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Practice Lesson for Unit 3,Useful Expressions,We have learned from China Council for the Promotion of International Trade that you are in the market for electric appliances. 从中国国际贸易促进委员会获悉,贵方有意购买电器用品。 Your name and address has been given to us to Messrs. J. smith & Co., Inc. in New York, who have informed us that you are one of the leading importers of light industrial products in your country. 据纽约史密斯公司介绍,得知贵方行名和地址,并获悉贵方是贵国轻工业产品的主要进口商之一。,On the recommendation of Co. Ltd., we have learned with pleasure the name of your firm and shall be glad to enter into business relations with you. 承蒙有限公司的介绍,我们获悉贵方行名,我们非常乐意与贵方建立业务关系。 We are given to understand that you are potential buyers of Chinese, which comes within the frame of our business activities. 据了解,你方有可能是中国(商品)的买主,而该产品正属我公司经营范围。 We have the pleasure to introduce ourselves to you with a view to building up business relations with your firm. 我们有幸自荐,以期与你方建立业务关系。,Specializing in the export of Chinese cotton piece goods, we express our desire to trade with you in this line. 我们专门经营中国棉织品出口业务,愿与你方进行交易。 We are interested in the possibility of establishing sources of supply of crude oil from your country. 我们有意向贵国寻求原油供应来源的可能性。 Being closely connected with reliable wholesalers here, we shall be able to do considerable import business with you. 我公司与此地可靠的批发商有密切联系,能与你方做大量的进口业务。 Please submit full specifications of your together with terms of payment and discount rate. 请提供你公司的各种详细规格,并告知付款条件和折扣率。,10. Please furnish us with your own samples of Rayon handkerchiefs closest in designs and quality to those we enclose here. 请提供在花样和质量上与随函所附样品最近似的人造丝手帕样品。 11. In order to give you some idea of various qualities of handicrafts we carry, we have pleasure in forwarding you by air one catalogue and a few sample books for your perusal. 为使你方对我公司经营的各种手工艺质量有所了解,先巷寄去目录一份及样本数册,供参考。 12. Your letter addressed to has been forwarded to us for attention, as the export of this article is exclusively handled by us. 你方寄给的信函已转交我们办理,因该商品的出口由我公司专营。,China Council for the Promotion and International Trade in Beijing has referred your letter of to our head office in Beijing, who has instructed us to contact you in the hope of establishing business relations. 北京中国国际贸易促进委员会已将你方月日来函转交我北京总公司,我总公司嘱我们与你方联系,以期建立业务关系。 Our bankers are the Hong Kong & Shanghai Banking Corporation in Hong Kong, they can provide you with the information about our business and finances. 我们的业务银行是香港汇丰银行,他们可向你方提供有关我方的业务及资信情况。 We should be pleased ( or: highly appreciate it) if you would respond to our request at your earliest convenience. 如果你方能尽早回复,我们将不胜感激。,Practice Lessons,Translate the following sentences into Chinese:,This corporation is specialized in handling the import business of textiles.,We wish to introduce ourselves to you as a state-operated corporation dealing exclusively in light industrial products.,We send you by separate airmail a brochure on the various kinds of electronic products now available for export.,Your firm has been recommended to us by the Chamber of Commerce in Tokyo, Japan.,本公司专营纺织品的进口业务。,兹向你自我介绍,敝公司是国营公司,以经营轻工产品为主。,我方另航寄上目前可供出口各类电子产品的小册子一份。,贵公司已由日本东京商会推荐给我公司。,Practice Lessons,As requested, we are airmailing to you, under separate cover, a sample each of Art. Nos. 2001 and 2002 for your reference.,We can assure you that all your letters will receive our immediate attention.,We thank you for your letter of September 2 and should like to discuss the possibility of expanding trade with you.,We are convinced that with joint efforts business between us will be developed to our mutual benefit.,根据要求,我方另封航邮货号2001和2002样品各一份以供参考。,我方保证你方所有信件会得到迅速办理。,感谢你方九月二日来函并愿意与你方商讨扩大贸易的可能性。,我们相信通过双方的共同努力,贸易往来会朝着互利的方向发展。,Practice Lessons,It will be greatly appreciated if you will give us your cooperation.,Your letter of August 27 addressed to the Import Company has been passed on to us for attention and reply.,如蒙贵方予以合作,将不胜感激。,你方八月二十七日致进口公司的信已转交我公司办理答复。,We will send you our latest sample book under separate _ so as to give you a general idea of our products.,Practice Lessons,Fill in the blanks with proper words:,As we are in your Sports Shoes, please send us your latest catalogues.,We your name and address from the Commercial Counsellors Office in your country and learnt that your are one of the leading buyers of Chinese Leather goods.,As we deal in electric appliances, we shall be pleased to _ business relations with you.,With a view to expanding our business at your end, we are writing to you in the _ _opening up business relations with you.,Specializing in the export of Chinese Leather Shoes, we wish to express our desire to trade with you _ this line.,We shall be very if you would inform us of the credit standing of the company named above.,Please make us your best for Mens shirts.,interested,obtained,establish,hope,in,pleased,cover,quotation,of,Practice Lessons,Through a Chamber of Commerce, We have learned that you are one of the representative importers of electric goods.,We take writing to you with a view to building up business relations with your firm.,Complete the following sentences in English:,We are given to understand that,你公司是经营纺织品的国营公司。,你公司有意在平等互利、互通有无的基础上与我公司建立业务关系。,you are a state-operated corporation handling textiles.,you are interested to establish business relations on the basis of equality, mutual benefit and exchange of needed goods. 。,the,courtesy,of,the,liberty,of,We are desirous of,获得你方最近供应出口的商品目录本和价格表。,与你方建立直接的贸易关系。,Practice Lessons,obtaining your catalogues and price lists covering the items that you can export of late.,entering into direct trade relations with you.,Please do not hesitate to write us,关于推销中国干果的任何建议。,当你方需要订购女式衬衫时。,with regard to any proposal of how to push the sales of Chinese Nuts.,when you need to purchase blouses.,Practice Lessons,As you know,许多外国商人希望通过几宗实际的交易来建立业务关系。,我公司是信誉卓著的纺织品进口商。,我们已经和世界上一百多个国家商号建立了贸易关系。,on the basis of equality, mutual benefit and exchange of needed goods.,many foreign merchants want to establish business relations by the start of some practical transactions.,we are importers of textiles with long-standing and high reputation.,We have established business relations with firms of more than one hundred countries in the world.,We appreciate it very much if you can provide us with,中国儿童服装的目录册两份as soon as possible.,提供你方各类产品的详细情况。,Practice Lessons,two catalogues of Chinese Childrens Garments as soon as possible.,the details covering various kinds of your products.,We are glad that in the past few years,我们之间通过双方努力在业务上和友谊上都有很大的增进。,we have greatly promoted, by joint efforts, both business and friendship to our mutual benefit.,Upon receipt of your specific enquiries,我们即将办理一切必要的事宜。,we shall do all the necessities.,Practice Lessons,我们从中国驻东京大使馆商务参赞处得知贵公司的行名和地址,并了解贵公司是经营家用电器产品有经验的出口商。,Translate the following into English:,我们的一个客户对你们的新产品感兴趣。,我们的一个日本客户想要购买中国红茶。,如你所知,我们的外贸政策是在平等互利的基础上与各国人民做生意。,We owe your name and address to the Commercial Counselors Office of the Chinese Embassy in Tokyo, and that you are well-experienced exporters of Household Electrical Appliance,One of our clients is interested in your new product,One of our Japanese clients is in the market for Chinese Black Tea.,As you know, it is our foreign trade policy to trade with merchants from all over the world on the basis equality and mutual benefit.,我们希望你方尽最大努力促进业务又增进友谊。,谢谢你方来函表示提供服务,我方愿与你方就扩大贸易的可能性进行讨论。,Practice Lessons,We hope you will do your utmost to promote trade as well as friendship.,We thank you for your letter offering your services and should like to discuss the possibility of expanding trade between us.,我们了解到你公司是中国手工艺品的出口商,因此冒味地写信给你。,我们相信,贵我双方的业务将随着时间的推移而得到发展。,We understand that you are exporters of Chinese Arts & Crafts. We, therefore, are taking liberty of writing you.,We are sure that business between us will be promoted in years to come.,Practice Lessons,我们是一家在全世界范围内进行进出口业务的贸易公司。,你方2月15日函悉,并已转交给了上海分公司办理答复,因为你所询 购的商品属于他们经营范围。,Your letter dated 15th Feb. has been passed on to our Shanghai Office for attention and reply, as the goods you inquired for fall within the scope of their business activities.,We are a trading corporation handling the import and export business around world.,Practice,I. Translate the following into English:,执事先生: 本公司是以经营进出口业务以及对外贸易有关的活动为宗旨而建立的。 本公司致力于各国和各地区的贸易和金融界的商业往来。我们将努力与各国扩大经济合作和技术交流,灵活地运用通常而合理的国际惯例。 随函附上公司概况、业务范围和其它方面的小册子一本,仅供参考。 欢迎你方的询价。 谨上,,Practice,Write a letter with the following hints:,经你方商会的介绍,我方欣悉贵公司的行名和地址。,我公司专门经营中国纺织品出口,并愿意在平等互利的基础上与贵公司建立业务关系。,为使贵方对我方产品有全面的了解,我方另函寄去一本目录册及一套小册子以供参考。,4. 如对目录中所列之任何产品感兴趣,请具体询价,我方将立即报价。,望尽快答复。,On the recommendation of your Chamber of Commerce, we have learned with pleasure the name and address of your firm. We wish to inform you that we specialize in the export of Chinese textiles and shall be glad to enter into business relations with you on the basis of equality and mutual benefit. To give you a general idea of our export, we are sending you under separate cover a catalogue together with a range of pamphlets for your reference. Please let us have your specific enquiry if you are interested in any of the items listed in the catalogue. We shall make an offer promptly. We look forward to your early reply.,Key I,Dear Sirs, Our corporation is established for the purpose of carrying on import and export business as well as other activities in connection with foreign trade. We are active in commercial intercourse with the trade and financial


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