



Unit 7 The Changing Sino-American RelationshipPa 1Alienation英 elnen 美 eljnen, eli- n. 离间;疏远;(觉得周围环境与自己格格不入的)疏离感;离心离德 网 络 异化; 疏远; 转让; 疏离 柯林斯高阶英汉双解学习词典 现代英汉综合大词典 英汉双向大词典 1. VERB 动词使疏远;使不友好 If you alienate someone, you make them become unfriendly or unsympathetic towards you. 【语法信息】:V nThe government cannot afford to alienate either group. 疏远两个团体中的任何一方都是政府承受不起的。2. VERB 动词(感情上、思想上)使疏远,离间 To alienate a person from someone or something that they are normally linked with means to cause them to be emotionally or intellectually separated from them. 【语法信息】:V n from nHis second wife, Alice, was determined to alienate him from his two boys. 他的第二任妻子艾丽斯,决意要疏远他和两个儿子的感情。alienated He felt alienated from his peers. 他感觉和同僚疏远了。alienation .the alienation of many from the political process. 许多人与政治活动脱节Her sense of alienation from the world disappeared. 她与世界脱节的感觉消失了。blossom生词本 中频词,你记住了吗?英 blsm 美 blsm n. 花,群花;开花时期,(发育的)初期;兴旺时期 vi. (植物)开花;繁荣,兴旺;长成 网 络 开花; 绽放; 花丛; 兴旺Blossom is the flowers that appear on a tree before the fruit. 【搭配模式】:oft supp NThe cherry blossom came out early in Washington this year. 今年华盛顿的樱花开得很早。.the blossoms of plants, shrubs and trees. 草木的花2. VERB 动词兴盛;变得有魅力;变得成功 If someone or something blossoms, they develop good, attractive, or successful qualities. 【语法信息】:V【语法信息】:V into n【语法信息】:V-ing Why do some people take longer than others to blossom?. 为什么有的人比他人大器晚成?What began as a local festival has blossomed into an international event. 最初的地方节日已经发展成了国际性盛会。.the blossoming relationship between Israel and Eastern Europe. 以色列和东欧国家之间日益良好的关系Pa 2hyper生词本 低频词,记不记随你啦!英 hap(r) 美 hapr n. 宣传人员 adj. 既兴奋又紧张的;高度紧张的;亢奋的 网 络 超过; 高; 亢奋; 超 柯林斯高阶英汉双解学习词典 1. ADJ-GRADED 能被表示程度的副词或介词词组修饰的形容词亢奋的;精力旺盛的Adversarial:英 dvseril 美 dvrseril adj. competitive 敌手的,对手的,对抗(性)的 敌对; 对手的; 对抗性的; 敌对的 柯林斯高阶英汉双解学习词典 1. ADJ 对立的;敌对的 If you describe something as adversarial, you mean that it involves two or more people or organizations who are opposing each other. 【STYLE标签】:FORMAL 正式amass英 ms 美 ms vt. 积累,积聚 阿玛施; 积聚; 收集; 积累 过去式:amassed 过去分词:amassed 现在分词:amassing 第三人称单数:amasses 词条标签:GRE 柯林斯高阶英汉双解学习词典 现代英汉综合大词典 英汉双向大词典 1. VERB 动词积聚;收集 If you amass something such as money or information, you gradually get a lot of it. 【语法信息】:V nHow had he amassed his fortune? 他是如何积累财富的呢?英英释义 网络释义1. collect or gather;Journals are accumulating in my office The work keeps piling upsynonym: accumulate,cumulate,conglomerate,pile up,gathersurplus生词本 中频词,你记住了吗?英 s:pls 美 srpls adj. 过剩的;多余的 n. 剩余额;公积金;顺差;盈余 网 络 盈余; 剩余; 过剩; 结余 复数:surpluses 词条标签:CET6 考研 TOEFL IELTS GRE 柯林斯高阶英汉双解学习词典 现代英汉综合大词典 英汉双向大词典 1. N-VAR 可变名词过剩;剩余;过剩量;剩余额 If there is a surplus of something, there is more than is needed. Germany suffers from a surplus of teachers. 德国遭遇了教师过剩的问题。2. ADJ 形容词过剩的;剩余的;多余的 Surplus is used to describe something that is extraPer caita:英 p kpt 美 pr kpt adj. 每人;按人分配的;按人口平均 1. ADJ 形容词人均的;按人计算的 The per capita amount of something is the total amount of it in a country or area divided by the number of people in that country or area. 【搭配模式】:ADJ n【搭配模式】:n ADVThey have the worlds largest per capita income. 他们的人均收入居世界之首。The per capita consumption of alcohol has dropped over the past two years. 在过去两年里,人均酒品消费量降低了。Edge:. N-SING 单数名词优势;上风 If someone or something has an edge, they have an advantage that makes them stronger or more likely to be successful than another thing or person. 【搭配模式】:oft N over nThe three days France have to prepare could give them the edge over England. 法国有3天的准备时间,这可能会让他们在对阵英格兰时占上风。Through superior production techniques they were able to gain the competitive edge. 凭借先进的生产技术,他们得以占据竞争优势。sector生词本 高频词,一定要记住哦!英 sekt(r) 美 skt, -tr n. 部门;领域;防御地区;扇形 网 络 扇区; 部门; 扇形; 磁区N-COUNT 可数名词See also: public sector; private sector; (经济的)部门,行业,领域 A particular sector of a countrys economy is the part connected with that specified type of industry. 【搭配模式】:supp N.the nations manufacturing sector. 该国的制造业.the service sector of the Hong Kong economy. 香港经济中的服务行业Pa4liquidity lkwdti 美 lkwdti n. 流动性;流动资金;资产流动性;资产折现力 网 络 流动性; 流动资金; 流通性; 变现能力 1. N-UNCOUNT 不可数名词资产流动性;资产折现力 In finance, a companys liquidity is the amount of cash or liquid assets it has easily available. 【搭配模式】:oft N n【FIELD标签】:BUSINESS 商Crunch:N-COUNT 可数名词缺少资金;经济收缩;财政困难 A situation in which a business or economy has very little money can be referred to as a crunch . 【搭配模式】:usu supp N【FIELD标签】:BUSINESS 商The UN is facing a cash crunch. 联合国面临着现金短缺问题。.a financial crunch that could threaten the companys future. 可能会威胁到该公司前途的财政危机fuel英 fju:l 美 fjul n. 燃料;(为身体提供能量的)食物;(维持、增加感情的)刺激物;竞选提神(或兴奋)剂(一种健怡可乐,饮用后能使人精力充沛地从事竞选活动) vt. 给加燃料,给加油;激起 vi. 补充燃料 燃料; 燃油; 燃料的; 可燃物英 treri 美 trri n. 国库,金库;(政府的)财政部;宝库,宝藏;贮藏所,库房 网 络 国库; 宝库; 金库; 财政部 复数:treasuries treasury1. N-COUNT-COLL 可数集合名词(英、美等国的)财政部 In Britain, the United States, and some other countries, the Treasury is the government department that deals with the countrys finances. 【搭配模式】:usu the N in singThe Treasury has long been predicting an upturn in consumer spending. 财政部早就预测消费者支出会出现上扬。2. N-COUNT 可数名词(城堡、教堂等的)宝库,珍藏室 The treasury in a building such as a castle or a church is a room where valuable objects are displayed or stored. bond英 bnd 美 bnd n. 纽带;联系;债券;保释金 v. 使结合;建立互信关系;与紧密联系;与黏合 网 络 债券; 结合; 公债; 古典辣妹 复数:bonds 过去式:bonded 过去分词:bonded 现在分词:bonding 第三人称单数:bonds 词条标签:CET4 CET6 考研 TOEFL IELTS 1. N-COUNT 可数名词(情感的)纽带,契合,关系 A bond between people is a strong feeling of friendship, love, or shared beliefs and experiences that unites them. 【搭配模式】:oft N between pl-n treasury bond 英 treri bnd 美 trri bnd n. 财政部发售的公债,美国的长期国库券 1.国库券Pa 5resilience生词本 低频词,记不记随你啦!英 rzlins 美 rzljns n. 弹性;弹力;快pa 6lurch英 l:t 美 lrt vi. 蹒跚而行,颠簸着行进;摇晃 n. 突然倾斜;挫折 网 络 突然倾斜; 趔趄; 蹒跚; 徘徊Unrest:1. N-UNCOUNT 不可数名词动乱;骚乱;动荡 If there is unrest in a particular place or society, people are expressing anger and dissatisfaction about something, often by demonstrating or rioting. 【FIELD标签】:JOURNALISM 新闻The real danger is civil unrest in the east of the country. 真正的危险是该国东部地区的民众动乱。There is growing unrest among students in several major cities. 在多个大城市里,学生骚乱正愈演愈烈。perturb英 pt:b 美 prtrb vt. 使(某人)烦恼,不安 扰乱; 使不安; 烦扰; 使心烦意乱1. disturb in mind or make uneasy or cause to be worried or alarmed;She was rather perturbed by the news that her father was seriously ill synonym: unhinge,disquiet,trouble,cark,distract,disorder 2. disturb or interfere with the usual path of an electron or atom;The electrons were perturbed by the passing ionfluctuation生词本 低频词,记不记随你啦!英 flkten 美 flkten n. 波动,涨落,起伏,物脉动;动摇不定,踌躇;生彷徨变异 网 络 波动; 起伏; 涨落; 变动 复数:fluctuations 词条标签:CET6 TOEFL 柯林斯高阶英汉双解学习词典 现代英汉综合大词典 英汉双向大词典 1. VERB 动词变动;波动;上下浮动 If something fluctuates, it changes a lot in an irregular way. 【语法信息】:V【语法信息】:V-ingBody temperature can fluctuate if you are ill. 人患病后体温可能会上下波动。.the fluctuating price of oil. 油价的浮动fluctuation Dont worry about tiny fluctuations in your weight. 不要为体重的细微变化担心。The calculations do not take into account any fluctuation in the share price. 这些计算没有考虑到股价的波动。averse英 v:s 美 vrs adj. FORMAL 正式 不乐意的;反对的;植与茎方向相反的 反对的; 不愿意的; 嫌恶的; 不乐意的 词条标签:TOEFL GRE 1. ADJ-GRADED


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