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在学生就要走出校门的时候,班级工作仍要坚持德育先行,继续重视对学生进行爱国主义教育、集体主义教育、行为规范等的教育,认真落实学校、学工处的各项工作要求词汇应用在初中英语学业水平考试中,词汇应用是英语测试中的一种必考题型,主要考查学生的阅读理解能力以及对所学词汇的运用能力,具有一定的灵活性和综合性。在做题时考生要了解短文大意及相关的语境,然后根据上下文提供的信息来确定所给词的适当形式。考点2016201520142013名词单复数及所有格1次 (复数)1次 (复数)1次 (复数)1次 (所有格)词性转换1次(n. - adv. )3次(adj. - adv. ,adv. 不变,基-序)1次(adv. - adj. )3次(adj. - adv. ,n. - adj. ,基-序)动词时态、语态1次(语态) 2次(时态)1次(语态) 1次(时态)1次(时态) 1次(语态)3次 (时态)动词短语搭配1次2次2次代词1次1次1次形容词、副词的比较级和最高级2次 (比较级)1次 (最高级)1次 (比较级)1次 (比较级)非谓语动词3次2次2次1次形容词变反义词1次1次1次第三人称单数1次1次纵观近几年来的词汇应用题,我们会发现有以下几个特点: 1. 动词形式的变化是考查的重点,包括动词短语的运用。 2. 可数名词的单复数变化、名词所有格、不可数名词、人称代词、物主代词、反身代词、基数词变序数词、形容词的比较级和最高级、形容词和副词之间的转换等是常考的内容。 3. 非谓语动词的考查近三年受到青睐。2016年考查了介词+doing;make sb. do和动词不定式三种形式。在今后的复习中,要加强基础语法知识的背诵。词汇应用题考查考生在阅读理解的基础上对词汇、语法等知识的综合运用能力。近几年中考词汇应用的命题有以下趋势: 1. 更加注重对学生综合能力的考查,要求考生联系上下文,在准确理解全文大意的基础上用所给词汇的正确形式填空。 2. 命题更加贴近生活,同时渗透浓厚的人文关怀和时代气息。大部分地区的考题都涉及了当前社会比较关注的话题:“光盘行动”、文明城市、交通安全、饮食健康、热点人物和青少年梦想等。 3. 体裁以记叙文和夹叙夹议文为主,文章一般具有很强的连贯性和逻辑性。 4. 对词类的考查以动词为主,其次是形容词,然后依次是代词、名词、副词、介词、连词和数词。对动词主要考查时态、语态、非谓语动词等。 1. 千道理、万道理,积累背诵才是硬道理。在学习中要对词汇、动词短语以及固定搭配进行积极背诵和及时的巩固复习。只有打牢基础,做题时才能得心应手。 2. 进行限时训练,总结做题技巧,提高解题能力,养成良好的做题习惯。 3. 关注社会热点话题,开阔视野,增加背景知识。一、词汇应用题解题方法技巧谨记词汇应用题的特点词不离句,句不离篇。在做题时考生要先通读全文,了解短文的大意及相关语境,然后根据上下文提供的信息来确定所给词的适当形式。词汇应用题的一般解题思路是: 1. 通览全文,了解大意。 2. 认真阅读全句,准确理解句意。 3. 分析应填词充当的句子成分,准确判断应填词的词性。例I was surprised at the (develop) of Shanghai.【解析】由句意可知,需要用develop的名词形式development。【答案】development 4. 综合考虑,判断所填词的正确形式。 A. 找出提示词例1There are many (child) in the classroom.【答案】children例2This lesson is (difficult) than that one.【答案】more difficult例3David works (care) in his class.【答案】the most carefully【解析】例1空格前有many,应填child的复数形式。例2由空格后的than可知,应填difficult的比较级more difficult。例3空格前有动词works,应填副词,再根据后面的in his class可知,应填carefully的最高级 the most carefully。 B. 注意动词短语、固定搭配如:use sth. to do sth. ,allow sb. to do sth. ,spend time (in) doing sth. ,mind doing sth. 等。 5. 复读检查,消除疏漏。二、常考词性解题方法 1. 名词:名词单复数要牢记,还有s不能弃。 A. Spiderman is one of the most famous comic book (hero). B. With tears in his eyes,he asked the question with these words,“Are you (God) wife?”“No,Im a mother,”said the woman.【答案】A. heroesB. Gods 2. 形容词、副词:形、副注意用三级,形、副转换时常考,形修名词副修动,牢牢记在心头上。 A. They cant understand their teacher (clear). B. But it may be (good) than you think.【答案】A. clearlyB. better 3. 数词:要填数词请留意,千万别忘“基”和“序”。 So he did. He had never sung in public before. Now he was singing for the (one) time.【答案】first 4. 代词:填代词需慎重,五格变化(如:she,her,her,hers,herself)要谨记。 But now at least he can live on (he) own.【答案】his 5. 介词:介词后面动名词,常见介词 (of,before,after,in,for,with,without,except,by)记心头。 After (explain) something in class,he asked his students if they understood.【答案】explaining 6. 动词:动词注意要变形(第三人称单数、过去式、过去分词);时态判断方法多,根据时态呼应、上下文、时间状语都可以;语态判断顺句意,动词短语要牢记,平日积累最可贵。 A. Be quiet!He (listen) to the radio. B. Its just because you look like my son,whom I (not see) for a long time. C. If you can think of someone who should (give) an apology(道歉) by you,do something about it right now. D. The doctor said my father (get) well in two months.【答案】A. is listening(根据上下文。) B. havent seen (“for+段时间”是现在完成时态的典型时间状语。) C. be given(根据句意。) D. would get(根据时态呼应。在宾语从句中要注意时态呼应。若主句是一般过去时态,从句不是客观真理,其时态通常要用相对应的过去时态。)如果所给动词在句子中不作谓语,就应该考虑用动词的非谓语动词形式(to do,v. -ing形式,done)。究竟选用哪种非谓语动词形式,可根据情况从以下几个方面来考虑。 (1)用动词不定式的常见情况有:用不定式作宾语,如:want to do sth.,decide to do sth. ,would like to do sth. 等;用不定式作宾补,如:use sth. to do sth.,ask sb. to do sth. ,allow sb. to do sth.,want sb. to do sth. ,encourage sb. to do sth. 等;用不定式作形补,如:be pleased to do sth.,be happy to do sth.等;用不定式作后置定语,如:something to eat,have time to do sth.,have a chance to do sth.,a good place to visit,the best way to do sth.等;在某些句型中要用动词不定式,如:It is time for sb. to do sth.,It is+adj. +for sb. to do sth.等;在短语be made to do sth.,be seen to do sth.,be heard to do sth.,be allowed to do sth. 中用动词不定式。 (2)在某些动词后用省略to的动词不定式,如:make sb. do sth. ,let sb. do sth. 。但在某些动词后既可用动词原形又可用doing 来表示不同的含义,如:see sb. do sth. 看到某人做某事的全过程,see sb. doing sth. 看到某人正在做某事。有相同用法的单词还有notice,watch,hear 等。 (3)在enjoy,finish,mind,be busy,look forward to,cant help(禁不住),have fun,have problems等后要用v. -ing形式。 (4)过去分词作后置定语,如:After some time,one of the brothers picked up a jar filled (fill) with gold coins. 。(2015昆明)Chinese people have been celebrating the Mid-Autumn Festival and enjoying mooncakes for 1(century). There are many traditional folk stories about this festival. However,most people think that the story of Change is the most 2(touch). It tells after Hou Yi shot down the 3(nine) suns,a goddess gave him magic medicine to thank him. Hou Yi planned 4(drink) it with his wife,Change. But a bad man,Pang Meng,tried to steal the medicine when Hou Yi was out. Change 5(is) ready to give it to him and then drank it all. She became very light and 6(fly) up to the moon. Hou Yi was so sad and missed her very much. One night,he found that the moon was so bright and round that he could see his wife there. He 7(quick) laid out her favorite fruits and desserts in the garden. 8(how) he wished that she could come back! After this,people started the 9(traditional) of admiring the moon and sharing mooncakes that carry 10(they) wishes to the families they love and miss.本文通过讲述“嫦娥的故事”介绍了中国的传统节日中秋节的由来。【答案与解析】1. centuries由常识可知本句意为“中国人庆祝中秋节且享用月饼已经有几个世纪了”。“for+一段时间”表示“长达”,century作名词,意为“世纪;百年”,其复数形式表示“几个世纪;几百年”,故填centuries。2. touching由空前的is及the most可判断,空格处用形容词;touch为动词,其形容词形式为touching,意为“感人的;动人的”,the most touching为touching的最高级,故填touching。3. nine由神话传说可知,后羿射掉了九个太阳。由suns为复数可知此处应用基数词,故填nine。4. to drinkplan to do sth. 为固定用法,意为“计划做某事”,故填to drink。5. wasnt/was not由下文“然后把它都喝了”可知嫦娥不准备把仙药给逄蒙,此处应用否定形式,事情发生在过去,故用一般过去时,is的过去式为was,故填wasnt或was not。6. flew联系上文可知,空格处的动词形式应与became一致,故用fly的过去式flew。7. quickly空格处的单词修饰动词短语laid out,故用副词;quick的副词形式是quickly(迅速地)。句意:他在园子里很快摆出了她最喜欢的水果和甜点。8. How句意:他多么希望她能够回来!此处为how引导的感叹句,故填How。句首单词的首字母要大写。9. tradition由空格前的定冠词the以及空格后的of可知,此处用名词形式;traditional为形容词,意为“传统的”,其名词形式为tradition,意为“传统”,the tradition of意为“的传统”,故填tradition。10. their由空格后的名词wishes可知,此处用they的形容词性物主代词their修饰wishes。their wishes意为“他们的愿望”。(一) Brian was not good at public speaking. One day,he 1(invite) to make a speech at a church. His 2 (young) sister,Ann knew he was nervous and tried to calm him down. “Dont worry. Everything 3 (be) fine. ” When the day came,Brians car had an accident on the way to the church. Luckily,he was not 4 (bad) hurt and arrived at the church on time. It was 5 (he) turn. When he stood up,his coat became tangled with his chair. After a few 6 (minute),he finally began his speech,but he was so nervous that he dropped his book. Many people thought he would run,but he went on. Suddenly,people saw something 7 (usual) 8 (run) down from his nose,blood!He stopped 9 (speak) when he saw the blood. But he still tried to finish his speech. Then Ann quietly moved to the front and handed him her handkerchief. Then she gave him a smile and 10(return) to her seat. It was a 11 (real) simple gesture,and might be the 12 (simple). She just saw someone in need,and gave him a hand. In the end,Brian finished his talk,with more confidence. 1. was invited故事发生在过去,故用一般过去时;主语he和动词invite之间是被动关系,故用被动语态。2. younger“妹妹”应为younger sister。3. will be/is going to be由上句“别担心”及语境可知本句意为“一切将会很顺利”,故用一般将来时。4. badly修饰动词用副词,故填badly。5. histurn在此处作名词,意为“次序”,应用形容词性物主代词his来修饰。6. minutesa few后接可数名词复数,minute 的复数形式是在词尾直接加-s。7. unusual人们看到血正顺着Brian的鼻子流下来,因此是“不寻常的”,故填unusual。8. runningsee. doing. “看到正在做”,现在分词作宾补。9. speakingBrian正在演讲,看到血之后,他应该停止了演讲。stop doing sth. “停止做某事”。10. returnedand连接的两个动词时态应一致,由gave可知return也用过去式。11. really修饰形容词用副词,故填really。12. simplest由定冠词the 可知此处应填simple的最高级。(二) During the Second World War, Johns family didnt have a washing machine. Therefore, 1(keep) clothes clean became a problem for them. Before long, a family friend decided 2 (join) the army and his wife was going with him. Johns family told them that they could take care of their furniture while they were away. To the 3 (family) surprise, the friend suggested they should use his Bendix washing machine.“It would be better for it to 4 (use), rather than sitting 5 (quiet), ” he said. Young John helped with the washing, and he developed a deep love of the old, green Bendix. 6(late), the war ended and the familys friend returned. When he came to take the machine away, John became very sad. His mother saw this and said to 7 (he), “Son, you must remember that the machine didnt belong to us in the 8 (one) place. It was a gift for us to be able to use it for such a long time. So, instead of 9 (be) sad about the loss, lets be grateful that we 10 (be) able to use it at that time. ” We have all experienced loss:loss of people and things. However, if we see the thing we 11 (lose) as a gift that we were given for a time, maybe the sad 12 (memory) will change into thankful ones. 1. keeping/to keep本题考查非谓语动词。动名词和动词不定式可作句子的主语。2. to join由decide to do sth. 可知,应填to join。3. familys本题考查固定短语to ones surprise。由短语可知用ones,所以填familys。4. be used本题考查动词不定式的被动形式。由句意可知,洗衣机是被使用的。动词不定式的被动形式为to be done。5. quietly应用副词quietly来修饰动词sit。6. Later根据上下文语境可知,文章想要表达“后来”,故填Later。7. him本题考查代词变化。由句意可知是母亲对他说,said to中to为介词,后用宾格,故填him。8. first本题考查基数词和序数词之间的转换。由句意可知用first。9. being介词后用动词的-ing形式。由提示词of 可知,用being。10. were由提示短语at that time“在那个时候”可知,用一般过去时。11. have lost由上下文语境可知,用have lost。12. memories本题考查名词单复数变化。(三)A letter home Sarah Williams went to a boarding school. Here is one of the letters she wrote to her parents from the school. Dear Dad and Mom, Im afraid I have some very bad news for you. I 1 (be) very naughty since I became a student in the school,and the headmaster is very angry with me. He is going to write to you. You must 2(come) and take me away from here. He 3 (not want) me in the school any longer. The trouble started last night when I 4 (smoke) a cigarette in bed. This is against the rules,of course. We are not supposed 5 (smoke) at all. As I was smoking,I heard footsteps 6 (come) towards the room. I did not want a teacher to catch me smoking,so I 7 (throw) the cigarette away.8 (fortunate),the cigarette fell into the waste-paper,which 9 (catch) a fire. Soon the whole building was burning. Now many of the girls are in hospital. The headmaster says that the fire was all my fault and you must pay for the damage. You 10 (send) a bill from our school for about a million dollars. Im very sorry about this. Much love, Sarah P. S. (附)None of the above is true,but I 11 (fail) my exams. I just want you 12(know) how bad things could have been!1. have been本题考查现在完成时态。由提示词since可知用现在完成时态。2. come本题考查动词形式。情态动词must后跟动词原形,故填come。3. doesnt want根据上下文语境及主语he可知用doesnt want。4. was smoking本题考查动词时态。由句意可知用was smoking。5. to smoke本题考查be not supposed to do sth. ,意为“不应该做某事”。6. coming本题考查hear sb. /sth. do sth. 与 hear sb. /sth. doing sth. 的区别。hear sb. /sth. do sth. 听见某人/某物做某事的全过程,hear sb. /sth. doing sth. 听见某人/某物正在做某事。7. threw本题考查动词时态。联系上下文可知用一般过去时。8. Unfortunately本题考查对文章大意的理解能力。联系上下文可知,此处要表达“不幸的是”,所以用Unfortunately。9. caught本题考查动词时态。联系上下文可知用一般过去时。10. will be sent本题考查动词时态和语态。本句句意为“你们将被寄一张来自我们学校的约一百万美元的账单”可知,用一般将来时态的被动语态。11. have failed本题考查动词时态。联系上下文可知用现在完成时态。12. to know本题考查want sb. to do sth. 。(四) Doing homework not only can 1(help) children master the knowledge they have learnt but also can train their abilities of finishing the work alone,2 (plan) the time and doing the 3(duty). But some children dont like to complete the work. Why?There are some reasons. Some children feel it is very difficult4(do) their homework,because they cant understand their teacher 5 (clear),and cant follow their teachers teaching process. Maybe there is something wrong with their intelligence. But some childrens intelligence is normal. They are even 6 (clever),but they dont listen to the teacher 7 (careful). It is hard for them 8 (sit) well and pay attention to something. The attention centralized(集中注意力) training needs to be carried on 9 (help) the children. Some children love their teacher and then they like the subject. Their interest depends on the teacher who 10 (teach)them. So every teacher should be 11 (help) and kind. It can make children love you and the subject you teach. So they can do their homework 12(happy). 1. help本题考查情态动词后跟动词原形。2. planningand连接的动词形式应一致,and 后为doing,所以前面应该为planning。3. duties本题考查名词单复数变化。duty为可数名词。4. to do本题考查句型it is difficult to do sth. ,意为“做某事很困难”。5. clearly由提示词understand 可知,用clear 的副词形式clearly修饰动词understand。6. cleverer由提示词even可知用比较级。修饰比较级的词还有much,a bit,a little等。7. carefully本题考查形容词和副词之间的转换。由提示词 listen to 可知用carefully。8. to sit本题考查句型 it is+adj. +for sb. +to do sth. 。9. to help本题考查动词不定式作目的状语。句意为“为了帮助孩子们,需要对他们进行集中注意力的训练”。10. teaches本题考查定语从句中的主谓一致。句中who指代的是the teacher,是单数,故用teaches。11. helpful根据句意和and 前后词性一致的规律,应用helpful。12. happily本题考查形容词和副词之间的转换。由提示词do 可知,副词修饰动词,应该用happy的副词形式happily。(五) Last year,we spent Christmas and New Year in Queensland,Australia. The beaches were beautiful,and we spent a lot of time 1 (play)by the sea,swimming and surfing. One day,we were on a beach just in the south of a city 2(name) Carins. My little sister 3 (look)for shells in the sand down near the waves when she shouted to me,“Hey,Lan!Look what I have found!”I ran down 4 (have) a look,and saw her 5 (point)at a strange black object that was half buried in the sand:“What is it?”she asked. I said I didnt know. Just then,my father came over,“Are you enjoying6(your),you two?”he asked. Then he saw the strange black thing. “Whats that?”he said,bending down to take a7(close) look. Suddenly he said,“Quickly,kids,8 (get) away from here. Go and play somewhere else. ”Then my father called the police. The police studied the thing 9 (careful) after 10(arrive),and finally they told us it was a 11(Japan) bomb (炸弹) from World War . Sometimes they got 12(wash) up on the beaches there. 1. playing本题考查spend. doing sth. 。2. named本题考查非谓语动词的用法。a city named Carins意为“一个叫做Carins的城市”,named Carins在这里作后置定语。3. was looking通过上下文语境可知用过去进行时态。4. to have本题考查非谓语动词。动词不定式在这里作目的状语。5. pointing本题考查see的用法。see sb. doing sth. 意为“看见某人正在做某事”,see sb. do sth. 意为“看见某人做某事的全过程”。由句意可知,此处是看见某人正在做某事。6. yourselves本题考查动词短语enjoy oneself。7. closer根据句意可知应该用 closer。8. get此句为祈使句,用动词原形开头。9. carefully由提示词studied可知,应用副词修饰动词。故用carefully。10. arrivingafter此处为介词,介词后应用动词的-ing形式。11. Japanese由提示词bomb(炸弹) 可知,需要一个形容词,而Japan的形容词形式是Japanese。12. washed此句意为“有时它们被冲到了那里的沙滩上”。get washed=be washed。(六) A little girl called Fan Yi has caught many peoples attention 1 (recent). The little writers first English story,Swordbird(剑鸟),was on the New York Times bestseller list for childrens fiction. Fan Yi 2 (born) in Beijing in 1993. She finished her 3 (one) grade of primary school in Beijing and then moved to the US with her parents at the age of 7. She 4 (interest) in birds greatly since she 5 (be) a little girl. When Fan was studying 6 (America) history at school,she read many 7 (article)about the September 11 Attacks. She wanted all people 8 (live)in peace with each other. Around that time,she 9 (have) a dream one night. In the dream,some birds fought with each other. Fan 10 (get) an idea from the dream and turned it into a story. In it,she showed 11 (she) idea of peace in the world. In the future,Fan will write12(many)books. Will she become another J. K. Rowling?We will have to wait and see. 1. recently本题考查形容词和副词之间的转换。空格处作状语,应用recent 的副词形式recently。2. was born本题考查短语be born in “出生于”。3. first由句意可知用one的序数词 first。4. has been interested由提示词since 可知,主句用现在完成时。5. was由提示词since 可知,从句用一般过去时。6. American修饰history应该用America 的形容词形式American。7. articles本题考查名词的单复数变化。8. to live本题考查want sb. to do sth. 。9. had根据上下文语境可知应该用一般过去时。10. gotand 前后动词的形式应是一致的,所以用 got。11. her由提示词idea可知,此处需要用形容词性物主代词修饰名词idea。12. more由句意可知用many的比较级more。(七) Now more than 20 schools in the northwest of China 1 (use)E-textbooks. Some teachers say that they make learning 2(easy) and teaching more convenient. Jing Xuan is 3 (excite) about lessons like Chinese,English and math. She 4 (enjoy) the pictures and 5 (animation) (动画)in the E-textbooks. The children here 6 (study) with E-textbooks since last September. With the help of the E-textbooks,some good ideas 7 (share) at times. Some parents encourage their children 8 (try) the E-textbooks to make learning easier. But others worry about their 9(children) health.“You cant imagine how the growing popularity of E-textbooks is changing the way the students learn!More and more students 10 (learn) with E-textbooks in the future. 11(how),theres still a long way 12 (go),”said the headmaster. 1. are using本题考查动词时态。根据句中Now可知句子应用现在进行时态。2. easier本题考查形容词的比较级。根据语境可知此句应表达“一些老师说它们使学习更加容易了”,故用easier。3. excited由句意可知,此处需要一个形容词,主语是人,应用excited。4. enjoys本题考查动词时态和主谓一致。联系上下文可知用一般现在时态,又因主语为she,故用enjoys。5. animations本题考查可数名词变复数。6. have studied本题考查动词时态。由提示词since 可知,用现在完成时态。7. are shared本题考查被动语态。由句意可知,想法是被分享的,故用are shared。8. to try本题考查动词短语encourage sb. to do sth. 。9. childrens本题考查名词所有格。根据句意可知应用children 的所有格。10. will learn由in the future可知用一般将来时态。1


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