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Unit 5 CommunityUnit Goals 1. Politely ask someone not to do something2. Complain about public conduct3. Discuss social responsibility4. Identify and discuss urban problems5. Write about public healthLesson 1Lead-in On-the-Street Interviews: I enjoy living in the city because A. Circle the letter of the best choice to complete each statement.1.b 2.c. 3.a 4.b 5.cB. Answer the questions, using information from the video.1. Emma 2. Natalie 3. Jessica 4. Natalie 5. Emma 6. Chris Video ScriptInterviewer: Do you live right in the city or are you in a suburb?Jessica: I used to live in the suburbs with my parents until I was seventeen years old. And then, as I thought I have to grow up, I moved into the city, and I lived in the center.Interviewer: So which do you prefer?Jessica: That is difficult because both sites have their, like, advantages. In the city you are around your friends, and it is much easier to, yeah, to go out and to meet people, and you are at home in ten minutes because you can walk. And if you live in the suburbs, it is more quiet and yeah, you are more in the countryside, and more in the nature with the, yeah with your family, so it is like I wouldnt say one is better than the other one. It has both sites is very good, so I like both.Chris: I think most people in the city are there because of work, a lot of the times, so a lot of people are rushing, and they have got deadlines and appointments to meet. So they can come across as a bit more rude than perhaps people in the suburbs who have less pressures on them, it seems to me. But I think once you get talking to people in the city, when they have got time, they are just as nice as anyone else.Interviewer: Tell me where you live.Emma: I live in the city. Where I live is kind of quiet, but it depends on the time of the day, and sometimes there is like a little restaurant in the area, and people tend to go there. So sometimes you hear when people are coming out when it is really late, but it is not noisy all the time. It is OK; It is a medium kind of sound there. There is lots of children there -families, a lot of families. Different cultures, hard-working people. It is a very nice community. It is very clean, which is kind of different from the city because the city is kind of messy, but they maintain it, and they keep it very nice. So lots of stores, shopping, a little family theater area where kids can go watch shows with their family. So it is a very nice area I enjoy living in the city because I get, it is quick access to, like, food or, you know, you dont have to travel in a car or go down an hour or two to the mall. I mean, you can just walk up to any store and get an outfit and you are gone. Like, it doesnt take a lot of work to go somewhere.Natalie: I live in the city, and I really enjoy living in the city because it is very busy, and there is always something to do. It gets a bit too busy sometimes, and so you it is nice to take vacations. But I like living in the city because there is always bars to go to, there is restaurants, there is plenty to do. The commute to work is very short - it only takes me about twenty minutes to get to work by public transportation. And, yeah, I really like it, because there is lots of people with similar interests and very interesting people to speak to all the time.ListeningA. Sound Bites 少Teaching Suggestions B. Pair WorkRead the conversation again. With a partner, explain the meaning of each of the following statements or questions.1. How do you like living in the city?2. Things move too fast for me here.3. You have to pay attention and be alert all the time.4. It bothers me sometimes.5. I prefer living in the country.少Teaching SuggestionsSTARTING POINTWhat are some advantages and disadvantages of living in each type of place? Write them in the chart.Teaching SuggestionsStep 1Model the activity with the class. Write the following chart on the board (without the answers) and elicit several ideas for each column from the classAdvantagesDisadvantagesthe countryclean air, low crime, friendly people, less stress, slower paceboring, no jobs, too far from good health carethe cityconvenientnoises, crowdedthe suburbsless convenient, friendly people,far from good health careStep 2Have students complete the chart individually in note form.Step 3Encourage students to write at least three advantages and disadvantages of living in each place.Discussion. Where would you prefer to live in the country, the city, or the suburbs? Why?Teaching SuggestionsStep 1Group students according to where they prefer to live. If possible, put students with different preferences together.Step 2Have students discuss their favorite place to live. As students discuss, encourage them to agree or disagree with their group members views.Step 3Take a poll of the class to find out how many people would like to live in each place.Part 2Discuss Social Responsibilities少A, B部分Teaching suggestions C. Listening ComprehensionRead the questions and listen to part 1 of the story about Nicholas Green and his family. Take notes on your notepad. Then summarize the first part of the story with your partner.Where were the Greens from? They were from California in the United States.What were they doing in Italy? They were on vacation.What happened to Nicholas? He was shot and died.What decision did his parents make? They decided to donate his organs to people who were sick.How did the Italian people react? They were very moved.ScriptM: Reg and Maggie Green were on vacation with their children on the island of Sicily in southern Italy. It was a long way from their home in California in the United States. They had just spent the day sightseeing and were driving on a highway back to their hotel. It was evening, and their seven-year-old son, Nicholas, and four-year-old daughter, Eleanor, were fast sleep in the back seat.Suddenly, another car with two men pulled up beside them. The man on the passenger side had a gun, and he was screaming at them through the window. As Reg Green stepped on the accelerator and drove away quickly, he could hear gunshots. He drove as fast as he could to the nearest town. Maggie was relieved to see that the children were still sleeping. But when they stopped, they both realized that Nicholas had been shot, and they rushed him to a hospital. Sadly, after two days in the hospital, Nicholas died.One can only imagine the grief and sadness Reg and Maggie Green must have felt at that moment. But they made a decision that touched the lives of many people and the hearts of millions around the world. They decided to donate Nicholass organs to Italians who were very sick and needed them. By giving them Nicholass organs, Reg and Maggie felt that they could help others. Nicholass future had been taken away, so the Greens wanted to give a future to someone else.Their gift turned a senseless tragedy into a lesson in giving. Italians were very moved. They could not believe that visitors from another country - who had suffered such a terrible loss - could be so giving at such a terrible moment.少 Teaching Suggestions D. Read the questions and listen to Part 2; discuss your answers with a partner.1. People started to think differently about organ donation.The number of people who were willing to become organ donors increased by three to four hundred percent.2. Seven. One woman was able to see and the rest had their lives saved.3. They work to support organ donation.Script:M: Within days the Green familys personal experience erupted into a worldwide story. In Italy, strangers walked up to them on the street, with tears in their eyes, to say thank you. People started naming streets, schools, and hospitals for Nicholas Green.When the Greens returned home, they received letters from thousands of people around the world. The letters told how the Greens decision changed their attitudes about donating organs. In Italy, the number of people who were willing to become organ donors increased by three to four hundred percent - they called it “The Nicholas Effect”.The Green family returned to Italy more than a dozen times after Nicholass death. And they met all of the people who received Nicholass organs - seven people in all.A fifteen-year-old boy got Nicholass heart. During his illness, he had weighed only 27 kilograms and had spent half his life in hospitals. After the surgery, he was healthy and full of energy.One girl was two days from death - the doctors have given up on her. But with one of Nicholass organs, she got better. She later got married, and she gave birth to two babies - one a boy, whom he named Nicholas.A woman who had never seen her own childs face now can see - thanks to the corneas from Nicholass eyes.An eight-year-old boy was arriving at the hospital for his surgery to get one of Nicholass organs. He was asked to think about something nice. He said, “Im thinking of Nicholas.”The Greens say that the love of life these people have shown - and the looks on their families faces - is a wonderful reward. They often talk about how comforting it has been to know that people who would have died by now are leading normal lives, and that another who would have been blind can now see.Maggie and Reg Green have become very busy doing work to support organ donation. While it does not take away the pain of Nicholass senseless death, it helps the Greens to believe that something good has come out of the tragedy.少Teaching suggestions SpeakingPolitely Ask Someone Not to Do Something A. CONVERSATION SNAPSHOT Teaching SuggestionsStep 1After students read and listen, check comprehension by asking What does the man ask for permission to do? (smoke) Does the woman give or refuse permission? (refuse) Why? (because smoke bothers her)Step 2Point out that both the person who asks permission and the person who refuses it are polite to each other. Ask students to identify and underline polite language in the conversation. (Do you mind my smoking here?; I hope that is not a problem; Not at all; That is very considerate of you; Thanks for asking.)Step 3Have students read and listen to the ways to soften an objection. Point out that when you refuse permission, it is polite to soften the refusal with a sentence from the box or to offer a reason for refusing.Language note: Use the question Do you mind? When you think what you are asking permission to do might make the other person uncomfortable. Use That is very considerate of you to thank a person for being careful not to upset you. To inconvenience someone is to cause problems or difficulty for them.Option: You may want to brainstorm ways of replying to the question Do you mind? with the class on the board. (possible response: ways to say “Yes”/ refuse permission: Yes, actually, I do mind; Actually, smoking kind of bothers me; Ways to say “no”/give permission: No, I dont; I dont mind; Not at all; Go right ahead.) Be sure students understand that Yes refuses permission and No gives permission.Teaching SuggestionsWays to soften an objectionI hope thats not a problem.I hope you dont mind.I hope its OK/all right.I dont mean to inconvenience youHave students repeat chorally. Make sure they:use rising intonation for Do you mind my smoking here?pause slightly after Actually use emphatic stress for hope in I hope thats not a problem.use the following stress pattern:Stress Pattern . - . . - . .A: Do you mind my smoking here? - . . - . . . - . . . - . . . - .B: Actually, smoking kind of bothers me. I hope thats not a problem. - . - - . . . -A: Not at all. I can step outside. . -. . - . . . . - . - .B: Thats very considerate of you. Thanks for asking.B. Grammar. Possessives with gerundsTeaching SuggestionsStep 1Have volunteers read the first explanation and examples out loud.On the board, write:She complained about _ smoking in the office.Step 2Have students identify the gerund in the example (smoking). Call on students to complete the sentence on the board with their own examples. Write students responses on the board. (possible responses: his, bills)Step 3Have students read the second explanation and study the examples.Step 4Have students restate the different variations of the sentence on the board, using object pronouns. (possible responses: She complained about him/Bill smoking in the office.) Point out that the possessive adjective her has the same form as the object pronoun her.Step 5Point out that when the possessive gerund is in the object position, a noun or object pronoun can be used, but when the possessive gerund is in the subject position, this is not done. On the board, write: 1. You constant arguing is getting on my nerves.2. I dont like they smoking in here.To check comprehension, correct the sentences on the board as a class.C. Combine the two statements, using a possessive with a gerund.1. I dont appreciate his playing his MP3 player in the library.2. My mother objects to their smoking cigars in the car.3. We dont mind her talking on her cell phone.4. Im really annoyed by my brothers littering.Teaching SuggestionsStep 1Write the example answer on the board. Underline the gerundial phrases (their allowing smoking). Ask students to name its grammatical function within the sentence. (object of the preposition of)Step 2Point out the gerundial phrases will have different grammatical functions within the sentence - as subjects, objects, and objects of a preposition.Step 3Have students compare answers with a partner and review as a class.ReadingText ABackground Information 少Key Words and Expressionsabundance n.充裕,丰富The carpets are available in abundance.The tree yields an abundance of fruit.picturesque adj.风景如画的We heard that there was a picturesque village nearby.He described picturesque rocky shores in his novel.sterile adj.贫瘠的The sterile soil cannot be used for growing crops.The large sterile land made life hard here.Reference Translation 规划城市-堪培拉规划的城市是不是太缺少独创性了?大多数澳大利亚堪培拉的居民和游客认为不是这样的。尽管堪培拉的人口只有323000多,也不是特大型城市,但它却是澳大利亚最大的内陆城市兼首都。对城市进行完全地规划的理念引用了很多赞成的观点而不是反对的观点。导游Lonely Planet认为,堪培拉景色秀丽,拥有众多不错的美术馆、博物馆和很多雅致的餐馆、酒吧和咖啡屋。堪培拉四周为自然保护区所环绕,是世界绿色城市之一,城中留有大量土地作为天然公园。经过适当的规划,堪培拉证明了在人口密集的城镇环境是能被保护的。堪培拉拥有出色的基础设施。道路宽阔,以环形路取代红绿灯来管理交通。在澳大利亚,堪培拉平均乘公交车往返的时间是最短的。城中大多数的道路都有自行车道,这使得骑车成为堪培拉的一种重要的交通方式。经过细致的规划,生活在堪培拉没有了诸如污染和交通堵塞这样的都市问题,有的是城市生活的便利。堪培拉不但空气清新、水源洁净、而且还有良好的交通、充足的医疗保健设施和能买得起的住房(要比悉尼和墨尔本便宜)。作为澳大利亚政府的政治中心,堪培拉的失业率低、教育水平和收入水平高,还是一个相对安全的城市,1999-2000财政年度没有凶杀案记录。堪培拉证明了,规划的城市是生活和居住的好处所。Teaching suggestions 少Comprehension ExercisesA. Look back at the reading on page 45 and mark each statement about Canberra True or False. Provide information from the article to support your choice.1. False: Canberra has beautiful galleries and museums, as well as excellent restaurants, bars, and cafes.2. False: Canberra offers the shortest average commute times in Australia.3. False: Canberra has clean air and water.4. True: Canberra has affordable housing.5. False: Canberra is a safe city, with no murders reported in 1999/2000.B Discussion Answers may vary. Text B 少 Background Information Key Words and Expressionsadvent n.出现Now, with the advent and popularity of the home computer, its advantages and disadvantages have been a subject of discussion.Since the advent of jet aircraft, travel has been speeded up.decentralize n.分散Many firms are decentralizing parts of their operations.This country is decentralizing a museum into different parts.sanitation n.Sanitation is a kind of formulation and application of measures designed to protect public health.City sanitation is very important to the management of big cities.well-being n.舒适;健康;幸福We are responsible for the care and well-being of patients.People more and more pay attention to the sense of well-being.set upThey want to set up their own import-export business.The Race Relation Board was originally set up in 1965.attempt toHe attempted to control the inflation, but failed.The protectors attempted to resist arrest.in ones viewIn his view, aid to the rebels should be suspended.In teachers view, it is the best composition.Teaching SuggestionsStep 1Have students discuss the warming-up questions. The answers may vary. Step 2Have students look at the photo and the headline. Ask: What city is this article talking about? What kind of changes do you think the article talk about? Step 3Tell students to scan the article to find the answers to the questions. Encourage students to take notes or to underline important information.Step 4 Have students compare answers with a partner.Reference Translation特大城市的到来下面是对Janice Perlman博士的采访。Janice Perlman博士是特大城市研究项目发起人兼负责人。该项目机构试图发掘城市的规划理念并设法使之在另一城市得以推广,从而使世界所有城市都成为更适合人类居住的地方。问题:你如何定义“特大城市”?回答;工作中,我们把人口在1000万以上的城市称为特大城市。大多数的特大城市是在发展中国家。对许多人而言,迁往大都市能使他们获得更好的选择、更多的机遇和更好的生活。他们也正是通过迁居大城市证实着这一想法。问题:在未来100年,为什么这些城市会很重要?回答;21世纪不再是小乡镇的世纪,而是大城市的世纪。这些大城市将决定我们的生活方式、环保方式、经济运行方式以及社会的文明类型。问题:发达国家和发展中国家的特大城市是有差别呢,还是存在着某种相似?回答: 与它们本国的小村镇相比,这些大城市彼此间有着更多共同之处。例如,每个大城市都面临着贫富差距日益加大的问题。像洛杉矶、纽约、伦敦或东京这样的“第一世界”城市,每个城市里都有“第三世界”城市的那种穷困潦倒;而像加尔各答、开罗或墨西哥城这样的“第三世界”城市,每个城市里也有“第一世界”城市的那种高度发达的文化、技术、时尚和财力。 此外,所有特大城市都面临着同样的问题:提供工作岗位、经济机遇、住房、教育、医疗保健等。这些大城市要应对犯罪、暴力,还要提供供水、公共卫生、公共交通


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