



Module 6 Unit 1 It was Damings birthday yesterday1教学目标 1.能理解并掌握 space travel, be interested in, spaceship, surprised等单词和短语。2.进一步巩固过去式的用法,特别是不规则变化动词过去时的掌握。3.通过对课文的学习,能够使学生初步懂得如何为别人挑选合适的礼物,引导学生学会感恩。4.通过读图片、思维导图、小组合作等活动,进一步培养学生的英语思维能力及语言交际能力。2学情分析 这个模块和前边的第五模块是一个故事发展的不同阶段。整个故事是讲大明在美国过假期,Simon的妈妈为大明准备了一个生日party。在生日party上发生了很有意思的故事。而这篇课文是讲大明收到了Simon妈妈给他的生日礼物-一本关于宇宙飞船的书。学生对整个的故事发展都很清楚了,在知识上,本篇课文主要是一般过去时的运用,对于学生来说也不难。3重点难点 学生处于小学阶段,对一些事物的认知尚且模糊,对部分单词的感知和理解可能存在问题,对于五年级下学期学生的要求重点是会读会说,敢于模仿表达,其次能掌握一些基本单词的拼写和造句,在此基础上与人进行简单沟通。4教学过程 I. Warming up & Lead inListen to a music.T: Do you know the music? What is the name of the music? How do you know it?预设学生回答没有涉及Damings birthday 时:I know the name of the music from Damings birthday party. Daming played this music with uona.【设计意图】承上启下。由上一课引入本课,出示本课的课题 It was Damings birthday yesterday.II. Task presentingDiscuss: What things are important for a birthday?When we choose a present for others, what should we think about?Who do we give the present to?When do we give the present?What does the present look like?How much is the present?. (mind mapping)(Task: Choosing a present)【设计意图】明确本课任务,为后面学习做好准备。III. Text learningActivity 1: Look, listen and say.( 过渡语:Now lets read a very interesting story about a present)Show students the word: alienT: Do you know this word? What does the alien mean?What does the alien look like in your mind?What happened between these two aliens?(如果觉得学生在讲述的时候有问题,可以提示学生给两个外星人起个名字)Listen and read.3. How do you think about the present?预设学生回答:The present is not good.根据学生回答给出一些词组提示:be not suit sb. wellbe not right for sb.【设计意图】发挥学习的想像力和语言的综合运用能力。Detail task presenting:(1)You would visit the aliens on the other planet. Imagine what presents you would take them and why?(2)Plan a graduation present for your classmate.(3)Plan a Mothers Day present or a Fathers Day present.(过渡句:lets go back to Damings birthday. )1. T: Show the first two pictures. What do you know from these two pictures?Ss: Pair work. Try to answer the questions from the picture by themselves.【设计意图】让学生通过图片获取信息, 培养学生读图能力。预设: Simons mum bought a book for Daming.Daming likes it very much.追问:Whats the book about?How do you know that Daming likes it?Why did Simons mum buy him a book about the spaceship?2. Show students the next two pictures. What do you know from these two pictures?预设: Simon saw the book, he likes it too. They read the book together.追问: How do you know that Simon likes it?Show students the last two pictures. Ask the students to discuss.预设: Simon and Daming made a model of spaceship. They gave it Simons mum.Simons mum was very happy.追问:What is the model spaceship made of?Why was Simons mum very happy?Ask students to make the whole story by the pictures.Pair works.【设计意图】进一步培养学生的读图能力,思维能力及综合的语言表达能力。Listen to text. Discuss with the students:Why did Simons mum give Daming a book as the birthday present?7. Read and underline the answer of teachers questions.Why did they give Simons mum the spaceship?8. Underline the important phrases on the books. Read again and check the phrases. Pay more attention to the new phrases for the students such as “be interesting in sth.”, “be surprised to do sth.” “in two hours”预设:Why was Simon surprised to see the spaceship from China?问题较难回答。可跟进问题 Was he surprised to see spaceships from Russia and the US? Why?【设计意图】通过不同方式的练习,引导学生自主学习。抓住Simon惊讶的表情,介绍我国载人飞船发展,增强学生民族自豪感。9. Discuss: Did Simons mum choose a right present for Daming?IV. PracticingTeachers example.1) I am planning a present. What do you want to know?Ss ask questions they want to know according the mind map.2) Show students the passage.【设计意图】了解老师的礼物计划过程,在这个过程中培养学生的逻辑思维能力及提问能力。V. Task fulfillment1. Choose one task, and then make a map.2. Show it in class


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