



1、一教学目标1.语言知识目标1.能够从听,说,读,写方面掌握本单元重点单词:stamp,hobby,collect,famous,picture2.能够认识主要国家的国旗,如果中国,美国,英国,日本等等。3.能够认识读出世界著名景点:the Great Wall, the Fuji Mountain, the Red Square, Big Ben等等。2.语言能力目标1.能够根据图片内容以及本单元重点句型:“This stamp is from.”“this one has got.on it”来进行表达。3.情感、文化目标1.让学生了解国外的著名景点,培养跨文化意识。2.鼓励学生表达的欲望,

2、提升学生的口语交际能力。3.发散学生的思维,给予学生表达自己想象力的机会。4.教学重点学生能够掌握本单元重点句型 “This stamp is from.” “This one has got. on it” 来描述自己的邮票5.教学难点1.学生能够掌握本单元重点句型 “This stamp is from.” “This one has got. on it” 来描述自己的邮票2.部分新词组的发音和拼写二学情分析六年级的学生经过前几年的英语学习已经积累了一定量的句型词汇,能够独立的完成较为简单的表达,但是缺乏语言的规范性。本节课中我将较难得重点句型以词条的形式放置于黑板上辅助学生表达,以此来

3、规范他们的表达。 同时六年级的孩子也具有很强的自由表达欲望,课堂上我让学生自由绘画出心中的美丽邮票,让其想象力和表达欲望不受到束缚,符合其年龄段的认知发展和心理活动。三教学辅助工具多媒体课件 图片词条教学流程Warming-upGreeting: T: Hello, everyone! Good morning! Ss: Hello, Mr. MeiT: How are you today?Ss: We are fine!Review:T: Last lesson we learned a short story on Simons hobby. Do you still remember w

4、hat simons hobby is?Ss: Collecting stamps is Simons hobby.T:Reviewing always plays a crucial role in our future learning. Lets begin the class with retelling the story.The Ss retell the story by filling in the blanks individually. 2.PresentationLead-inT;We already know that collecting stamps is Simo

5、ns hobby and he has got lots of stamps. Next I am going to show you some amazing stamps from different counties. Do you want to see them?Ss: Yes, we do.T: But before we see these stamps, why not know some countries flags?The Ss learn to know some countries flags with the teacher.Teaching the new wor

6、ds and phrases.T:What has this stamp got on it?Ss: The Queen!T: And where is this stamp from?Ss: It might be from the UK.T: What about this one?Ss: I can see the Red Square.T: And this one might be from ?Ss: From Russia.T:.(The teacher teaches the Ss to know some stamps with the pictures of famous p

7、laces and people in the world on them.)T: Can you guys introduce these stamps in the same way Simon does?(将重点句型 “This stamp is from.” 和 “This one has got a picture of . on it”放置于黑板上)给予学生充足的时间相互联系,讨论,然后上台介绍一张邮票。3.PracticeT: Thanks a lot for introducing these stamps. All of you did a good job. Next wh

8、at I want you to do is take out this paper that I handed to you before the class.Ss: The paper is ready.T: Please draw a stamp with a picture you like. It can be a famous place or people many people know, like the Changjiang River. After you finish drawing, I plan to invite 2-3 students to come to the front and introduce your stamp to your classmates.(学生在5分钟内完成邮票绘画,然后上台使用本节课的重点句型进行简短的介绍)4.HomeworkT: Please bring a stamp from your home to our class next week. Then show them to others and talk about it .板书设计the Queenthe Chairman Mao This stamp is from.many people This one has got a pictur


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