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units3-4,A quiz: 1.Look out! Dont get too close to the house _ roof is under repair. A. whose B. which C. of which D. that Look out! Dont get too close to the house _ the roof is under repair. 2.-Do you have anything to say for yourselves? -Yes, theres one point _ we must insist on. A. why B. where C. how D. / 3.We thought there were 35 students in the dining hall, _, in fact, there were 40. A. while B. whether C. what D. which,A,C,D,A,66. compasses 67. total 68.pronounce 69. honest 70. transportation 71. equal 72. Compared 73. deserted 74. similarities 75. vacation,12.分别去度假 13.在几天后 14.离开 15.为某人送行 16.代某人问候 17.把和结合起来 18.另一方面 19.至少 20.也;和一样好 21.去散步 22.获得做某事的机会 23.发生,go on separate holidays in a few days time=in a few days be off see sb off say Hi to sb for sb combinewith on the other hand at least as well as go for walks get the chance to do take place,Phrases: 1.运输方法 2.在2087年 3.体验生活 4.逃离,远离 5.代替 6.接近自然 7.进行体育锻炼 8.当心,警惕 9.防晒 10.沿着河流划船 11.正如一样,means of transportation in the year 2087=in 2087 experience life get away from instead of get close to sth take exercise watch out for=look out for protect sb from the sun paddle down/along rivers as with sth,24.遇上,遭遇 25.答应做, 承诺做 26.着火, 燃烧着的 27. 向推进 28.三思 29.抓住他的手臂 30.把拉起来 31.抓住树 32.靠墙而长 33.站立起来 34.相互对视 35.面显惧色,be caught in promise to do be on fire advance towards think twice seize his arm=seize him by the arm pull sb up hold onto a tree grow against the wall get on ones feet look into each others face with a look of fright,36.即将到来 37.一棵接一棵树 38.通过,经历 39.抓住机会 40.听到这个消息,around the corner tree after tree go through seize the opportunity at the news,1.Jack is considering _(study ) abroad. 2.Dickens is considered_(be) one of the the greatest novelists in the world. 3. Bell is considered _(invent) the first telephone. 4._ his young age, I forgave him for breaking my cup. 5._ that he is a strange here, I decide to show him around.,(to be),studying,to have invented,1. consider,n. Consideration prep./conj considering 考虑到,就而论,take sth into consideration,Considering,Considering,+dong 的动词 avoid, appreciate, admit, delay, enjoy, escape, finish, imagine, keep, mind, miss, practice, quit, risk, stand, suggest,2. unforgettable experience it is to travel on a camel in a desert! A. what B. what an C. How D. How an,experience u.n c.n vt.,经验 经历 经历,体验,experienced adj.,有经验的,be experienced in,3.As soon as we went on _, our ship left port. A. abroad B. broad C. board D. bored,board n.甲板,木板 (go) on board vt. 上(船,飞机等) board a train/plane,4.If you go hiking, you can get close to the nature. Is it possible that everyone can travel in the space.,5. When we after a long walk, we found the children sleeping in beds. A. separated; separate B. separated separated C. separated separated D. separate; separate,5.All the people who have visited our school all say our school is a school with modern _(equip) Our school is _(equip). Though our country is _(equip) advanced weapons, we will not attack other countries,well equipped,equipment,equipped with,be well equipped 装备精良 be equipped with 配备, 装备 a piece of equipment 一件设备,equipment, clothing, baggage, luggage, jewelry, furniture,集体名词,6. The criminal fire to a store and after a moment the whole store fire. A. made a; lit B. set a ; caught C. set ; was on D. caught; was on,关于fire的词组: make (build) a fire light/put out a fire catch fire be on fire set fire to sth=set sth on fire strike fire,生火 点/熄火 着火,燃烧起来 燃烧着的 放火,纵火于 (用火柴)点(擦亮)火,7.他不能出席会议,所以由助手替他。 He couldnt attend the meeting, so his assistant took his place. He couldnt attend the meeting, so his assistant took the place of him. His assistant attended the meeting instead of him because he couldnt attend it. 8.A part of the house had gone down and ,go for go off go out go up go down,应用或适用于/举行,进行 发出声音 熄灭 (价格,水平等)上升, 增长 (价格,温度等)下降/倒下,9. for /against/with We had to struggle _ strong winds all the way home. The poor had to struggle _ a living. Britain fought _ France _ Germany in World War II. Have you been fighting _ your brother again? The black have been fighting _ equal rights. 10.圣诞节又快到了。 Christmas is _.,with/against,with,against,for,against/ with,for,upon us again/around the corner.,once upon a time look down on (upon) depend on (upon),11.You have promised to play tennis,汤姆向他母亲承诺再也不说谎了。 Tom promised his mother never to tell lies. Tom promised his mother that he would never tell lies. 那些云一预示明天可能会下雨。 Those clouds promise rain tomorrow. promise (sb) to do sth promise (sb) that ,答应某人做,make a promise keep ones promise break ones promise,adj. promising 有希望的,有前途的,If I had taken your advice at that time, I would have solved all the difficulties. _ have to take _ jobs so that they can _. We find it necessary to speak good English and operate a computer. We find it is necessary to speak good . We find that speaking good English and operating a computer are both necessary. _ to apologize for what I did the other day.,Most people/Most of the people/The majority of the people,ordinary,support their families,Im writing to you,the things that/which I did,12.-What is this revision like? -_.,What is like?.怎么样?,What is the boy like? _. What does the boy look like? _.,It is good/useful.,He is handsome/honest,He looks like his father/mother,你觉得怎么样? How do you like sth? What do you think of sth? How do you find sth?,人们旅游的原因有很多。,There are many reasons why people travel.,人们旅游的原因是他们可以开阔视野。,The reason why people travel is that they can broad their horizons.,因为这个原因人们旅游。,For this reason, people travel.,这就是他给我的理由。,This is the reason that /which he gave me.,13.,徒步旅行很容易做。 这题很难做。 她很好相处。 这椅子坐起来很舒服。,Hiking is easy to do.,This problem is difficult to do.,She is easy to get along with.,This chair is comfortable to sit in /on.,14.,Before she could move, she heard a loud noise, which grew to a terrible roar.,她来不及细想,洪水就很快接近他了。,before sb can (could) do某人还没有来,Flora heard someone _(shout). Flora often heard the couple _(quarrel). The couple often heard _(quarrel).,hear, see, notice, watch, observe,shouting,quarrel,to quarrel,15.,live &alive &living & lively,a_ fish a fish _ a great _ artist a _ language a _basketball match a basketball match is broadcast _. a _ description of the match,live,alive,living,living,live,live,lively,16.,live adj.有生命的,活得(通常作定语); 现场直播的; adv. 从现场,以直播方式 living adj. 活的,活着的(强调现在的),_ a match _ drum The clock _ twelve. A ball _ me on the head. A typhoon _ this area. Ill _ you in the exam.,strike,beat,struck,hit &strike & beat,hit / struck,beat,strike & beat & hit,17.,Chance & opportunity,_ plays an important p


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