



Lesson5 Lets Go to the City.一、教学目标:1.知识目标:能听、说、读、写30-100的数字。能听懂、会说、会读city, office building, apartment building, hotel, park.2.能力目标:能运用数字解决生活中的问题。3.情感目标:使学生了解自己居住的周边环境,培养学生热爱家园的情感。二、教学重难点:掌握30-100的数字,以及了解数字构成规律。三、教具学具:some pictures, audiotape, basketball.四、教学过程:Step1. Revision.1.Game. The student pats basketball, and the other students count the numbers. (通过拍皮球的活动,不但复习了已学数字,而且激发学生的学习兴趣。)2.Show the numbers 1-21 and read.3.The students resite the number1-9 line by line.(复习1-9数字为教学几十几做准备。)4.Through the regular of “_teen” to teach “_ty”.(根据已有知识经验,由学生自己总结整十的构词规律,重点比较fourteen与forty)Step2. Practice.1.Count the numbers one by one.2.Game “say two numbers” E.g. One says twenty, the other one says “nineteen and twenty-one”.3.Show CAI. “Jenny goes to the clothes shop. She wants a skirt and a pair of shoes. A skirt is twenty yuan. The shoes are forty-two yuan. How much are they?_ yuan.”(生活中的数字非常普遍,应用也非常广泛,目的就是让学生学以致用,也可以开发智力。)Step3. Presentation.1.The teacher says “Jenny wants to buy clothes. She wants to go to the city.”(运用情境引出city)2.Ask “What can Jenny see in the city?” to teach “office building, apartment building, hotel, park” and so on.3.Listen and read. Step4. Practice.According to the students, make up a dialogue. E.g. Where are you going? I want to _. Lets go to the_! Lets take a _!(将已学知识与新授有机地结合在一起,设计贴近生活的情境,培养学生综合运用语言的能力和交际能力。)五、教学板书:Lesson5 Lets Go to the City.thirtythirty-one office building forty apartment buildingfifty city hotelsixty parkseventyeightyninetyone hundredLesson5 Lets go to the city!教学目标:1知识目标:能听说读写30 100的数字。能听懂、会说、会读city 、office building、apartment building、hotel、park2能力目标:能运用数字解决生活中的问题。3情感目标:使学生了解自己居住的周边环境,培养学生热爱家园的情感。教学重点难点:掌握30 100的数字以及了解数字构成规律。教学准备图片,录音机教学过程:Step1:Revision. 1 Count yourself.(一排或一行报数,复习1-9的数字,在报数的过程中拼写单词) 2 Game : say two number( 教师说一个数字,由同学说出它的前一个数字和后一个数字,特别说出3 、13、 4 、14、5、15)Step2:New concept 1 Teach the numbers “thirty forty fifty”(比较3、13、30、4、14、40、5、15、50) 2 Find the law to write the number “sixty seventy eighty ninety” 3 Teach the numbers “one hundred”Step3:Practice 1 Game 101(教师报一个数字,让学生说一个数字使两个数字之和是101) 2 Wait in line (数字被打乱顺序,让孩子把他们按顺序排列起来)Step4: Presentatione1 Im tired . I want to go shopping . Heres my shop list . How much are they?Lets take our number friends to go shopping . Lets go to the city. (Write it on the blackboard.)What can Jenny see in the city? To teach office building 、 apartment building、 hotel、 park and so on 2 Listen and read .Step 5 : Class closing.Sing a song : Where are you going?(应用两只老虎的曲调加入新词)板书设计: Lesson 5


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