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抓基础 重技能 讲实效 -谈中考复习策略 西工大附中 张登峰,一轮复习: 紧扣课本 狠抓基础 二轮复习: 专项复习 训练能力 三轮复习: 模拟专练 注重实效,复习策略,一轮复习 紧扣课本 狠抓基础,(一)单元复习,纵横交错,注重小结 (二)抓听写, 词汇短语为重点 (三)翻译句子,为练新题型突破口 (四)背诵课文,增加语言积累 (五)中考试题链接,跟进练习 (六)精心备课, 优化课堂,(一)单元复习,纵横交错,注重小结,make make + sb. / sth.+ adj. make our motherland stronger make + sb. + infinitive (do) He made her cry. * She was made to cry. make+sb./sth. + n *make him our monitor *make me a cake make + sb./sth. + done make your voice heard Phrases: * make mistakes / make noise/ make money / make a decision/ * be made of/from/into ,Unit 13 Year 9 Rainy days make me sad. Revision make sad sadness sadly sadder/saddest unhappy happy (un)happily (un) happiness 3. would rather do than do * prefer to do rather than do prefer doing to doing *d better do / d like to do / feel like doing 4. How feel about ? What think of ? * How deal with ? What do with ? * Exclamations How nice the weather is! What nice weather it is! ,music,musician,musical,musical instrument,guitar piano violin,a piece of music,lyrics,song,dance to music sing along with music listen to music,sing a song hum songs,v + up,set up put up get up send up use up cut up turn up wake up stay up take up look up make up dress up climb up clean up call up end up think up bring up,EXX: 1. Dont _ too late at night. 2. I _ all the time in the exam but I didnt finish the paper yet. 3. Last weekend my mother _ the kitchen. It is very clean now. 4. You neednt _ all the new words in the dictionary. 5. China _ man-made satellites into space already.,be + adj + prep,be worried about be serious about be relaxed about be knowledgeable about be angry with sb be annoyed with be mad at sb be pleased with be busy with be strict with sb in sth be happy with be good with be crowded with be filled with be full of be tired of be confident of be proud of,短语归类总结,be + adj. + prep. v.+ prep. v.+ adv. v. + n. + prep (take pride in, make fun of) v. + n. (take care, make money) prep + between and in front of across from at the end of by the time,V+ doing/to do / done,v/phrase+ doing *have fun /difficulty/experience/trouble *be busy/nervous *consider/imagine / mind / finish / enjoy/ practice /advise/ suggest / allow/ permit *cant help / cant stand v+ to do v + to do / doing v + sb./sth + do/to do /doing/ done / adj /n,(二)抓听写, 词汇短语为重点 (二)抓听写, 词汇短语为重点,Year 8 Unit 7 Useful expressions: 1 制作橙子奶昔 2 切碎香蕉 3 削苹果 4 把酸奶倒入榨汁机 5 两茶匙蜂蜜 6 大量的生菜 7 最后地 8 把它们混合在一起 9 三片火鸡肉 10 把盐加在爆米花上,1 make an orange milk shake 2 cut up bananas 3 peel an apple 4 pour the yogurt into the blender 5 two teaspoons of honey 6 a large amount of lettuce 7 at last / in the end / finally 8 mix them all up 9 three slices of chicken /three chicken slices 10 add salt to the popcorn,11 把加到 12 打开榨汁机 13 关灯 14 把电视开大 15 把收音机关小 16 把水变成冰 17 变绿 18 太多的盐/太咸 19 卷煎饼 20 读用法说明,11 add up to 12 turn on the blender 13 turn off lights 14 turn up TV 15 turn down the radio 16 turn water into ice 17 turn green 18 too much salt /much too salty 19 roll the pancake 20 read the instructions,(三)加强汉译英训练,重点复习单词、短语及句型的应用。,1.很多学生每周锻炼两三次。 Quiet a few students exercise _. 2. 我认为我父母的饮食习惯相当不错。 I think _is pretty good. 3. 你的生活习惯和我的一样吗? Is your lifestyle _? 4. 健康的食物和锻炼能够帮助我学得更好。 _ can help me study better. 5. 多吃蔬菜保持健康。 _ to keep in good health.,一轮复习 紧扣课本 狠抓基础,(四)背诵课文,增加语言积累 (五)中考试题链接,跟进练习 (六)精心备课, 优化课堂,1. 熟练掌握词汇表中的单词和短语 2. 牢记并运用基本的句型 3. 牢记每个单元的标题和Grammar Focus 4. 背诵经典的3A文章,学生在一轮复习达到的目的,二轮复习 专项复习 训练能力,(一)语法训练 解读说明,明确考点 专讲专练, 专练专评 以练代讲, 注重实效,复习策略: 1.语法复习一定要在语境中进行; 2.讲练结合,精讲精练,总结典型题例; 3.语法分块总结很有必要; 4.综合练习必不可少。,Revision:,Comparative Degrees and Superlative Degrees,Comparative & Superlative degrees,Teaching Procedures: I. Have a brainstorm to revise words of adjectives. Activities: Who knows the most adjectives? Try to finish the words. f _ m_ t_ l_ Please describe sb /sth with adjectives. II Write words on the Bb and write out the comparative and superlative degrees.,III Revise comparative degrees. Talk about two students in class and get students to tell the differences between them. Revise the usage of asas / not as(so) as Sum up the usage of the comparative degrees. * comparative degrees + than * the + comparative degrees, the + comparative degrees * comparative degrees+ comparative degrees more + more +adj. ,IV Revise the superlative degrees. 1. Ask students to talk about “the est or the most among us”(我们之最). Who is the tallest/ the heaviest / the most creative? Who jumps highest/runs fastest / works hardest? 2. Sum up the exchange of the degrees. Tom is the tallest student in our class. = Tom is taller than any other student / the other students / any girl / any other boys in our class. = No one is as tall as Tom in our class.,IV Practice. Fill in the blanks with the words in a proper form. 1.Your room is _ (wide) and _ (bright) than ours. 2.There are _ (few) hours of sunlight a day in winter than in summer. 3.Which do you like _ (well) , maths or chemistry? 4.This is the _ (good) film I have ever seen. 5.Africa is the second _ (large) continent. 6.What he said made his mother much _ (angry) . 7.Im not as _ (careful) as he. 8.Weve got as _ (many) books as we need. 9.He studies _ of all. 10.They have done _ (much) work with _ (little) money.,Rewrite the sentences. 1.Tom is 1.6m tall. Tim is 1.6 m tall, too. Tom is _ _ _ Tim. Tom is 1.6 m tall, _ _ Tim. 2. He learns English best in my class. No one learns English _ _ him. He learns English _ _ _ _ _ in my class. 3. His room is twice bigger than mine. His room is twice _ _ _ mine. 4. My sister is 10 years old. I am 14 years old. My sister is _ _ _ than me. I am _ _ _ than my sister. 5. China has the largest population in the world. The population of China is _ _ _ _ _in Asia and it is _ _ _ _ in other continents, too.,Bruce wanted to be the class monitor. This was a 1_ job as the monitor had to help organize 2_activities for the class, such as holiday parties, picnics and field trips. Bruce 3_ wanted to be chosen as monitor. So he made a speech, telling the 4_class what he would do if he was 5_. For example, Bruce wanted to collect 6_books among the students and gave them to 7_ children. He also wanted to recycle the 8_bottles to make money for a trip to the beach. Bruce had been working 9_for his dream. A few days 10_, the result came out. Bruce won.,big special use whole success old hard poor late real,语言知识训练策略 每天坚持做20道选择填空,及时查漏补缺 莫留恋难题,一切以中考难度为准 语法复习完全以中考说明为主,中考考什么,我们主要训练什么,名词,名词的数,名词的格,冠词,定冠词,零冠词,不定冠词,代词,人称代词,关系代词,不定代词,物主代词,反身代词,疑问代词,人称代词,指示代词,相互代词,数词,基数词,分数,序数词,动词,时态,语态,形容词 副词,级别的变法,级别的用法,非谓语 动词,动名词,分词,动词不定式,复合句,宾语从句,状语从句,定语从句,二轮复习 专项复习 训练能力,(二)技能训练 听说重在课堂训练,创设情景,练习话题,提高语感 阅读工夫在平时,扩充词汇是根本,方法指导很必要 写作训练全批全改,注重总结纠错,,1.听说重在课堂训练,创设情景,练习话题,提高语感。,Mothers Day,make suggestions,Talk about plans,shopping,greet and wishes,Interview,Thanks,如何在平时的复习中训练补全对话,有效利用听力原文材料 把它当成复述训练素材 把它当成情景交际训练素材 把它当成背诵素材,A:_, young man? B: Im not feeling well. I have a headache and a cough. A: _? B : Yes, but I dont have a fever. A: Oh, open your mouth and say “ah”. B: Ah A: _? B: Last night. A: _? B: No, I didnt feel like eating anything.Is it serious? A: _. Dont worry. You just have a cold. Stay in bed for two days. Take the medicine three times a day. Drink hot water with honey._. B: Thank you, doctor . A: You are welcome.,Whats your trouble,Did you take your temperature,When did it start,No, nothing serious,Did you have anything to eat this morning,I think you will be better soon,Unit 2,Grade 8A,2.阅读工夫在平时,扩充词汇是根本,方法指导很必要。,增大阅读量,精读与泛读相结合 加大任务型阅读的做题技巧指导 完成短文注重语篇的分析和词汇的应用,早读四十分钟进行限时阅读两篇,一篇作为泛读,一篇作为精读。 精讲每次练习中的阅读文章,尤其对于学生易错的题应该剖析解读,训练良好的英语思维模式和习惯。 每天的作业中必布置阅读或完形,数量不在多,对学生做过的练习,应趁热打铁,及时处理。 所留阅读练习材料应注重语言材料文体的多样化。,在平时的教学中具体做法:,在平时的课文教学中,注重任务型阅读训练。根据课文,编写问题,即完成相应教学任务,又训练了能力。 Year8 A Unit8 SA 3a My Dream Job 1. What is Tiantian going to be when she grows up? 2. Where is she going to move? 3. How is she going to do that? 4. Why is she going to hold art exhibitions? 5. Where is she going to retire?,YEAR 8 Unit 3 SB 3a,1. What is Ben Lambert? 2. What is he doing for this summer? 3. Where is he going on vacation? 4. Why is he going there? 5. Where does he always go on vacation? 6. When is he leaving? 7. How long is he staying there? 8. What is he doing there?,Story 1,1.What was Orson Wells? 2.What did he announce in 1938? 3. Did hundreds of people believe what he describe? Why or why not? 4. What did thousands of people do when they heard the story? 5. Who revealed the story was not true?,Unit 10 Year 9,Story 2,1. What did a reporter announce one April Fools Day? 2. What did people do when they heard it? 3. What had happened by the time people realized the story was a hoax? 4. Can you guess who made the rumor?,Story 3,1. What did a TV star invite his girlfriend to do on April Fools Day? 2. What did he ask her to do? 3. How did she feel? And why? 4. What was the ending of the story?,Unit 14 SB 3a 1. New Ocean Waves is _. 2. Their achievements in the last twelve months are _ and _. 3. They are going to _ and _ in the near future. 4. They used _ ,but now they play mostly their own songs and _. 5. Their dream is _. 6. Half the money they made _.,Unit 14 Year 9,Reading,Read Para 1-2 and answer: 1. Where are Robert Qian and Cathy Qin from? 2. Who organizes the In Search Of Roots ? 3. When did the program start? 4. How many students have been brought to China? 5. Why do the overseas students return to China?,Read Para 3-5 and answer:,6. How long does the camp last? 7. Where do they mainly visit? 8. What do they do there? 9. What did Cathy Qin feel about the program? 10. What is the purpose of the program?,尝试与创新: 指导学生自己进行编题,编题时注意: 要编出考察目的和意图(问题的设计) 注意文章的难易程度 文章的题材,3.完成短文题既考查阅读理解能力,又考查对词汇的灵活运用能力,综合性很强,难度较高。 加大阅读理解能力的训练。 熟练掌握课本要求掌握的3000左右词汇,熟知它们同根词的相关的变形。,“完成短文”解题技巧之 “变形记”,1、名词: 单数变复数、名词的所有格、 名词变形容词、 名词变动词 2、动词: 时态(单三、过去式、分词) 被动语态、非谓语动词、动词变名词 3、形容词: 比较级、最高级、反义词,形容词变名词、 形容词变副词 4、副词: 比较级、最高级、副词变形容词,5、代词: 主格、宾格、物主代词(形容词性的、名词性的)、 反身代词、不定代词 6、数词: 基数词变序数词、序数词变基数词、 基数词(十位)的复数 “2” 系列:two second twelve twelfth twenty- twentieth twenty-one twenty-first twenty - twenties “4”系列:four fourth forty fortieth “9”系列:nine ninth nineteen ninety ninety-nine - ninety-ninth 100 one hundred - one hundredth,“完成短文”解题技巧之 “变形记”,When I was ten years old, I began 1_with foreigners. But I was very shy. Gradually, I became more and more confident with 2_ help. The 3_ year, I went to Yangzhou with two foreigners. I became their guide. First, we came into the Shouxi River. After that, they went to buy 4_. The sellers 5 _ speak English. Though it was very hard, I tried my best to listen to their words 6 _ and translate the sentences. They bought some souvenirs with my help. Next, we went to a small zoo, and we took some photos. There were not many animals. When we felt 7 _, we went out and had lunch. After lunch, we visited some old houses. They learned 8 _about Chinese history. This wasnt only a big challenge but also an unforgettable challenge. This opportunity made me 9 _ and brave. I hope I can catch many opportunities in the future, then I can speak English, because I think practice10 _ perfect.,make, chat, cant , hunger, souvenir, careful, follow, foreign, confidence, much,In some foreign countries, some people dont like the number 13.They dont think 13 is a 1_ number. For example ,they dont like living on the 2_ floor. My friend Jack had got the same idea. One day, he 3_ some friends to dinner. When all of friends arrived, he asked them 4_ around the dinner table. He began to count the people in his mind 5_ they were having delicious food. 6_,he cried out,“ Oh, there 7_ thirteen people here!“8_ face turned white except Mr Brown. He said 9_with a smile on his face, “Dont worry, dear friends! We have fourteen people here. My wife 10_ a baby in a few days. She is in the family way now.“ All of them became happy again. “Congratulations!“ they said to Mr and Mrs Brown. They enjoyed the nice food and had a good time that evening.,sudden, be, everyone, have, while ask, sit, luck, thirteen, slow,4 写作训练:全批全改,精细讲评,注重纠错,LIN DAN,Lin Dan is a famous badminton player. He was born on 14th of Oct, 1983( on Oct.14,1983) in Fujian. He is 1.78 meters tall. When he was 5, he started to learn badminton. He went to the Fujian Sports School at the age of 9. In 2001, he joined the national team. He worked hard, so he got lots of achievements. He won a gold medal in the Olympic Games in Beijing in 2008 and in London in 2012. And he became a gold medalist in the Guangzhou Asian Games in 2010. He won two gold medals! He is really a talented and well-known badminton player, isnt he?,Liu Wei,Liu Wei, an armless piano player, has a very special experience. When he was ten years old, he lost his arms, but he didnt give up being a pianist. Being a pianist is his dream. To achieve his dream, he used his feet to practice playing the piano hard. In the end, he took part in the Chinas Got Talent and achieved his dream. He isnt talented, but hes very hard-working. Hes a successful pianist. We should work hard like him. We shouldnt be lazy. We should be hard-working. We all admire him.,Liu Wei, an armless piano player, has a very special experience. There was something happening to Liu Wei when he was only 10 years old. And he became an armless boy. But he didnt give up his dream - being a pianist. He began to play the piano with his feet and practiced really hard. Finally, He played the piano in the Chinas Got Talent and his dream came true. Everyone has their own dream, but not every dream can come true. If you have a dream, just work harder and harder to make your dream come true.,Liu Wei, an armless piano player, has a very special experience. He lost his arms in an accident when he was only ten years old. But it couldnt stop him from achieving his dream to be a pianist. He practiced playing the piano very hard. At last he achieved his dream at the Chinas Got Talent. After knowing Liu Weis story, I realize that everything is possible. You can do it well if you want to do something and try your best to do it. Dont give up and be confident of yourself!,Liu Wei, an armless piano player, has a very special experience. He lost his two arms when he was only 10 years old. But he never give up, he wants to be a piano player although he doesnt have two arms. He began to play piano for his two feet. He is a really great piano player. He played piano harder and harder. At last his dream com


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