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高中英语必修一全册同步练习(含解析)和高考满分作文:怀想天空(40).单词拼写1On such a sunny day,lying on the beach is really relaxing.2Regular exercise is a part of a healthy lifestyle.3Dont respond to any emails requesting personal information,no matter how official they look.4Dad is afraid of waking up late,so he always has an alarm at the end of his bed.5The manager always has a lot of things to do.He lives a stressful life.6I often miss my grandmother who lives in a remote(遥远的)mountain village.7Sue bought a portable(手提式的)computer so that she could carry it here and there.8Wait a moment.I have something urgent(紧急的)to discuss with you.9This evening,my secretary will send you my documents(文件)by email.10Many people now often complain(抱怨)that there are always too many ads on TV.单句语法填空1I want to listen to some latest news.Please turn on the radio.2She took off her coat and hung it on the wall.3Fish cant live without water.4I tried my best to study so that I made great progress.5No delay!We urgently(urgent) need these books.6Whats the matter with you?Nothing.7You were supposed(suppose)to come here an hour ago.8Your complaint(complain)may make the manager angry.What he needs is your solution.9The bottle is filled(fill) with fruit juice.10They plan to get married(marry) in this spring.阅读理解In 2012,Anshu Gupta and his wife Meenakshi heard about an earthquake and they wanted to help the victims (受害者)by donating clothes.As the Guptas looked at their collected clothing,they were surprised.They had so many extra clothes!The Guptas began to wonder how many people just left these clothes in their homes.Gupta remembered one time when he visited a village after an earthquake.He saw an aid organization throw clothes at the people from a truck without any care or respect for how the people felt.The people were so shocked and troubled by this event that they would not use the clothes.As Anshu and Meenakshi looked at the clothes,they had an idea.They wanted to start a new clothing organization which collects clothing all yearnot just at times of crisis (危机)So the Guptas began their organization and called it GOONJ.GOONJ encourages people with more than enough clothes to donate.It also wants to change the way people think about giving away clothes.One of the biggest problems with clothes donation is that you give what you have,not give what people need.Often,you do not give away old clothes as a gift.Instead,you just throw them away.But someone who is using yoursecond hand used material is doing you a service.They are extending(延长)the life of a material.“We need to move the importance away from the givers pride,” Anshu Gupta said.GOONJ hopes to make sure the clothing is given to people who can use it,so it sorts the clothing.GOONJ does not give the clothes away for free.Instead,it helps organize projects that improve the community (社区)People receive clothes in return for their community work.Gupta believes this helps the receiver have respect because they have earned the clothes.It also helps the receiver be proud of what they have done to help their community.1What happened in the aid event?AThe donated clothes couldnt meet the victims needs.BA truck with clothes got into trouble in a village.CThe victims threw away the donated clothes.DThe victims were badly treated.解析:推理判断题。根据第二段描述的救援组织毫不尊重地震受害者乱扔捐赠的衣服可知。答案:D2The organization GOONJ aims to .Aprovide clothes for people in needBgather clothes in a special wayChelp earthquake victimsDserve the community解析:细节理解题。根据第三段的“GOONJ encourages people with more than enough clothes to donate.”可知。答案:A3We can learn from the text that GOONJ is .AattractiveBinterestingCmysterious Dconsiderate解析:推理判断题。根据最后一段GOONJ为了使捐赠的衣服物尽其用对衣服进行分类整理;为了让领取衣服的人感觉受到尊重组织活动,从以上可知,GOONJ考虑很周到。答案:D4Whats the best title for the text?AThe Guptas BHelping handCLove in the world DClothes and respect解析:标题归纳题。文章主要讲述了捐赠的衣服以及接受者的尊严问题,故D项概括了文章主旨。答案:D.完形填空If you make a close friend in school,you will be the most fortunate.A true friend is someone who stays with you for life. 1 teaches that this is right.A good friendship is not easily 2 .It is possible that we simply do not stay in one place long enough for a 3 friendship to develop.However,there can be 4 disagreement on the need for each of us to think carefully about the kinds of friendships we 5 .To most of us, 6 are considered very important,but we need to be clear in our 7 the kinds of friendships we want.Are they to be close or 8 at arms length? Do we want to 9 ourselves or do we want to walk on the surface? For some people,many friendships on the surface are 10 enough and thats all right.But at some point,we need to 11 that our expectations are the same as our friends expectations.The sharing of personal experience of our tears as well as our dark dreams is the 12 way to deepen friendships.But it 13 be undertaken slowly and carried on only if there are 14 of interest and action in return.What are some of the 15 of friendship? The greatest is the attraction to expect too much too soon. Deep relationships 16 time.Another “major difficulty” is the selfishness to think one “possesses” the other,including his time and attention.Similarly,friendships 17 actions in return.In 18 words,you must give as much as you take.Finally there is a question of taking care of the friendship.Unless you spend 19 time together,talking on the phone,and writing letters,friendships will die 20 .语篇解读本文主要讲述了友谊的重要性,详细阐述了建立友谊的过程中需要注意的一些问题。1A.KnowledgeBTeachersCExperience DParents解析:句意:真正的朋友是一生忠实于你的人,这是从生活经验中总结出来的。答案:C2A.understood BformedCrealized Dproduced解析:句意:建立真正的友谊并不容易。form形成,建立。答案:B3A.true BcommonCdeeply Dactually解析:“a true friendship”与上文的“a good friendship”一致。答案:A4A.no BsomeCany Dnone解析:句意:然而,我们每个人都有必要认真考虑我们需要什么样的友谊,在这一点上不应该有分歧。答案:A5A.obtain BapplyCwant Dappeal解析:根据句意和下文第7空后面的“the kinds of friendships we want”可知。答案:C6A.disagreements BfriendshipsCexpectations Drelationships解析:文章的话题是友谊,故选B。答案:B7A.hearts BthoughtsCactions Dminds解析:in our minds“在头脑中”。句意:但是在头脑中我们要清楚我们需要什么样的友谊。答案:D8A.remained BleftCstayed Dkept解析:keep “保持”,为及物动词,可用被动语态。文中表示“使友谊保持一定的距离”。答案:D9A.own BoweCshare Dspare解析:share ourselves 指朋友之间相互分享。答案:C10A.that BveryCnot Dquite解析:根据句子下文“and thats all right”可知,对很多人来说,表面上的友谊就足够了。答案:D11A.make sure BrememberCexpect Dcheck out解析:根据上下文可知,我们应确保我们的期望值和朋友的期望值一样。答案:A12A.easiest BsimplestCsurest Dhardest解析:彼此分享朋友的经历应该是最可靠的加深友谊的办法。答案:C13A.can BneedCwill Dmust解析:句意:但这种分享活动必须在对方有同样的兴趣和行动回报你的迹象时慢慢地进行。答案:D14A.marks BsightsCscenes Dsigns解析:sign 迹象;mark 符号,标记;sight 视力,景象;scene 景色,场面。答案:D15A.difficulties BdifferencesCadvantages Dthings解析:本段讲述的是影响友谊发展的困难,即“the attraction to expect too much too soon”和“the selfishness to think one possesses the other”,根据本段第四句也可得到暗示。答案:A16A.cost BspendCask Dtake解析:句意:发展深层友谊需要时间。答案:D17A.require BrequestCdepend Dsuggest解析:句意:类似地,友谊需要有回报的行为。require 这里相当于need。答案:A18A.some BmanyCother Ddifferent解析:in other words 换句话说,属于固定短语。答案:C19A.enough BcomfortableCless Da lot解析:句意:除非你花足够的时间,通过电话、书信交流,友谊才会经久不衰。答案:A20A.for BawayCout Dfrom解析:die away“逐渐消失、停止”,符合语境。die for “为而死”, die out “灭绝”,die from “死于”。答案:B.语法填空A Couch PotatoWhen I wake up,I turn 1.on the television and watch the childrens 2.programmes(programme) and old movies 3.until about halfpast ten.Then I get up,go downstairs and switch on the TV in the 4.living(live) room.During lunch,I watch the news.In the afternoon,I watch some good old films.In the evenings,I often watch soap operas.At nine thirty,if there is a good play on BBC 2,I switch 5. over and watch it.I usually switch 6.off the TV at about two oclock.When I take Tina,the dog,for a walk every afternoon,I always take my 7.portable(portability) TV and I sit on the wall while the dog walks round in a circle.My wife makes it possible for me 8.to live(live) this lifestyle. We dont have much money,but were happy.Sit down and watch TV.Here is 9.the remote control.Youve got the world at your 10.feet(foot)And in your hand.Great!.短文改错Here are the information about Manchester University.It is about 200 miles far away from London,and it has the very big schoolyard.You can live in the school or near the school.They have all sorts of course.Im sure you will find one you like it.I know you are particularly interesting in human rights.So I will see that there is anything on their website.Ill send my friend Charlie meet you at the airport when you arrived.You met him a few years ago,but he had changed a lot since then.Both your aunt or I look forward to seeing you again.答案:Here areis the information about Manchester University.It is about 200 miles far away from London,and it has thea very big schoolyard.You can live in the school or near the school.They have all sorts of coursecourses.Im sure you will find one you like it .I know you are particularly interestinginterested in human rights.So I will see thatwhether/if there is anything on their website.Ill send my friend Charlieto meet you at the airport when you arrivedarrive.You met him a few years ago,but he hadhas changed a lot since then.Both your aunt orand I look forward to seeing you again.单词拼写1Shall we have some cakes or bread?I prefer cakes.2Jack was under pressure from his father to study abroad.3All of us should have a balanced diet(饮食)4The pop star is popular among young people.He has a good social(社交的)life.5I think we must reduce(降低)our prices,or spend more money on advertising.单句语法填空1Its relaxing to lie(lie) on the beach on a sunny day.2My sister prefers dancing(dance) to drawing(draw)3Who can stand having(have) dinner with him?4Andrew prefers that they should not go(go) to the concert.5We are all members of society(social).阅读理解One day,a man stopped his car at the traffic lights.The woman in front of his car was going through some newspapers in her car,and when the lights changed to green she didnt go.A green light is more of an order than a suggestion,but she didnt notice.When the lights turned red again,the woman still had not moved.The man in the car behind now started shouting and hitting his steering wheel (方向盘)A policeman knocked on his window and asked for his driving license.“You cant fine me for what I am doing in my own car!” said the driver.The policeman replied,“I didnt want to fine you for shouting in your car.But I was directly behind you at the light,and when I saw your behaviour I said to myself,That man is out of control.Hes going to hurt someone!Then I noticed the cross hanging from your rear view mirror (后视镜),the bright yellow Love Is a Choice license tag,the Give Peace a Chance and Patience Changes Things stickers.So I thought you might have stolen the car.”The_mans_behaviour_did_not_reflect_his_car_stickers.But are we always who we want to be? Personal change can happen when we act like the person we hope to be.The important question is not “Who are you today?” but “Who will you be tomorrow?”语篇解读红灯时,一男子的车子停在了一位女士开的车子的后面。绿灯亮了,女士没有反应,使得男子非常恼火,他在车里大喊大叫,拍打方向盘。不一会警察来了,警察不是因为他的大喊大叫等粗鲁行为罚他,而是因为他的行为与他车子上贴了很多人生信条的行为大相径庭。1When the lights turned green,_.A. the man was reading a newspaperBthe policeman went up to the mans carCthe woman didnt noticeDthe man started shouting解析:细节理解题。从第一段“The woman in front of his car was going through some newspapers in her car,and when the lights changed to green she didnt go.”可知那位女士在绿灯亮的时候在看报纸,没有注意到灯,故选C。答案:C2The man shouted in his car because _.Ahis steering wheel didnt workBthe car in front was in the wayCthe police wouldnt let him goDthe police thought he was a thief解析:细节理解题。从第二段可知,路灯从绿又变红,前面的车始终没动,那位男子按捺不住,开始在车里大吼,敲打方向盘。答案:B3The policeman went up to the mans car to _.Aget the man under controlBgive the man a ticketCtell the man to drive off right awayDfind out if the man had stolen the car解析:推理判断题。从倒数第二段警察说的话“Then I noticed the cross hanging from your rear view mirror,the bright yellow Love Is a Choicelicense tag,theGive Peace a Chance and Patience Changes Thingsstickers.So I thought you might have stolen the car.”可知警察调查这名男子是因为怀疑这辆车可能是他偷的。故选D。答案:D4The underlined sentence in the last paragraph probably means _.Athe man didnt know what he wanted to beBthe man didnt want to change himselfCthe man still wasnt the person he hoped to beDthe man didnt understand the meaning of the stickers解析:句子理解题。贴在车上的车贴是男子对自己的心理期待,所以划线部分的引申义是“男子没有成为自己希望的那样”。答案:C.阅读填空How to Become a Top StudentSuccessful students use different techniques to study,which brings them more success.1 Here are the four techniques almost all top?performing students use.They are regular.Almost all successful students study regularly,because they know “what you give is what you get”If you put in regular hours of studying,then you will learn more and get better grades.2 This will help you to study regularly.They have clear goals.All top?performing students have definite,specific goals.3 They motivate you and drive you to study more.But make sure that you do not get carried away.Set realistic goals which can challenge you,but do not seem impossible or too difficult to achieve.They study without strain (压力)Successful students study a lot.But they study without putting strain on themselves.Most students make the mistake of studying too hard or studying continuously for a long time.4 Studying should be done in a balanced manner.Take a break for a few minutes,after studying for 30 or 45 minutes.Relax,walk around your room or house,or drink some water and return to studying.Such short breaks will refresh your brain and you will learn more.5 Studying is not something you do just because your parents ask you to do it.Its actually very important for you.Studying gives you knowledge and skills that will remain with you for the rest of your life.It gives you the ability to get a job and earn money.And successful students recognize the value of studying well.AThis creates tension and actually slows down learning and memory.BBut to score A grade in English,you should make well?planned efforts.CSet aside some hours,each day or each week,for studying.DHaving such goals gives you a purpose to study better.ELearn their techniques,and you will also join their rank.FThey finish their homework on time.GThey give importance to study.答案:15 ECDAG.语法填空W:Peter,where is your car? I havent seen you drive to work for a long time! Did it break downor did somebody steal it?M:Of course not!I 1._(give)up driving to work.Ive been riding my bike to work recently.W:Why?M:Well,my office is just 2._ stones throw from my home.3._(ride)my bike is 4._(convenient)than driving and finding a parking place.W:Really?But it would take you at least 25 minutes 5._(ride) to your company from here.M:Yes,sometimes 30 minutes.6._ I love riding to work now.I love the fresh airriding my bike helps me feel energetic.By the time I reach the office I have so much 7._(energetic)I dont even need coffee 8._(keep)me awake for the morni


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