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五、离子通道药物筛选 (Screening strategies for ion channel targets) I. Introduction Ion Channel Play a central role in human physiology 1) Help regulate cellular ion homostasis 2) Adjust the electrical activity of nerve and muscle cells 3) Control the release of transmitters and hormones. Modulation of ion channel activity represents an effective therapeutic strategy for a wide variety of disorders. II. Ion channel function 1. Form a narrow aqueous pore spanning the membrane that selectively allows the passage of one or a few classes of ions, e.g. Na+, K+, Ca2+, or Cl-. 1. 2. They are gated pores, allowing controlled, rather than 2. continuous, ion flux. Gating mechanisms: “ligand-binding” (ligand-gated), “voltage-dependent mechanism (voltage-gated) III. Ion channel-related disease Long-QT syndromes (遗传性长QT综合症) (K+ ) Defects in cardiac K+ channels (occur in only 1 in 15,000 individuals and result in cardiac arrhythmia (心律失常) and sudden death). Deafness (耳聋)、Hyperinsulinemia (高胰岛素症) (K+ ) Cystic fibrosis (囊肿纤维化) 、Myopathies (肌肉病变) (Cl+ ) Hereditary hypertension (遗传性高血压) (Na+) Periodic paralysis (周期性瘫痪) (Na+) Malignant hyperthermia (恶性高热) (Ca2+) 【相关报道】 美国两位科学家获2003年诺贝尔化学奖 IV. Established assay methods Simple blockers or openers, modulatory compounds. Detect modulation of any of the properties: signal conductance, directionality, ion selectively, gating dependence on the binding of a ligand or membrane potential, and desensitization 六、抗HIV药物筛选 艾滋病由一种逆转录病毒引起的 1)1983年著名的法国巴斯德研究所肿瘤病毒室主任蒙嗒尼尔 (Montagnier)首先从一名患淋巴结病综合症的男性同性恋者的 淋巴结中分离到一种艾滋病的淋巴结病相关病毒 (Lymphaenopathy Associated Virus)简称LAV。 2)1984年美国国立肿瘤研究所的研究人员也报告从艾滋病病 人血液标本中分离到多株逆转录病毒,命名为嗜人TH淋巴细胞 三型病毒(Human T-Lymphotrophic Virus)简称HTLV-。这 两种病毒被认为是同一种逆转录病毒的变种,并肯定为引起艾 滋病的病原体、把它称为LAV/LTLV-。 1、HIV简介 1986年7月25日,世界卫生组织(WHO)发布公报 , 国际病毒分类委员会会议决定,将艾滋病病毒改 称为人类免疫缺陷病毒 (Hmuan Immunodeficiency Virus) 简称HIV。 HIV呈袋状球形,直径约约150毫微米,包膜由一薄层层 类类脂质质构成,具有抗原性。HIV有10%碱基序列不同 。 是单链单链 RNA病毒,外有核壳蛋白,此外还还有一种特殊 的逆转录转录 酶,能以单链单链 RNA作为为模块块,转录为转录为 双链链 DNA,该该双链链DNA可与宿主细细胞的DNA结结合然后逆 转录为转录为 病毒的单链单链 DNA,因此感染艾滋病病毒后, 病 毒的核酸永远远与宿主细细胞结结合在一起,使得感染不能 消失,机体无法清除病毒。 NC:核壳蛋白 HIV picture HIV由皮肤破口或粘膜进进入人体血液,主要攻击击和破坏的 靶细细胞T4淋巴细细胞(T4淋巴细细胞在细细胞免疫系统统中起着中 心调节调节 作用,它能促进进B细细胞产产生抗体),使得T4细细胞失 去原有的正常免疫功能。当激活免疫反应应的T4细细胞几乎 全部被HIV消除,T4细细胞抑制细细胞在数量上巨增,相反病 人体内T4细细胞在数量上骤骤减,从而导导致病人的免疫功能 全部衰竭,为为条件性感染创创造了极为为有利的条件。 HIV是嗜T4淋巴细细胞和嗜神经细经细 胞的病毒。 The Threat of HIV/AIDS in China According to figures from the Ministry of Public Health, around 850,000 people in China have been infected by the HIV virus since the deadly disease was first detected in the country in 1985. The total number of people to develop full- blown AIDS is estimated to have reached around 200,000, only 80,000 and 100,000 of whom are still alive, hiding their conditions for fear of discrimination and unable to afford AIDS drugs. In the first half of 2002, reported cases of HIV infection rose in China at a rate of 16.7% compared with the same period of 2001. The World Health Organization has warned that China could have over 10 million HIV/AIDS carriers by the year 2010 if no efficient measures to counter the spread of the disease are taken. According to the Ministry of Health, the sharing of needles among intravenous drug users caused 68 percent of confirmed HIV cases, while unclean blood collecting and transfusions are responsible for 9.7 percent. Another 7.2 percent of HIV carriers contracted the disease through unsafe or unprotected sex. The central governments budget for the prevention of AIDS has increased from 15 million yuan in 2001 to 100 million yuan. A total of 1.25 billion yuan in national bonds has been issued to strengthen supervision of the construction of blood banks in western regions of China, where more people have HIV than in other parts of the country。 2、HIV life cycle 3、抗HIV药物设计与筛选 1)病毒与靶细胞结合阻止剂 ( HIV-gp41, CD4)(invasion) HIV与靶细胞膜表面的CD4受体结合。 该类药物设计的着眼点放在特异性作用于病毒蛋白(尤其 是被膜蛋白)或靶细胞T4抗原,病毒结合位点以及能干扰 病毒被膜的完整上。 HIV病毒利用其表面的gp160蛋白辨认宿主细胞膜。 gp160蛋白由gp120与gp41組成。(gp120功能为辨认, gp41功能为伸入宿主細胞膜,結合病毒細胞膜)。 利用药物抑制gp41的作用,也是目前的一种治疗方法。 药物筛选策略 寻找特异性结合 gp41,gp120, CD4蛋白的化合物 “第三者”插足 ? SPR Virus adsorption (gp 120) inhibitors Virus adsorption (gp 120) inhibitors Viral fusion (gp 41) inhibitors 2) HIV病毒逆转录酶抑制剂 (HIV-RT)(replication) 病毒进入靶细胞后,其逆转录酶RT是催化产生正链DNA共聚物 的关键。因此,该类药物设计的最佳靶点为逆转录酶。目前批 准上市的五个药物均基于这一着眼点,但它们均属于核甙类化 学药物,毒副作用大,选择性不高,且有耐药菌珠出现,故都 面临被淘汰的危险。因此,具有选择性高的非核甙类RT抑制剂 是未来抗HIV药物的研究热点之一。 HIV逆转录酶(HIV RT)基本特征 RT是由p66和p51两个亚基组成的异源二聚体,两 亚基N端序列相同,p51比p66缺少了C端的Rnase H 活性区 RT从结构上分为聚合酶活性区和Rnase H 区两个 domain,前者又分为 4 subdomains-finger, palm, thumb, connection 两个domain对应RT的两种不同酶活性:RNA- or DNA- dependent DNA polymerase activity 和 ribonuclease (Rnase) H activity p66-in color; p51-in gray RT的功能 RT在HIV病毒生活史中将HIV的单链RNA基 因组反转成为双链DNA RT是治疗AIDS的重要靶标,抑制RT的活性成 为AIDS治疗的主要手段 目前的药物主要针对RT的聚合酶活性 筛选RT抑制剂的方法 同位素应用的方法 有较大的局限性 非同位素方法 比色法Colorometry 荧光法Fluorescence 发光法Luminescence 时间分辨荧光 HTRF(homogeneous time- resolved fluorescence) 闪烁亲和测定(scintillation proximity assay,SPA) SPR RT主要的抑制剂 RT抑制剂分为两类 Nucleoside RT inhibitors (NRTIs)核苷类: 10 个上市-AZT, Ziagen, Epivir, Viread, Trizivir, Combivir, Zerit, Videx EC, HIVID, Retrovir Nonnucleoside RT inhibits (NNRTIs)非核 苷类: 3 个上市-Rescriper, Sustiva, Viramune NNRTI非核苷类抑制剂与RT结合示意图 3) HIV-整合酶抑制剂筛选 (HIV-Integrase) 整合酶的基本功能、性质 HIV 整合酶(Integrase,IN) : HIV 第三酶 HIV病毒pol基因3 端编码 32KDal 三个结构域(晶体结构均已解析) 基本功能: 催化病毒复制基本步骤病毒双链DNA 整合到宿主DNA 作为治疗AIDS靶标优点: 人体内尚未发现该酶类似物 B A C 病毒双链DNA 整合到宿主DNA 整合酶作用部位 1. 形成整合酶、病毒DNA复合物 2. 剪切病毒DNA 3 末端 3. 转移病毒DNA 4. 剪切细胞DNA 5. 连接病毒DNA 和细胞DNA 药物筛选方法 SPA: Scintillation Proximity Assay SPA Bead 3H L-731,988 DNA FLAG-integrase Biotinylated anti-FLAG antibody Amy S. Espeseth et al. (2000) PNAS SPA Bead 主要抑制剂 Diketo acids 类 L-731,988. Ryan Reinke et al (2002) A.A.C. Daria J. Hazuda et al (2000) science 4) Drug Screening based on Interaction of CypA and HIV capsid Packaging of cyclophilin A (CypA) into HIV-1 virions is essential for efficient replication. Incorporation of CypA into viral particles is mediated through binding to the Gly-89-Pro-90 peptide bond of the N- terminal domain of HIV-1 capsid (CAN) at a CypA: CA ration of about 1:10 . Identification of resides within CAN that change in chemical shift on binding and catalysis by CypA. CypA (blue) is shown bound to the flexible loop between Pro-85 and Pro-93 of CAN (yellow). Backbone amides of CAN that shift on CypA binding by more than 14Hz are highlight in red. Proline within CAN(1- 146) are shown in green. Disruption of CypA incorporation into HIV-1 virions by CSA correlates with inhibition of HIV-1 DNA synthesis Jurkat cells were infected with viral stocks produced in the presence of 0,0.5,2.5uM CSA,as indicated. Virions were pelleted from drug-containing medium and used to infect cells in the absence of the drug. PCR was performed and phosphorImager quantitation of products shown . 七、 基于COX2/5-LOX为靶点的 抗炎药物筛选 炎症反应 被多种炎症介质所介导,其中花生四烯酸( Arachidonic Acid,AA)的代谢产物前列腺素(PGs )和白三烯(LTs)是其中重要的两个炎症介质。 膜磷酸酯经由磷酸酯A2(PLA2)产生游离的花生四烯酸(AA), 环加氧酶(COX- 1和COX-2) 将AA转化为前列腺素


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