



Unit 12 Life is full of the unexpected.Section B 1a1eI.用所给词的适当形式填空。1. WhatdoyoudoonApril_(fool)Day?2. Hewas_(embarrass)whentheykepttellingherhowclevershewas.3. We had an_(expect) visitor onSunday morning.4. This month he was late for school at_(little) three times.5. There are many beautiful_(airport)in our city.II. 选择合适的短语填空,必要时需要变形。sell out, showup, givesb.alift, bytheendof, by the time waitinlinewith, stayup, takeoff, end up, thousands of 1.Luckily,Tomsawmeonthewaytoschooland_.2.Howdidthewriter_missingbothevents?3.Whenwegottothefootofthemountain,_visitorshadalreadycome.4.Whenwegotothedoctors,weshouldalways_otherpatients.5.Allhisfriends_whenhewenttotheparty.6.WhenIgotto theairport,myplanetoBeijing_.7.AlthoughitsSundaytomorrow,dont_toolate8._lastterm,wehadstudiedmorethanthreethousandwords.9.Iamsorrywe_allthebookswrittenbyMoYan,youmaycomeanothertime.10._Igotup,myparentshadleft.II. 单项选择。1. Tom!Ilookedforyoueverywhereatthepartylastnight.Oh,I_totheparty.A.aminvitedB.wasinvited C.amnotinvited D.wasntinvited2. We felt_when we saw her_clothes. A. embarrassing; embarrassing B. embarrassed; embarrassed C. embarrassed; embarrassing D. embarrassing; embarrassed3.Whydidntyoushow_atthemeetingyesterday?Wekeptwaitingforalongtime. A.up B.around C.off D.on4.ItseveryonesdutytojointheCleanYourPlateCampaign.Sure.Weshouldtryto_allthefoodthatweveordered. A.giveupB.eatupC.turnupD.showup 5.Mr.Brownalwaysmakeshisclass_andkeepshisstudents_inhisclass.A.alive,interesting B.lively,interestingC.alive,interested D.lively;interested6.By the time the police got to the super- market,the thief . A. went B. have gone C. has gone D. had gone7.一Oh, my God! I_my notebook in my bedroom. It doesnt matter. Ill lend you mine.A. forget B. forgot C. leave D. left8.Julie didnt leave office the police arrived. A. however B.whenever C. while D. until9. People were excited whenthey saw “Monkey King” 2014the Yellow River Estuary(入海口,河口)International Marathon. A. losing B. running C. refusing D. forgetting10.What happened you April Fools Day?A. for; on B. to; on C. on; on D. to; in11. I got up late and _ to school without having breakfast.A. ran into B. rushed out C. ran after D. ran off12. Tom was disappointed that most of the guests _ when he _ at the party.A. left; had arrived B. left; arrivedC. had left; had arrived D. had left; arrivedIII. 动词应用。1. Jane was shy. She would not invite her classmates_(practice)speaking 2. Remember to keep_(read) every day and its very good for you.3. When I_ (get) to school, I realized I_(leave) my homework at home.4. The baby cried hard and_(wake)me upthismorning.5. You need to get_(dress) and go shopping with me.6. I found I was the only person_(wear) a costume.IV. 按要求完成下面的句子。1. She has gone to Shanghai. (用by the time改写句子)She _ _ to Shanghai by the time I arrived there. 2.I had eaten dinner before you got home.(划线提问)What _ you _ before I got home?3. Jenny had already cleaned the room when I called her. (改为否定句)Jenny _ _ the room when I called her .4. He had left before she could say a word. (改为一般疑问句)_ he _ before she could say a word? 九年级第12单元第4课时当堂达标题答案Unit 12 Life is full of the unexpected.Section B 1a1eI.1. Fools “愚人节”专有名词,开头字母要大写,并且要用名词所有格。2. embarrassed 考查embarrass的形容词形式,embarrassing和embarrassed。embarrassed修饰人,人作主语。embarrassing修饰物,物作主语。3. unexpected 根据句意“星期天早上我们有一个意想不到的访客。”4. least 根据句意“这个月他至少上学迟到了三次。”at least 固定搭配。5. airports many修饰可数名词的复述形式。II. 1.gave me a lift 根据句意“幸运地是Tom在路上看到了我并且捎了我一程。”saw是过去式,and连接两个并列成分,故填gave me a lift.2.end up 根据句意“作者最终是怎样错过这两件事情的?” “以结束”固定结构 end up.3.thousands of “成千上万的游客”4.wait in line with 根据句意“当我们去看医生时,我们应该和其他病人一起排队等候”“和排队等候”是“wait in line with”5.showed up 根据句意“当他去参加聚会时,他所有的朋友都出现了。” “出现,露面”show up。went用了过去式,故用showed up. 6.had taken off 根据句意“当我到达机场时,我飞往北京的航班已经起飞了。”故用过去完成时。7.stay up 根据句意“虽然时星期天,也不要熬夜太晚。”dont 后跟动词原形。8.By the end of 根据句意“到学期末时,我们已经学了三千多个词汇。”by the end of +名词。9.have sold out 根据句意“很抱歉莫言写的书已经卖完了,下次再买吧。”应用现在完成时。10.By the time by the time+过去时的句子II. 1. D. 根据句意“Tom, 我昨晚在聚会上到处找你。我没有被邀请。”应用被动语态,时间是lastnight,故选D。2. C. 考查embarrass的形容词形式,embarrassing和embarrassed。embarrassed修饰人,人作主语。embarrassing修饰物,物作主语。3. A.考查show up短语4.B.动词辨析。giveup 放弃eatup 吃光,耗尽turnup 把声音调大 showup 出现,露面,根据句意应选B。5.D alive活着的, lively 活泼的;生动的。“make his class lively”使他的课生动活泼。“使他的学生感兴趣”keep his students interested。6. D by the time+过去时的句子,后跟过去完成时的句子。7. D 把某物忘在某处应用leave sth. +地点8.D 根据句意“Julie直到警察来到她才离开办公室”。 not until 结构“直到才”9. B句意:当人们在2014年黄河入海口国际马拉松比赛上看见“猴王”跑步的时候,他们非常的兴奋。lose失去;run跑步;refuse拒绝;forget 忘记。根据句意可知,人们是在国际马拉松比赛上看见了“猴王”,因此他应该是在跑步。故选B。10. B考察介词。某人发生了什么是固定搭配“happen to sb.” 具体到哪一天应用on。11. B 动词辨析 run into 撞上,偶遇;run after 跟着,后面跑;run off(使) 流掉; 减轻体重; 偷走; rush out 冲出 根据句意应选B。 12. D 根据句意“当Tom到达聚会时大多数客人已经离开了,他很失望”。III. 1. to practice 考查invite sb. to do结构2. reading 考查 keep doing 结构3. got,had left when+过去时的句子,主句用过去完成时。4. woke 考查一般过去时。and 连接两个本来成分,cried 用过去时,wake 也要用过去时。5.


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