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从比较文学的角度的分析西游记和天路历程的相同点 摘要 约翰班扬的天路历程成书于 17 世纪中叶的英国,吴承恩的西游记则完成 于我国明代万历年间也就是 16 世纪中叶。虽然 2 部作品在空间上相隔数万里,时间上也相 差 1 个世纪,但这 2 部作品的创作在许多方面有着惊人的相似点。本文主要从比较文学概 念的定义、 西游记和天路历程的相似点、相似点产生的原因、以及比较 2 部作品的 意义这 4 方面进行理论研究。 关键字 比较文学 西游记和天路历程相似点 一、比较文学的概念 二、 西游记和天路历程的相似点: 2.1 浓厚的宗教色彩 2.2 艺术特色 2.3 主题思想 3、 西游记和天路历程相似点产生的原因: 3.1 作者的出身经历人生观价值观 3.2 社会背景 3.3 宗教信仰 被西方认为最好的少年启蒙读物天路历程与中国古典四大名著之一西游记,同 以宗教取材,分别成功地塑造了中西方的古代神话世界。 天路历程和(西游记分别是英国和中国文学史上极为重要的具有浓厚宗教思想、 宣扬耶佛教义的作品。尽管产生于不同民族不同时期,但是两者在主题、情节、宗教意义等 方面有着无可置疑的相似性与互证互补性 作为反映与宣扬宗教教义的文学作品,两部小说思想内容方面无处不在的相似性,极大程 度地折射出生活于不同时域中的人类文化之间的类同性。这种相似性统摄之下的相异性又 恰恰表现出世界两大主要宗教教义的互证与互补性,在一定程度上为全球性的宗教与文化之 间的对话提供了佐证与案例。 引言分析了国内外对两部小说的研究状况,并提出运用比较文学主题学理论对它们进行 研究。本文探讨两部小说所反映出来的基督教与佛教拯救理念的异同,研究人类不同文明之 间进行对话的可能性与必要性。结论部分总结前文观点并进一步提出不同文明应当求同存 异,互相学习,共创世界和谐。本文采取了比较文学主题学的新视角,比较全面地研究了两部 中外文学史上具有代表意义的宗教作品,在对两部作品的比较研究方面开拓了新的思维空间, 并为两部小说此后的进一步研究提供了一定的参考价值。 它们都是宣扬耶佛教义的作品 一位哲人曾说“:在人类文化的所有现 象中,神化和宗教是最难兼容于纯粹的逻辑 分析了” ,即宗教信仰是自明而不可追问的。 但宗教虽难容于“逻辑分析” ,纵观中外文学 史,宗教文学的深厚传统却与文学有着密切 的关系。 首先,两部作品的作者都是在“乐园 犯罪受难赎罪得救”的模式下构思主 人公的经历的。基督徒背着“原罪”的包袱踏 上了赎罪的征程。一路上历经千辛万苦,终 得包袱脱落,进了天堂;而唐僧师徒有的前世 有错,有的今生犯罪,都从乐园中贬入凡间 受苦,在神仙、菩萨等的帮助下,一行人历经 九九八十一难,最终到达灵山,成了正果。 再次,作品都引用了各自宗教的典籍。 天第一、二部分别从圣经中引用了 160 个和 94 个比喻, 圣经的思想观念在整部 作品中无处不在。 西中儒、道、佛的典籍、 故事、教义也是比比皆是。唐僧取佛经是为 了济世、救天下万民;观世音菩萨见了玉帝, 本来风马牛不相及,居然口称陛下,这些都 很明显是儒教的观点。道教之说也为数不 少,孙悟空本来就学道于菩提老祖,而太上 老君、玉皇大帝等人物都取之于道家。佛教 的影响最大,作品中引录了多篇佛教经文, 如摩诃般若波罗蜜多心经等等。 综上可述,尽管天路历程和西游记 存在着文化和宗教的差异,17 世纪的英国人 民和 16 世纪的中国人民对当时的社会充满 了强烈的不满,又想通过宗教的形式寄托自 己的济世愿望,因此这两部作品是浪漫主义 和现实主义完美结合的典范。 同时,两部作品不管是基督徒还是唐僧 师徒,他们的旅途其实都象征着一个人一生 的心路历程。所谓的圣城或灵山也就是一个 人所追求的最高境界。要想达到这种境界, 人们应该付出非常人的努力和艰辛。因此这 两部作品也就谕示着人们要注重内心修养, 只要认准方向,坚持不懈,就一定能达到目 标。借用佛教的一句话说:佛在灵山莫远求, 灵山只在汝心头;人人有座灵山塔,好向灵山 塔下修。 两部小说都在宗教的框架中展开故事。 天路历程按照基督教的“原罪信主 赎罪得救沐恩”思想构思小说:描述基督徒如何背着“原罪”的包袱,走上 寻求真理和光明的漫漫历程。先受到“世智先生”等诱惑,直到在“拯救墙”下抱住了十字 架,意味着他虔信了基督,“包袱”才终于脱落,走上了赎罪的正路,最终进入了天堂。 西游记 则主要按照佛教的因果报应、苦行得救、普渡众生、修成正果的思想构思小说。唐僧师徒 都因前世有过,贬入人间受苦。而一旦他们认定了西天取经的目标,就得到神佛们无时不在的 救助。师徒们的“八十一难”既是苦修苦行的历程,也是他们驱妖除魔、救济众生的功德。 两部小说写的都是信徒们如何为追求各自宗教的最高境界基督教的“天国”和佛教 的“西天”而历尽劫难,最终都实现最高的宗教理想。主人公们都是各自宗教最虔诚 执着、百折不挠的信徒。 天路历程中基督徒历尽恶魔、美色、财富、淫威、自杀、背叛 等种种诱惑的考验,向着天国,矢志不移。 西游记中的孙悟空是一个见恶必除,除恶务尽的 普济众生的英雄,唐僧及其师徒也都是面对“水水山山灾不脱,妖妖怪怪命难逃”的重重磨难,一 心西行的信徒。小说的主题显然都在宣扬人类宗教所共有的信条因果报应,惩恶扬善, 虔信主宰,禁欲宽容,都宣扬了各自宗教的万能与至上。作为以宗教为主题的小说,它们都把 各自宗教的最高经典圣经或佛教有关的典籍作为创作的依据。班扬是一位虔诚的清教 徒和传教士,他一生所受的书本教育主要是从圣经中来的,被称为“读一本书的人” (man of one book)5,因此,他对 圣经十分熟悉。 天路历程第一、二册分别从圣经 引用了 160 个和 94 个比喻,圣经的思想观念在整部小说中无处不在。全书充斥着浓厚 的向善宽容、一切荣耀归基督的宗教理念和自律道德、理性严谨的清教思想。吴承恩不是 纯粹的佛教徒或道教徒,他带有中国世俗知识分子释、道、儒三教合一的传统思想。因此, 西游记诸神中,有佛祖如来,菩萨;也有道教玉帝、天王 ,他们常联合起来,对付孙悟空这样 的叛逆者。唐僧既是个“普渡众生”的佛家弟子,又有儒生的懦弱、迂腐无能的特点;孙行者 师从祖师,后皈依佛门。小说中的佛教故事、儒学经典、道家谶语俯拾皆是。而师徒四人最 后的结局是取得真经(佛教)、长生不老(道教) 和继续济世( 儒教),带有释、道、儒三者合璧、 共享荣耀的色彩。小说努力将忠孝礼义儒家美德、慈悲为怀的佛教教义和纯朴无饰的道教 风范融为一体,显然又把佛教奉为最高境界。因此,小说中直接追索佛教经典的细节比比皆是。 正如评论家林赛(Linsay)说的“在整个故事中,佛经变得形象生动 ,犹如圣经里的话语。 ” 6同时,道家的思想和言辞也无处不在,最典型的是小说以 易经的理念和意象作为开篇 和结尾,道家的阴阳交合与故事的虚实相得益彰。 一、浪漫主义色彩的充分表现 浪漫主义创作着重表现作者对生活的主观感受和理想,即作者对现实生活中的美丑 真假善恶的感知和认可,其实质就带有明显的主观性。作者因不愿直面丑恶的现实剖析 现实,而只好采用奇特的幻想大胆的夸张奇异的情节等表现方式,来表明自己对现实的感 受和理想的追求,以图超越现实。从天路历程和西游记来看,情景情节的奇异性等 浪漫主义特征是共同具有的,正是它们不为国度所限,深受人们喜爱的原因. The romanticism creation focuses on the performance of the subjective feelings of life and ideal, namely the perception and recognition of the reality of life in the beauty and ugliness, true and false, good and evil, it is with obvious subjectivity. The author was reluctant to confront the ugly reality and analyze reality so they have to use the strange fantasy, bold exaggeration, strange plot style to show their sense of reality and pursuit of ideal and also to transcend the reality. From The Pilgrims progress and Journey to the West, we can know that singular characteristics of romanticism is common. That common thing is the reason why the two works are so popular among two nations. 天路历程故事开头便以梦的形式展开叙述,然后充分发挥了作者的想象力,为读 者展示了一幅幅绚丽多姿的画卷,其中有惊心动魄的决斗,有层出不穷的妖魔鬼怪等等, 给人一种奇幻、浪漫的感觉。 The Pilgrims progress begin with the form of dream narrative thus giving full scene of imagination of the author and showing a colorful picture for the reader, which have thrilling dues, there emerge in an endless stream of demons and ghosts and so on, giving a person a kind of fantasy and romantic feeling. 西游记情景的幻化完全与神佛妖魔结合起来了。其表现的内容比先前的任何作品 更宽阔,更雄奇。 西游记所虚构的幻景,完全脱离时空的界限,自由驰骋。时光时而眼前, 时而倒流;人、神、禽、兽、物其姿态万千 ,活灵活现; 从人神妖魔 ,到亭台楼阁,无一雷同。如 对孙悟空的“如意金箍棒”的描写“:重一万三千五百斤” “,长的高万丈,头如泰山,腰如峻岭,上 抵三十三天下至十八层地狱” “,霎时收了法象,将宝贝还变做个绣花针。 ”还有孙悟空的 七十二变,哪咤的三头六臂,铁扇公主的芭蕉扇等等。天上的飞禽,地下的走兽,举不胜举。这 些虚幻,神奇的幻想,组成了一个绚丽多姿,五光十色,雄奇离异的神魔世界。 Scenario in Journey to the west is a completely combination of the unreal imagination with deities demons. The content of its performance is more spacious and more grandly than any previous works. The fictional illusion in Journey to the West runs free completely out of the boundaries of time and space. Time is sometimes at present, sometimes on the back. Man, god, birds, beasts are intricacies and lifelike; From the god, evil, person to the pavilions,they are totally different without a similar. Such as the description of The Monkey Kings Bar, it weights thirteen thousand five hundred kilograms, highs tens of thousands meters. Its head like Mount Tai and its waist like the majestic mountains. It can reach the 33th heaven and down to the eighteen layers of hell. The birds in the sky, the underground creatures are too much to mention. These fantasies formed a colorful, magnificent, resplendent with variegated coloration and mythical world. 二、两部作品都是游记体小说结构 The two works structure are all travel novel. 游记体小说常使用旅程化的结构和叙事方式,系统地用游记式的限制叙事和视角人物进行 叙事。游记体小说里的行旅隐喻,体现了行旅体验和文化想象在虚构性文本中的对象化,“ 彼岸“和“归途“是较常见的两种表现形式。 Travel novels often use the structure and narrative way of journey, systematically with limited narrative perspective and narrative characters travel style. The metaphors in travel novel embody traveling experiences and also reveal the cultural imagination in fiction objectification of text. The other shore and return are two of the more common form. 3.4 人生观和价值观 4、比较西游记和天路历程相似点的重要意义 五、结语 引用 致谢 Two novels are in the framework of religious stories. “The pilgrims progress“ in accordance with the “original sin of Christianity - believing - atonement - be saved -, recreated“ thought idea novel: describe how the christians carry a burden of “original sin“, on the long journey of seeking truth and light. Mr “think tank“ and other temptation first, until the hold the cross under the “save the wall“, means he faith of Christ, “baggage“ finally fall off, took to the sin of the way and end up in heaven. “Journey to the west“ is mainly according to the buddhist karma, asceticism salvation, purdue beings, or the idea of design novel. Tangs monk teacher and pupil because of previous generation have, into human suffering. And once they have identified target to obtain buddhist scriptures, get the deities are ever-present. Teacher and pupil are difficult to “eighty-one“ is both penance, and they drive demon in addition to magic, relief the merits of all beings. Written two novels are all believers how to pursue the highest state of their religion - - “heaven“ of Christianity and Buddhism “buddhist paradise“ - and make disaster, ultimately to achieve the highest religious ideal. Both characters are their religion the most devout followers of perseverance and perseverance. In “days“ christians experienced the demon, beauty, wealth, power, test of suicide, betrayal and other temptations, toward heaven, perseverance. “The west“ of the Monkey King is a see evil will, uproot all evils being the hero of phuket, and tangs monk teacher and pupil are also faced with the “mountains and not to take off a disaster, water, YaoYao I escape“ whatever tribulations, west believers in my heart. The theme of the novel are obviously in common to promote human religious creed - karma, encouraging people to faith, tolerance of abstinence, universal and publicize their religion is the highest. As with religion as the theme of the novel, they are all the top classic of their religion of the bible or buddhist classics as the basis of creation. Bunyan was a devout Puritan and missionaries, books of his life education mainly comes from the bible, known as “a book“ (man of one book) 5, as a result, he is very familiar with the bible. The day the first and second volumes separately from the bible refers to the 160 and 160 metaphor, the bibles ideology is a pervasive feature of the whole novel. The book is filled with strong tolerance to virtue, and all the glory of Christs religious ideas and moral self-discipline, reason, strict Puritan thought. Wu chengen not pure buddhist or Taoist, he with secular intellectuals in China, Buddhism, Taoism and Confucianism, Buddhism traditional thinking. Therefore, “the west“ the gods, the Buddha Buddha, bodhisattva. Taoism the jade emperor, king, they often together, against a rebel like sun wukong. Tangs monk is a “purdue beings“ the buddhists, and has the characteristics of the Confucian scholars of cowardice, pedantic incompetent; After sun walker from father, converted to buddhist. Of the novels buddhist stories, Confucian classics, Taoism had abound. The four and the final result is obtained thedaoist scripture (Buddhism), immortality (Taoism) and continue saving (Confucianism), with Buddhism, Taoism and Confucianism, the combination of the three, and share the glory. Novel to filial piety etiquette Confucian virtue, merciful buddhist doctrine and simplicity without act the role of Taoist style be in harmony are an organic whole, apparently Buddhism is regarded as the highest realm. Therefore, in the novel direct recourse buddhist classic details everywhere. As critics lindsay (Linsay) said “in the story, buddhist scriptures becomes vivid, like the words in the bible.“ 6 at the same time, the Taoist thoughts and words are everywhere, the most typical is a novel with the concept of “the book of changes“ and images as begins and ends with the Taoist intercourse of Yin and Yang and the story of the actual situation. 三、现实主义的批判色彩 三、Realistic criticism 深刻的现实性和强烈的批判性是天路历程和西游记最鲜明的共同特征。 宗教既是一种包含着对世界的解释、对超自然力的认识的信仰,也是一种植根于 现实的希望。正是这种希望导致宗教价值的产生和信仰的确立。因此,宗教理想 总关联着现实。作为表现宗教理想的小说,寄托着作家对现实的认识和改革现实 的希望。两部小说的现实性、批判性主要表现在以下几方面。 The profound reality and strong criticism is the common characteristic between The Pilgrims progress and Journey to the West. Religion is not only a kind of interpretation of the world, a faith of understanding of supernaturalism but also a kind of hope rooted in reality. It is this hope that leads to the establishment of production and religious values. Therefore, the religious ideal always associated with reality. As a religious ideal performance of the novel, they are entrusted the authors understanding of reality and the hope of reform reality. The reality and criticism mainly show in the following aspects. 一 首先是塑造了具有鲜明现实性的人物形象。 The first is that the novels shaped distinctive realistic characters 翻阅两部小说,映入眼帘的首先是一个个鲜明生动的寓言或神话人物,他们虽拥 有常人所不具备的知觉与能力,或上天入地,或长生不死,但都具有鲜明的现实性,是 社会人物的写照。这些人物大抵分为正义与邪恶两类。基督徒和孙悟空无疑是 两部小说中正义者的代表。基督徒正直真诚、坚忍不拔、笃信正义、敢于抗争, 是班扬倾注心力塑造的德行的化身、革命时期清教徒的典范。孙悟空桀骜不驯、 活力无穷、无坚不摧、除恶务尽,是中国人民抗强制暴、机智勇敢、热爱自由、 向往清明的象征,早已成为神话文学中妇孺皆知的、最光辉的艺术典型。两部小 说都着力刻画了统治者和社会恶势力的种种丑恶面目。天路历程继承宗教 文学传统,以概念化的形象代表社会人物,其反面人物不仅是败行恶德的象征,更 是社会罪恶的代表。西游记有数不清的妖魔鬼怪, 它们不仅是害人的自然 力的化身,更是封建恶势力的象征,折射出封建时代邪恶当道、鬼怪横行的现实。 Through two novels, what greeted first is a vivid fable or mythic figures, though they have the consciousness and ability that ordinary people do not have, they are all distinctive realistic characters. These characters generally can be divided into two categories- the good and the evil. Christian and the Monkey King are the typical respective of the two novels. Sincere Christian is integrity, perseverance, believe in justice and dare to struggle, he is the model Bunyan pour heart to shape of the embodiment of virtue and the Puritan revolution. The Monkey King with the character of defiant, infinite vitality, invulnerable, wit brave resistance, love freedom, yearning is the symbol of justice. His image is the most glorious figure that has been known even to women and children all over China. Two novels are all strive to depict the rulers and all kinds as the ugly social evil forces. The Pilgrims Progress inherits traditional religious literature to conceptualize image on behalf of society. The villain is not only a symbol of immoral, but also the representative of social evils. There are so many monsters that beyond count in the Journey to the West. These monsters are not only the embodiment of forces of bad, but also the symbol of the feudal evil force. 二是深刻揭露现实社会的种种罪恶。 Expose all the evils of society 两部小说都以人物经历为线,百科全书式地展示社会生活图景,从而广泛地揭露 了现实社会的种种罪恶。正如萧伯纳指出的,天游记“整部寓言是对道德和 名誉的抨击,是对邪恶和犯罪的声讨。”例如,主人公遭遇的“耻辱谷”和魔王 阿波沦,是斯图亚特王朝专制统治的折射。小说有一段关于“名利场”的著名描 写,在“名利场”里荣誉、官职、肉体、灵魂都是商品,唯独没有“真理”。无 懒、谋杀、欺诈举目皆是,基督徒只因说要买“真理”便遭毒打,甚至被判处死 刑。这个情节十分典型地表现了王政复辟时代邪恶当道、民不聊生的现实。 西游记对丑恶现实的揭露更为生动有力。如,揭露了统治者的奢华、腐败和 无能。神佛一方面肆意挥霍,另一方面腐化成风,地狱判官“走后门”偷改生死 簿,天宫中诸神之间每每徇私情;就连在西天圣地,佛祖身边的两个大弟子阿傩和 伽什竞也公开向唐僧师徒索贿,遭推绝后两人串通作弊,将无字经交给唐僧,险些 使师徒功亏 Two novels are based on characters experiences as the line, encyclopedic display social life, thus widely exposed the evils of society. As Bernard Shaw pointed out, The Pilgrims Progress on the whole is an attack of the moral and the reputation and denouncing of vice and crime.“ For example, the protagonists encounter with “shame Valley“ and the devil A Bo theory, is the reflection of Stuart Dynasty autocratic rule. The novel has a famous description on “Vanity Fair“ where official, body, soul are all commodities only without the truth. Christian was beaten because said to buy truth even sentenced to death. This plot is typical performance of the restoration. The people are destitute. Journey to the West exposes the ugly reality more lively and vigorously. For instance, it exposes the luxury, corrupt and incompetent of the ruler. In the Heaven on one hand is profligate, on the other hand corruption is rife. Osiris open back door to change secretly life book. Temple of the gods often play favoritism and commit irregularities; even in the West shrine, the two great disciples of Buddha solicit publicly bribes from the Tang master and the followers. When they are unprecedented, they give no words scripture to him, which almost make the journey totally fail. 三是嘲讽了法律的不公。 Mocking the injustice of law 两部小说都以较多的篇幅涉及制度法律的不公,从而对现存社会的合理性提出严 厉质疑。天路历程中“名利场”的“审判”是对法律的虚伪和腐败的绝妙 讽刺。西游记中因果报应是一个主题,但“报应”即惩罚的轻重不是因罪行 的大小而是因“背景”的大小来确定的。 Two novels pay more space to the system of unjust laws, thus put forward severe challenge toward the existing social rationality. The trial in the Vanity Fair in The Pilgrims Progress is against the law of the hypocrisy and corruption. The karma is a theme in the Journey to the West, but retribution not depends on the size of crime but background. 比较文学的意义所在: 第一 借助比较文学的视角我们可以更好更科学更全面地理解和考察文学作品。 天路历程和西游记可以看作是中西方文化的代表。中西方文化比较研究有助于 正确认识与理解各种文化的本质和特征,从而理性看待中西方文化。 With the perspective of comparative literature we can have a better scientific and comprehensive understanding and study of literary works. The Pilgrims Progress and Journey to the West can be regarded as the representatives of western and Chinese culture. A comparative study between Chinese and western cultural contribute to a correct understanding of the essence and features various cultures, thus foster a rational view between western and Chinese culture. 第二点就是更好地探索文学规律。通过天路历程和西游记二部作品相似点的研 究,可以得出人类文学发展的规律。 The second point is that it is helpful to explore the law of literature. Through study the similarities between The Pilgrims Progress and Journey to the West, we can conclude the rules of the development of the human literature. 第三 比较文学可以促进民族文学,推动文化交流。通过天路历程和西游记二部 作品相似点的研究,可以使西游记这部中华文化巨作发扬光大,使全世界都了 解到这部文学作品同时让世界了解到中华文明的伟大。其次,通过二部作品的 比较也能让我们学习和借鉴西方文化的精华。 Comparative literature can promote national literature, promote cultural exchanges. Through the study of the similarities of two works, we can put forward the Journey to the West which representative the Chinese culture to all over the world. Make people all over the world understand this literary works, at the same time, let the world know about the Chinese civilization. Secondly, through the comparison of the two works, we can also learn the essence of Western culture. 结尾 综上可见,尽管存在文化和宗教上的差异,但不论在 17 世纪的英国或 16 世纪的中国


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