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教学资料参考范本八年级英语上册 Unit 6 教学设计 人教新目标版撰写人:_时 间:_一、教学设计思路利用图片等帮助学生理解形容词比较级的用法,结合课文任务和学生实际帮助学生练习比较人物不同,练习应用形容词比较级。二、教学目标(一)知识1. 掌握如何谈论个性特征。2. 掌握如何使用形容词的比较级比较人的个性特征:more, than, taller, shorter, thinner, longer, heavier, calmer, wilder, quieter, funnier, smarter, more athletic, more popular, twin, both, be good at3. 掌握如何比较身边的事物并选择最佳答案。4. 掌握形容词比较级的用法。(二)能力能应用形容词比较级对身边人物和事物做出对比。(三)情感体验自己与以前的自己有什么变化,感受自己的成长变化。三、教学重点使用形容词的比较级比较人的个性特征:more, than, taller, shorter, thinner, longer, heavier, calmer, wilder, quieter, funnier, smarter, more athletic, more popular, twin, both, be good at形容词比较级。四、教学难点形容词比较级。五、教学媒体名人照片、教学图片、电脑、投影仪、录音机六、教学过程Section A(一)语言目标:(二)教学过程1a 先展示一些名人的照片,如:姚明、泰森、王义夫。让学生描述其外貌特征及个性。引出生词calm, athletic, wild并复习已学表外貌特征及个性的单词。 学习1a教师引导学生学习比较级句式的描述。Yao is tall. Yao is thinWang is short. Tayson is heavy.Wang is calm.Tayson is wild.教师引出比较句。Yao is taller than Wang.Wang is calmer than Tayson.让学生逐渐领会其意,然后跟读,接下来看图将三对双胞胎进行比较。Tina is wilder than Tara.Tara is calmer than Tina.Sam has longer hair than Tom.Toms hair is shorter than Sams.Pedro is heavier than Paul.Paul is thinner than Pedro.Task 1. 学生两人一组展开活动,分别在各自准备的卡片上写下一些形容词,描述对方的身体和性格特点。然后学生将一对对的形容词连线。1b 听录音完成1b.1c 让学生依照对话,就图结对进行练习。Task 2 Are we the same or different?两人一组通过比较各自的卡片,找出自己和对方相同和不同的地方,并说说他们在程度上的区别。2a 先让学生读出单词,然后通过听录音让学生说说哪些词是加“-er”“-ier”构成的比较级。哪些是加more 构成的比较级。教师简单讲解形容词比较级的构成。2b 听录音,然后填表。2c Task 3 学生根据例句结对练习,Sam 和Tom的描述比较。每对学生中,甲看32页的图表,乙看89页的图表。甲:Is Tom smarter than Sam?乙:No, Sam is smarter than Tom.甲:Is Sam taller than Tom?乙:Yes, Sam is taller than Tom.语法:比+V+比较级+than+B3a 学生独立完成。先阅读短文,然后根据短文进行判断。(用T、F、DKDont know)3b Task4结对进行活动。(找朋友)4 Task 5 说出你和同桌的相同点和不同点,互相之间可以补充。Section B (一)语言目标:掌握下列词及短语的用法。make me laugh, be good at, do the same things as, smart popular, best friend, opinion, opposite, really(二)教学过程1a 教师读,学生重复,然后学生按作为好朋友最后的条件,单独依次排序,完成1a让几个学生将六短语抄在黑板上,并读给全班听。检查有几个学生将has cool排在第一位,进行统计。1b 在1a的基础上学生分组进行讨论,说说各自的观点。2a 听录音两遍,第一遍听,第二遍要求将书中两个同学对最好朋友的条件用几个关键的词或短语填在表中的前面一排。2b 然后再听一遍录音,将其选择好朋友的条件的关键词的形式写出2c Task 6学生结对谈论Holly和Maria的最好的朋友的看法。3a 在学生阅读三篇短文之前,先回答前面的三个问题,然后再读,并在描写人物的特征的词或短语下划线。3b 根据例子,用完整的句子描写Holly 和 Maria的和朋友之间的不同,进一步巩固比较句式的用法。3c 学生自己描述和自己朋友之间的异同。4 Task 7“Find someone for job”就“Teacher Wanted”所列的要求,学生结对讨论自己所推荐的人,谁最适合哪一工作,并说出理由。七、评价方法可从以下三个方面来考查学生的学习情况,并将学生学习的评价融入到教学过程中。课堂参与情况:积极主动,声音响亮,较流畅地用英语表达自己要说的话。合作学习情况:与小组成员共同努力,很好地完成学习任务。知识掌握情况:是否已经掌握了所学的知识,并能很好地运用。八、板书设计九、达标测试一、写出单词的比较级1. tall 2. quiet 3. funny 4. heavy 5. thin 6. big 7. outgoing 8. intellectual 9. good 10. many 二、单项选择1. Tina is than Peter.A. tall B. taller C. short2. She is than her sister.A. outgoing B. outgoinger C. more outgoing3. This question is than that one.A. easier B. easyer C. easy4. Im older than her.A. a little B. little C. a few5. some ways we look the same.A. On B. In C. From6. My friend is the same me.A. to B. as C. with7. Liu Ying is as as her mother.A. beautiful B. more beautiful C. beafuifuler8. We quiet.A. are both B. both are C. look both9. He talks than his classmate.A. much B. more faster C. much faster10. They all enjoy to the parties.A. going B. go C. to go三、用括号中所给的适当形式填空1. He has hair than Sam. (long)2. This bag is a little than that one.(heavy)3. Are you good at ? (swim)4. My English teacher is as as my father. (serious)5. Who is , Tom or Peter? (good)6. Tom is than Peter. (athletic)7. Therere many between them. (different)8. you the same?(look)9. He is to all the students. (friend)10. His story is funnier than .(she)答案:一、1. taller 2. quieter 3. funnier 4. heavier 5. thinner 6. bigger 7. more outgoing 8. more intellectual 9. better 10. more二、1. B 2. C 3. A 4. A 5. B 6. B 7. A 8. A 9. B 10. A 三、1. longer 2. heavier 3. swimming 4. serious 5. better 6. more athletic 7. differences 8. Are, look 9. friendly 10. hers自行车自行车好像属于人们认为理所当然的这一类简单的发明。但自行车已存在快要150年了。 大约1816年,一个叫做弗里德利希冯德赖斯的德国发明家制造了一部几乎是自行车的机器。它有两个轮子,通过踢脚来向前推进。1839年,英国发明家柯克佩特里构麦克米兰开创了真正的自行车,它用脚蹬踏板作动力。麦克米兰的自行车有一个把后轮与踏板连起来的曲柄。1861年,两个法国四轮大马车制造商恩斯特和皮埃尔米肖克斯搞了一个类似的设计。他们还制造了一个踏板直接连着前轮的机器。这些自行车没有一种真正流行起来。问题在于踏板蹬一下轮子只转一圈,所以蹬踏板是艰苦的劳作。使蹬踏板省力一些的办法是使前轮相当大。这样,蹬一下踏板,自行车前行的距离将会远得多。这就是1870年英国制造商詹姆士斯塔利制造的“前轮大、后轮小的自行车”,或称“普通自行车”背后-所蕴含着的想法。它摇摇晃晃。而且难以停住,但相当大众化。左图:由于座位高,前轮大,这种“前轮大、后轮小的自行车”难以平衡。但人们喜欢它,因为踏板蹬起来不太费力。不过更为成功的仍是斯塔利在1885年制造的“安全自行车”,它是第一辆以一根高效率的链条来传动的自行车。它骑起来不费什么力气,而且稍小一些的轮子使车子更稳。从那时起,人们购买了数百万辆这种自行车。链条传动的主意在15世纪莱奥纳尔多达芬奇的随笔集里已用图画表明了中,但直到1885年才应用于自行车。Karl BenzEngineer and Car Manufacturer Founded Benz & Co.He was born Nov. 25, 1844, Karlsruhe, Baden, Germany and died April 4, 1929, Ladenburg, near MannheimMannheim, GermanyHens LegsSon: “Why are hens legs so short?”Dad: “Youre a fool. If the hens legs were too long, wouldnt they drop theireggs into pieces when laying?”母鸡的腿儿子:“为什么母鸡的腿这么短呢?”父亲:“你真笨。如果母鸡的腿太长,它们下蛋的时候,鸡蛋岂不都摔碎了?” Dos & DontsHow much do you know about the most intimate friend of skin - your skin care products?DontsArtificial ColorsPetroleum ProductsIngredients like paraffin, mineral oils, petroleum jelly, PVP, PEG and propylene glycol may clog pores and cause allergic reactions.Animal DerivativesIngredients such as collagen (a substance found in bone, cartilage, and connective tissue), placenta, animal proteins, keratin, lactose, lanolin, animal fatty acids, and fish scales (labeled as quanine or pearl essence) may be by-products of slaughterhouses and battery farms. Moreover, such ingredients may be contaminated by pesticides like DDT.TalcSimilar to asbestos, it causes lung problems.Harsh SurfactantsArtificial PreservativesArtificial FragrancesThey cause allergic reactions ranging from sneezing, stinging eyes, reddened skin to severe contact dermatitis.Source: Green Living in Hong Kong by Safe Alternatives for Food and Environment, 1996.DosHerbal EssencesEssential OilsThey have the amazing ability to penetrate deeply into the generation tissues of our skin and together with them carry small amounts of other ingredients with them, so that the skin is fully nourished.Alpha Hydroxy Acids, AHAsThey penetrate deeply into skin, accelerating natural skin renewal cycle, removing dead cells, and stimulating collagen production. It helps cleanse pores, reduce wrinkles, whiten pigments, and remove blemishes.CeramidesFrom sunflowers or yeast cells, ceramides are human-identical. They strengthen skin cells capacity to retain vitalizing moisture so that skin is smoother and suppler. They also stimulate cell renewal, resulting in finer skin texture and a plumping out of the fine line and wrinkles.Hyaluronic AcidDerived from yeast cells, hyaluronic acid is a non-oily moisturizer that increases skins moisture-holding capacity with its amazing ability to hold water of 500-1000 times its own weight. It binds water in the interstitial spaces between skin cells, forming a gel-like substance that holds cells together.AntioxidantsNatural PreservativesInclude grapefruit seed extract, vitamin C, E, and sodium hydroxymethy glycinate.At a RestaurantMrs. Wang speaks very good English, but she knows little Japanese. One day, she goes to TokyoShe gives the paper to the man. The man looks at it and says “OK!” Very soon he brings her a bowl of nice hot noodles with chicken and some vegetables. 在国外用餐时的礼仪1. Pull out chairs to seat the women when you are eating together.2. Do not sit down before all the ladies are seated.3. Pull your chair up and sit close to the table after sitting down.4. It is customary to say grace before the meal begins in many Christian homes. Watch the host or hostess. If they bow their heads, join them.5. When the hostess takes her napkin, open your napkin in half and lay it across your lap.6. When eating with silverware, begin from the outside piece, then knife and fork for the second course and so on. The pieces closest to the plate are for the last course.7. When having soup, move the spoon away from you to spoon out the soup. When a little remains, you may raise slightly the side of the bowl close to you.8. Cut large pieces of food, such as steak or chops, into small pieces all at one time.9. Use you knife close to the fork. This way, it is a lot easier to cut meat.10. Put your knife and fork diagonally on the further side of the


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