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20182019学年第一学期第二次月考试卷高一英语考试时间:120分钟 总分:120分 一、第一部分:阅读理解 (共两节,满分40分)第一节:阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分。)ALOST AND FOUNDFound: Is this your watch? Please call Paul. Phone number: 439-6175.Lost: My backpack. Blue with a duck (鸭子)on it. My name is Linda. Phone number: 416-3592.Found: Is this your English-Chinese dictionary? Red. Under my desk. Please call Alan. Phone number: 485-7700.Lost: My school ID card. My name is Jim. Please call 465-0921.Found: Is this your cat(猫). Its white and black. Please call Gina. Phone number: 458-3216.1. If your watch is lost, you should call _to ask.A. 439-6157 B. 485-7700 C. 458-3216 D. 439-61752. Lindas _ is lost.A. duck B. cat C. blue backpack D. ID card3. Alan found an English-Chinese dictionary _.A. on his desk B. under his desk. C. in his desk D. at his desk4. If you find a school ID card, it may be_.A. Alans B. Jims C. Pauls D. Ginas5. Gina found_.A. a white and black cat B. a blue backpackC. a red dictionary D. a yellow watchBOne day Mrs. Wilson went shopping with Tracy and Ben. They went to the supermarket in the new shopping center. “Why do you buy things here?” Tracy wanted to know. “ Because they are cheaper here than at the corner store near our home.” Mrs. Wilson said. “Help me check the prices, please.”The Wilsons were not rich and Mrs. Wilson was always careful with her money. She looked carefully at the prices of things. She bought lots of things in the supermarket. When they got home, the children said, “We dont think you saved money by going to the supermarket.” “Of course I did.” Mrs. Wilson said. “Everything was cheaper there.” “We know,” the children said, “But we came home by taxi because we had too much to carry. The taxi fare was more than the money that you save.” Mrs. Wilson added everything up. Her children were right.6. The things at the corner store were _ than those in the supermarket.Acheaper Bnicer Cmore expensive D. better7. Mrs. Wilson _ in the end.A. paid more money B. paid less moneyC. lost some money D. saved a little money8. From the passage we know the children were _.Ahappy B. clever C. tired D. lazy9. Mrs. Wilson will _.Anever call a taxiBgo on buying things in the supermarketCbuy things near her homeDnot go shopping with her children10. The best title for the passage is _.Acutting price Bcorner StoreCsupermarket DshoppingCAn earthquake (地震) may happen at any time. Its best for us to know what to do, where to be safe and who to contact during the earthquake. The following information will help you.Remember: Prepare your personal earthquake bag. Collect these items and keep them somewhere near you. Water ,food ,medicine ,mobile phone ,torch (手电筒) ,personal washing things, blanket ,money. Remember: Drop; Hide; Hold and Contact. Drop to the floor and protect your head and neck with your arms. Hide yourself beside something like a table, a bed and so on. Hold the furniture so that you wont move away during the earthquake. Contact family friends to tell them where you are. Remember: Never do these things. Stand close to the buildings (because they may fall on you.) Stand under the trees or signs (because its better for you to stand in an open space.) Go too close to the power lines (电线) ( because you may be badly hurt by electricity.)11. The underlined word contact in the passage most probably means _ in Chinese.A. 联络 B. 求救 C. 接触 D. 帮助12. According to the passage, how many items should be kept in your personal earthquake bag?A. Six. B. Seven. C. Eight. D. Nine.13. We should hold the furniture so that _.A. we wont move away during the earthquake B. we can hide under itC. it can protect our heads and necksD. we can protect the furniture14. It is safer for you to stand _ during the earthquake.A. close to a building B. in an open space C. beside power lines D. under a tree15. Which is the best title of this passage?A. The Reasons of the Earthquake. B. Different Kinds of Earthquakes. C. The Personal Earthquake Bag. D. Its better to be Safe than Sorry.第二节、补全对话,选项中有两项为多余选项。 (每小题2分,共10分)A: Hello, long time no see. You look a little fat.(16).B: What food should I eat?A: I think you shouldnt eat junk food. (17).B: Are hamburgers junk food? I like them very much.(18).A: No, you cant.(19). B: OK. I will try to eat more healthy food.A:(20). It can help you keep healthy, too. B: Thank you very much. A: Not at all.第二部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节:完型填空(共20小题,每小题1.5分,满分30分)If you have ever been discouraged(灰心的) because of failure, please read this article. Successfully finishing what you set out to do is not the 21_thing. Let me explain.Two brothers 22 _to dig a deep hole behind their house. As they were 23_, a couple of older boys stopped by to 24_. “What are you doing?” asked one of the visitors. “We are digging a hole all the way through the 25_,” one of the brothers said 26_. The older boys began to 27_, telling the younger ones that it was 28_. After a long 29_, one of the diggers picked up a jar (罐子) full of spiders and insects. He took away the cover and 30_the wonderful contents to the visitors. Then other said quietly and confidently, “31_we cant dig all the way through the earth, look what we 32_along the way!”They were far too 33_, so they continued to dig. And that is what a(n) 34_is for to cause us to move in the direction we have chosen! But not every goal will be fully 35_. Not every love will last. Not every job will be finished 36_. Perhaps you can say, “Look at the 37_things which have come into my life because I 38_to do something” when you 39_to reach your goal. I believe it is the 40_on the journey, in the end, that truly matters.21. A. difficult B. proper C. common D. important22. A. preferred B. continued C. decided D. managed 23. A. working B. travelling C. standing D. waiting 24. A. help B. watch C. learn D. smile 25. A. earth B. park C. street D. mountain26. A. nervously B. excitedly C. suddenly D. easily27. A. complain B. leave C. play D. laugh28. A. terrible B. simple C. impossible D. dangerous29. A. practice B. discussion C. meeting D. silence30. A. sold B. sent C. showed D. gave31. A. Even if B. As if C. Because D. When32. A. guessed B. found C. made D. expected 33. A. determined B. careful C. strong D. strange34. A. plan B. reason C. goal D. interest35. A. set B. changed C. known D. achieved36. A. luckily B. secretly C. successfully D. freely 37. A. wonderful B. easy C. popular D. new38. A. agreed B. tried C. prepared D. learned39. A. refuse B. forget C. hate D. fail40. A. knowledge B. joy C. courage D. prize第二节:用单词的适当形式填空。(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)41. Our parents are _ (关心) about our health.42. Try to keep _ (镇静)and just tell me what happened.43. The soldier _(逃跑)from the enemys prison.44. She has changed so much that I can hardly_(辨认出)her.45. Finally she _(说服) him into going to the hospital.46. _ (事实上),each language has its own spelling, usage and expression. 47. Years of fighting has left the area in _(废墟).48. She sat there,_ (陷入) in thought.49. Nelson Mandela has_(奉献) his life to his country. 50. The company would _(奖励) him for his efforts.第三部分 单句改错 每一句有一处错误。(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)51. His school education added up in no more than one year.52. She is accustomed to go to bed and getting up early.53. This was a time when the Blacks were unequal treated.54. Only by reading widely can we gain more knowledges. 55.A large number of books have stolen from the library.56.He is the teacher what you can depend on.57.He put his heart into the work but always worked until midnight.58.She became famous person at home and abroad.59.Li Ming reminded him the bad effect of smoking.60. The boss ordered that the task was completed by noon.第四部分 书面表达 (满分20分) 假定你是李华,你的英国朋友Peter来信向你咨询如何学习中文。请根据下列要点给他写一封回信。要点:1.参加中文学习班;2.多看中文书刊、报纸和电视BAOZHI、电to know. ere near you.w- 23 - 23 - 23 - 23 - 23 - 23 - 23 - 23 - 23 - 23 - 23 - 23 - 23 - 23 - 23 - 23 - 23 - 23 - 23 - 23 - 23 - 23 - 23 - 23 - 23 - 23 - 23 - 23 - 23 - 23 - 23 - 23 - 23 - 23 - 23 - 23 - 23 - 23 - 23 - 23 - 23 - 23 - 23 - 23 - 23 - 23 - 23 - 23 - 23 - 23 - 23 - 23 - 23 - 23 - 23 - 23 - 23 - 23 - 23 - 23 - 23 - 23 - 23 - 23 - 23 - 23 - 23 - 23 - 23 - 23 - 23 - 23 - 23 - 23 - 23 - 23 - 23 - 23 - 23 - 23 - 23 - 23 - 23 - 23 - 23 - 23 - 23 - 23 - 23 - 23 - 23 - 23 - 23 - 23 - 23 - 23 -;3.学唱中文歌曲;4.交中国朋友。注意:1.可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。2. 字数100字左右。高一英语期中考试答案一阅读理解(20X2=40分)(1)1-5 DCBBA 6-10 CABCD 11-15 ACABD(2)(七选五)16-20 CFEGA 二完形填空(1.5x20=30分)21-25 DCABA 26-30 BDCDC 31-35 ABACD 36-40 CABDB三单词填空(1.5x10=15分) 41. concerned 42calm 43escaped 4


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