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LESSON 2A hospital And Its Departments,LECTURE:,教 学 目 的,通过对本课的学习,达到让学生了解一所医院各科室名称及其工作对象的目的。,学习要求,掌握 专业英语词汇 熟悉 课文内容及专业术语翻译 了解 本课语法,重点 / 难点,重点:专业英语词汇treat divide department department traditional affiliate emergency available consult surgical pediatric intensive laboratory sterilize instrument tramsfusion难点:专业术语翻译,Words and Expression,treat,If I treat someone with pneumonia he will die of pneumonia . Then they treat them with drugs to help them recover 如果我按肺炎给病人治疗,他一定会死于肺炎的.然后,他们用药物治疗,以帮助他们恢复.,treat tri:t vt. 治疗;对待;探讨;视为 vi. 探讨;请客;协商 n. 请客;款待,A hospital is one where patients with various kinds of diseases are treated.【由where引出的非限制性定语从句,修饰one 】,Paragraph I (1),Words and Expression,divide into 分为;分割成;分开;把整体分成部分,1.Divide the cake with your brother .2.The pupil could add and subtract but hadnt learned to divide. 和你兄弟分吃这块饼 .这名小学生能做加法和减法,但还没学会做除法,divide dvad vt. 划分;除;分开;使产生分歧vi. 分开;意见分歧n. 地理 分水岭,分水线 过去式divided 过去分词divided 现在分词dividing,department dptm()nt n. 部;部门;系;科;局 .,You remember those early meetings of your department in the university when, if one had stood, others would have stood, perhaps, but no one stood.你想起来早先的时候在大学里你的系里面开的那些会上,如果一个人站起来,其他人也会站起来,也许,但是没有一个人站起来,The department offers four specialitie. 这个系有四个专业 .,Words and Expression,ENGLISH,CHINESE,department of medicinedepartment of surgerydepartment of traditional Chinese medicinedepartment of nursing,药学系 外科系中医系 护理系,Words and Expression,It is divided, according to various specialities, into different departments, such as department of medicine, department of surgery, department of traditional Chinese medicine, and so on .,Paragraph I (2),Words and Expression,affiliate to .附属于.,The first affiliated hospital of xinjiang medical university,affiliate flet n. 联号;隶属的机构等 vt. 使附属;接纳;使紧密联系 vi. 参加,加入;发生联系过去式affiliated 过去分词affiliated 现在分词affiliating,NOTES TO THE TEXT,A hospital affiliated to a medical college 【分词短语作定语,修饰hospital 】is called a teaching hospital, where medical students go for clinical practice【由where引出的非限制性定语从句,修饰a teaching hospital 】.附属于医学院的医院叫做教学医院,医学生去那里进行临床实习,Paragraph I (3),ENGLISH,CHINESE,in-patient inpeint n. 住院病人(等于inpatient)in-patient servicein-patient admission in-patient care,住院病人 住院服务住院处 住院病人护理,Words and Expression,ENGLISH,CHINESE,out-patient autpeintout-patient departmentout-patient management out-patient complex,门诊病人 门诊部门诊管理 门诊综合大楼,Words and Expression,Objective To explore the in-patient satisfaction of medical service.目的了解住院病人对医疗服务的满意情况,The new law stresses access to in-patient and out-patient community care, and promotes voluntary admission and informed consent to treatment.新的法律强调获得社区住院和门诊照护,并促进自愿住院和治疗的知情同意,in-patient and out-patient community care 社区住院和门诊照护,Case,A hospital usually has two main departments: the out-patient department (OPD) and the in-patient department.,Paragraph II (1),Words and Expression,emergency room 急诊室emergency department 急诊室/急诊科,Patients were recruited from in-patient, out-patient, and emergency department settings.患者是从住院部、门诊部和急诊部招募的,emergencymd()nsn. 紧急情况;突发事件;非常时刻adj. 紧急的;备用的 复数 emergencies ,There is also an emergency room where (= in which) timely medical care 本句是由where 引出的限制性定语从句,修饰an emergency room is available round the clock.还有急诊室,昼夜不停随时给病人治疗,NOTES TO THE TEXT,Paragraph II (2),Words and Expression,consult room 诊室,Consult your doctor and follow his or her recommendations.向你的医生咨询并按照他或她的建议去做,consult knsltvt. 查阅;商量;向请教vi. 请教;商议;当顾问 复数 emergencies ,If you are feeling suicidal, talk with someone about it immediately and consult your doctor, or else get to an emergency room fast.如果你感到有自杀倾向,立刻和某个人说一说,咨询你的医生,或迅速前往急诊室,complaint kmplent n. 抱怨;诉苦;疾病;委屈,Doctor: I can do nothing for your complaint. It is hereditary.医生:对你的抱怨我无能为力。那是遗传,Words and Expression,In the out-patient department there are many consulting rooms for doctors to receive patients with different kinds of complaints.,Paragraph III,ENGLISH,CHINESE,ward wdward bed/sick bedward inspection,病房;保卫;监视 病床病房巡视/查房,Words and Expression,Objective: To improve teaching quality in clinical practice by normalizing ward inspection in clinical teaching.目的:通过规范临床教学查房来提高实践教学质量,It is very useful to emphasize the nursing management and to higher the quality of nursing by the night ward inspection of head nurse.通过护士长夜查房的实施,强化了护理管理,提高了护理质量,Case,Words and Expression,Surgical Nursing 外科护理学 ; 外科护理surgical deparment 外科surgical operation 外科手术,The seven years you spend here as a surgical resident will be the best and worst of your life.以后的七年你们将在这里做外科住院医生,这将是你们一生中最美妙的也是最痛苦的七年,surgicalsdk()ladj. 外科的;手术上的n. 外科手术;外科病房,Words and Expression,pediatric hospital 儿童医院/儿科医院pediatric out-patient deparment 儿科门诊pediatric dentist 儿科牙医 ; 儿童牙医,pediatric ,pi:dtrkadj. 小儿科的pediatrics ,pi:ditriksn.复数、动词用单数 【医学】小儿科=paediatricspediatrician,pidtrnn. 儿科医师(=pediatrist),Words and Expression,What can disease of department of gynaecology has infect the man through sexual intercourse?妇科疾病有哪些是可以通过性交传染给男方的?,gynaecology英 ,gankldgynecology美 ,gankldin. 妇科学,妇科医学,What sanitary towel can replace medicaments to medication now inflammation of department of gynaecology ?现在有什么卫生巾可以代替药物药物治疗妇科炎症?,ENGLISH,CHINESE,surgical wardmedical wardpediatric wardgynecology ward,外科病房内科病房儿科病房妇科病房,Words and Expression,Words and Expression,intensive care unit (ICU) 重症监护室,Deterioration is rapid, with many patients progressing to respiratory failure within 24 hours, requiring immediate admission to an intensive care unit.病情恶化的速度很快,许多病人在24小时之内就可发展到呼吸衰竭程度,需要立即收入重症监护室,intensive care unit1.n. (医院)特别护理中心,重危病人监护病区,特护病房略作 ICU2.【医学】(医院中的)加强护理小组,In the in-patient department there are various kinds of wards, such as medical wards, surgical wards, pediatric wards and intensive care unit (ICU).,Paragraph IV (1),In each of these wards or units there are usually four to eight beds.There are also small rooms for only one or two seriously ill persons who need special care.,Paragraph IV (2)(3),Words and Expression,medical / clinical laboratory医学实验室biochemical laboratory生化实验室laboratory report化验报告 ; 实验室报告 ; 试验报告 ; 实验报告laboratory rat小白鼠laboratory date实验数据,laboratorylbr,t()r; lb()r,t()rn. 实验室,研究室 复数 laboratories ,Words and Expression,sterilize light 杀菌灯sterilize temperature 杀菌温度sterilized cotton 消毒棉,Always sterilize the needle to prevent infection.经常消毒针具以防止传染,sterilize sterlaizvt. 消毒,杀菌;使成不毛;使绝育;使不起作用过去式 sterilized 过去分词 sterilized 现在分词 sterilizing sterilizedsterlazdadj. 无菌的;已消过毒的v. 杀菌;消除;冻结(sterilize的过去分词),Words and Expression,This instrument monitors the patients heartbeats.这台仪器监听病人的心跳,instrumentnstrm()nt n. 仪器;工具;乐器;手段;器械,A hospital has many separate sections or parts, such as a clinical laboratory, an X-ray room, a pharmacy and a central supply room with all kinds of sterilized instruments in store for use.,Paragraph V (1),ENGLISH,CHINESE,blood bankblood-bank nursecentral blood bank,血库 血库护士中心血库,Words and Expression,Donate Blood to a Hospital Blood Bank 向医院血库献血,Words and Expression,The day aims to raise awareness of the need for safe blood, to thank and honour those blood donors who make transfusion possible and to encourage regular blood donation by suitable donors.世界献血者日旨在提高人们对安全血液必要性的认识,感谢使输血成为可能的那些献血者和对他们表示尊敬,以及鼓励合适的献血者经常献血,transfusiontrnsfju()n; trns-; -nz- n. 临床 输血; 临床 输液;倾注;灌输,Near the operating room there is a blood bank where blood is always stored for transfusion.,Paragraph V (2),Doctors, nurses, and other medical workers make up the staff of the hospital, and their task is to serve the patients wholeheartedly.,Paragraph VI,A person who stays in a hospital for treatment is called an ( ), while one who comes to a clinic for treatment without staying in a hospital is said to be an ( ).,Question (1),patient; out-patient,In an emergency room medical care is available 24 hours or ( ).,Question (2),round the clock,A room where a doctor sees his patients or where patients consult a doctor is called a ( ) room.,Question (3),consulting,A place where medicines are prepared and given out is called a ( ).,Question (4),pharmacy,A ( ) is a place where blood is always stored for use , especially in case of an accident or during an operation.,Question (5),blood bank,When a penson gets injured in an accident and lose a lot of blood, he must be given a blood ( ) immediately.,Question (6),transfusion,This patient was placed in an ( ) unit, because his doctor thought that he reguired constant watching.,Question (7),intensive care,Doctors, nurses, and other medical workers ( ) the staff of a hospital.,Question (8),make up,A ( ) hospital is one where patients of all ages an with numerous illnesses and injuries are treated.,Question (9),general,Translation,A general hospital has many different departments ,such as department of medicine, department of surgery, department of paediatrics,and so on.,综合医院有许多不同的科室,如内科、外科、儿科等,Translation,A consulting room is a place in the out-patient department where a doctor sees his patients.,诊察室是医生在门诊部接诊病人的地方,Translation,A teaching hospital is a place where midical students go for clinical practice.,教学医院是医学生临床实习的地方,SUPPLEMENTARY READING A mordern hospital,LECTURE: MASTER 张玉凤,A mordern hospital is one of those institutions responsible for providing health care to the sick a


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