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课时跟踪练(二) Warming Up & Reading Language Points一、全练语言点,基稳才能楼高.单词拼写1These animals are very rare (稀有的), and are protected by law.2There was a choice of four prizes, and the winner could select (挑选) one of them.3The job gave her a chance to get valuable (宝贵的) experience.4The Mogul Dynasty (王朝) ruled over India for centuries.5I really dislike her teaching style (风格)6The woman had her jewels (珠宝) stolen last night. Luckily, in less than 8 hours, the thief was caught.7Both the blue and yellow dresses are pretty, but I prefer the former (前者)8We went to the restaurant to have lunch, only to find that it was being decorated (装饰)9The book, which is designed (设计) for children under 5 years old, must be simple and colourful. 10The piano took up too much space, so I removed (搬开) it from the room.单句改错1With the environment becoming better, many rarely birds are returning to this area.rarelyrare2I was amazing to hear that Chris had won the first prize.amazingamazed3There was a time that there were no radios, no telephones or TV sets.thatwhen4I cant go to see a film with you. A lot of problems remain to be settle.settlesettled5I doubt that he can vote for us.thatwhether/if6It is the way which you spoke to your mother that made her angry.which前加in或去掉which7The little girl survived in the earthquake without anything to eat.去掉in8The place remains where we call ruins.wherewhat.选词填空serve as, the former . the latter, in the style of, belong to, at war, less than, in return, in search of1Most of the furniture in the house is in_the_style_of the Ming Dynasty.2The large bottle has served_as a flower vase for a long time in his room.3As far as I know, this vase is worth less_than 40 dollars.4Twenty soldiers were sent to the mountain in_search_of the trapped climber.5He gave me so much help when I was out of work. I wish I could give something to him in_return.6Dont take things that do not belong_to you.7When two countries were at_war,_troops of soldiers were sent to battlefront to fight.8Jane and Mary are good friends; the_former is a teacher and the_latter is a nurse.课文语法填空Frederick William , the King of Prussia, could never 1.have_imagined (imagine) that his greatest gift to the Russian people would have such an 2.amazing (amaze) history. Actually, the Amber Room 3.was_designed (design) for the palace of Frederick . The room was made of several tons of amber. But the next King of Prussia decided to give it to the Russian people as 4.a gift of friendship. In return, the Czar sent a troop of his best soldiers to the Prussian. So the Amber Room became part of the Czars winter palace in St Petersburg. It served 5.as a small reception hall for important visitors. Later, Catherine had it 6.moved (move) to a palace where she spent her summers. Before the Nazis got to the summer palace, the Russians were able to remove some furniture and small art objects 7.from the Amber Room. Some of the Nazis 8.secretly (secret) stole the room itself. After that, 9.what happened to the Amber Room remains a mystery. Recently, the Russians and Germans have built a new Amber Room by studying old photos of the 10.former (form) one.串点成篇微表达众所周知,文化遗产(cultural relics)属于(belong to)全人类而不是个人。许多人努力去寻找(search for)它们。一些有价值的(valuable)文化遗产已遭破坏而只有少数幸免于难(survive)。所以为避免这一点我们每个人都应尽最大努力。毫无疑问(there is no doubt),保护好文化遗产是我们的责任。因此,我们一定会让它们得到很好的保护(have sth. done)。Its_wellknown_that_cultural_relics_belong_to_the_human_beings_rather_than_individuals._A_lot_of_people_try_their_best_to_search_for_them._Some_valuable_cultural_relics_have_been_damaged_while_only_a_few_survive._So_in_order_to_avoid_this,_everyone_of_us_should_make_all_our_efforts._There_is_no_doubt_that_it_is_our_duty_to_protect_cultural_relics._Therefore,_were_sure_to_have_them_protected_well.二、勤练高考题型,多练自能生巧.完形填空Why is setting goals important? Because goals may _1_ you to experience everything you want in life. _2_ just letting life happen to you, goals allow you to make your life happen._3_ people imagine how their life should be and set lots of goals. By setting goals you are _4_ your life. Its like having a map to _5_ you where you want to go. Think of it this way. There are two _6_. One has a destination (目的地) in mind (her goal), which can be _7_ on a map. She can drive there _8_ without any wasted time or _9_ turns. The other driver is _10_. She has no goal, destination or map. Without a clear _11_, she never gets anywhere, and just uses up gas. Which driver do you want to _12_?Winners in life set goals and follow through on them. They _13_ what they want in life by making _14_ and setting goals. Unsuccessful people just let life happen _15_. In fact, goals arent difficult to set. It _16_ you to find out what your goals really are. You are the one who must decide what to _17_ and in what direction to aim your life.Research tells us that _18_ we write a goal down we are more likely to reach it. Written goals can be reviewed _19_, and have more power. Like a contract (合同) with yourself, they are harder to _20_. Writing your goals down will bring you nearer to your goal if you work on it.1A.helpBinviteCadvise Dorder解析:选A有了奋斗的目标,你才有可能获得自己渴望的东西,所以目标可以“帮助(help)”你实现愿望。2A.As for BExcept forCInstead of DBecause of解析:选C目标帮你实现人生,“而不是(Instead of)”让你听天由命。3A.Lucky BHonestCYoung DSuccessful解析:选D由该空后的“imagine . set lots of goals”可知,这里是说“成功(Successful)”者都是对人生有憧憬的人,他们会树立很多目标。4A.making fun of Btaking control ofCgetting along with Dcatching sight of解析:选B由该空前的“By setting goals”可知,有了目标,你就可以“掌控(taking control of)”自己的人生。5A.show BwarnCwish Dfollow解析:选A由该空前后内容可知,这里是说目标就像地图可以帮你“指(show)”路一样。6A.guests BsingersCdrivers Dteachers解析:选C下文的“The other driver”是提示。7A.missed BfoundCaccepted Dstarted解析:选B由该空前的“One has a destination (目的地) in mind”可知,心中有了目的地,这样就可以在地图上“找到(found)”要去的地方。8A.safely BsuddenlyCcarefully Ddirectly解析:选D结合下文内容可知,这里是说她能一路“直达(directly)”,无需浪费时间或是拐“错(wrong)”弯。9A.wrong BquickCwide Dfull解析:选A参见上题解析。10A.impolite BimpatientCdifferent Dexperienced解析:选C由该空后的“She has no goal, destination or map.”可知,另一个司机是“不同的(different)”。11A.memory BpurposeCquestion Dreason解析:选B由该空后的“she never gets anywhere, and just uses up gas”可知,这位司机没有明确的“目的(purpose)”。12A.tell BbeatCpunish Dbecome解析:选D作者在此试问读者:你想“成为(become)”哪位司机呢?13A.prepare for Bworry aboutCtake off Dgive up解析:选A由该空前的“Winners in life set goals and follow through on them.”可知,为了得到他们所想要的,成功者会通过制定“计划(plans)”、设定目标并为其去做“准备(prepare for)”。14A.choices BplansCfriends Dmistakes解析:选B参见上题解析。15A.as well Bin turnCby accident Dat times解析:选C失败者只会听天由命,故填by accident。16A.calls for Bgoes afterCturns to Ddepends on解析:选D事实上,定目标不难。找到人生目标,全“靠(depends on)”个人。 17A.write BdiscussCachieve Dcelebrate解析:选C由该空前后内容可知,这里是说要自己去决定想要“实现(achieve)”什么以及人生的方向在哪里。18A.when BbeforeCthough Dwhether解析:选A“当(when)”我们把目标写出来后,实现的可能性就更大。19A.slowly BregularlyCnormally Dcompletely解析:选B你可以“定期(regularly)”对写在纸上的目标进行审视,从中获得动力。20A.offer BimproveCdescribe Dforget解析:选D由该空前的“Like a contract (合同) with yourself”可知,像签订的合同一样,写下的目标很难“忘记(forget)”。.短文改错 In recent years, great changes have


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