



新目标英语8下学生单元学案Unit 8 Have you read Treasure Island?I. Write down the English words.(1 x 10)1. 经典作品_2. 迹象,记号 _3. 沙滩_4. 科技,工艺 _5. 流行音乐_6. 摇滚乐 _7. 永远_8. 南方的_9. 成功(n.)_10. 笑,笑声_II. Write down the phrases.(2 x 15)1. 至少_2. 充满,(有)大量的_3. 成长_4. 把书放下_5. 考虑我们的计划_6. 科幻小说_7. 感觉兴奋_8. 属于_9. 自然之美_10. 把介绍给 _11. 做关于的调查_12. 到达岛上_13. 在大海中央_14. 朝我的屋子跑过来_15. 拿回我能用的许多东西_III. Translate the following sentences into English.(4 x 15)1. -Steve,你决定英语课写哪本书了吗? -是的,小妇人。我已经看完了!-Steve, _ for English class?-Yes, Little Women. _. 2. 你选了那本书?-我选了金银岛,但我还没看完。我只看到了第25页。-Which book _?-_Treasure Island, but I _. Im only _. 3. 你要赶快了。读书报告的上交期限只有两周了。You should _. The book report _. 4. 尽管我一无所有了,但至少我还活着。所以我不会放弃,我会等另一艘船来。_, I have not lost my life. So I _ and _another ship. 5. 在那以后不久,我看到一些野人想要杀害一条破船上的两个人。_, I saw some cannibals _from a broken ship. 6. 我叫他星期五,因为那是我遇到他的日子。他很聪明,我已经教了他一些英语。I _, because _. He is smart and I _ some English. 7. Sally对科学技术很感兴趣,喜欢想象50年后世界会是什么样的。Sally is _ and _ in 50 years.8. Sally上周读完了一本关于机器人的书,下周要就这本书写法语课读书报告。Sally _ last week and _ next week for her French class. 9. 每次在图书馆,Sarah看着她还没读过的那么多书,迫不及待想读一读。Every time she is in the library, Sarah_and she _ read them. 10. 当Sarah年少时,她几乎每件事都要与家人争吵。When Sarah was a teenager, she _ her family. 11. 但是五年前,当她在英国留学时,她在收音机里听到了一首充满感情的有关回家的歌曲。But five years ago, _ in England, she heard a song _ on the radio. 12. 她意识到自己真的很想念远在美国的家人和朋友。从那以后,她就迷上了美国乡村音乐。She _ her family and friends back in the US. _, she _ American country music. 13. 乡村音乐把我们带回到过去的好时光,那时的人们互相善待、彼此信任。Country music _ the “good old days” _. 14. 小男孩太饿了,他根本都没把勺子放下来,一直在吃。The little was_ at all. He _. 15. 我觉得如果每天早晨听他们的音乐,会让我清醒,让我一整天都很愉快。I think if I listen to their music every morning, it _!Unit 8 Have you read Treasure Island?I. Write down the English words.(1 x 10)2. 经典作品classic2. 迹象,记号 mark4. 沙滩sand4. 科技,工艺 technology6. 流行音乐pop6. 摇滚乐 rock8. 永远forever8. 南方的southern10. 成功(n.)success 10. 笑,笑声laughterII. Write down the phrases.(2 x 15)2. 至少at least2. 充满,(有)大量的full of 3. 成长grow up4. 把书放下put down the book5. 考虑我们的计划think about our plan6. 科幻小说science fiction7. 感觉兴奋feel excited8. 属于belong to9. 自然之美the beauty of nature10. 把介绍给 introduce to 11. 做关于的调查do research on 12. 到达岛上arrive on the island13. 在大海中央 in the middle of the sea14. 朝我的屋子跑过来run towards my house15. 拿回我能用的许多东西 bring back many things I can useIII. Translate the following sentences into English.(4 x 15)16. -Steve,你决定英语课写哪本书了吗? -是的,小妇人。我已经看完了!-Steve, have you decided yet which book to write about for English class?-Yes, Little Women. Ive already finished reading it. 17. 你选了那本书?-我选了金银岛,但我还没看完。我只看到了第25页。-Which book did you choose?-I chose Treasure Island, but I havent finished reading it yet. Im only on page 25. 18. 你要赶快了。读书报告的上交期限只有两周了。You should hurry up. The book report is due in two weeks. 19. 尽管我一无所有了,但至少我还活着。所以我不会放弃,我会等另一艘船来。Although I have lost everything, I have not lost my life. So I will not give up and I will wait for another ship. 20. 在那以后不久,我看到一些野人想要杀害一条破船上的两个人。Not long after that, I saw some cannibals trying to kill two men from a broken ship. 21. 我叫他星期五,因为那是我遇到他的日子。他很聪明,我已经教了他一些英语。I named him Friday, because that was the day I met him. He is smart and I have already taught him some English. 22. Sally对科学技术很感兴趣,喜欢想象50年后世界会是什么样的。Sally is interested in science in technology and loves to imagine what the world will be like in 50 years.23. Sally上周读完了一本关于机器人的书,下周要就这本书写法语课读书报告。Sally finished reading a book about robots last week and will write a book report about it next week for her French class. 24. 每次在图书馆,Sarah看着她还没读过的那么多书,迫不及待想读一读。Every time she is in the library, she looks at the many books she hasnt read yet and she cant wait to read them. 25. 当Sarah年少时,她几乎每件事都要与家人争吵。When Sarah was a teenager, she used to fight over almost everything with her family. 26. 但是五年前,当她在英国留学时,她在收音机里听到了一首充满感情的有关回家的歌曲。But five years ago, while she was studying abroad in England, she heard a song full of feelings about returning home on the radio. 27. 她意识到自己真的很想念远在美国的家人和朋友。从那以后,她就迷上了美国乡村音乐。She came to realize how much she actually missed her family and friends back in the US. Ever since then, she has been a fan of American country music. 28. 乡村音乐把我们带回到过去的好时光,那时的人们互相善待、彼此信任。Country music brings us back to the “good old days” when people were kind to each other and trusted one another. 29. 小男孩太饿了,他根本都没把勺子放下来,一直在吃。The little was so hungry that he didnt put his spoon down at all. He just kept on eating.


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