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Chinese-English Bilingual Teaching For Logistics & Supply Chain Management,Chapter 11. Network Economy Solutions Of SCM,Network Economy Solutions Of SCM,Pull ModelDemand Driven SCM/manufacturing MARKET ECONOMY SOLUTIONS Limitations Imposed by Property, Plant, and Equipment (PPE) Information and knowledge exchange,Table 10-1 Some Representative Benefits to a Firm and Its Trading Partners from a Push Solution,Push-Pull Systems,production efficiency,customer responsiveness,two extremes,供应链的结构模型,供应链系统的分层结构图,Supply,Market Information,“Traditional”:,Rather, the trading partners collaborate (协同) among themselves and communicate with the customer to provide customized (定制,made-to-order) products and services at the customers point of need (refer to Figure 12.1). To highlight this difference, we will refer to the supply chain supporting the pull model as a supply web (供应网). The supply web is organized for communication and collaboration across all its trading partners with the goal of full responsiveness to customer needs.,(1)Collaboration (协同,协同作业,collaborative) is a process where two or more people work together toward a common goal.,为什么要协同? 组织存在的目的 当前时代组织是社会运转的主要形式,但要组织的绩效超过个人绩效之和: 第一步:这个组织的人员必须进行合适的分工,让合适的人做合适的工作; 第二步:不同的职位之间需要沟通、协调。,(2)What is customization (个性化定制, 用户化),商品规则是由商家主导的。 而个性化定制就像一种半成品。 个性化定制是对传统商业方法(不是传统商业本身)的颠覆。,Mass customization refers to a customer co-design process of products and services which meet the needs of each individual customer with regard to certain product features. Co-design activities,(2)What is customization (个性化定制, 用户化),(2)What is customization,Customer-focused strategies and customized products Mass production Mass Customisation,Happy Customers,(3) Push & Pull Model Classic Business Process: more lead time,Design,Purchase Raw Mat,Mfg,Dist,Sell,Discount (On Sale),consumer,trade,producer,consumer,retail,Present market pull long term chain oriented,Past product push short term linkage oriented,trade,producer,retail,Chain reversal,CHANGES IN BUSINESS PROCESS,Push & Pull SCM,BPR(BPR, Business Process Re-engineering 企业/业务流程再造)和组织调整,重新设计流程(redesign of processes) 从大量生产到大量/大规模定制 比较有弹性 供应链(Supply chain) 从传统的Push model到Pull model 大量定制可以由Web促成 降低制造的Cycle Time 组织再造,Conclusion,DDSN “Push” of products to market DDSN turns the business around: customers actually “Pull“ products to the point of sale.,Conclusion,All types of innovation Technology innovators Business model innovators Process innovators (Push Pull strategies),“Try to be an innovative company”,1. Pull Model,Figure 11.1 shows the customer centered pull model and the supporting supply web. The status notifications (状态通知 ) throughout the order fulfillment process (订单处理/履行过程) can be customized (定制, 用户化) to suit the customer requirements. ERP,2. Limitations Imposed by Property, Plant, and Equipment (PPE),DELL The investments in PPE are enormous, and production lines need to be working at a given capacity utilization to realize benefits. Reinvent,2. Limitations Imposed by PPE,Despite this “reinvention”, however, cars may be manufactured without final customization due to a mismatch between overall projected demand and actual customized orders. In addition, over the past few years, there has been increasing trend toward leasing cars as opposed to outright (彻底的, 完全的) ownership.,2. Limitations Imposed by PPE Benefits of the Pull Model,Customer satisfaction and customer retention (顾客维系/保留, 客户挽留,客户保留率). Reduces the cost per order Less risk of transcription (抄写, 抄本) errors More compelling GEICO (美国汽车保险公司),年 利润,product life cycle 产品寿命周期,Product Life Cycles,Sales,Time,Development,Introduction,Growth,Maturity,Saturation,Decline,2. Limitations Imposed by PPE,Figure11.3: The shift to a collaborative, Customer-focused model and associated rewards,3. Information and knowledge exchange,The information exchange stage does not follow a sequential (连续的, 相继的, 有顺序的) path. This type of information flow can be supported easily with technologies such as EDI and Internet-based communication platforms. Implementing the processes and supporting technologies for this stage is not very complex.,3. Information and knowledge exchange,Knowledge Exchange Sharing Customer Touch points 接触点指产品终端客户接触到的产品相关特性. 品牌表面上是一种幻象,实际上是一种体验,核心是一种关系,最终体现为消费者的消费行为科学。,3. Information and knowledge exchange,IBM/海尔一直强调,在全球任何地方,任何环境,他们的任何产品在与消费者进行接触时,都是保持高度一致。 真正的品牌已经靠诉我们,消费者可以为品牌的真诚付价,可以购买品牌中超越功能的情感价值。 搞好品


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