



1、“学程导航”课时教学计划 教学内容7A Unit 2 Lets play sports Reading1共几课时7课型new第几课时2教学目标1、知识目标: 1)、会用本课时的四会单词。Player member club free enjoy hope dream true 2)、词组 free time come true3)、句型 He is a new member pf Huanghe Football Club. He looks strong and plays football very well. I hope his dream comes true2、能力目标:1.认识一

2、名叫Li Hua 的足球运动员2.用英语介绍自己喜欢的一名运动员教学重难点1、重点:1.认识一名叫Li Hua 的足球运动员2、难点:用英语介绍自己喜欢的一名运动员教学资源多媒体预习设计预习reading里的新单词,熟读课文内容。学程预设导学策略调整与反思Step I 呈现1. 教师与全班学生就体育运动进行对话,复习上一级课的内容2. 教师走到学生身边与他们对话Step II 呈现1. 出示一张贝克汉姆的图片,向学生呈现新知识。Step III 操练1. 让学生就自己喜欢的体育明星与同桌进行交流鼓励他们在真实的语境下使用新知识2. 让学生充分交流后进行表演Step IV呈现1.导入本课文章,指

3、导学生快速阅读。2.指导学生阅读文章了解每一小节的大意。老师呈现B1部分中的四个问题接着说3.要求学生仔细阅读进一步掌握细节信息,向学生呈现B3 Millie wants to make a card about Li Hua .对于有能力的学生要求他们用完整地句子表达出来His name is Li Hua .He is a member of Huanghe Football Club. he looks strong. he comes from Guangdong.Id like to test your memory. What sport do Sandy and Millie o

4、ften play? What sport does Kitty like? What about Simon? what about Amy?鼓励学生回答Sandy and Millie often play volleyball .kitty likes tennis .Simon likes football. Amy is good at swimming.What is your favorite sports? How do you play it?教师巡视,适时鼓励:Good. / You are great.老师问Who is this man?学生回答This is Davi

5、d Beckman。老师接着问What sport os he good at? He is good at football. He is a football star. Who likes David Beckham in our class? Oh ,he isfavorite football star.老师接着介绍贝克汉姆He is from England. He is a member of Los Angeles Galaxy Football Club .It is a football in the USA.板书player member club 老师接着说Do you

6、 like David Beckham ?Do you want to be a football player like him? Do you want to play football as well as David Beckham? Would you like to have dinner with him? would you like to take photos with him?.Really? I hope your dream come true?S1what sport do you like? S2 My favorite player isS1:What club

7、 is he in? S2 He is a member ofS1 Where does he come from?S2 He comes fromS1 Do you want to have dinner ? S2 .S1 :Oh I hope your dream comes true.today lets meet another football player, what is his name? Please read the article on page 20 quickly and tell me .I want to know more about Li Hua .Here

8、are my questions .In which paragraph can I find the answers? please help me write the correct paragraph numbers in the blanks in partB1Can you listen to the tape ?Then complete the information on it.Name_Age_Club_Looks_Comes from_Lives in_4.It's the role play time .Work in pairs and talk about Li Hua like Millie and Simon .you can ask more questions. E.g.Step V 家庭作业Where does he live ?What does he do every day?What does


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