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Unit 5 Where Are You Going单元测试二一、请把下列单词补充完整1. c_nt_st 2、l_ck 3、_now 4、be g_ _d _t二、看图写单词三、请你把句子写完整.1、A:Where are you going ?B:Im going to (公园) _.2、A:Where are you going?B:Im going to (动物园) _.3、A:Where are you going?B:_(我要去香港)四、小朋友,请你大声读出下面的单词。1.car card park star2.plane please apple purple3.black able table blue五、请把下面单词连成句子。1.students to are school the going_?2.going is Helen where_?3.going the office he to post is_.4.music going the and are Lily to Jane hall_.六、小王在商店门口遇见了他的朋友Xiao Wang: What are you doing, Mary?Mary: Im waiting for Jane.Xiao Wang: _1_?Mary : Im going to the shop.七、写出下列图片中建筑物的名称八、判断正误。对的在括号中写T,错的写F。( ) 1) He going to the park.( ) 2) She is going to the school.( ) 3) Im going to the Summer Palace.( ) 4) You is going to Beijing.( ) 5) They are going to the music hall.九、请把句子补充完整。A: Where _(1 )_going? Its snowing.B: _(2)_ park and taking some pictures. And_(3)_?A: Im _(4)_ shop to buy a coat.How much is it?测试题一、你能填上英文数字,使左右等式成立吗?1) fifteen and six = and nine2) and ten = twenty and seven3) five and = eleven and eight4) thirty and fifty = twenty and二、请仔细阅读这段话,再去做下面的练习。在商店A: Id like to buy a bicycle.B: What do you think of this one?A: It looks fine. How much is it?B: Its 980 yuan.A: Oh, its too dear!B: What about this one? Its only 490 yuanA: Thats OK.完成下面判断,对的在括号填上字母T,错的话填上字母F:( )1、 B是售货员。( )2、 A要买一辆自行车。( )3、 第一辆自行车很难看,所以A没有买。( )4、 第二辆自行车很好看,所以A买了。三、连词组句:(1) much , how , ten , is , and , thirty ?(2) coat , how , the , is , much ?(3) want , two , I , ice-creams .(4) is , eight , it , dollars (美元) .A: _ is the bike? A: How much is eight and nine?B: Its 520 yuan. B: .四、汉互译:(1)how much (2)how about (3)两件毛衣 (4)给你。五、词语欣赏All play and no work ,makes Jack a mere boy.只玩耍,不学习,聪明孩子没出息。All work and no play, makes Jack a foolish boy.只学习,不玩耍,聪明孩子也变傻。CAN YOU SING ENGLISH SONGS?测试题一、请选出划线部分读音与其他三个不同的选项,将其序号填在题前括号里.1.( ) A.can B.cake C.make D.face2.( ) A.bike B.English C.mine D.knife3.( ) A.blue B.ruler C.rule D.but二、填空题请把下列单词补充完整(一空一字母)1._hin_se 2. gr_ _t 3. all r_ght 4. s_ng三、请把下列对话补充完整下学后,小明想找同学打乒乓球Xiao Ming: 1 you play pingpong?Jane: No, I cant.Xiao Ming: 2 _play pingpong, Tom?Tom: Yes, 3 .Xiao Ming: Great! Lets go.四、看图写词语。五、连线skip an English songspeak Chineseplay a kitefly the pianosing rope六、填写完整句子。1)A: Can you play pingpong?B: Yes, _2)A: Can Mary play football?B: No, _3)A: Can you fly a kite?B: Yes, I can. But_4)A: Can you use a computer?B: Yes, I can. But_5)A: Can Jane skip rope? (dance)B: No, she cant. But she can _.6)A: Can Mike skate? (swim)B: No, he cant. But he can _.七、选词填空1)I can draw, _ (and, but) I cant draw very well.2)Lucy likes _ (swim, swimming ), and she _(swims, swimming ) very well.3)_ (Do, Can ) you fly a kite?4)A: _ (What , Where ) can you do?B: _ play basketball.八、请选出所给单词的正确的音标,填在题前的括号里。九、看图写单词十、六一儿童节


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