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CHINESE CALLIGRAPHY & PAINTING 书法与国画,BRUSHES,The brushes should be soaked in water for 10-15 minutes prior to their first use. After each use, the brushes should be cleaned and the original point“ can be reestablished simply by using your fingers to create a point while still wet.,INK GRINDING STONE,INK STICKS,The“ trick“ is to use very little water. Water should be “dripped“ upon the stone surface. The ink stick should be rubbed against the moistened stone surface in a circular manner. Depending upon the desire for color intensity the artist will dip the brush upon different areas of the stone. The more water, the less intense the color of the black ink. Ink will collect in the small reservoir of the stone, but it also can be drawn from the overall rock surface. The ink should be kept away from the face.,PAPER,Special types of paper are used in East Asian calligraphy. In China, Xuanzhi (宣紙) is the preferred type of paper. It is made from the Tartar wingceltis, as well as other materials including rice, the paper mulberry, bamboo, hemp, etc.,HOW TO HOLD THE BRUSH,It is best to hold the brush using the forefinger and the thumb. The brush can then rest against the middle finger. The brush should be held upright arm and elbow raised with the hand not touching the paper. The brush should always be held at a point slightly above center allowing for more controlled movements.,Getting ink,COME TO OUR CALLIGRAPHY DESK,GET YOUR NAME TRANSLATED INTO CHINESE WRITTEN OUT BEAUTIFULLY BY OUR CALLIGRAPHER,CHINESE PAPER-CUT,剪纸,They were used for religious and ceremonial purposes. They have special significance on festivals and holidays. It is customary to decorate entrances with paper cuts during the Spring Festival to celebrate the Chinese New Year. The paper cuts are supposed to bring good luck.,One of Chinas most popular folk arts is paper- cut,Red paper is commonly used, since red is the most auspicious color in CHINA,.,However, multi-colored paper cuts can also be found.,Tools: Knife,Scissors,3-D,恭喜发财 Kung Hei Fat Choy May Prosperity Be With You,5 TIGERS BY A 70-YEAR-OLD LADY,COME AND WORK ON A CHINESE PAPERCUT WITH US AND BRING HOME A BEAUTIFUL PIECE OF YOUR OWN ARTWORK (at our “hands-on” table),SPRING,Traditional Chinese painting,Other Famous Chinese paintings,竹 石 咬定青山不放松, 立根原在破岩中, 千磨万击还坚劲, 任尔东西南北风。 郑燮,Xu Beihong (18951953),A contemporary artist,徐悲鸿(18951953),是兼采中西艺术之长的现代绘画大师,美术教育家。徐悲鸿擅长中国画,油画,尤精素描。他的画作满含激情,技巧极高。著名油画有溪我后,田横五百士,国画有九方皋,愚公移山,会师东京等。最能反映徐悲鸿个性,表达他思想感情的莫过於他写马的画卷。他对马的肌肉,骨骼以及神情动态,作过长期的观察研究,画了数以千计的速写。所以他画的马图笔墨酣畅,奔放处不狂狷,精微处不琐屑,筋强骨壮,气势磅礴,形神俱足。另有一些人物,狮,猫等题材作品,也是质优量大。他的绘画创作坚持“师法造化,寻求真理”的原则。,black and white,colourful,Qi Baishi 18631957,齐白石,原名纯芝,字谓清、兰亭,湖南湘潭人,长期侨居北京。曾担任中央美术学院名誉教授、中国美术家协会主席、中央文史馆研究馆员、北京中国画研究会主席、北京中国画院名誉院长,第一届全国人大代表。1953年中央文化部授予“人民艺 术家”称号。1955年德意志民主共


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