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Section The Language Points of Reading课时作业(一)对应学生用书P51.完形填空 Lauren, 17, was travelling home with her father from a first aid road show when they found the police alongside two young men lying face down in the street. Laurens father, Mick Askham, remembered, “The two young men had been _1_ in a street fight. Since the police werent carrying any first aid gear, they were _2_ when Lauren and I stopped to help.” Lauren said, “This was my first incident and I kept thinking to myself: just stay _3_. All the things Id learned during first aid training came back to me.” She explained, “One lad (少年) had been hit hard over the headhis head was _4_ open and he almost lost _5_. The other had been stabbed (捅) near the top of his leg and was _6_ badly.” “My dad went over to _7_ the lad with the head injury, talking to him all the while to try and keep him _8_. Meanwhile, I then joined a police officer to treat the other mans knife injury, _9_ Dad shouted to tell us what to do.” Mick added, “The man Lauren and the police officer helped had a serious knife _10_, so they applied direct pressure and _11_ a pad over the wound.” After five minutes, things took a sharp _12_ for the worse when large groups of young men returned to the _13_ and continued their argument with the police just ten yards away from the first aiders. Lauren recalled, “They started shouting and _14_ each other right next to usit was really threatening. You think, Am I in _15_ here? But we just carried on helping the injuredwith all this trouble going on _16_ usuntil the ambulances arrived.” Mick added, “Lauren _17_ fantastic courage for a 17yearold with only basic first aid skills. Theres no doubt that her and the police officers actions_18_ the casualtys bleeding and keeping him _19_helped the guy before the _20_ arrived.”1A.defeated Brejected Cinjured Dassisted答案:C结合第一段中的“two young men lying face down in the street”和空格后面的“in a street fight”可知,这两个人在街头打架中受伤了。injured “受伤的”。2A.admirable Bexcited Ccautious Dgrateful答案:D由空格前面的“Since the police werent carrying any first aid gear”可知,由于警察没有任何的急救设备,因此当劳伦和她的父亲来帮忙的时候,警察们非常感激。3A.calm Bstill Cquiet Dsafe答案:A根据空格前面的“This was my first incident and I kept thinking to myself”可知,这是她第一次进行急救,因此告诫自己:要保持镇定,不要慌。stay clam “保持镇定”。4A.spotted BsplitCconfirmed Dpressed答案:B结合空格前面的“One lad (少年) had been hit hard over the head”可知,一位少年的头部受到了严重的创伤。split “把分开;(使)裂开”。5A.heart BmemoryCconsciousness Dcourage答案:C根据前面的“his head was _4_ open”可知,这位少年的头部受伤严重,因此几乎失去了意识。6A.swelling Btrembling Churting Dbleeding答案:D由前面的“The other had been stabbed (捅) near the top of his leg”可知,另外一位少年的腿部被刀捅了,因此流血不止。7A.cure Broll Ctreat Dblame答案:C结合空格前面的“My dad went over”和后面的“the lad with the head injury”可知,此处表示劳伦的父亲去救治头部受伤的那位少年。下文中的“treat the other mans knife injury”也是提示。8A.awake Bsilent Calive Dasleep答案:A由语境并结合常识可知,劳伦的父亲和这位头部严重受伤的少年说话,目的是使他保持清醒。9A.though BwhileCbecause Dwhen答案:B此处与前面的“I then joined a police officer to treat the other mans knife injury”进行对比,while在这里表示两种情况的对比。10A.infection BsymptomCpoison Dwound答案:D这里表示他受到的刀伤,因此使用wound。下文中的a pad over the wound也是提示。11A.placed BmadeCpreserved Dpacked答案:A结合语境“they applied direct pressure”和后面的“a pad over the wound”可知,此处表示在他的伤口上放了一块垫子。12A.increase BchangeCturn Deffect答案:C从空格前面的“things took a sharp”和后面的“for the worse”可知,此处表示事情变得更糟了。take a sharp turn “(突如其来的)变化”。13A.square BsceneCshop Dstation答案:B结合空格后面的“continued their argument with the police just ten yards away from the first aiders”可知,此处表示那些人又回到了现场(scene),和警察们开始争吵。14A.comforting Bcrying Cattending Dthreatening答案:D由后面提到的“it was really threatening”并结合选项可知,D项符合语境。15A.danger Bneed Ccontrol Dcharge答案:A与前面的“threatening”呼应,此处表示处在危险之中。16A.with BforCaround Dto答案:C根据语境可知,劳伦和她父亲在进行急救的时候,周围一片混乱。17A.acquired BshowedCdemanded Drepresented答案:B根据后面的“fantastic courage for a 17yearold with only basic first aid skills”可知,此处是说劳伦展现了(showed)非凡的勇气。18A.easing BpreventingCinspecting Dcirculating答案:B根据上文内容和后面的“the casualtys bleeding”可知,此处表示阻止(preventing)受伤的人流血。19A.enjoyable BpatientCmotionless Denergetic答案:C结合第一段中的“lying face down in the street”和该空格前面的“keeping him”可知,应选C,表示使他保持不动。20A.ambulance BpoliceCfirefighter Daudience答案:A由文章倒数第二段最后一句中的“until the ambulances arrived”可知,此处表示在救护车到来之前。.阅读理解A Carbon monoxide (一氧化碳) poisoning kills and injures many people and animals around the world. The gas has been a problem since people first began burning fuels to cook food or to create heat. It is a problem in all parts of the world that experience cold weather. Carbon monoxide is called the silent killer because people do not know it is in the air. The gas has no color. It has no taste. It has no smell. It does not cause burning eyes. And it does not cause people to cough. But it is very deadly. It robs the body of its ability to use oxygen. Carbon monoxide decreases the ability of the blood to carry oxygen to body tissues. It does this by linking with the blood. When the gas links with the blood, the blood is no longer able to carry oxygen to the tissues that need it. Damage to the body can begin very quickly from large amounts of carbon monoxide. How quickly this happens depends on the length of time a person is breathing the gas and the amount of the gas he or she breathes in. Carbon monoxide poisoning has warning signs. But people have to be awake to recognize them. Small amounts of the gas will cause a persons head to hurt. He or she may begin to feel tired. The person may feel sick. The room may appear to be turning around. The person may have trouble thinking clearly. People develop severe head pains as the amount of the gas continues to enter their blood. They will begin to feel very tired and sleepy. They may have terrible stomach pains. Medical experts say carbon monoxide affects people differently. For example, a small child will experience health problems or die much quicker than an adult will. The general health of the person or his or her age can also be important. An older adult with health problems may suffer the effects of carbon monoxide more quickly than a younger person with no health problems. People with heart disease may suffer chest pains. They may begin to have trouble breathing.1Why is carbon monoxide called the silent killer? ABecause it tastes and smells good. BBecause it is not easily noticed. CBecause it kills and injures people. DBecause it always harms people.答案:B推理判断题。由文章第二段内容可知,一氧化碳无色、无味、不刺激眼睛,也不会让人咳嗽,也就是说它不容易被人发觉。故选B。2How does carbon monoxide harm people? AIt makes peoples blood unable to move. BIt decreases the amount of blood in the body. CIt makes body tissues full of blood. DIt makes the blood less able to carry oxygen.答案:D细节理解题。由第三段第一句可知,一氧化碳伤害人体的方式是:降低血液携带氧气的能力。3When people breathe in small amounts of carbon monoxide, they may _. Afeel a little dizzy Bsuffer a severe headache Cgo around in the room Dhave a terrible stomachache答案:A推理判断题。倒数第二段向我们描述了人体吸入一氧化碳后的反应:吸入少量时,会头疼,感觉恶心,会觉得房子在转动,不能清晰地思考。A项所说的“feel a little dizzy”对应“The room may appear to be turning around.”。4Which of the following about carbon monoxide poisoning is TRUE? AAdults are affected more seriously than children. BYoung people are more severely affected than old people. CPeople in poor health may have severer consequences. DPeople with heart problems only suffer from chest pains.答案:C细节理解题。最后一段讲述了不同的人吸入一氧化碳后的不同反应:儿童比成年人所受的影响大;老人及身体健康状况欠佳的人比年轻及身体健康的人所受的影响会更大。D项干扰性最大,但是原文的用词是“may suffer chest pains”,说明患有心脏疾病的人除一氧化碳中毒的症状之外,还可能会出现胸痛、呼吸困难等反应。BEvery ocean lover knows the dangers of getting caught in a rip current (离岸流). Experienced swimmers know it is relatively easy to escape the narrow channel of the fast moving water by floating and allowing it to drag you further into the ocean or by swimming alongside the shore. However, inexperienced beachgoers often panic, and try to swim to land, placing themselves at risk of drowning due to tiredness. According to the US National Ocean Service, the currents kill about 100 Americans each year and account for 80% of all lifeguard rescues. These scary statistics may soon be a thing of the past, thanks to Clever Girl, a smart buoy (浮标) that warns swimmers of the presence of deadly rip currents.The smart device is the brainchild of Australian teenager Maddison King, who created Clever Girl as a project for her Grade 12 Design and Technology class. The 18yearold, who works as a lifeguard during her spare time, came up with the brilliant idea after discovering that most children were unable to detect rip currents.The basketballsized plastic buoy, which can be attached to a chain of similar devices or the ocean floor, is fitted with a small propeller (螺旋桨). When the water travels at the speed of over 70 centimeters per second, it spins the propeller fast enough to power the light atop the buoy, warning swimmers to stay clear of the area.Though it sounds simple enough, the youngster had to overcome numerous design challenges. For instance, she picked a red light since it is easy to see in the bright sunlight and also because the color serves as a universal warning sign for tourists that do not speak the local language. The devices smooth surface and high handles ensure swimmers do not get hurt, while the black, white, and red striped underside, keeps sharks and other animals at bay.Future versions might include something like a warning siren, which would provide sound warnings of rip currents. Besides, the present model costs about $300 to make. “Thats beyond my purse,” she laughs, “the cost has to be cut down.”5Which of the following is the right way to escape the rip current?AWaiting for rescues.BSwimming to the shore.CMoving


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