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Section Summary & Writing对应学生用书P11重点词汇1survive vi幸存;生还;幸免2in_search_of寻找3decorate with 用装饰4belong_to属于5in_return作为报答;回报6be_worth_doing值得做7have_sth_done让别人做某事,遭遇(受)到某种不好的情况8This/That is/was a time when 这/那是一个的时期9There is no doubt that 毫无疑问10take_apart拆开11consider_doing_sth考虑做某事12rather_than宁愿;而不是13think_highly_of看重;器重教材原句1It was_designed_for the palace of Frederick 它是为腓特烈一世的宫殿而设计(制作)的。2However,the next King of Prussia,Frederick William ,to_whom_the_amber_room_belonged,_decided not to keep it然而,下一位普鲁士国王,腓特烈威廉一世,这个琥珀屋的主人却决定不要它了。3In 1770 the room was completed the_way_she_wanted1770年,这间琥珀屋按照她的要求完成了。4This_was_a_time_when the two countries were_at_war这是在两国交战的时期。5After that,what_happened_to the Amber Room remains a mystery从那以后,琥珀屋的去处便成了一个谜。6One day he was_looking in a secondhand furniture shop when he saw an amazing object among the many different vases and jewels一天,他正在逛一家二手家具店,这时他在众多不同的花瓶和珠宝首饰中看到了一个令人惊奇的东西。7To_my_surprise the entrance to the mine was closed令我惊讶的是,矿井的入口被封住了。短文改错When a student told Katie that he wanted bike but couldnt afford to buy it, she decided to make his dream come true And she even took the whole school under consideration At the school that she worked, a lot of students were poor But Katie thought own their own bikes would make wonderfully memories for every child To earn money for hundreds of new bike, Katie launched an online page, and finally raise enough money to pay for them Katie was surprised the kids by announcing a gift over a loudspeaker at school“Joy is the basic childhood right,” she said “A bike is one of the top things that represents that”答案:When a student told Katie that he wanted bike but couldnt afford to buy , she decided to make his dream come true And she even took the whole school consideration At the school she worked, a lot of students were poor But Katie thought their own bikes would make memories for every child To earn money for hundreds of new , Katie launched an online page,and finally enough money to pay for them Katie surprised the kids by announcing a gift over a loudspeaker at school“Joy is the basic childhood right,” she said“A bike is one of the top things that that”难项分析:第四处:thatwhere考查定语从句的引导词。根据句子结构可知,此处应用where引导定语从句,修饰先行词the school,且在从句中作地点状语。第五处:ownowning考查非谓语动词。thought后面是宾语从句,应该用动名词短语在宾语从句中作主语。第九处:删除wasKatie通过用学校的扬声器宣布的一份礼物让孩子们感到惊讶。surprise sb表示“使某人吃惊”。Katie与surprise之间为主动关系,故应用主动语态。书面表达正反观点对比类议论文技法指导本单元的写作任务是辩论性文章。辩论性文章一般分为三个段落,首段阐述辩论双方讨论的内容;第二段阐述双方的观点;最后一段发表自己的意见。黄金表达1介绍讨论的主题(开头句)(1)We had a discussion about whether it is necessary to (2)Weve had a survey on (3)We have held a discussion about whether it is good or not 2过渡句(1)Opinions are divided on this issue(2)Opinions are mainly divided into two groups(3)Different people, however, have different opinions on this matter(4)Different people, however, think quite differently on this matter3陈述观点(句)(1)45% of the students hold the view that For one thing, For another thing,(2)60% of the students are for/against the idea(3)On the contrary/However/As the old saying goes, each coin has two sides Nearly half of the students think that On the one hand, On the other hand,4总结句(1)As fas as I am concerned (2)In my opinion,(3)Personally,(4)Its my opinion that , because /and the reason is (5)I firmly support the view that 典题演练假设你是李华,今天你们班就“Should the Amber Room Be Returned to Russia?”进行了一次辩论会,同学们意见不一。请你用英语写一篇100词左右的短文,记述辩论情况,并表达自己的看法。Should the Amber Room Be Returned to Russia?谋篇布局1确定体裁:本文为议论文2确定人称:本文主要人称应为第三人称3确定时态:以一般过去时为主4话题:琥珀屋是否应归还给俄罗斯5构思联想词汇1就进行辩论debate about 2属于belong to3对负责be responsible for4有做的权利have the right to do 5反对be against/opposed to 6我认为/就我而言as far as I am concerned连词成句1今天我们班就琥珀屋是否该归还给俄罗斯进行了一次辩论会。一般句式Today we debated whether the Amber Room should be returned to Russia升级句式Today our class had a heated debate about whether the Amber Room should be returned to Russia2琥珀屋应该属于俄罗斯人民。一般句式The Amber Room should be kept by the Russian people升级句式The Amber Room should belong to the Russian people3德国是琥珀屋的故乡。一般句式Germany is the hometown of the Amber Room升级句式Germany is the home of the Amber Room连句成篇Should the Amber Room Be Returned to Russia?Today our class had a heated debate about whether the Amber Room should be returned to Russia Their opinions are as followsSome students believe that it should be returned to Russia Since the King of Prussia gave it to Peter the Great, it should belong to the Russian people However, some other students believe that Germany should keep


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