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重庆大学经济与工商管理学 院 人力资源开发与管理 讲义 College of Economics and Business Administration Chongqing University Human Resource Development and Management Part two Human Resource Management Preselection Practices 重庆大学经济与工商管理学 院 人力资源开发与管理 讲义 College of Economics and Business Administration Chongqing University Human Resource Development and Management Chapter 2 Planning for Human Resources 2-1 Gaining Competitive Advantage 2-2 HRM Issues and Practices 2-3 The Managers Guide 重庆大学经济与工商管理学 院 人力资源开发与管理 讲义 College of Economics and Business Administration Chongqing University Human Resource Development and Management Chapter objectives l Understand how human resource planning contributes to a firms competitive advantage. l Explain why and how firms engage in strategic planning. l Explain why and how human resource planning activities are conducted. l Describe how HRM practices are developed in response to an HR plan. 重庆大学经济与工商管理学 院 人力资源开发与管理 讲义 College of Economics and Business Administration Chongqing University Human Resource Development and Management 2-1a Opening Case: Gaining Competitive Advantage at General Motors The problem: time spent completing HR transactions hurts employee and HR productivity The solution: developing an employee services center website How the career services center enhanced competitive advantage 重庆大学经济与工商管理学 院 人力资源开发与管理 讲义 College of Economics and Business Administration Chongqing University Human Resource Development and Management 2-1b Linking Human Resource Planning To Competitive Advantage The procedure used to tie human resource issues to the organizations business needs is called human resource planning (or HR planning) HR planning is defined as the “profess of identifying and responding to organizational needsand charting new policies, systems, and programs that will assure effective human resource management under changing conditions.” 重庆大学经济与工商管理学 院 人力资源开发与管理 讲义 College of Economics and Business Administration Chongqing University Human Resource Development and Management The propose of HR planning To enable organizations to anticipate their future HRM needs To identify practices that will help them meet those needs 重庆大学经济与工商管理学 院 人力资源开发与管理 讲义 College of Economics and Business Administration Chongqing University Human Resource Development and Management How HR planning activities enhance competitive advantage? The fact that effective HR planning can enhance competitive advantage has been supported by a body of research. 重庆大学经济与工商管理学 院 人力资源开发与管理 讲义 College of Economics and Business Administration Chongqing University Human Resource Development and Management Linking HRM practices to organizational goals HR planning is “the thread that ties together all other human resource activities and integrates these with the rest of the organization.” -Susan Jackson and Randall Schuler 重庆大学经济与工商管理学 院 人力资源开发与管理 讲义 College of Economics and Business Administration Chongqing University Human Resource Development and Management Serving as a building block for future HRM practices Through the HR planning process, an organization can identify the mix of skills it will need in the future. It can use this information to plan for its recruitment, selection, and training and development practices. 重庆大学经济与工商管理学 院 人力资源开发与管理 讲义 College of Economics and Business Administration Chongqing University Human Resource Development and Management Consequences associated with the failure to plan for human resources As we can see from exhibit 2-1, the use of HR planning enables companies to gain control of their future by preparing for events that are likely to occur. 重庆大学经济与工商管理学 院 人力资源开发与管理 讲义 College of Economics and Business Administration Chongqing University Human Resource Development and Management As valuable as HR planning is, many companies ignore this opportunity. Some see it as too difficult and frustrating. Others simply do not see the need for it. And much evidence exists that points to folly and potential consequence of such thinking. 重庆大学经济与工商管理学 院 人力资源开发与管理 讲义 College of Economics and Business Administration Chongqing University Human Resource Development and Management rather than For instance Reactive Proactive An organization may be unable to correctly anticipate an increase in its future demand for employees 重庆大学经济与工商管理学 院 人力资源开发与管理 讲义 College of Economics and Business Administration Chongqing University Human Resource Development and Management At best, company should be forced to recruit employees at the last minute and fail to find the best candidate At worst, the company may be seriously understaffed Existing employees to experience a great deal of stress. The firm may ultimately experience an increase in back ways, which could cause a decrease in customer goodwill, an increase in competition, and a loss of market share. 重庆大学经济与工商管理学 院 人力资源开发与管理 讲义 College of Economics and Business Administration Chongqing University Human Resource Development and Management 2-2 HRM Issues and Practices l 2-2a Strategic Planning It is through the strategic planning process that organizations determine where they are going. Strategic planning is defined as a process in which a company specifies its overall purposes and objectives, and indicates how these are to be achieved. 重庆大学经济与工商管理学 院 人力资源开发与管理 讲义 College of Economics and Business Administration Chongqing University Human Resource Development and Management The strategic planning process 1.Determine the organizational mission. 2.Scan the organizational environment. 3.Set strategic goals 4.Formulate a strategic plan, part of which addresses human resource needs 重庆大学经济与工商管理学 院 人力资源开发与管理 讲义 College of Economics and Business Administration Chongqing University Human Resource Development and Management Step 1:Determine the organizational mission The first step in the strategic planning process is the development of a mission statement, which is a declaration of the organizations overall purpose. The mission statement defines the basic business scope and operations that distinguish the organization from others of a similar nature. 重庆大学经济与工商管理学 院 人力资源开发与管理 讲义 College of Economics and Business Administration Chongqing University Human Resource Development and Management Step 2:Scan the Organizational Environment l Scan Organizational environment Internal environmentExternal environment 重庆大学经济与工商管理学 院 人力资源开发与管理 讲义 College of Economics and Business Administration Chongqing University Human Resource Development and Management The external environment is scanned in order to identify challenges posed by political, legal, economic, social, and technological issues. Planners must also scan their industry environment to identify: What their competitors are doing? What new firms may be entering the market? What substitute product and services may be on the horizon? 重庆大学经济与工商管理学 院 人力资源开发与管理 讲义 College of Economics and Business Administration Chongqing University Human Resource Development and Management When scanning the internal environment ,planners access the firms strengths and weaknesses. Key internal factors culture Structure Current mission Past history Number of layers of management Span of control of management Skills of the human resources Leadership and power The number of functional 重庆大学经济与工商管理学 院 人力资源开发与管理 讲义 College of Economics and Business Administration Chongqing University Human Resource Development and Management How to get the necessary environmental information Both managers and employees can participate in the task of gathering information. Exhibit 2-2 illustrates the various functional areas that supply information to the overall strategic plan. Because of the plans importance, a firm should encourage all of its managers and employees to provide input. 重庆大学经济与工商管理学 院 人力资源开发与管理 讲义 College of Economics and Business Administration Chongqing University Human Resource Development and Management Step 3: Set Strategic Goals l The strategic goals specify the desired outcomes that must be reached if the firm is to accomplish its mission. l Strategic goals should be specific, challenging, and measurable. 重庆大学经济与工商管理学 院 人力资源开发与管理 讲义 College of Economics and Business Administration Chongqing University Human Resource Development and Management Step 4: Formulate a Strategic Plan l A strategic plan specifies the courses of action a firm must take in order to meet its strategic goals. It is formulated by translating organizational goals into more narrow functional or departmental goals and then devising strategies for meeting these goals. 重庆大学经济与工商管理学 院 人力资源开发与管理 讲义 College of Economics and Business Administration Chongqing University Human Resource Development and Management 2-2b Human Resource Planning HR planning may be done on both a short- and long term (three or more years )basis. Its aim is to ensure that people will be available with appropriate characteristics and skills when and where the organization needs them. Through the HR planning process, an organization can generate: (1) A list of human resource needs (2) A plan for meeting them 重庆大学经济与工商管理学 院 人力资源开发与管理 讲义 College of Economics and Business Administration Chongqing University Human Resource Development and Management To derive its human resource needs, the organization first forecast its demand for human resource. It then forecasts its supply. The difference between the two forecasts signifies the firms HR needs. We now take a closer look at how a company can determine its human resource needs and derive plans to meet this needs 重庆大学经济与工商管理学 院 人力资源开发与管理 讲义 College of Economics and Business Administration Chongqing University Human Resource Development and Management Demand Forecasting l Demand forecasting involves predicting the number and types of people the organization will need at some future point in time. There are two general approaches to demand forecasting: statistical and judgmental. 重庆大学经济与工商管理学 院 人力资源开发与管理 讲义 College of Economics and Business Administration Chongqing University Human Resource Development and Management Statistical approaches l A business factor is an attribute of the business, such as sales volume or market share ,that closely relates to the size of the needed workforce. l A statistical approach to demand forecasting is typically used when an organization operates in a stable environment, where an appropriate business factor can be predicted with some degree of certainty. 重庆大学经济与工商管理学 院 人力资源开发与管理 讲义 College of Economics and Business Administration Chongqing University Human Resource Development and Management The most commonly used statistical methods of demand forecasting are trend, ratio and regression analysis. l The trend analysis, the future demand for human resources is projected on the basis of past business trends regarding a business factor. l Ratio analysis: a process used in HR planning to determine future HR demand by computing an exact ratio between the specific business factor and the number of employees needed. It thus provides a more precise estimate than trend analysis. 重庆大学经济与工商管理学 院 人力资源开发与管理 讲义 College of Economics and Business Administration Chongqing University Human Resource Development and Management l Regression analysis: a statistical tool used in HR Planning to determine the number of employees needed by a company at some future point in time. And this method is more statistically sophisticated. There are three steps for an organization to use this method: First, draw a scatter program depicting the relationship between the business factor and workforce size. Then, calculates a regression line By inspecting the regression line ,one can see how many employees are needed at each value of the business factor 重庆大学经济与工商管理学 院 人力资源开发与管理 讲义 College of Economics and Business Administration Chongqing University Human Resource Development and Management Precaution regarding the use of statistical methods Statistical methods of forecasting assume that he relationship between workforce size and the business factor remains constant over time. If this relationship were to change unexpectedly, the forecast would become in accurate. 重庆大学经济与工商管理学 院 人力资源开发与管理 讲义 College of Economics and Business Administration Chongqing University Human Resource Development and Management Judgmental methods of forecasting As the name implies, judgmental approaches to demand forecasting involve the use of human judgment ,rather than a manipulation of numbers. Two of the most commonly used judgmental techniques are group brainstorming and sales force estimates. 重庆大学经济与工商管理学 院 人力资源开发与管理 讲义 College of Economics and Business Administration Chongqing University Human Resource Development and Management l The group brainstorming technique of demand forecasting uses a panel of “expert”-people within the organization who, collectively ,understand the market, the industry, and the technological developments bearing on HRM needs and who are asked to “put their heads together ” to generate a forecast. l When using a group brainstorming technique to forecast demand for human resources, participants must take certain assumptions regarding the future. l And the accuracy of the forecasts depend on the correctness of these assumptions. 重庆大学经济与工商管理学 院 人力资源开发与管理 讲义 College of Economics and Business Administration Chongqing University Human Resource Development and Management Sales force estimates is most appropriately used when the need for additional employees arises from the introduction of new products. When a new product is launched, salespeople are asked to estimate the demand for the product( i.e., expected sales volume) based on their knowledge of customer needs and interests. The organization then uses this information to estimate how many employees will be needed to meet this demand. Drawback: the possibility of bias 重庆大学经济与工商管理学 院 人力资源开发与管理 讲义 College of Economics and Business Administration Chongqing University Human Resource Development and Management Supply forecasting l Supply forecasting: a process used to estimate which organizational positions will be filled at some future point in time. . l Supply forecasting is a two-step process. 重庆大学经济与工商管理学 院 人力资源开发与管理 讲义 College of Economics and Business Administration Chongqing University Human Resource Development and Management l In the first step, the organization groups its positions by title, function, and level of responsibility. The grouping should reflect levels of positions across which employees may be expected to advance l The second step of supply forecasting is to estimate, within each job group, how many of its current employees will move to another position ,and how many will leave the organization. These predictions are based, in part, on part mobility trends. 重庆大学经济与工商管理学 院 人力资源开发与管理 讲义 College of Economics and Business Administration Chongqing University Human Resource Development and Management Estimating future human resource needs l A firm derives its specific staffing needs by combining the results of the supply and demand forecasts within each job group. 重庆大学经济与工商管理学 院 人力资源开发与管理 讲义 College of Economics and Business Administration Chongqing University Human Resource Development and Management 2-2c Outcomes of the HR Planning Process l Dealing with an oversupply of employees The current trend toward organizational restructuring usually result in a smaller workforce. Therefore employers are encouraged to seek alternatives, such as hiring freezes, early retirements restricted overtime, job sharing ,pay reductions, and the like. 重庆大学经济与工商管理学 院 人力资源开发与管理 讲义 College of Economics and Business Administration Chongqing University Human Resource Development and Management l Dealing with an undersupply of employees The solution of this situation may involve hiring additional staff, but there are other options, as well. 重庆大学经济与工商管理学 院 人力资源开发与管理 讲义 College of Economics and Business Administration Chongqing University Human Resource Development and Management The first step is to conduct a job analysis to determine the qualifications needed for each vacant job. We will discuss this topic in chapter 3. The next step is to determine where and how to recruit the needed individuals. And this topic will discussed in chapter 4 “Recruiting Applicants”. Hiring Additional Workers 重庆大学经济与工商管理学 院 人力资源开发与管理 讲义 College of Economics and Business Administration Chongqing University Human Resource Development and Management When recruiting externally, an organization should first assess its attractiveness in the eyes of potential applicants. And the employers could enhance the organizations attractiveness though increasing the starting pay level or/and improving benefit packages Other options is to target certain protected groups whose numbers may be underemployed in the local labor market. 重庆大学经济与工商管理学 院 人力资源开发与管理 讲义 College of Economics and Business Administration Chongqing University Human Resource Development and Management Internal recruitment efforts can be improved by the use of career development programs. When designing such a program, the organization should collect information regarding the work history and skill levels of each of its employees. 重庆大学经济与工商管理学 院 人力资源开发与管理 讲义 College of Economics and Business Administration Chongqing University Human Resource Development and Management Alternatives to additional hiring l Other options should be the use of overtime, additional shifts job reassignments, or temporary workers. l Another option is to improve retention rates. retention rates can be improved a the outset of the employer/employee relationship, when applicants are first recruited. The training and cross-training of workers and management training also crucial in this regard. 重庆大学经济与工商管理学 院 人力资源开发与管理 讲义 College of Economics a


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