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山济宁市2019年高中阶段学校招生考试英语试题一、听力选择(15分)(一)请听录音中八组短对话。每组对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中,选出与对话内容相符的图片或能回答所给问题的最佳答案。 (每组对话读两遍)1、Who are the speakers talking about?2. Wat is in ghe fridge?3. How did the man get into his house?4. How often does Lily go to see Beijing Opera? A.Once a week B.Once a month C. Twice a month5. What does the man want to do? A. Talk to the woman B.Have a meeting C. See the woman later6. Why does the man come to the shop? A. To buy a mobile phone B. To repair his mobile phone C. To change for another mobile phone7. What can we know from the dialogue? A. The weather is terrible today. B. The traffic is heavy at the time C. There is much noise in the street8. What does the man mean? A.He worked hard on his job. B.He got help from the woman. C.He needed more time to study.(二)请听录音中两段较长的对话。每组对话后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中,选出能回答所给问题的最佳答案。 (每组对话读两遍)听第一段较长的对话,完成第911三个小题。9. Who are the speakers holding a party for? A. Jackson B. Maria C.Tim10. Where will they hold the party? A.At the Parkers B.At the hotel C.At Jacksons home11. When will the party begin? A.At 5:30 B.At 6:00 C.At 8:30听第二段较长的对话,完成第1215三个小题。12. What is Mike doing now? A.Trying to sleep B.Chatting online C.Playing computer games13. What can help Mike fall asleep according to the woman? A.Going to bed early B. Listening to soft music C. Drinking a glass of milk14.What will Mike do tomorrow? A. Have classes B. Go to a concert C. Attend the sports meeting15.What is the relationship between the two speakers? A. Wife and husband B.Mom and son C.Teacher and student.二、阅读理解(共15小题计30分)阅读下列短文,从每小题A.B.C.D四个选项中,选出能因答所提问题的最佳等案。AMISSINGCAT We cannot find our cat!We miss him very much.Please help us!How he LooksHe is brown and white.His front paws are white like boxing gloves. His name is Boxer.How he soundsBoxer is big, but the cries like a kitten(幼猫). If you hear a tiny meow and see that it is coming from a big, strong cat, then you have found Boxer!IF you see HIMPlease call 55-5555 or bring him to our house at 10 Cherry Lane. We will give you a reward.16 What is the purpose of the material above?A.To sell a cat. B.To buy a cat. C. To show a lovely cat. D. To find a missing cat.17. Which of the following is completely right about the cat?NameBoxerColorBrown & whiteSize Tiny SoundLike a baby catA. B.NameBoxerColorBrown & whiteSize Big SoundLike a baby catNameMissing cat ColorBrown & whiteSize Big SoundLoud C. D. NameMissing cat ColorBrown & whiteSize Big SoundLike a baby catNameMissing cat ColorBrown & whiteSize Big SoundLoud18. What should you do if you see the at?A Leave him alone B Bring him to the police C. Keep him in your house D. Either call or see the owner.BJosh: Do you know about pay it forward coffee” at Florn Cafe?Eric: You mean volunteers pay for a cup of coffee for someone poor to have it later?Josh: Yeah. A cup of coffee is not much, but on cold winter days like today, it might warm them up a little. And maybe their hearts too. Eric: But will Flora Cale really give this cup of coffee to someone later?Josh: Come on. Ive known the shopkeeper well. Hes an honest man. Hes got a blackboard in the shop that says how many cups are paid for and how many have been given out. Eric: But how will they know who to give? Anyone can ask for it, even if theyre not poor.Josh: True, but then I guess theyll just have to believe in people.Eric: Perhaps. But will poor people go and ask for a free coffee? Wont they worry about losing face?Josh: Why do you always say things like that? Eric: Well. it may happenJosh: Yeah, I know. but I still think its a good thing to do. and it gets people to care about others.19 Who pays forward for the coffee?A Josh and Eric B The shopkeeper. C The volunteers D Josh and his family20. Who is supposed to drink the free coffee? A Someone who paid it forward. B Someone who have warm hearts. C Someone who cannot afford it. D Someone who come in on cold days.21. Whet does the underlined part “things like that” refer to?A Time and places to offer the coffee. B Problems about the free coffee plan.C Ways to improve the free coffee plan D Good things about the free coffee plan.22 What can we learn about Joh and Eric?A Josh worries about losing face. B Erie knows the shopkeeper well.C They both believe most people are honest. D They have different opinions about the plan.CIn a rainforest there are tall trees. The top of these trees is called the canopy. Scientists want to learn about the canopy. They want to learn about everything that lives there. But it has not been easy to get to the canopy.Meg is an American biologist, ecologist, explorer, writer, educator, and public speaker. Since she knows a lot about trees, she is sometimes called Canopy Meg. Meg has always liked trees. When she was a child, she made tree houses. Now, she has climbed to the top of trees all over the world and does great research, so she has got a nickname called “Einstein of the treetops.”Walkways in the rainforest were Megs idea. Now, they are used by many people. A walkway is like a bridge that goes between the trees. It is safe and it doesnt harm the trees. A walkway, however, cannon help scientists reach the top.One way to reach the top is by a light raft filled with air. It has a huge net on it. A hot air balloon drops the raft onto the trees. Scientists can stand on the raft and look into the trees.A tower crane is also a good way to get to the top. It can go above the tree tops. It can go all the way down to the ground, too. Scientists are learning about life in the canopy. They have learned there are millions of insects that are eating leaves in these treetops.Megs job is to keep finding out more. She wants to help find the secrets of treetops. There are still millions of animals that no one has seen. Many of them are in the treetops.23. What do scientists go to the treetops for?A To build walkways there. B To learn about the rainforest. C To study living things there. D To look at the things far away.24. Why is Meg called Einstein of the treetops?A Because she has always liked trees.B Because she made tree houses in her childhoodC Because she is an American biologist and explorer.D Because she does great scientific research on treetops25. How many ways of getting to the treetops are mentioned in the passage?A One B Two. C Three. D. Four26. Which picture does a walkway look like?A. B. C. D. DWe all need cash(现金) in order to live our live. However. something called digital currency is slowly taking the place of cash. A currency is kind of money. Usually, we use currency when we talk about a countrys money. If something is digital, it only exists(存在) on a computer. So digital currency” means money that only exists on computers. Lots of people have digital currency accounts(账户). They use a credit card(信用卡) to change their real money into digital money, and then the money goes into the digital currency account. A lot of people wonder, “Why in the world should I change my real money into digital currency? This is a fair question, but theres a good answer. If you want to buy something online, then you usually have to use digital currency. For example. If youre in Chins and you want to buy something in Canada, then youll have to pay with the digital currency.Many people still dont trust digital currency. Some people think that if they cant bold their money in their band, then it doesnt seem real. These people dont feel comfortable when they see numbers on a computer screen. The computer tells them that their money is safe but these people dont really feel safe. Another problem is security(安全). There are hackers all over the world. A hacker is a person who steals computer information. If a hacker gets the password of your digital currency account, he or she can steal your money.You have to decide whether or not you trust this new invention. Just remember one thing: If you want to buy something online, then you probably wont have a choice. Youll have to use digital currency.27. What does Para. 1 mainly tell us?A What digital currency is. B How to use digital currency. C Why we all need cash to live. D Where to find digital currency.28. What is the good answer to the question in Para. 2? A You cannot shop online without digital currency. R You cannot buy anything in China with real money.C You cannot buy anything in Canada without digital currency.D You can use both real money and digital currency to shop online.29. What is the first problem mentioned in Para.3?A Digital currency is not safe enough.B Many people still dont trust digital currency.C Some people cant hold their money in their hand.D Some people dont feel comfortable with numbers.30, Which of the following is the best title for the passage?A Two kinds of money B The end of real money C Currency around the world D Money that you cant touch第二卷(非选择题共55 分)三.听力填词(共5小题计5分)请听下面一段独白。根据所听到的内容,写出可以填人下表15空格处的道当单词,每空限填词,(独白读两遍)温馨提示:sign up签约The Great Farm Camp When to startOn1._ 24th .What to doFeed animals such as cows and 2._.How to joinCome to 3. _Foothill Road.Bring a 4. _to the Great Farm office and sign up.What to wearJeans and a 5._.四、单词拼写与运用(共8小题,计8分)根据句意完成已给出肖字母或汉语提示的单词,使补全后的句子意思通质,语法正确,1. M_is the day after Sunday and before Tuesday.2. China is the biggest country in A_.3. The young man was b_ enough to save his neighbors from a fire! 4. A_ all the school subjects, English in my favorite.5. It is very relaxing for me to_ (躺) on a soft sofa after a long time study.6. Its a_(健康的) habit to do some exercise every day.7. Many classic Chinese poems are_(广泛地) spread in the world.8. Wang Feng showed his super_(记忆力) in the program Super Brain五、语法填空(共10小题,计10分)阅读下面短文 在空白处填人 1个透当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式.A As we all know, Wang Xuan was a very famous computer scientist and inventor in the world. He is famous _1_the Chinese Language Laser typesetting (激光照排系统),Laser typesetting for Chinese language was a serious problem for scientists all over the world. But Wang Xuan was not afraid to try new technology. Although he_2_ (fail) many times, he never gave up. He is believed to be the _3_ (important) developer in printing Chinese after Bi Sheng. Now, Wang Xuans amazing invention _4_ (use) all over the world.Wang Xuans story teaches us that a person _5_ (follow) him own dream and try his best to make it come true.BChinas first set of AI(人工智能) textbooks _6_ (come) into the classrooms of primary and secondary school soon in many parts of China. The AI textbooks have already appeared in Shanghai and some experts _7_ (test) some of them. Its said that these AI textbooks are popular with local students.It is reported that_8_ (hundred) of schools in China will use the textbooks for primary and secondary school students in 2019. These schools plan_9_(use) them in some of their classes as an experimentIn fact, AI has brought huge benefits(好处) to the education field. Students can not only choose _10_ (they) own ways to study, but also can study at home without going to school.六完形填空(共7小题计7分)阅读下面短文,从方框中选择适当的词语填空,方框中有两个词语为多余选项。action; alone; care, other, praise, unexpected, when, for sure, for a whileMost people think children only have some simple wishes, such as getting delicious snacks and having enough playtime. But one six-year-old girl named Peyton surprised everyone by making a(n)_ 1 _decision.Peytons teacher Tara promised Peyton a reward in a class: choose to sit with whoever she wanted at lunch. Mrs. Tara thought_ 2_ that she knew who Peyton would pick(挑选). However, Mr. Tara was surprised by Peyton_3_ she picked a little boy who never got picked by anyone for anything. The boy was very shy, and he was_4_all the time Peytons decision really made his day. Since then, _5_ children have started picking the boy as well. Now, he is a completely different child.Mrs. Tara says that Peyons_6_ reminds her why she loves teaching. People on the Internet also_7_ the little girl for her kindness. Peyton shows us that a simple act of kindness can change a persons life. 七 阅读表达(共5小题计10分)阅读短文,根据要求完成文后的题目。Tom works in a big company and he is often very busy. One day, when he came out of the office, it was late in the evening. There was too busy at that moment, so he had to walk home. The street was very dark and he could hardly see anything. So he had to walk along slowly and carefully.Juts at that time, Tom found a man with a lantern coming in the distance. “If I go with that person, I will be able to see well, he thought.When the man with a lantern got nearer, Tom found he was coming with a cane(手杖) in his hand. Tom thought this was strange and asked, “Why are you walking so slowly with a cane when you have a lantern?” The man said, You know, Im blind. That is why I use thins cane to walk. Tom laughed, Ha,


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