



单元检测(三十四) Music.阅读理解AOne of the most significant parts of my high school career would be playing in the orchestra. I remember when I first started playing the viola (中提琴) in my schools program as an inexperienced fourth grader. As my interest in music grew, I decided to find a private instructor.During my first lesson, I was surprised at what Dr. T was teaching how to hold the viola and play open strings! To me, these were basic concepts I had long ago mastered. However, the following week, what I thought I had learned was completely disproven. With such high expectations, Dr. T criticized many aspects of my posture, intonation and bowing (音准和弓法). But as I became more familiar with my viola, Dr. T started assigning me actual compositions. Meanwhile, I became more and more interested in our schools ensemble (合奏组)I first decided to become a section leader in middle school, when we were given the opportunity to try out for our ensembles first and second chairs. During the first class, our conductor, Mrs. V, introduced us to a section leaders responsibilities. These duties included helping others with the concert music and setting a good example. After discussion, I decided to try out and started preparing the assigned piece. Every day, I would practice for at least 45 minutes. Needless to say, this was easier said than done. It required a lot of concentration and will power. Regardless, by the end of the week, I had become more familiar with the music.To my surprise, the audition (试听) process was more pleasant than I had imagined. As I unpacked my viola, I started to doubt my decision. However, when I entered Mrs. Vs homely office, I felt more relaxed. By the end of my audition, Mrs. V said that I had a good chance of becoming the principal violist! The next day, during orchestra, I learned that indeed, I had become our sections first chair.语篇解读:本文是一篇记叙文。作者介绍了自己的音乐之路。1Before the author studied under Dr. T, she _.Ahad never played the violaBhad expressed interest in musicChad written some compositionsDhad been a promising young artist解析:选B细节理解题。由第一段的“As my interest in music grew, I decided to find a private instructor.”可知,在师从Dr. T之前,作者就已经对音乐产生了浓厚的兴趣。2The underlined word “disproven” in Paragraph 2 can be replaced by “_”Alazy BwrongCfoolishDsurprised解析:选B词义猜测题。由第二段的“these were basic concepts I had long ago mastered”和“Dr. T criticized many aspects of .”可知,Dr. T批评并纠正了作者以前学过的关于如何拉中提琴的知识,这让她意识到以前学的完全是错误的。3Which of the following can best describe the author?AUnusual and scholarly.BSelfcentered and proud.CIndependent and optimistic.DHardworking and determined.解析:选D推理判断题。由第三段的“Every day, I would practice for at least 45 minutes . It required a lot of concentration and will power.”可知,为了成为学校合奏组的首席中提琴手,作者以坚强的意志刻苦练习。4When attending the audition, the author _.Afelt confident of succeedingBreceived some careers guidanceCleft a good impression on Mrs. VDremembered her first viola instructor解析:选C推理判断题。由最后一段的“By the end of my audition, Mrs. V said that I had a good chance of becoming the principal violist!”可知,试听过程中作者给Mrs. V留下了好印象。BThere have been some amazing quotes about music over the years, but my favourite comes from Victor Hugo. The famous French poet once said, “Music expresses what cannot be put into words.”Most people I know love listening to music, but not everyone is brave enough to try and play it. Im among them. Regardless of my fear of performing in public, I still wanted to learn an instrument so when I was ten years old, I got started. Im certain this will help me in other aspects of my life.Ive often wondered about the impact music had on other kids. I was recently lucky enough to chat with Kristi White from Pensacola, Florida. “Music speaks to students in a way that other subjects cannot; to put it simply, music has the ability to keep some uninterested kids in school. Many studies show that involvement in music leads to positive personal, social and motivational outcomes,” she said.I was surprised to hear that music was the sole subject keeping some kids in school. According to a study by the Centre for Music Research at Florida State University, students at risk of not successfully completing their high school educations cite their participation in the arts as a major reason for staying in school.In my chat with Kristi, I was disappointed to learn about a worrying trend that music programs are being neglected in schools around the world. Kristi said, “In recent years, Ive witnessed many schools completely abolishing their music education programs. This is a big mistake! Schools are losing not only an enriching subject, but a subject that can enrich students lives and education.”This needs to change quickly. Music is a gift; it brings people together and clearly places our youth on the right path, giving us the tools to cope with many of lifes challenges. It makes absolutely no sense that some schools are taking it out of their curriculum.语篇解读:音乐对学生的积极作用远超过我们的预想。然而,一些学校却对此不重视,甚至有取消的趋势,这让作者大为失望。5By quoting from Victor Hugo, the author means _.Amusic is more necessary than wordsBthe power of music is hard to describeCmusic conveys some emotion words cantDa song leaves listeners completely sensitive解析:选C推理判断题。根据第一段中的“Music expresses what cannot be put into words.”可推断出,音乐可以表达一些用语言无法表达的内容,故选C。6According to Kristi White, music _.Aenables kids to be smarterBbuilds up students confidenceCshould be a major subject in schoolDcontributes to some positive outcomes解析:选D细节理解题。根据第三段中的“Many studies show that involvement in music leads to positive personal, social and motivational outcomes”可知选D。7As to music educations being neglected, the author _.Aturned to Kristi for ideasBwondered about the reasonsCfelt disappointed at the unexpectedDwarned teachers of the disadvantages解析:选C细节理解题。根据第五段第一句“In my chat with Kristi, I was disappointed to learn about a worrying trend that music programs are being neglected in schools around the world.”可知选C。8For what purpose is the text written?ATo tell readers the importance of music.BTo express the authors views on music.CTo appeal to changes to happen.DTo criticize some doings about music.解析:选C写作意图题。根据最后一段中“This needs to change quickly .”可知C项符合题意。.阅读七选五All around the world, people are working hard to make their cities safer and more pleasant for pedestrians. Cities have painted crosswalks on their streets, made streets narrower, put in traffic lights and speed bumps (减速带) and made plans to help more kids walk or bike to school.Many people have learned from a man from Brisbane, Australia, named David Engwicht. His book Reclaiming Our Cities and Towns has a simple message. _1_ Kids played there, and neighbors stopped there to talk.But now, streets are just for cars and trucks. People stay inside to get away from the noise and dangerous traffic, and we lose contact with our neighbors. _2_ People need to take back their streets. Engwicht travels around the world, helping people think differently about pedestrians, streets, and neighborhoods. _3_ He has worked in neighborhoods from Honolulu to Scotland.While Engwicht was writing his book, he learned how neighbors in the city of Delft, in the Netherlands, stopped dangerous traffic on their street. They put old couches, tables, and planters in the street. _4_ When the police arrived, they saw how these illegal actions made the streets safer. Soon city officials started planning ways to make cars slow down, and “calm” the traffic.Engwicht says we should think about streets as our “outdoor living room”. _5_ In the future, streets will be safe places for children again, and our neighbors will become our friends.ACars and pedestrians crowded the stree


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