七年级英语下册 module 4 life in the future unit 2 every family will have a small plane教案 (新版)外研版_第1页
七年级英语下册 module 4 life in the future unit 2 every family will have a small plane教案 (新版)外研版_第2页
七年级英语下册 module 4 life in the future unit 2 every family will have a small plane教案 (新版)外研版_第3页
七年级英语下册 module 4 life in the future unit 2 every family will have a small plane教案 (新版)外研版_第4页
七年级英语下册 module 4 life in the future unit 2 every family will have a small plane教案 (新版)外研版_第5页
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“讲忠诚、严纪律、立政德”三者相互贯通、相互联系。忠诚是共产党人的底色,纪律是不能触碰的底线,政德是必须修炼的素养。永葆底色、不碰底线Unit 2 Every family will have a small plane课 题Unit 2 Every family will have a small plane教材分析1、本课课型( Reading and speaking)2、教材分析:“未来生活”是每个学生都很感兴趣的话题,本模块以未来教室的学习为切入点,继而用托尼的画笔绘出他心目中未来生活有关衣、食、住、行等各个方面的模样。本单元是在第一单元学习了简单的问答练习之后进行的读写活动,以学生作文的方式描述了未来生活中的环境、气候、旅行和假期等方面的内容。本课为一篇有关未来的短文,如果单纯的以阅读的方式教授,课堂气氛就会比较沉闷,也会影响学生的学习兴趣。为此,教师可以把学生分成若干小组,针对不同方面的内容展开小组辩论,帮助学生总共和运用语言目标。同时,在学习本课知识的同时引导学生如何进行英文写作。3、学生分析:通过本模块第一单元的学习,本班学生已经对一般将来时有了一定的了解,大多数学生已经能够运用一般现在时进行简单的口语交际。虽然有三分之一的学生的听、说、读、写方面存在较大困难,学习能力较低,但是他们对本模块内容很感兴趣,我对于他们英语水平的提升还是充满了信心的。在进行小组讨论时,学生可能会出现优等生“一言堂”,学困生不张嘴的现象。对此,教师要提前做好同学们的工作,要求学生在上本课之前做好充分的准备,而不至于在上课时无话可说。教 学 目 标 1)能听懂谈论未来的简单对话,能判断未来事实。2)能用will表达自己对未来的想象。 3)能够正确朗读语音部分练习的音标以及单词。知识掌握:能用will描述自己对未来的预测和想象,能用so表达较复杂的概念。 理解能力:能够听懂谈论未来的简短对话,能判断未来事实。语言运用:能够与同学们运用will 和同学进行简短的对话交流。逻辑思维:能够运用will表达对未来生活的想象,发表个人观点。 语言知识目标功能语法能够正确运用含有will 的一般将来时的肯定、否定及疑问句。词汇基准目标:air land machine rain robot sea space traffic jam traffic jam wind true come true here is/are bike car cheap everywhere not only but also into long long heavy light easy working hour short rise as well 选择目标: expensive level语音字母u的发音语言技能目标听能听懂谈论未来的简短对话,并判断未来事实。能运用“will”表达自己对未来的想象。能够听出单词的重读。说读写学习策略自学策略能够掌握理解文章大意的阅读策略。合作学习策略能够在小组活动中积极与他人合作,互相帮助,共同完胜学习任务。文化意识了解未来生活会给我们带来的变化,让学生具有危机感。情感态度通过对未来的美好憧憬,培养学生乐观向上的精神。教学重点由will构成的一般将来时的句型结构。教学难点能用will表达自己对未来的预测和想象。教学媒体Tape recorder video 教 学 方 法 : Bottom up Approach 教学过程教学过程的组成部分 Step 1:Warming up Give some pictures and videos about the future to students. Let them watch and describe them. Step 2PreparationWork in pairs. Look at the pictures of Activity 1 and describe what you see. Use the words and expression from the box to help my students. air land job machine rain robot sea space traffic jam wind Step3 Presention Ask some questions about Activity2,Ss listen to the tape and answer the questions.Step4 practice 1.Read the passage of Activity 2 and match the pictures in Activity 1 with the paragraphs. 3Match the paragraphs with the headings. 1 Weather ( ) 2 Clothes ( )3 Jobs ( ) 4 Travel ( )Key: 1-B, 2-A, 3-D. 4-C.2Check () the true sentences. ( ) 1. People have to change clothes in hot weather.( ) 2. The weather will be warm in spring.( ) 3. A lot of people will travel by plane so there will be traffic jams in the air.( ) 4. People will have long holidays because machines will do heavy work.Key: 2,3,4 3Complete the passage of Activity 5 with the correct form of the words from the box.Air cheap everywhere into rise trueWill travel in the future be expensive? No, itll be (1) _. Well travel (2) _ by plane. Well be able to (3) _ over the traffic jams on the land, and well be able to go (4) _ space. But maybe therell be traffic jams in the (5) _ too. What do you think? Do you think this idea about life in the future will come (6) _?Key: 1. cheap 2. everywhere 3. rise 4. into 5. air 6. true 4 Match the words with their opposites. Use the passage in Activity 2 to help my students. easy expensive hot large long warm lightcheap cold cool difficult heavy short smallStep5 Assessment Fill in the blanksStep 6Task. Talk about life in the future. I think everyone will have a small plane so travelling will be easy.Yes, but I think there will be traffic jams in the air.Step 7:HomeworkReview and recite the important points of Unit 2. 板书设计:Unit2 Every family will have a small planeWhat will life be likelThe weather will be quite warmWe wont travel?教学反思:本课为一节读写,教师在学生阅读课文后展开小组讨论,不仅活跃了课堂气氛,而且对接下来的写作练习有很大的帮助。图片展示可以帮助学生想象未来生活,并使学生快速进入课堂学习的氛围中。通过图片练习学习生词,提高学生的学习兴趣,为下一步的阅读做准备。听短文之前先提问两个问题,帮助学生提高获取提高文章细节的能力。本活动为信息概括活动,有助于培养学生总结和理解大意的能力。本活动为信息辨别活


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