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目录1题目要求32程序截图43程序代码104课程设计心得26题目要求:设计一个学分管理系统。假设每位学生必须完成基础课50学分,专业课50学分,选修课24学分,人文类课程8学分和实验性课程20学分才能毕业。实现下列功能:1 录入某位学生的学分信息2 给定学号,显示某位学生的学分完成情况;3 给定班号,显示该班所有学生的学分完成情况;4 给定学号,修改该学生的学分信息;5 按照某类课程的学分高低进行排序;给定学号,对该学生能否毕业进行确定。登陆界面如下:主界面如下:进行插入操作:按班号显示操作:查询结果界面如下:进行按学号进行查询的界面:查询结果如下:排序界面:查询学生是否能够毕业:删除操作:代码如下:module1:public cn as new adodb.connectionpublic rs as new adodb.recordsetform1:public rs as adodb.recordsetsub disp() set datagrid1.datasource = rsfor i = 0 to rs.fields.count - 1 text1(i).text = rs.fields(i).valuenextend subsub renew() rs.close cn.close set rs = new adodb.recordset set datagrid1.datasource = rs cn.open dsn=123;uid=sa;pwd= rs.open select * from credit, cn, adopenstatic, adlockoptimistic dispend subprivate sub frame1_dragdrop(source as control, x as single, y as single)end subprivate sub command1_click()for i = 0 to 7 text1(i).text = next text1(0).setfocustext1(1).enabled = truetext1(2).enabled = truecommand11.enabled = trueend subprivate sub command10_click()rs.movepreviousif rs.bof then msg = msgbox(已达到第一条, 48 + 0, 提示)rs.movefirst end ifdisp end subprivate sub command11_click()text1(1).enabled = truetext1(2).enabled = trueinsert_str = insert into credit values( & text1(0).text & , & text1(1).text & , & text1(2).text & , & text1(3).text & , & text1(4).text & , & text1(5).text & , & text1(6).text & , & text1(7).text & )if text1(0).text rs.fields(0) thencn.execute (insert_str) msgbox 插入成功elsemsgbox 重复输入数据end ifdisprenewend subprivate sub command12_click()renewend subprivate sub command13_click()update_str = update credit set basic= & text1(3).text & ,major= & text1(4).text & ,soption= & text1(5).text & ,speople= & text1(6).text & ,sexperiment= & text1(7).text & where sno= & text1(0).text & if text1(0).text rs.fields(0) thencn.execute (update_str)elsemsgbox 无此内容end ifrenewend subprivate sub command14_click()sno1 = inputbox(请输入要删除学生的学号:, 查询, 200, 100)delete_str = delete from credit where sno= & sno1if sno1 thenif rs.recordcount = 0 thenmsgbox 输入学号不正确elsecn.execute (delete_str)disprenewend ifelsemsgbox errorend ifend subprivate sub command15_click()frmlogin.showend subprivate sub command2_click()form2.showend subprivate sub command3_click()form3.showend subprivate sub command4_click()text1(0).setfocusfor i = 0 to 7 text1(i).text = nexttext1(1).enabled = falsetext1(2).enabled = falsedispend subprivate sub command5_click()form4.showend subprivate sub command6_click()dim a(4) as integersno1 = inputbox(请输入学生的学号:, 查询, 200, 100)set rs = new adodb.recordsetrs.open select * from credit where sno= & sno1 & , cn, adopenstatic, adlockoptimisticif rs.recordcount = 0 thenmsgbox 输入学号不正确elsei = 0for j = 3 to rs.fields.count - 1 a(i) = val(rs.fields(j).value) i = i + 1nextif a(0) = 50 and a(1) = 50 and a(2) = 24 and a(3) = 8 and a(4) = 20 then msgbox 该学生已修满学分,可以毕业else msgbox 该学生由于未修满学分,不能毕业end ifend ifend subprivate sub command7_click()rs.movefirstdispend subprivate sub command8_click()rs.movelastdispend subprivate sub command9_click()rs.movenextif rs.eof then msg = msgbox(已达到最后一条, 48 + 0, 提示) rs.movelastend ifdispend subprivate sub form_load()set rs = new adodb.recordsetset cn = new adodb.connectioncn.open dsn=123;uid=sa;pwd=rs.open select * from credit, cn, adopenstatic, adlockoptimisticdispcommand11.enabled = falseform1.visible = falseend subform2:private sub command1_click()form1.showform2.hideend subprivate sub form_load()classno = inputbox(请输入学生的班号, 查询, 200, 100) rs.close cn.closeset rs1 = new adodb.recordsetset cn = new adodb.connectionset rs = new adodb.recordsetcn.open dsn=123;uid=sa;pwd=rs.open select * from credit where sclass= & classno & , cn, adopenstatic, adlockoptimisticif rs.recordcount 0 thenset datagrid2.datasource = rselsemsgbox 无此记录!end ifend subform3:private sub command1_click()form1.showform3.hideend subprivate sub form_load()sno = inputbox(请输入学生的学号, 查询, 200, 100)set cn = new adodb.connectionset rs = new adodb.recordsetcn.open dsn=123;uid=sa;pwd=rs.open select * from credit where sno= & sno & , cn, adopenstatic, adlockoptimisticif rs.recordcount 0 thenset datagrid3.datasource = rselsemsgbox 无此记录!end ifend subform4:private sub command1_click()form1.showform4.hideend subprivate sub option1_click()subject = inputbox(请输入课程名:, 查询, 200, 100)set cn = new adodb.connectionset rs = new adodb.recordsetcn.open dsn=123;uid=sa;pwd=if subject = basic or subject = major or subject = soption or subject = speople or subject = sexperiment thenrs.open select * from credit order by & subject, cn, adopenstatic, adlockoptimisticset datagrid4.datasource = rselsemsg = msgbox(error, 48 + 0, 提示)end ifend subprivate sub option2_click()subject = inputbox(请输入课程名:, 查询, 200, 100)set cn = new adodb.connectionset rs = new adodb.recordsetcn.open dsn=123;uid=sa;pwd=if subject = basic or subject = major or subject = soption or subject = speople or subject = sexperiment thenrs.open select * from credit order by & subject & desc, cn, adopenstatic, adlockoptimisticset datagrid4.datasource = rselsemsg = msgbox(error, 48 + 0, 提示)end ifend subfrmlogin:dim rsuser as adodb.recordsetpublic cn1 as adodb.connectionpublic loginsucceeded as booleanprivate sub cmdcancel_click() 设置全局变量为 false 不提示失败的登录 loginsucceeded = false endend subprivate sub cmdok_click() dim query_str as stringset rsuser = new adodb.recordsetuser_str = select * from userinfo where userid= & txtusername & and password= & txtpassword & rsuser.open user_str, cn1, adopenstatic, adlockoptimistic if rsuser.recordcount 0 then if rsuser.fields(power) = admin then form1.enabled = true else form1.enabled = false end if loginsucceeded = true unload frmlogin


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