times in each of these situations, suggesting they couldnt remember which one was dangerous. But those that had been able to run in their youth froze 40 to 50 percent less in both changed box settings.“The results suggest the amount of physical activity when were young, at least for rats, has influence on the brain and cognitive health in the form of better memories when were older,” says Arthur Kramer of Northeastern University in Boston, who has found that, in humans, exercise promotes the growth of new brain cells.体裁:说明文题材:健康主题:锻炼使大脑受益【语篇解读】本文介绍了一项科学研究,从而得出早期锻炼对大脑终身有好处的结论。5The study shows that _.Aphysical activity is important for physical healthBusing the running wheels is of benefit to the rats growthCphysical activity can prevent humans Alzheimers diseaseDthe more exercise a rat has when young, the better memory it will possess when older答案与解析:D考查细节理解。根据第一段内容尤其是第二句“Exercise early in life seems to have lifelong benefits for the brain, in rats at least”可知,早期锻炼似乎对大脑终身有好处,至少对老鼠来说是这样的,故选D项。6How are Paragraphs 3 and 4 mainly developed?ABy analyzing causes.BBy giving an example.CBy describing the process.DBy showing differences.答案与解析:C考查写作手法。根据第三段的“Wojtowiczs team divided 80 young male rats into two equal groups. Around four months later. they froze with fear”和第四段的“Two weeks later, the team tested the rats in three situations”可知,本文第三、四段描述了Wojtowicz的研究小组对老鼠进行实验的过程。C项意为“通过描述过程”,故选C项。7What does the underlined word “it” in Paragraph 2 refer to?AExercise. BDevelopment.CBenefit. DStudy.答案与解析:A考查代词指代。根据第二段的“but it shows that physical activity at a young age is very important”及“In humans, it may delay the appearance of Alzheimers disease (阿尔茨海默病)”,可知,身体活动很重要,对人类来说,它可能会推迟阿尔茨海默病的出现。因此“it”在文中指的是“physical activity”,A项与其同义,故选A项。8What is the authors attitude towards the animal study?ANegative. BObjective.CCritical. DDoubtful.答案与解析:B考查观点态度。通读全文可知,作者介绍了对老鼠进行实验的过程及其结果,并引用数据进行说明,由此可知作者对动物研究的态度是很客观的。B项意为“客观的”,故选B项。.完形填空2019惠州市高三调研When 69yearold Dobrgyal started looking after the wild macaques (猕猴) at a scenic spot in Chinas Tibet Autonomous Region, their population _1_ only 40 50. Today, 18 years later, that same place is _2_ to over 2,800 Tibetan macaques.Dobrgyals relationship with the Tibetan macaques has been described as a _3_ love story between man and monkeys. A former _4_ keeper, Dobrgyal has been driving 5 km almost every day just to feed the macaques, show them _5_ and make sure they are healthy. _6_, he has even taken some of the sick animals home and _7_ them back to health.C reports that Dobrgyal has been the only one working as a _8_ in the Gongbogyamda area for the last 18 years, and _9_ him as the main reason that the macaque population is rising.Tibetan macaques are a(n) _10_ species in China, and their food is provided by the Gongbogyamda forestry bureau (局), but its Dobrgyal who loads the bags into his truck and _11_ it to the monkeys personally. Thanks to his _12_, the macaques have become very _13_ with tourists, many of whom also help to _14_ the animals.Having dedicated almost two decades of his life to the macaques, Dobrgyal now _15_ himself about what will happen to them if his physical _16_ no longer allows him to take care of them properly.“Now Im so old, nearly 70 years old,” Dobrgyal said recently. “In the _17_ of my life I will do my best to take care of the monkeys, but if someday my health _18_ me feeding them anymore, I will have my sons replace me.”_19_, the furry creatures will be able to rely on their _20_ human father for many years to come.体裁:记叙文题材:人生经历主题:Dobrgyal与猕猴【语篇解读】本文是一篇记叙文,主要叙述了在Dobrgyal的努力下,野生猕猴的数量增加,同时他们之间也建立了一份真挚的感情。1A.numbered BreducedCconfirmed Dturned答案与解析:A根据下文“Today, 18 years later, that same place is _2_ to over 2,800 Tibetan macaques”的提示可知,此处表示它们的数量总共(numbered)只有40到50只。2A.seen BfunChome Dknown答案与解析:C根据上文“looking after the wild macaques (猕猴) at a scenic spot in Chinas Tibet Autonomous Region”的描述可知,18年后的今天,这里是2 800多只西藏猕猴的家(home)。3A.mouthwatering BheartbreakingCbreathtaking Dheartwarming答案与解析:D根据下文“Dobrgyal has been driving 5 km almost every day just to feed the macaques, show them _5_ and make sure they are healthy”的描述可知,此处为Dobrgyal和西藏猕猴之间的关系被描述为人类和猴子之间的一个暖人的(heartwarming)爱的故事。mouthwatering“令人垂涎的”;heartbreaking“使人心碎的”;breathtaking“惊人的”。4A.forest BhouseCgarden Dsoccer答案与解析:A根据上文中的“looking after the wild macaques (猕猴) at a scenic spot”可推知,此处应为Dobrgyal以前是一个森林(forest)看守人。5A.honor BrespectCaffection Dmercy答案与解析:C根据上文“Dobrgyals relationship with the Tibetan macaques has been described as a _3_ love story between man and monkeys”的描述可知,此处为向它们表达喜爱(affection),并确保它们是健康的。6A.In return BOn occasionCIn vain DOn purpose答案与解析:B根据上文“Dobrgyal has been driving 5 km almost every day just to feed the macaques, show them _5_ and make sure they are healthy”的描述可知,此处前后形成语意上的衔接,所以此处为偶尔(On occasion),他也带一些生病的猴子回家照顾。7A.expected BsentCforced Dnursed答案与解析:D根据上文“he has even taken some of the sick animals home”的描述可知,此处为照顾(nursed)它们直到它们恢复健康。8A.feeder BleaderCfriend Dfarmer答案与解析:A根据上文“Dobrgyal has been. just to feed the macaques”的描述可知,此处表示作为唯一的饲养员(feeder)。9A.guesses BcreditsCassumes Dquestions答案与解析:B根据上文“C reports that Dobrgyal has been the only one working as a _8_ in the Gongbogyamda area for the last 18 years”的描述可知,此处前后形成并列关系,表示“并认为(credits)猕猴数量上升是Dobrgyal的功劳”。10A.aggressive BprotectedCdangerous Dcontrolled答案与解析:B根据常识和空后的“and their food is provided by the Gongbogyamda forestry bureau (局)”可知,西藏猕猴在中国是受保护的(protected)动物。11A.donates BdeclaresCreturns Ddelivers答案与解析:D根据空前的“loads the bags into his truck and”可知,此处为亲自把食物送给(delivers)猴子。12A.wisdom BbraveryCefforts Dintentions答案与解析:C根据上文的内容及语境可知,由于Dobrgyal所做出的努力(efforts),西藏猕猴在游客中很受欢迎(popular)。13A.popular BconfidentCshy Dcautious答案与解析:A参见上题解析。confident“自信的”;cautious“谨慎的”。14A.raise BfeedCbuy Dobserve答案与解析:B根据上文“the macaques have become very _13_ with tourists”可知,此处前后形成因果关系,表示许多游客也帮忙去喂食(feed)它们。15A.concerns BadvisesCpredicts Dcomments答案与解析:A根据下文“what will happen to them if his physical _16_ no longer allows him to take care of them properly”可知,让Dobrgyal担心(concerns)的是如果他的身体状况(condition)不再允许他充分地照顾猕猴了怎么办。16A.age BbodyCattitude Dcondition答案与解析:D参见上题解析。17A.process BmiddleCrest Dnext答案与解析:C根据上文“Now Im so old, nearly 70 years old”的描述可知,此处表示“在我的余生中(in the rest of my life)”。18A.keeps BpermitsCallows Dprevents答案与解析:D根据上文“In the _17_ of my life I will do my best to take care of the monkeys”可知,此处前后形成转折,也即“但如果有一天我的健康状况阻止(prevents)我再喂养它们,我会让我的儿子们接替我”。19A.Unfortunately BHopefullyCGenerally DActually答案与解析:B根据空后的“the furry creatures will be able to rely on their _20_ human father for many years to come”可知,此处为表达希望,故Hopefully“有望”符合语境。20A.official BtypicalCadoptive Dspiritual答案与解析:C这些毛茸茸的动物在未来的许多年里将有望能够依靠收养它们的人类父亲生存。adoptive“收养的”符合语境。.语法填空2019洛阳统考The Palace Museum, known as the Forbidden City, is the _1_ (large) and most well _2_ (reserve) imperial (皇帝的) residence in China today. It is divided into an outer and an inner court with a rectangular shape, 961 meters long from north to south and 753 meters in _3_ (wide) from east to west. It has a splendid history since the Ming Dynasty, and it _4_(rebuild) and repaired many times in the past. I was so excited to visit it _5_ my family last summer vacation. After we passed through the Front Gate, a lot of palaces appeared. The tour guide told us there


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