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国 际 贸 易 实 务 Course Structure 第一篇:国际货物买卖合同条款第一篇:国际货物买卖合同条款 第二篇:国际货物买卖交易洽商和合同订立第二篇:国际货物买卖交易洽商和合同订立 第三篇:国际货物买卖合同的履行第三篇:国际货物买卖合同的履行 第四篇:国际贸易方式第四篇:国际贸易方式 第一篇:国际货物买卖合同条款 1. 货物名称与品质 2. 货物的数量 3. 货物的包装 4. 货物术语 5. 货物的价格 6. 货物的交付 7. 货物的运输保险 8. 货款的支付 9. 货物的检验 10. 争议、索赔、仲 裁和不可抗力 1. 货物名称与品质 1. 1 货物名称 n“买卖合同是出卖人转移标的物的所有权于买受 人,买受人支付价款的合同。” 中华人民共和国合同法第130条 n规定货物名称应该注意的问题 n货物名称必须具体、明确 n货物名称的使用应该国际化 n货物名称描述应该实事求是 n必须考虑货物名称与运费关系和海关税则的规定 1.2 货物品质 n货物品质,一般是指货物本质性的质量和 外观形态。 n货物本质性的质量表现为货物的化学成分的 构成、物理和机械性能、生物特征等; n货物的外观形态则表现为货物的形状、结构 、色泽、味觉等。 n不同货物因其不同特点,选择不同的质量 指标去表示不同货物的品质。 货物品质的表示方法 n实物样品表示 (Sale by Sample) n文字说明表示(Sale by Description) 样品表示方法 n凭卖方样品买卖(Sale by Sellers Sample) nRepresentative Sample原样 nDuplicate Sample复样 nSealed Sample封样 n凭买方样品买卖(Sale by Buyers Sample) nReturn Sample or Counter Sample回样或对等样品 n参考样品(Reference Sample) n根据英国货物买卖法规定,凭样品买卖包含下述默 示条件: n整批货物与样品一致; n买方应有合理机会进行整批货物与样品比较; n所交货物不得含有对样品进行合理检验所不易发现的、不适销 的缺陷。 文字说明表示办法 n凭规格、等级、标准买卖(Sale by Specification, Grade of Standard) n凭商标、牌名买卖(Sale by Trade Mark or Brand) n凭产地名称(Sale by the Name of Origin) n凭说明书买卖(Sale by Description) 订立品质条款应注意的问题 n要正确使用货物品质的各种表示方法 n明确每种表示方法的含义、特征及其法律责任; n结合商品的特点和传统的做法选择适当的表示方法; n学会综合运用 n要注意科学性和灵活性 n规定品质机动幅度 n规定范围 n规定极限 n规定上下差异 n规定品质公差(Quality Tolerance) 2. 货物的数量 2.1 货物数量的计算单位 n重量(Weight): gram, ounce, pound, long ton n个数(Number): piece, pair, dozen, gross, ream n长度(Length): metre, foot, yard n面积(Area): square metre, square foot, thickness, n体积(Volume): cubic meter, cubic foot n容积(Capacity): liter, gallon, bushel 2.2 计算重量的方法 n毛重(Gross weight) n净重(Net weight) n实际皮重(Actual tare) n平均皮重(Average tare) n习惯皮重(Customary tare) n约定皮重(Computed tare) n公量(Conditional weight) n理论重量(Theoretical weight) 2.3 合同中的数量条款 n溢短装条款(More or less Clause/plus or minus) nE.g. 100,000 yds 5% more or less at Sellers option n约量(About Circa, Approximate) 3. 货物的包装 3.1货物包装的类型和作用 n货物包装的类型 n散装货物(Bulk cargo, cargo in bulk) n裸装货物(Nuded cargo) n包装货物(Packed cargo) n货物包装的作用 n保护商品在流通过程中品质完好和数量完整 n便于货物的储存、保管、运输、装卸、计数和销售 n节省开支、扩大销售、增加外汇收入 3.2 出口货物包装的要求 n科学性 n牢固性 n经济性 n美观性 n适销性 3.3 货物包装的种类 n运输包装(outer packing) n单件运输包装 n按包装造型可分为: n箱(Case),桶(Drum),袋(Bag),包(Bale),捆 (Bundle),罐(Can)。 n按使用材料可分为: n纸箱(Carton),木箱(Wooden Case),铁桶(Iron drum),塑料桶(Plastic drum),袋和纸袋(Paper bag) ,麻袋(Gunny bag)或塑料袋(Plastic bag)。 n集合运输包装 n集装包和集装袋(Flexible container) n托盘(Pallet) n集装箱(Container) n销售包装 3.4 货物包装的标志 n运输标志(shipping mark) n指示性标志(indicative mark) n警告性标志(warning mark ) 3.5 订立包装条款时应注意的问题 n规定包装条款时应明确具体 n考虑商品的性能、特点及所采用的运输方式 n适合有关国家和地区的现行法律规定 4 贸易术语 4.1 贸易术语的含义和分类 n(一) E组 (启运) nEXW 工厂交货(指定地点) n(二) F组 (主要运费未付) nFCA 货交承运人(指定地点) nFAS 船边交货(指定装运港) nFOB 船上交货(指定装运港) n(三) C组 (主要运费已付) nCFR 成本加运费(指定目的港) nCIF 成本保险费加运费(指定目的港) nCPT 运费付至(指定目的港) nCIP 运费保险费付至(指定目的港) n(四) D组 (到达) nDAF 边境交货(指定地点) nDES 目的港船上交货(指定目的港) nDEQ 目的港码头交货 (指定目的港) nDDU 未完税交货 (指定目的地) nDDP 完税后交货 (指定目的地) 第二篇:国际货物买卖交易洽商和合同订立 How to Establish Trade Relationship Step 1: Pretrade contact Step 3: Offer Step 4: Counter-offer Step 5: Acceptance Step 6: Signing contract Step 2: Inquiry Step 1: Pretrade contact How to Write a Business Letter for Establishing Trade Relationship Stating the source of information Stating the purpose of the letter Introduction of your company Introduction of your companys products Good-will ending to prompt responses Stating the Source of Your Information Embassy Chamber of Commerce Banks or Third Party Catalogue Multimedia or Internet Trade Fair or Exhibition Market Survey Examples: nWe learned from the Commercial Counselors Office of our Embassy in your country that you are interested in Chinese handicraft. nMr. Jacques, Head of Arcolite Electric AG has recommended you to us as a leading importer in Korea of lightweight batteries for vehicles. nWe have obtained your name and address from the Internet. nOur market survey showed that you are the largest importer of cases and bags in Egypt. Stating the Purpose of your Letter nIn order to expand our products into South America, we are writing to you to seek cooperate possibilities. nWe are writing to you to establish long-term trade relations with you. nWe wish to express our desire to enter into business relationship with you. Introduction of Your Company nUsually the introduction of your company include the content of its characteristic, business scope, mission statement, and comparative advantages, like: nWe are a leading company with many years experience in machinery export business. nWe enjoy a good reputation internationally in the circle of textile. nWe have our principle as “Clients needs come first.” nA credible sales network has been set up and we have our regular clients from over 100 countries and regions worldwide. nLocated in Shanghai, we take the advantage to set up our solidified production basis in coastal and inland areas. Introduction of Your Companys Products nGeneral introduction: nWe have a good variety of colors and sizes to meet with different needs. nOur product are enjoying popularity in Asian markets. nTo give you a general idea of our products, we are enclosing our catalogue for your reference. nSpecific recommendation: nArt No. 76 is our newly launched one with superb quality, fashionable design, and competitive price. Concluding words nYour comments on our products or any information on your market demand will be really appreciated. nWe are looking forward to your specific inquires. Case 1: Universal Trading Co. LTD nPlayback: nIn last weeks China Light Industrial Products Fair, a visitor from the Netherlands seemed to take an interest in the plush toys produced by Universal Trading Co. Ltd., later he was called away by something seemingly urgent and left a name card to the stand. nTherefore your task is to: nStudy the introduction of your company nAirmail some latest leaflets nWrite a business letter to find if there is some possibilities to enter into business relationship. Introduction of Universal Trading Co. Ltd n 我公司是在上海浦东新区注册的一家国营外贸企业。主要 经营各类轻工业产品的进出口业务。近年来,随着公司内部的 改革及业务量的迅速增加,公司在增强经济实力和改革管理体 制方面已经取得了巨大的成绩。 n 玩具部作为公司的主要业务部门之一,专营各类儿童玩具 的出口,包括塑料、木制、布制、陶瓷和毛绒玩具。产品主要 销往中国香港、欧洲、美国及亚洲市场。公司拥有诸多富有经 验的玩具开发人员及商务人员,并与上海及周边地区的十余家 工厂建立了密切的联系,公司可按客户的要求大批量定做各类 玩具。 n 我公司竭诚寻求与国内外客户的合作机会。我们将提供最 佳服务,按照互利互惠、共同发展的原则同全世界的经销商建 立长期稳固的联系。 Name Card of the Client TIVOLIPRODUCTS PLC PRUCHASING MANAGER CHILA TROOBORG BERSTOFSGAGE 48, ROTTERDAM, THE NETHERLANDS TEL:+(31) 74 12 37 12 FAX:+(31)74 12 37 37 E-MAIL: .ntl nHuaxin Trading Co. Ltd. nMarch 6, 2004 nPurchasing Division nJames Brown & Sons n#304-310 Jalan Street, Toronto, Canada nTel No.: (+01) 7709910 nFax No.: (+01) 7701100 nE-mail.: d nDear Mr. Lockwood, nOur company, Huaxin Trading Co., Ltd., was established in 1980. So far, it has developed into a comprehensive one with import and export rights approved by the government. We specialize in products both for industrial and civil use, such as mechanical and electrical equipment, metal, building materials, chemicals, wooden articles, household necessities, hardware and other light industrial products. 14th Floor Kingstar Mansion, 676 Jinlin Road Shanghai, China Tel: (021)62597480 Fax: (021) 62597490 Zip Code: 200002 Letter 1 nOur company is associated with many factories through a kind of long-term purchasing agreement thus to have qualified suppliers. Meanwhile, much has been concentrated on R&D to promote the flexibility of competing in the brisk world market. For example, recently, our Daily Articles Division has launched a new lie of chinaware HX series, which are made of high quality clay, decorated elegantly by hand, and packed in attractive gift boxes. We believe they are of competing value and intend to introduce them first into Canadian market. If successful, later on, we will export more goods into this potential area. nJust at the moment, we noticed your information on the International Business Daily. We immediately further contacted with Echo Corner, one column in that newspaper. We paid the fee and obtained your name and address. We are now writing to you to see if you are interested in our HX series. nWe are also enclosing our latest catalogue for your reference. nYours sincerely, nHuaxin Trading Co., Ltd. nZhao Jianguo (Mr.) nDaily Articles Division nHuaxin Trading Co. Ltd. nMarch 6, 2004 nPurchasing Division nJames Brown & Sons n#304-310 Jalan Street, Toronto, Canada nTel No.: (+01) 7709910 nFax No.: (+01) 7701100 nE-mail.: d nDear Mr. Lockwood, nFrom the March 4 issue of the International Business Daily we have learned that you are in the market for chinaware, which just falls within our business scope. We are now writing to you to establish long-term trade relations. nAs a leading trading company in Shanghai and backed by nearly 20 years of export experience, we have good connections with some reputable ceramics factories and, sufficient supplies and on-time delivery are guaranteed. 14th Floor Kingstar Mansion, 676 Jinlin Road Shanghai, China Tel: (021)62597480 Fax: (021) 62597490 Zip Code: 200002 Letter 2 nEnclosed please find our latest catalogue. Youll see that we can offer a wide selection of quality dinner and tea sets ranging from the elegant Chinese traditional styles, to the popular European modern designs. nIn particular, we would like to inform you that we have a new line that may be most suitable for your requirementsHX series. They are all made of first-class porcelain, decorated with hand-painted patterns, and packed in eye-catching gift cases. Most of articles are available from stock. nWe are sure you will find a ready sale for our products in Canada as have other retailers throughout Europe and USA. nPlease let us know if we may be of further assistance, and we are looking forward to your specific inquiry. nYours sincerely, nHuaxin Trading Co., Ltd. nZhao Jianguo (Mr.) nDaily Articles Division Sample Letter nDear Mr. Trooborg, nThank you for your interest in our products during the 98 China Light Industrial Products Fair, Shanghai. It was a pity that we didntt have the chance to talk with you in detail at that moment. n (stating the source of information) nWe are now writing you to introduce ourselves as one of state-owned large trading companies in Shanghai and express our wish to enter into business relations with you. n(stating the purpose of this letter and brief introduction) nWe have a Toy Department specializing in the export of various toys covering plastic, wooden, cloth and plush articles. They are all fashionable designed and competing well in the world market. n(General introduction of products) nOur plush toys in which you have shown special interest have already enjoyed a high reputation in other European cities for their lovely styles, comfortable feel and washable traits. Benefiting from the close relationship with a dozen of well- organized factories, we can assure you of the high quality as well as punctuate shipment. n(Specific introduction of products and other advantages) nIn addition, we have airmailed to you some latest leaflets for our plush toys, which may meet with your demand. If you have any specific requirements, please let us know. We can also produce according to your designated styles so long as the quantity is substantial. n(Extension of more formal wishes to establish business relationship) nAs to our financial standing, you may refer to the Bank of China, Shanghai Branch (address, telephone, facsimile, email address). We will appreciate it if you could inform us of your bank reference. nWe are pleased to add you to our list of clients and looking forward to your enquires. n(concluding words) Step 2: Enquiry Words and Phrases ninquire/enquiry 询盘;询价;询购 to inquire about 对.询价 to make an inquiry 发出询盘;向. 询价 inquirer 询价者 inquiry sheet 询价单 specific inquiry 具体询盘 an occasional inquiry 偶尔询盘 firm price 实价,实盘 sales conditions 销售条件 to make delivery 交货 to make prompt-delivery 即期交货 payment terms 付款方式 special orders 特殊订货 Sample Sentences nHeavy enquiries witness the quality of our products. 大量询盘证明我们产品质量过硬。 As soon as the price picks up, enquiries will revive. 一旦价格回升,询盘将恢复活跃。 Enquiries are dwindling. 询盘正在减少。 We regret that the goods you inquire about are not available. 很遗憾,你们所询的货物现在无货。 We cannot take care of your enquiry at present. 我们现在无力顾及你方的询盘。 Your enquiry is too vague to enable us to reply you. 你们的询盘不明确,我们无法答复。 nNow that weve already made an inquiry about your articles, will you please reply as soon as possible? 既然我们已经对你们产品询价,可否尽快给予答复? Will you please tell the quantity you require so as to enable us to sort out the offers? 为了便于我方报价,可以告诉我们你们所要的数量吗? Wed like to know what you can offer as well as your sales conditions. 我们想了解你们能供应什么,以及你们的销售条件。 May I have an idea of your prices? 可以了解一下你们的价格吗? nWould you tell us your best prices C.I.F. Hamburg for the chairs. 请告诉你方椅子到汉堡到岸价的最低价格。 Can you give me an indication of price? 你能给我一个估价吗? Please let us know your lowest possible prices for the relevant goods. 请告知你们有关商品的最低价。 If your prices are favorable, I can place the order right away. 如果你们的价格优惠,我们可以马上订货。 When can I have your firm C.I.F. prices, Mr. Li? 李先生,什么时候能得到你们到岸价的实盘? Wed rather have you quote us F.O.B.prices. 我们希望你们报离岸价格 nHow long does it usually take you to make delivery? 你们通常要多久才能交货? Could you make prompt delivery? 可以即期交货吗? Would you accept delivery spread over a period of time? 不知你们能不能接受在一段时间里分批交货? Could you tell me which kind of payment terms youll choose? 能否告知你们将采用哪种付款方式? He inquired about the varieties, specifications and price, and so on and so forth. 他询问了品种、花色和价格等情况。 nJames Brown & Sons nTO: Huaxin Trading Co., Ltd. (FAX: 021 62597490) FM: James Brown & Sons (FAX: 01 7709910) DT: March 8, 2004 nDear Mr. Zhao, Thank you for your letter of March 6. We are much impressed by your HX series products, and we are particularly interested in the following items Please quote us your best price for the above-mentioned items on CIFC5 Toronto as well as your terms of packing, shipment, payment, and insurance. #304-310 #304-310 JalanJalan Street, Toronto, Canada Street, Toronto, Canada Tel No.: (+01)7709910 Fax No.: (+01)7701100Tel No.: (+01)7709910 Fax No.: (+01)7701100 Email: lockwww.Email: dcnd nIt would be helpful if you could supply relevant samples. Please advise us the cost of these samples including postal charges so that we could remit it to you. Our bank information is as follows: West LB (Europe) AG P.O Box22307, 3000CE, Rotterdam Tel:02 3288927 Fax: 02 3288933 We hope to hear from you soon. Yours Sincerely, Paul Lockwood Purchasing Division James Brown & Sons Tips for Writing a Business Letter nThe letter should be concise and clear nUsage of polite words or sentences Please/will you please/would you/could you nWould you tell us your best prices C.I.F. Hamburg for the chairs. 请告诉你方椅子到汉堡到岸价的最低价格。 nNow that weve already made an inquiry about your articles, will you please reply as soon as possible? 既然我们已经对你们产品询价,可否尽快给予答复? nWed rather have you quote us F.O.B.prices. 我们希望你们报离岸价格 nUsage of passive stance nPlease let us know your lowest possible prices for the relevant goods. 请告知你们有关商品的最低价。 nWhen can I have your firm C.I.F. prices, Mr. Li? 李先生,什么时候能得到你们到岸价的实盘? nMay I have an idea of your prices? 可以了解一下你们的价格吗? nIf you have any specific requirements , please let us know. Assignment nDescription: nWrite an enquiry letter to Universal Trading Co. Ltd., stating your intention to obtain more information of the product. Step 3: Offer Requirements nA clear statement of main trade terms SpecificationSpecification PricePrice QuantityQuantity PackagePackage ShipmentShipment PaymentPayment InsuranceInsurance Sample sentences: n n The minimum quantity is one 20 The minimum quantity is one 20 FCLFCL and with the purchase of two or and with the purchase of two or more containers, the price is reduced by 2%.more containers, the price is reduced by 2%. All these blankets are packed in plastic bags with zip of 1 piece All these blankets are packed in plastic bags with zip of 1 piece each, 20 pieces to a carton.each, 20 pieces to a carton. n n Delivery is to be made within 45 days after receipt of order.Delivery is to be made within 45 days after receipt of order. n n Our usual terms of payment are by confirmed irrevocable Our usual terms of payment are by confirmed irrevocable L/CL/C available available by draft at sight.by draft at sight. n n The insurance shall be effected by the seller covering the invoice value plus The insurance shall be effected by the seller covering the invoice value plus 10%.10%. n n For the Fancy Brand AGT-4 Garment sewing machine, the best price is For the Fancy Brand AGT-4 Garment sewing machine, the best price is USD 78.00 per set USD 78.00 per set FOB ShanghaiFOB Shanghai. . Terms Explanation nPrice Terms: nFOB Free on board nCFR Cost and freight nCIF Cost, insurance and freight n Packing Terms: nFCL: Full Container Load nCf. LCL: Less than container load nTerms of payments: RemittanceTelegraphic Transfer (T/T) Mail Transfer (M/T) Demand Draft (D/D) Remittance Payment after Arrival of the Goods Payment in Advance Cash against Documents (CAD) Remittance against Documents nTerms of payments: Collection Documents against Acceptance (D/A) Documents against


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