



课 时 教 案授课章节及题目Unit 6 Health Care授课时间第11周课 次22学 时2教学目标与要求Grammar tips: The Past Participle in English Let students have more idea about health careLearn the new words and expressions in Text A教学重点与难点The different functions of the past participle in EnglishThe main idea and vocabulary in Text A教学用具教科书,教案,教学日志,黑板,粉笔教学过程环节、时间授课内容教学方法Lead-in(15min)1. Ask students some questions about text A:1) Why did the author think his liver was having problems?2) How did the author feel when he thought something was wrong with his liver?3) Why did the author think he must be an interesting case from a medical point of view?4) What did the author do after he got a prescription from the medical man?What was the last direction given by the medical man?2. Ask students to talk about their experiences with doctors based on the following questions:1) Were you afraid of going to see a doctor when you were young?2) What was your most unforgettable experience with doctors?3) What kind of doctor do you like best? Why?New words and expressions (55min)1.symptom n. change in the body that indicates an illness 症状: the rash that is a symptom of measles 麻疹症状呈现的疹子. sign of the existence of sth bad (坏事的)徵兆, 徵候: This demonstration was a symptom of discontent among the students. 这次示威表明学生中有不满情绪.2. various adj. of several kinds, unlike one another 不同种类的; 各种各样的: tents in various (different) shapes and sizes 各种(不同)形状及大小的帐篷 * Their hobbies are many and various. 他们的业余爱好五花八门. attrib 作定语 more than one; individual and separate 不止一个的; 各个的; 各别的: for various reasons 由於种种原因 * at various times 多次 * write under various names 使用许多笔名写作.3.freeze v ( pt froze / fruz; froz/, pp frozen/ (esp of water) change or be changed from liquid to solid by extreme cold (尤指水)结冰; 凝固: Water freezes at 0C. 水在0C时结冰. * The severe cold froze the pond. 天气寒冷池塘结了冰.4. horror n. U feeling of intense fear or dismay; terror 恐怖; 恐惧; 惊恐: I recoiled in horror from the snake. 那条蛇把我吓得直往後缩. * To her horror she saw him fall. 她看见他跌下而惊恐万状. * I have a/this horror of being trapped in a broken lift. 我常害怕电梯有故障会把我困於其中. U (a) feeling of intense dislike; hatred 强烈的厌恶; 憎恶; 痛恨: I have a deep horror of cruelty. 我对残暴的行为深恶痛绝. (b) horrifying nature 恐怖的性质或实况: Its hard to appreciate the full horror of life in a prison camp. 战俘营中骇人听闻的生活惨状外人是很难完全体验到的. C thing or person that causes hatred or fear 讨厌的事物或人; 令人感到恐怖的事物或人: the horrors of war 战争的惨状. C (infml 口) bad or mischievous person, esp a naughty child 坏蛋; 恶作剧的家伙; (尤指)顽皮的孩子: Her son is a right little horror. 她的儿子是个不折不扣的小淘气. 5. despair n. U state of having lost all hope 失去一切希望; 绝望: Your stupidity will drive me to (ie make me feel) despair. 你愚蠢得使我寒心. * He gave up the struggle in despair. 他绝望地放弃了斗争. * She was overcome by despair. 她已完全绝望. * his despair of ever seeing his family again 他再也见不到他家里人的绝望心情. (idm 习语) be the despair of sb make sb give up hope 使某人放弃希望: Your son is the despair of all his teachers, ie They no longer expect to be able to teach him anything. 你的儿子在所有教师的心目中已毫无希望了.6. case n. C instance or example of the occurrence of sth 事例; 实例; 情形: The company only dismisses its employees in cases of gross misconduct. 公司仅在雇员严重失职的情形下才予以解雇. * Its a clear case of blackmail! 这显然是敲诈! the case sing actual state of affairs; situation 实情; 情况: Is it the case (ie Is it true) that the companys sales have dropped? 公司销售额下降一事属实吗? * If that is the case (ie If the situation is as stated), you will have to work much harder. 果真如此(情况一如所述), 你就得更加努力了. C usu sing 通常作单数 circumstances or special conditions relating to a person or thing 与某人或某事物有关的环境或特殊情况: In your case, we are prepared to be lenient. 根据你的情况, 我们拟予从宽处理. * I cannot make an exception in your case, ie for you and not for others. 我不能为你破例. C instance of a disease or an injury; person suffering from this 病例; 病症; 患者: a case of typhoid 伤寒患者 * Cases of smallpox are becoming rare. 天花病例日益罕见. C person having medical, psychiatric, etc treatment 接受内科 精神科等治疗的病人: This boy is a sad case. His parents are divorced and he himself is severely handicapped. 这个男孩儿是个可怜的病儿, 父母离婚, 本人又严重残废. Team-work(20min)Topic :Do you often get sick? What should we do if we want to stay healthy?Hints: To stay healthy, we should (1) wash our hands b


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