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2012-2013学年下学期初一英语导学案 使用时间:2013年3月 编制:张志会 编号: 审核:马海斌 杜凤林 包科领导签字: 班级 姓名 组号 等级 成稿 Unit 4 Dont eat in class.第1课时:语法:祈使句【学习目标】1 学习Unit4中单词,能够熟练听读单词,发音准确。2.理解掌握祈使句; 3.全力以赴、高效学习,疯狂朗读,挑战极限。【要点和难点】 1. 熟练听读单词,发音准确 2. 祈使句的句型结构【预习任务】:认真阅读本单Section A单词表,完成下列各题:(每个写2遍)规则 _ 走廊,过道 _ 餐厅 _ 打架,战斗 _ _到达_准时_大厅,礼堂_ 听-_抱歉的,难过的_在外面,外面的_穿,戴_重要的_带来,取来_校服,制服_安静的_ 【知识点探究】 祈使句(读书P119语法填空)1. 概念:祈使句一般是以 开头,表示 _ _ 等.祈使句中,通常省略了 主语, 其否定结构在 前加 (注意: 不是not ,doesnt.);为了礼貌,祈使句中经常在句前或句末加 ,句末用时,前面经常加 。以Let 开头的句子也是祈使句的一种。Lets= ,Lets 后加 表示“让我们做.”。2祈使句构成通常有以下几种形式。A. Be型(即系动词原型be+表语其他)。如:Be careful , please. “请小心”否定句Dont + be+表语+其他。如:Dont be angry.“别生气”(尤其注意,不要丢掉be)译英“请安静!” ,please! “上课别迟到” late for class!“别害羞” shy!B. Do型(即行为动词原形宾语其他)。如:Open your books, please. 否定句Dont +实义动词原形+宾语+其他。如:Dont eat in the classroom.译英:请戴上一顶帽子。 Please _ a hat!“不要打架” !“不要在教室里吃东西” in the classroom!C. Let型(即Let+宾语+动词原形+其他)如:Let me help you. Lets go at six oclock.否定句一般在宾语后加not.如:Lets not watch TV.译英“让我们看电视吧!” !“让我们别睡得太晚了!”Lets too late!D. No+ v-ing / 名词型(此种形式通常用于公共场合的提示语中,意为“禁止做某事“如: No smoking! 严禁吸烟! No passing! 禁止通行! No parking! 不许停车译英“不许交谈! ; “不许拍照” photos!【自学效果检测】 I.单项选择。( )1. run in the hallways. A. Not B. Dont C. Doesnt( )2.We cant arrive for class. A. earlyB. quicklyC. late( )3.We wear a uniform on school days. A. have toB. has to C. had to( )4. _ talk loudly on the phone!A. Dont B. No C. NotD. Cant ( )5.Plants cant live water and sunlight. A. with B. no C. without( )6.Please look outside. Look at the blackboard! A. not B. cant C. dont ( )7.- late for school next time. Sorry, I wont A. Dont be B. Dont C. Be ( )8.-Lucy, here ,please. OK! A. comes B. come C. came ( )9. _ late for class! A. Dont B. Not be C. Dont be D. Not( )10._ so fast! Its dangerous (危险的). ANo run BNo running CDont run DDoesnt run ( )11. _ run in the hallways. A. DontB. NoC. NotD. Cant( )12. _ talking! Here is the library.A. DontB. NoC. NotD. CantII. 句形转换。1. You cant arrive late for class .(改为祈使句) late for class.2. You can sit down. (改为祈使句) , .3. Listen to music in hallways.(改为否定句) listen to music in hallways.4. Let them do some cleaning.(否定句)Let them _ _ some cleaning.=_ let them do some cleaning.5.You cant take your computer game to school.(改为祈使句)。_6.You have to look after your little brother. (改为祈使句)_7.You mustnt talk in the class. (改为祈使句)_8.Run in the class. (改为否定祈使句)_III.阅读理解。Mike is a young man.He has a very big dog and he has a very small car,too.He likes playing tennis.Last Saturday afternoon,he played tennis for an hour at the club and got into a car.His dog came after him,but did not jump into the same car.It jumped into the next car.“Come here.Foolish dog!” Mike shouted at it.But the dog still stayed in the next car.Mike put his key into the lock of the car,but the key did not turn.Then he looked at the car again.It was not his car!He was in the wrong car.And the dog was in the right car!“Hes sitting and laughing at me!” Mike said angrily.But then he smiled and went to the right car.( )1.Mike has _.A.a small dogB.a big dogC.a big carD.an old car( )2.Last Saturday Mike played _ for an hour.A.footballB.basketballC.tennis D.volleyball( )3.When Mike put his key into the lock of the car,_.A.the car was brokenB.the key turned C.the car startedD.the key didnt turn( )4.In fact(事实上),_ was in the right car.A.his dogB.MikeC.his tennisD.his bag( )5.Mike got into a wrong car because _.A.he was very tired B.he was not carefulC.he was too busy D.he was young成稿Unit 4 Dont eat in class.第2课时:section A(集中识词)【学习目标】 1.学习Unit2中section A单词,能够熟练听读单词,发音准确。2. 部分单词简单拓展运用。3.全力以赴、高效学习,疯狂朗读,挑战极限。【要点和难点】 部分单词简单拓展运用【预习任务】:认真阅读本单Section A单词表,完成下列各题:(每个写2遍)规则_ 走廊,过道_餐厅_ 打架,战斗_到达_准时_大厅,礼堂_ 听-_抱歉的,难过的_在外面,外面的_穿,戴_重要的_带来,取来_校服,制服_安静的_【知识点探究】1.fight , 过去式 fought “跟 打架” (译英) fight for 为-而打架/而战 eg, “不要再和他打架了!”(译英) 2.arrive in /at/get to /reach的用法.(1)Can you arrive in Nanjing tomorrow ? 翻译_(2)Tony often arrives at the station at 8:00. 翻译_(3)what time can we get to Shanghai ? 翻译_(4)All the students must reach the classroom before 6:00. 翻译_ 结论 arrive, 到达,不及物动词,arrive in/at加地方,但是大地方用 _,小地方用_;get不及物动词,要加介词_,但接副词hone/there/here时不加to;reach,及物动词,后_(不用/用)加介词如 I reach school.但arrive也可以不加宾语单独使用,如I arrive 我到达了。不能说I reach,/get/,get to,它们一般不单独使用.跟踪小练-when will you_Beijing?-we will_on Sunday morining.A.reach /reach B.get to / arrive C.arrive / arrive D.reach / arrive in3. listen / hear(1) Listen to the teacher! 翻译_(2) Listen!But I cant hear the song. 翻译_(3)That sounds good .翻译_ 结论 listen , 不及物动词,接宾语时需加介词_,可以单独使用 ,强调听的_(过程/结果)hear及物动词, 强调听的_(过程/结果). Sound 系动词,后加形容词。4.sorry/excuse me 的用法(1)-Excuse me. Are you Lucy ? -No,Im not . Im Lily. Sorry. 翻译_(2) Im sorry to keep you waiting. 翻译_ 结论 二者都有“抱歉”的意思,sorry 用于_(事前/事后)对所犯错误或不能满足对方要求表示歉意,excuse me 用于_(事前/事后)请人帮忙或打扰到别人的情况。Eg,-_. May I speak to Molly ? _ .She isnt in now.5.bring /take/get/carry的用法(1) Bring me your dictionary tomorrow. 明天把你的词典_。(2)Can you help me take the books to the classroom? 你能帮我_.(3)Will you please carry the box for me? 你替我扛那个箱子好吗? (4) Li Dong, can you get a glass of water for me ?李东_? 结论这三个词都和“拿、取”有关,但要注意三者之间的区别:_意为“带来,拿来”,指把某物或某人从另一个地方带到说话的地方来,也可以说是“由远及近”,常与from,to连用; _(带走)意为把某物或某人从说话的地方带到另一个地方去,也可以说是“由近及远”,常和介词to构成搭配。_意思是“提、扛、搬、携带”,意思较多,但没有方向性 ,固定词组bring sb sth=bring sth to sb,take sb sth = take sth to sb。 _ 意思为“去那里并取回来”。 跟踪小练 用bring /take/get/carry填空(1)I want to _ these books home. 我想把这些书带回家。(2)P lease_your homework to the school tomorrow . 请把你的作业带到学校来。(3) Amy wants to _ some flowers from his friend. 艾迷想去他的朋友那里取些花。【自学效果检测】 I.根据提示填空。1 Its very cold o_.Come in,please.2 We shouldnt f_with our friends .3 My home is on a q_street.It isnt noisy at all.4 Can you b_ your homework to school?5 Women often w_ nice flowers on Wemens Day.6 They will a_ at Meishen Market tomorrow.7 I often h_ a bird sing in the tree.8 My parents live in a village o_ the city.9 The story s_ interesting and we all like it.10. E_ me, whats the time ?II.单项选择。( )1. The boy often _ his cousin at home.A. fights for B. fights with C. fought with D. fighting for( )2.Be _ .My mother is sleeping _.A. quite /quitely B. quietly/quite C. quiet/quietly D. quite/quietly( ) 3.We should go to school _ . A.for time B. in time C. on time D. some time ( )4._ she _ go to bed so early? ADoes, has toBHas, to CDoes, haveDDoes, have to ( )5. His brother often _ late for school. A. arrive B. get C. reach D. arrives( )6.-Do you have to wash these clothes ? - _. A. Yes, I have B. No, I havent C. Yes, I do D. No, I didnt( )7._,where is the radion station ? _ I dont know. A. sorry,excuse me B.Excuse me/No. C.Eexcuse me /Sorry D. Hello/ sorry( )9. _ come late _class. A. Dont, to B. Dont ,for C. Arent, late D. Arent, for( )10. _ this yellow jacket there and _ me that blue one.A. Take/ take B. Bring/take C. Bring/bring D. Take /bring ( )11. She _ the teacher carefully, but she didnt _ anything.A. listens to, hearB. listened to, hearC. hears, listened toD. hears, listens to( )12.- When does your uncle _ Shanghai ? At10:00 every morning. A. arrive at B.arrive in C.get D. reach to 成稿Unit 4 Dont eat in class.第3课时:Section A(1a-3c)【学习目标】掌握重点句型 【学习重点】学会使用祈使句。【课前检测】I预习P19-P21, 完成下列短语。1. 在课上 _ 2. 上课迟到_ 3. 按时 _4. 在走廊_5. 听音乐 _ 6. 与-打架_7. 学校规章制度_8. 在外面吃饭 _9. 在食堂吃饭 _10. 戴帽子_11. 我的第一天_12. 带-来-_ 13. 穿校服_14. 必须安静_15. 图书馆规章制度 _16. 在不许奔跑_【合作探究】 I. 翻译下列School Rules(认真阅读P19 ,1a,),并疯狂记忆1) Dont arrive late for class. 2) Dont run in the hallways. 3) Dont eat in the classroom. 4) Dont listen to music in the class. 5) Dont fight. II. 读P20, 2a 用can 或cant 填空(写到书上),完成下列各题1.用can 或cant 填空,并翻译1)You listen to music in the classrooms or hallways. _ 2)You listen to music in the music room. 3)You eat in the classrooms. 4) You eat in the dinning hall. 5)You wear a hat in class . You fight. 2. 把 1 中五组句子变成祈使句,并疯狂朗读。1) 2) 3) 4) 5) III.再阅读P20,2d一遍,完成下列任务。1. John is a new student.( T / F )2.Are there lots of school rules in the school ? _3.What cant they do ? _4.What cant you do in Huiyuan Middle School?_5. We must keep quiet in the library ,too. (同意句)We also have _ _ quiet in the library.IV. have to “不得不,必须” 与 同义.(1)相同点:have to与must 后都接动词 (形式)。(2)不同点:have to 有人称,数,时态的区别 ,否定句,疑问句要借助助动词 do ,does ,did 等; 而must 就不必借助助动词,否定形式 ; 疑问句把must 提到句首; have to 的否定形式是_, 相当于neednt(不必),另外have to带有不情愿的语气。 跟踪小练(1) She must do her homework every day.(同义句)She _ _ do her homework every day.(2)We have to read English every morning.(否定句) We _ _to read English every morning(3)You dont have to wear a uniform this morning. (同义句)You wear a uniform this morning. 【自学效果检测】 I. 根据句意,用can和cant填空.1.Mr Green smoke(吸烟) here,because theres a sign(标志)on the wall. It says“ No smoking”。2.Its very hot outside.You wear a hat. 3.We eat in the classroom,because its impolite(不礼貌) to teachers.4.I go to bed after 11:00 on school nights.5.The students read books and magazines in the library.II1-3用have to或has to填空1.We clean our classroom after school. She make her bed after getting up.2.Its late.Mr Beckman go to work by car.3.Emily and Peter join a music club. They practice guitar every day.4.He has to stay at home because it is raining hard.(划线提问)_5.We must go to school early. (改为祈使句)_6.I cant watch TV on school nights. (划线提问)_7.I have to make my bed and wash dishes . (划线提问)_8.The rule is that you mustnt go to school late. (划线提问)_9. At school, we must clean the classroom.(同义句) At school, we _ clean the classroom.10.Listen to music in hallways.(改为否定句) listen to music in hallways.III.阅读理解A woman finds a purse(钱包) on the road outside the school gate.She picks it up(拾起) and opens it.Theres some money in it.“Shall I keep the money for myself?”She thinks,“Oh,no.The owner(物主) must be very worried.I must give it back to the owner.”She waits and waits,but no one comes to take the purse back.“Im very hungry(饥饿) now,”the woman says to herself.“Shall I buy something to eat with the money?”So she goes to a shop.She buys many pens and books.She gives them to some poor boys and girls.What do you think of the woman?( )1.When the woman finds the purse,she first wants to .A.keep it for herself B.give it back to the owner C.buy some food for herself( )2.The women buys with the money at last.A.some foodB.some clothesC.some school things( )3.The word “poor” is “ ” in Chinese.A.富有的B.穷苦的C.快乐的( )4.The woman .A.must be very happyB.cant be happyC.has a lot of money成稿Unit 4 Dont eat in class.第4课时:Section B(集中识词)【学习目标】 1.学习Unit12中19个单词,能够熟练听读单词,发音准确。2. 部分单词简单拓展运用.3.全力以赴、高效学习,疯狂朗读,挑战极限。【要点和难点】 部分单词简单拓展运用【预习任务】:认真阅读本单Section B单词表,完成下列各题:(每个写2遍)外出_ 练习_碟,盘_ 清洗餐具_在-以前_铺床_脏的_ 厨房_更多_吵闹的_放松_阅读_可怕的_感受_严格的,严厉的_记住,记起_遵循,跟随_幸运,运气_保持,保留_头发_学习_【知识点探究】1. practice ,v 练习,实践,(1)They are practicing playing the basketball.翻译:_(2)Learning English well needs a lot of practice. 翻译:_ 结论 practice “练习,实践” 在例1中为_词,在例2中为_名词,作及物动词时,后加名词,代词或动名词形。2. many/much/more的用法.(1)There are many good students in our class._(2)Every day we need to do much homework._(3)Do you like to eat more vegetables this Monday?_(4)Molly has too many books about English._ 结论 much “许多” 用来修饰_名词或形容词,副词比较级; many“许多” 用来修饰_名词; more是many,much的_“更多的”,可修饰_名词和_名词.跟踪小练 There are _ in the store and they are much too cheap.A.much vegetables B.many vegetables C.much clothes D.much fruit3.read/wath/see/look 的用法(1)Look!Who is swimming in the river?_ 谁在河里游泳? (2)I am looking at the blackboard,but I cant see the words我在_,但_上面的字。 (3)We are going to see a film this afternoon今天下午我们打算去_。(4)Kate often watches TV on Sunday凯特常常在星期天_。(5)Wang Hong is reading the letter from her mother王红正在_。 结论(1)look为_动词,指看的过程,表示有意识地集中精力去看,但并不一定能看见,多用来唤起别人的注意。其后接宾语时,一定要加介词_。(2)see用作_动词,后接宾语,意为“看见”、“看到”,主要强调看的结果,但不一定是有意识地看。“看医生”、“看电影”常用这个词。(3)watch为_动词,意为“观看”、“注视”,指非常仔细地、有目的、全神贯注地“看”。“看电视”、“看比赛(实验以及各种表演等)”习惯上用这个词。(4)read本义为“_”。表达“看书”、“看报”、“看信”、“看杂志”时,通常用read。跟踪小练用“看”填空:(1)Please _the blackboard请看黑板。(2)You must take your baby to _a doctor你必须带你的孩子去看医生。(3)They are _ a football game他们正在看足球比赛。 (4)Dont _in the sun不要在阳光下看书。4. be strict with /be strict in的用法(1). My English teacher is strict with me. 我的英语老师对_很严厉。(2). My English teacher is strict in my study. 我的英语老师_很严厉。(3). My English teacher is strict with me in english.我的英语老师对_在英语方面很严厉。 结论 be strict with sb 对某人严厉be strict in sth 在某件事情上严厉, be strict with sb in sth,_ 跟踪小练 (1)We must be strict_ our work.我们在工作中必须严格。(2)His father is strict _him 他父亲对他严格要求。(3)A teacher must be strict _his students_their study.老师必须严格要求他的学生的学习。5.keep 保管,


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