加工后轮壳零件14-M12底孔专用机床多轴箱设计 设计说明书.doc



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关 键 词:
含CAD图纸、SW三维、说明书 加工 后轮 零件 14 M12 底孔 专用 机床 轴箱 设计 CAD 图纸 SW 三维 说明书


压缩包内含有 CAD 图纸和说明书,咨询 Q 197216396 或 11970985压缩包内含有 CAD 图纸和说明书,咨询 Q 197216396 或 11970985压缩包内含有 CAD 图纸和说明书,咨询 Q 197216396 或 11970985压缩包内含有 CAD 图纸和说明书,咨询 Q 197216396 或 11970985压缩包内含有 CAD 图纸和说明书,咨询 Q 197216396 或 11970985压缩包内含有 CAD 图纸和说明书,咨询 Q 197216396 或 11970985 压缩包内含有 CAD 图纸和说明书,咨询 Q 197216396 或 11970985本科生毕业设计本科生毕业设计加工后轮壳零件 14-M12 底孔专用机床多轴箱设计Spindle Box of Modular Machine Tool Design forMachining Rear Wheel 14-M12 holes学生姓名所在专业机械设计制及其自动化所在班级申请学位指导教师职称高级工程师副指导教师职称答辩时间 年 6 月 10 日压缩包内含有 CAD 图纸和说明书,咨询 Q 197216396 或 11970985 目 录目目 录录设计总说明.IINTRODUCTION.II1.绪论.12.组合机床多轴箱概述.22.1 组合机床多轴箱的用途及分类.22.2 通用多轴箱的组成和通用部件.22.2.1 通用多轴箱的组成 .32.2.2 多轴箱的通用零件. 箱体. 通用主轴和传动轴. 通用齿轮.42.3 多轴箱轮廓尺寸的确定.43.多轴箱的设计步骤和方法.53.1 多轴箱设计的原始依据.53.2 多轴箱主轴的型式与直径的确定和多轴箱所需动力的计算.53.2.1 主轴结构型式的选择 .53.2.2 主轴直径和齿轮模数的初步确定 .53.3 多轴箱的动力计算和动力箱的选择.74.传动系统的设计与计算.94.1 传动系统的一般要求.94.2 主轴分布类型及传动系统设计.94.2.1 主轴分布类型 .94.2.2 传动系统设计方法 .104.3 传动系统的计算.104.3.1 传动齿轮和轴的计算. 第一对齿轮计算. 第二对齿轮计算. 油泵传动轴的计算 .124.4 强度校核.124.4.1 轴的强度校核.124.4.2 齿轮的强度校核. 齿根弯曲疲劳强度的计算.134 .5 多轴箱坐标计算.155.组合机床多轴箱装配图设计.16压缩包内含有 CAD 图纸和说明书,咨询 Q 197216396 或 11970985 目 录5.1 通用多轴箱总图设计.165.1.1 主视图和侧视图 .175.1.2 展开图 .175.1.3 主轴和传动轴 .175.1.4 多轴箱的技术条件 .175.2 多轴箱主要零件图的设计.175.3 三维实体造型设计.17鸣 谢.19参考文献.20附 录.21设计总说明I设计总说明组合机床是一种广泛用于现代加工工业的机械设备,主轴箱是其重要组成部件之一,本文介绍了主轴箱的分类及设计准则,重点部分是按所给的零件进行设计计算,优化设计出加工该零件的专用主轴箱,包括主轴箱体的尺寸计算,主轴箱传动系统的设计和组成主轴箱通用部件的选择等方面。本设计由指导老师根据柳州汽车制造厂在生产后轮壳零件的生产实践中对提高生产率的要求而制定出来的(具体要求参照零件图) 。本设计是按照大批量生产纲领,设计一个多刀双工位加工的加工后轮壳零件 14-M12 底孔专用机床的多轴箱。多轴箱按其结构的大小可分为大型多轴箱和小型多轴箱两类。大型又分为通用(亦称标准)多轴箱和专用多轴箱两种。专用多轴箱根据加工零件特点和加工工艺要求进行设计,由大量的专用零件组成,其结构设计方法和通用机床类似。本设计针对后轮壳零件的特点及工艺要求,按高度集中工序原则,对加工后轮壳零件的专用机床多轴箱进行设计,主要进行传动系统的设计,通用部件的选用,装配体的设计,及强度校核和干涉检查,拟解决的关键问题是干涉问题。本设计主要参照大连组合机床研究所编写的组合机床设计手册上的标准,按照标准化、通用化原则进行设计。关键词:组合机床;多轴箱;标准化;传动系统INTRODUCTIONIIINTRODUCTIONModular machine tool is a sort of machine used widely in modern industrial processing. The headstock is one of the important parts of it. This paper introduces the sorts and designing of the headstock. The important part is designing by the accessory was given. Optimize designed the appropriative headstock. Including the dimension of the headstock, the designing of the gearing and selecting currency accessory of the headstock etc.The study is recommended by the tutor according to the needs of raising the efficiency of manufacturing the rear-wheel in Liuzhou automation manufacturing factory. According to the large quantity produce outline , the character of the part and the request of the machining process, under the principle of process concentration, this study is to design a special use multi-spindle box for machining the 14-M12 holes on the rear-wheel of the automation.Multi-spindle box can be divided into large ones and small ones. According to the structure of the spindle box, the large ones is divided into general use spindle box and special use spindle box two kinds. Special use spindle box is designed according to character of the part to be machined and the request of the manufacturing process. It consists of mass of general use components; the design of the structure is similar to the design of the general use spindle box.The major job of designing the multi-spindle box is designing the power deliver system of the spindle, choosing the general use components , designing the structure of the attachment, checking the strength and interference, the most important question is to make sure that there is no interference .This design is standardized by the standard of modular machine tool design manual write by the DaLian modular machine tool research academy. The design is carried on by standardize and generalize.KEYWORDS: Modular machine tool; multi-spindle box; standardize; gearing.广东海洋大学 2006 届本科生毕业设计 1 加工后轮壳零件 14M12 底孔专用机床多轴箱设计机械设计制造及其自动化,2002121432,肖秀吕指导教师:李作全毕业设计说明书1.绪论组合机床是以通用部件为基础,配以少量专用部件,对一种或若干种工件按预定的工序进行加工的机床,它能够对零件进行多刀,多轴,多面,多工位同时加工,在组合机床上可以完成钻孔,扩孔,铰孔,镗孔,攻丝,车削,磨削及滚压等工序,适宜于在大批大量生产中对一种或几种类似的零件的一道或几道工序进行加工,具有专用机床的结构简单,生产率高和自动化程度较高的特点,又具有一定的重新调整能力以适应工件的变化要求。随着组合机床的技术的发展,它能完成的工艺范围日益扩大,在组合机床自动线上可以完成一些非切削工序,例如:打印,清洗,热处理,简单的装配,试验和在线自动检查等工序。组合机床及其自动线所使用的通用部件是具有特定功能,按标准化,系列化,通用化原则设计,制造的组合机床基础部件,每种通用部件有合理的规则尺寸系列,有适当的技术参数和完善的配套关系,组合机床设计应根据机床性能要求配套液压、气压和电控等系统使其适合高效率,高精度,自动化控制的现代生产要求。许多大型,形状复杂的工件,需要的加工工序很多,不可能在一台组合机床上全部加工完成,这就需要用多台组合机床加工,按工件加工工序依次排列,组成组合机床流水线,在组合机床流水线的基础上,发展成组合机床自动线。组合机床与通用机床,其它专用机床比较,具有以下特点:1. 组合机床上的通用部件和标准零件约占全部机床零,部件总量的 70%80%,因此设计和制造周期短,经济效益好。2. 由于组合机床采用多刀加工,机床自动化程度高,因而比通用机床生产效率高,产品质量稳定,劳动强度低。3. 组合机床的通用部件是经过周密设计和长期生产实践考验的,又有专门的厂家成批生产,它与一般专用机床比较,其结构稳定,工作可靠,使用和维修方便。4. 组合机床加工工件,由于采用专业夹具,组合刀具和导向装置等,产品加工质广东海洋大学 2006 届本科生毕业设计 2 量靠工艺装配保证,对操作工人的技术水平要求不高。5. 当机床被加工的产品更新时,专用机床的大部分部件要报废。组合机床的通用部件根据国家标准设计的,并等效于国际标准,因此其通用部件可以重复使用不必另行设计。6. 组合机床易于联接组成组合机床自动线,以适应大规模和自动化生产需要。目前,我国组合机床已广泛应用到大批,大量生产的行业,例如:汽车、拖拉机、柴油机、电动机和缝纫机等。2.组合机床多轴箱概述2.1 组合机床多轴箱的用途及分类多轴箱是组合机床的主要组成部件之一,按专用要求进行设计,由通用零件组成。其主要作用是根据被加工零件的加工要求,安排各主轴的位置,并将动力由电机动力部件传给各工作主轴,使之得到要求的转速和转向。多轴箱按其结构的大小可分为大型多轴箱和小型多轴箱两类。大型又分为通用(亦称标准)多轴箱和专用多轴箱两种。专用多轴箱根据加工零件特点和加工工艺要求进行设计,由大量的专用零件组成,其结构设计方法和通用机床类似。2.2 通用多轴箱的组成和通用部件 通用多轴箱的基本结构如下图所示:广东海洋大学 2006 届本科生毕业设计 3 2.2.1 通用多轴箱的组成主轴箱的通用零件是构成标准主轴箱的基础,主要由箱体,主轴,传动轴,齿轮和轴套构成。2.2.2 多轴箱的通用零件2.2.2.1 箱体采用灰铸铁材料,箱体材料为 HT200 前后,侧盖的牌号为 HT150,主轴箱箱体的形状和尺寸,应按标准 GB3668 183 选择。通用箱体的系列尺寸由下图所示:广东海洋大学 2006 届本科生毕业设计 4 通用主轴和传动轴通用主轴按其用途分为钻削类主轴和攻丝类主轴两大类。而通用钻削主轴,其用途分为三种:A 前后支承均为滚锥轴承的主轴;B 前后支承为止推和滚珠轴承,后支承为滚珠或滚锥轴承的主轴;C 前后支承均为止推轴承和无内环滚针轴承的主轴。轴的材料,除了滚针主轴采用 20Cr 钢,并进行滲碳淬火外,其余主轴均为 40Cr 钢,进行淬火。通用传动轴,按其用途和支承的方式不同,分为:1滚针传动轴 2滚锥传动轴 3埋头传动轴 4手柄轴 5油泵传动轴 6攻丝用蜗杆轴。同样按其用途,轴径,支承方式和有无悬伸齿轮的不同,通用的传动轴共有 42 种。其中,普通传动轴共有 39 种,油泵传动轴一种,攻丝用蜗杆轴两种。通用传动轴材料一律为 45 号钢,进行调质处理。 通用齿轮主轴箱用的通用齿轮,有传动齿轮,动力头齿轮和电机齿轮三种。三种齿轮的材料均为 45 号钢,齿轮进行高周波淬火。2.3 多轴箱轮廓尺寸的确定标准的通用钻削类主轴箱厚度有两种尺寸规格,卧式为 325 毫米,立式为 340 毫米,着重要确定的尺寸是主轴箱的宽度 B 和高度 H 及最低主轴高度 h1。主轴箱宽度 B,高度 H 的大小主要与被加工零件孔的分布位置有关,可按下式确定: B=b+2b1 H=h+h1+b1b 和 h 为已知尺寸.为保证主轴箱有排布齿轮的足够空间,推荐 b70100 毫米。主轴箱最低主轴高度 h1须考虑到与工件最低孔位置,机床装料高度,滑台滑座总高度,侧底座高度,滑座与侧底座之间的调整垫高度等尺寸之间的关系而确定.对于卧式机床,h1要保证润滑油不至于从主轴衬套处泄漏箱外,通常推荐 h185140 毫米.b=149mm,b1=170mm,h1=172mm,算得 B=489mm,H=491mm根据算得的结果,按主轴箱轮廓尺寸系列标准,最后确定主轴箱轮廓尺寸为BH=500500mm.广东海洋大学 2006 届本科生毕业设计 5 3.多轴箱的设计步骤和方法主轴箱的设计分为一般的和电子计算机辅助设计两种方法。用电子计算机设计主轴箱的特点是快速,质量好。电子计算机不但能按事先编制的程序设计最佳的主轴箱传动系统,而且还可计算出主轴和传动轴的坐标以及列出组件的明细表。本次毕业设计采用的设计方法为一般设计方法。一般设计方法是根据主轴的分布,转速,转向以及尺寸要求等,由设计者进行全部设计工作。这是当前主轴箱设计中最常用的方法。3.1 多轴箱设计的原始依据设计者除了要熟悉主轴箱本身的设计规律外,还需熟悉主轴箱与其它部分和被加工零件的关系,尤其要了解被加工零件的工艺要求。因此,开展主轴箱的设计工作的依据是三图一卡,即机床总图和机床联系图,被加工零件图,加工示意图和生产率计算卡。对于主轴箱设计,通常还要根据三图一卡再绘制一张主轴箱设计的原始依据图。3.2 多轴箱主轴的型式与直径的确定和多轴箱所需动力的计算3.2.1 主轴结构型式的选择主轴结构型式由零件加工工艺决定,并考虑主轴的工作条件和受力情况。轴承型式是主轴部件结构的主要特征,如进行钻削加工的主轴,轴向切削力教大,最好用推力球轴承承受轴向力,而用向心球轴承承受径向力。又因钻削时轴向力是单向的,因此推力球轴承在主轴前端安装即可。3.2.2 主轴直径和齿轮模数的初步确定初定主轴直径一般在编制“三图一卡”时进行。初选模数可由下式估算,再通过类比确定 m (3032) (mm)3ZnP式中: P 齿轮传递功率 Z 一对齿轮小齿轮的齿数 N 小齿轮的转速(r/min)目前大型组合机床通用多轴箱中常用的齿轮模数有 2 ,2.5 ,3 ,3.5 ,4 等几种。广东海洋大学 2006 届本科生毕业设计 6 为了便于组织生产,在同一多轴箱中齿轮模数最好不多于两种。切削力 F、切削转矩 M、切削功率 P、刀具耐用度 T 的计算公式:F26DfHB8 . 06 . 0 M=10DfHB1.98 . 06 . 0P=Mv/9740DT=83 . 155. 025. 09600HBVfD式中: F切削轴向力 (N) ; D钻头直径 (mm) ; F每转进给量 (mm/r) ; M切削转矩 (Nmm) ; P切削功率 (KW) ; T刀具耐用度 (min) ; V切削速度 (m/min) ; HB 零件的布氏硬度值通常根据钻孔深度 L 考虑修正系数 Kv ,v = v公称 Kv ; 查组合机床设计表 37 (汽车后轮壳材料为 QT40018 ,HBS130180) ,切削速度和进给量由下表可查:选 V公称20m/min,f=0.2mm/r,HB 为 180 本次设计中加工 12 孔和 M12 螺纹底共用一个主轴箱,M12 的螺纹小径为 10.106mm,可采用 10.20 的麻花钻钻孔,切削力F、切削转矩 M、切削功率 P、刀具耐用度 T 均依据 12 进行计算,代进公式得广东海洋大学 2006 届本科生毕业设计 7 切削力: F 26120.21808 . 06 . 01941.5 N 切削转矩: M 10121.90.200.81801.6 6989.3 Nmm切削功率: P 6987.320(974012) 0.38 KW刀具耐用度: T 83 . 155. 025. 018020. 020129600 =1694 min由以上计算结果并根据下表选取 B=7.3初步确定主轴直径为:dB=21.1mm, 取 d=25 mm主4100M主由组合机床设计表 3-22 查得主轴外伸尺寸 D/d1=38/26mm,L=115mm,刀具直径为 10mm,尾部结构莫氏锥度为 1 号,由组合机床设计表 3-23 选择 6 号接杆.3.3 多轴箱的动力计算和动力箱的选择广东海洋大学 2006 届本科生毕业设计 8 多轴箱的动力计算,应包括计算主轴箱所需功率和进给力两项。主轴箱所需的功率,应等于切削功率,空载消耗功率及与负载成正比的附加功率之和,即: P总 = P切 + P空 + P附式中 : P总主轴箱总功率; P切各主轴切削功率的总和; P空各轴空载消耗功率的总和; P轴各轴附加功率的总和。P切 可根据各主轴的切削用量查组合机床切削力及功率计算图得到P空 可查组合机床设计表 44,与负载成正比的附加功率 P附,一般取所传递功率的 1%。P空 和 P 附 的计算都需在传动结构确定以后才能进行。传动系统确定前可按下式初步估算多轴箱所需的功率 P总 P总 = P切 / 式中: P切主轴切削功率的总和; 组合机床主轴箱传动效率本次设计的主轴箱需同时加工汽车后轮壳的七个孔,因此有七根主轴,所以总的切削功率 P总 =0.3870.92.96 KW 71p(=0.80.9,主轴数多,传动复杂时取小值)由表 3-7 知,当轴为传动轴时,B 取 5.2,则传动轴的直径dB=24.5 mm,取 d=30 mm传100M传由于驱动组合机床主轴箱的动力箱为通用标准件,所以根据切削总功率,选择的动力箱为 ITD40,电动机型号为 Y132M1-6,功率为 4.0KW 。 广东海洋大学 2006 届本科生毕业设计 9 动力箱的尺寸如下图所示4.传动系统的设计与计算多轴箱的传动系统设计,就是通过一定的传动链把动力箱输出轴(亦称主轴箱驱动轴)传来的动力和转速按要求分配到各主轴。传动系统设计的好坏,将直接影响主轴箱的质量,通用化程度,设计和制造工作量的大小以及成本的高低。4.1 传动系统的一般要求设计传动系统,应在保证主轴强度、刚度、转速和转向的前提下,力求使主要传动件(主轴、传动轴、齿轮等)的规格少,数量少,体积小,因此,在设计传动系统时,要注意下面几点:(1) 尽量用一根中间传动轴带动多根主轴。(2) 一般情况下,尽量不采用主轴带动主轴的方案,因为这将增加主动主轴的负担。(3) 为使结构紧凑,主轴箱体内的齿轮传动副的最佳传动比为 11.5 ,在主轴箱后盖内的第排齿轮,根据需要,可将传动比取大些,一般不超过 33.5。(4) 根据转速和转矩成反比的道理,一般情况下如驱动轴转速较高时,可采用逐步降速传动;如驱动轴转速较低时,可先使速度升高一点再降速。合理安排结构往往成为设计的关键。(5) 粗加工切削力大,主轴上的齿轮应尽量安排靠近前支承,以减少主轴的扭转变形。另外,应注意驱动轴直接带动的传动轴数不要超过两根,否则会给装配带来困难;如遇粗、精加工合一的多轴箱,其粗精传动路线最好分开。广东海洋大学 2006 届本科生毕业设计 10 4.2 主轴分布类型及传动系统设计4.2.1 主轴分布类型由于被加工的汽车后轮壳内圆的 14 个孔在同一个圆上,如果一次加工 14 个孔,由于主轴的分布空间太小,相邻主轴间距过小,导向装置以及主轴和传动轴齿轮之间都有可能产生干涉,所以本次设计中一次只加工其中呈同心分布的 7 个孔,加工一次后夹具转位 180再加工另外 7 个孔,所以本次设计的主轴箱有 7 根同心公布的主轴。4.2.2 传动系统设计方法(1) 轴成同心圆分布,用一根中间传动轴带动 7 根主轴(2) 定驱动轴的转速,转向及其在多轴箱上的位置。驱动轴的转向方向可以任意选择;驱动轴转速由动力箱型号定为 480r/min。其水平方向位置为距主轴地面 160 mm,垂直方向在动力箱的中线上。(3) 用最少数量的齿轮和中间传动轴把驱动轴和各主轴连接起来。(4) 润滑油泵的安排。油泵轴的位置要尽可能靠近油池,离油面高度不大于400500 mm;油泵为叶片泵,油泵转速在 400800 r/min 。4.3 传动系统的计算已知驱动轴的转速及其在主轴箱的空间位置,最后一根传动轴和 7 根主轴的空间位置,轴间距也已知,由此即可计算出主轴箱的传动系统.4.3.1 传动齿轮和轴的计算驱动轴上的齿轮有一定的限制,选笃范围 2126,选驱动轴上的齿轮齿轮为 24,模数 m=3 , Z驱动轴=24,查组合机床设计表 55 可知通用主轴箱间距 A51mm, 广东海洋大学 2006 届本科生毕业设计 11 主轴箱传动系统图由主轴箱传动系统图图可知传动轴两根轴中心距 A90mm 两轴间齿轮啮合公式A=mm21zzmo2zm式中:m 齿轮模数Z 从动轮齿轮数1Z 主动轮齿轮数o齿数和z4.3.3.1 第一对齿轮计算广东海洋大学 2006 届本科生毕业设计 12 A=90 mm2)24(30Z其中 m=3 , Z驱动轴=24, 算得 Z =36oi =1.5 ,传动轴 I 转速 n1= 320124361.5n驱minr4.3.3.2 第二对齿轮计算第二对 (如图所示的传动轴 Z 与 Z )齿轮间的主轴中心矩为 77.5mm,设齿轮的模o8数为 2mm,取传动比为 1/2,两齿轮啮合的中心距为A= 2zm21zzmo可求得 Z=52, Z主轴=26 传动 i= n主= 2320 =640r/minn主传n522621最后求得主轴转速 n=640 r/min主为避免主轴齿轮轮相碰,由传动图知两主轴之间的距离为 59.32mm,主轴齿轮间不干 涉的条件为: 分度圆直径 d59.32-2mh*d=mz=226=52mm59.32-212=55.32mm所以设计的传动符合设计要求,主轴齿轮之间不会产生干涉。 油泵传动轴的计算主轴箱工作时,一般要求齿轮不得搅起没池底的沉积物,这样就要保证齿轮顶圆到油池底的距离大于 3050mm,对于圆柱齿轮传动,圆柱齿轮浸入油中至少应有一个齿高,且不得小于 10mm。驱动轴与油泵传动轴之间传动比依照中心距 A=78mm, m=3mm,Z驱动轴=24, n驱=480 r/min, A= 2zm2泵zzmo得出Z=28 , i= = , n泵= 410 r/min泵z驱泵zn泵驱n2428广东海洋大学 2006 届本科生毕业设计 13 4.4 强度校核4.4.1 轴的强度校核因为主轴承受的主要是扭矩,因此只需对轴进行扭转刚度校核即可,轴的扭转刚度条件为【】 /mo=5.7310/m4pGITo式中 T: 轴所受的扭距 N.mG: 轴的材料的剪切弹性模量,对于钢材 G=8.1104MpaIp: 轴截面的极惯性矩 mm4,对于圆轴 Ip=d /324 主轴=5.73104=0.129 /m442514. 3101 . 8323 .6989o对于一般轴,取【】=0.51 /mo所以主轴满足设计要求。 传动轴=5.73104= 0.06 /m443014. 3101 . 8323 .6989o所以传动轴也满足设计要求. 4.4.2 齿轮的强度校核4.4.2.1 齿根弯曲疲劳强度的计算齿轮在受载时齿根所受的弯矩最大,因此齿根处的弯曲疲劳强度最弱。由机械设计第十章“齿轮传动”齿轮危险面的弯曲强度条件式有=【】FaFbmYYkFsaFAt式中 Y为载荷作用于齿轮顶时应力校正系数sab 为齿轮宽度, m 为齿轮模数K 为齿轮强度载荷系数,K=K K K K ,各参数均可查表获得. AVaK 为使用系数,取 KA=1.0AK 为动载系数,取 KV=1.3VK 为齿间载荷分布系数,取 K=1.1广东海洋大学 2006 届本科生毕业设计 14 K 为齿轮间载间荷分布系数,取 K=1.05算得 K=为齿轮所受的圆周力:Ft=2000T/D=20009549DNP式中:T为转距 Nm,N为小齿轮的转速 r/minD为小齿轮分度圆直径 mmP齿轮传动的功率 kw(1)校核第一对齿轮由上式计算可得:Ft=200095491470N243480738. 0因为第一对齿轮小齿轮齿数 24,查机械设计图 10-15 可得外齿轮齿形系数Y=2.72 外齿轮修正系数 Y=1.57, Y=1.3FS=162.43FYYYbmKFaaSFt查机械设计图 10-20 可查得【】Y=450MPF所以【】F故齿轮弯曲疲劳强度达到设计要求。(2)校核第二对齿轮第二对齿轮数为 z=36,查机械设计图 10-15 可得 Y=2.5,Y=1.65,Y=1.3FS同理得=【】YYYbmKFaaSFtF故齿轮弯曲疲劳强度达到设计要求。(3)校第三对齿轮因为第三对齿轮小齿轮齿数 36,查机械设计图 10-15 可得外齿轮齿形系数Y=2.5,外齿轮修正系数 Y=1.65,Y=1.3FS广东海洋大学 2006 届本科生毕业设计 15 =FYYYbmKFaaSFt查机械设计图 10-20 可查得【】Y=450MPF所以【】F故齿轮弯曲疲劳强度达到设计要求。4 .5 多轴箱坐标计算坐标计算就是根据已知的驱动轴和主轴的位置及传动关系,计算出中间传动轴的坐标,以便在绘制主轴箱体零件加工图时,将各孔的坐标尺寸完整地标注出来,并用以绘制坐标检查图,作为对传动系统设计的全面检查。由于设计主轴箱的 7 根主轴位于一个同心圆上,因此根据坐标对称,算主轴坐标的时候,可根据几何关系算出其中几根主轴的坐标,其余主轴的坐标可类推广东海洋大学 2006 届本科生毕业设计 16 传动轴坐标为 X=225 Y=225油 泵 X=185.5 Y=62 主轴 1 X=225 Y=297.5 主轴 2 X=170 Y=274.8主轴 3 X=147.5 Y=220主轴 4 X=170 Y=165.2主轴 5 X=254 Y=148主轴 6 X=296.6 Y=190.3主轴 7 X=296.6 Y=249.7广东海洋大学 2006 届本科生毕业设计 17 5.组合机床多轴箱装配图设计5.1 通用多轴箱总图设计通用主轴箱总图的设计包括绘制主视图、展开图、侧视图和编列装配表以及制定技术要求。5.1.1 主视图和侧视图主视图主要用以表明主轴箱的传动系统,齿轮排列位置,附加机构及润滑油泵的位置,润滑点的配置。因此,只要在原来设计的传动系统图基础上,加上润滑系统,轴的编号即可。设计润滑系统时,卧式多轴箱内的齿轮是用引油导管润滑,此外,还需要引油管润滑动力箱齿轮。分油器的位置要选择在靠近操作者一侧,以便观察和检查润滑油泵的工作情况。当机床采用活动钻模板和刀具托架时,主视图则反映结构的要求。若主视图不能完全表达时,则需要画一个侧视图作为补充。5.1.2 展开图组合机床通用主轴箱与普通机床变速箱相比,一方面主轴多,齿轮啮合关系比较复杂;另一方面主轴箱中各主轴和传动轴及其上的零件大多通用化,且排列是有规律的,因此除很简单的主轴箱外,一般采用简化的展开图并配合装配表来表达主轴箱的装配结构。5.1.3 主轴和传动轴主轴和传动轴装配表主轴箱内的零件数量很多,规格不一,把每根主轴上零件的规格、尺寸和数量用装配来表示,不仅使图形清楚醒目,节省设计时间,而且有利于组织生产,装配方便。5.1.4 多轴箱的技术条件主轴箱总图上应注明主轴箱部装要求,一般有下列几项: a 主轴箱制造的技术要求; b 主轴精度等级; c 加入主轴箱的润滑油种类、数量。此外,要标注必要的设计、装配、调整、检验、使用说明。5.2 多轴箱主要零件图的设计主轴箱中的零件绝大多数是通用件,标准件和外购件。需要设计的零件图,包括变位齿轮、专用套、轴以及箱体补充加工图,此外还有编制主轴箱零件明细表。广东海洋大学 2006 届本科生毕业设计 18 5.3 三维实体造型设计 在多轴箱装配图设计中已经完成多轴箱的传动系统,齿轮排列位置,附加机构及润滑油泵和润滑系统的设计,多轴箱的装配体已经设计完成,为了更形象地表示出多轴箱的结构,设计一个多轴箱的三维实体来描述多轴箱的组成结构和加工运动过程,附设计的三维实体图如下: 鸣 谢 19 鸣 谢 经过十周认真努力的学习,毕业设计已接近尾声了。本次设计是一次对自己大学四年所学知识的检验和总结。过这次设计,让我学到了很多东西,有很大收益,尤其是提高了我独立分析思考的能力,为我以后的工作和学习打下了良好的基础,也让我认识到自己在专业知识方面方面存在的薄弱环节,甚至有时会偶尔犯一些不该犯的低级错误,幸好有老师和同学给予及时的提醒才得以更正。经过这次毕业设计,使我认识到认真严谨的工作态度、细心务实的工作作风对于一个工程技术人员来说,是尤为重要的!在设计过程中,通过参考大量的设计资料,综合以前学过的多科知识,使我将课本的知识融合到拉实际设计中,我深深的认识到本次设计不单是一次对大学四年来自己所学知识的考察,更是一次绝佳的学习机会。我相信每一位同学通过这次设计都会受益匪浅,在设计过程中,指导老师和同学给予拉我热情的帮助,在此,我深表谢意。最后,由于本人知识水平有限,在设计过程中难免存在不合理的地方,希望老师和其他同学指正,在此表示深深的感谢!参考文献 20 参考文献1 李益明 主编.机械制造工艺学. 北京:哈尔滨工业大学出版社,19932 丛凤延 主编.组合机床设计 . 上海:上海科学技术出版社, 19943 东北大学 .机械零件设计手册 . 北京:冶金工业出版社, 19994 吴克坚 主编.机械设计 . 北京:高等教育出版社, 2003 5 徐 灏 主编.机械设计手册 . 北京:机械工业出版社, 19756 冯辛按 主编.机械制造装备设计 . 北京:机械工业出版社, 1999.127 左宗义 主编.画法几何与机械制图 . 广州:华南理工出版社, 2001.98 吉林工业大学、吉林工学院、东北工学院 主编.金属切削机床设计(下册). 上海:上海科学技术出版社 ,19809 李启炎、李光耀 主编.SolidWorks2003 三维设计教程. 北京:机械工业出版社,200310 大连组合机床研究所.组合机床设计. 北京:机械工业出版社,197511 大连组合机床研究所编. 组合机床设计手册. 机械工业出版社. 199112 Chemov N. Machine Tools. Mir Publishers,198413 Edwards Jr K S, McKee R B. Fundamentals of Mechanical Component Design. McGrawHill,1991附 录 21 附 录The appropriation machine bed is a kind of being applicable to the particular spare parts exclusively with the machine bed that particular work preface process, and is usually machine to constitute auto production line type produce to make in the system, cant lack bed species. The combination machine bed is an appropriation machine bed a kind of it regard standardizing the parts as the foundation, going together with to constitute with a little amount appropriation parts. And a little bit current machine bed factory as to its the in general use machine bed that produce if make to change to move, and also the habit replaces with the appropriation machine bed. Count to control the lather for example because the dish changes to design for the appropriation of, this set number controls the lather then need not original machine bed model number, but adopt the way that weave the appropriation machine bed number. Because appropriation machine bed is ideal material that the advantage that a kind ofmeasures form dress product, have to automate efficiently, is a large quantity to measure production business enterprise. Along with the technical advance in manufacturing, the number controls the technical universality, the number of the appropriation machine bed controls to turn the development too very quick, the appropriation machine bed occupies the certain specific weight in produce fulfillment. Occupy to close the data introduce, Japan 2001 appropriation machine bed production value occupies the ratio of the machine bed production value attains 8.8%;Our country Taiwan this arithmetic figure attains 6.9%; but the our country is only for 0.67%.So, in current product construction adjust, the development appropriation machine bed is a worthy of remark problem within profession development. Appropriation machine bed and its automations produce the linear manufacturing, different from mass-produce car etc. kind, and also different from the manufacturing kind of the common machine bed, it have two very and fresh and clear characteristics: An is to gather sex. The customer order appropriation machine bed is all a development design that request hand over the key engineering, it gather to process the craft( contain craft method and craft parameters), machine bed, tongs, tool( include the assistance) and choice, the examination measures( include into the ex- semi-finished product in bed in machine examination and process the examination between inside and finished product measure) the logistics transports, slicing the scraps with the protection that cool off the liquid with handle same as integral whole. It not only resolves only among them some a problem, but resolve to like to involve each a problem that wide technique realm may meet. Two is an oneness. The appropriation machine bed is a request that single set produce almost, wanting to be according to the customer to put forward, proceeding a the time develops, a the time makes, and still guarantee a success. According to be engaged in over a long period of time appropriation machine bed and its automatic production line developments make of realize, I induce the work of the appropriation machine bed manufacturing industry as below eight characteristics: 附 录 22 While is in a technique difficulty big. Because it is to gathers to process the craft, machine bed, tongs and assist to have, the knife has, the examination measures, logistics same as integral whole, realizes to hand over the key engineering, from but involve the technique realm breadth and complicacy, again is a the time makes, to guarantee to succeed once, so the technique difficulty is big. Two is to operate the risk rate high. Appropriation machine bed( or automatic line) according to customer order measure form dress manufacturing of, impossible manufacture the quest process on a trial basis, to insure to succeed once, have the very big technique risk. Because the technique project is not appropriate, result in the circumstance that part or the whole discard to see not fresh often; Because a the time makes, in made adjust try process difficult protect to do not appear the problem, resolve these to always need time, from and according to the date deliver goods to also have the certain risk; Because the material is specialized for some a the customer orders to do of, be that customer because of all kinds reasons cant pay according to schedule, even have no the dint the payment, certainly will result in the loss that make the business enterprise; Cant still control the other party in the current finance manufacturing, the product cant turn the circumstance that make the others next, operating the easy to see. Three is to help to make the difficulty big. The in view of the fact a makes, it unlike the car zero parts mass-produces so, and also unlike in general use equipments so the batch quantity produces, seeking to help to make the factory house very difficult. General business enterprise in term, can hardly guarantee a the time makes a qualified product; Business enterprise of good term, do not wish to be the supporting roles again, entrust to help to make to see to this kind of not up. Four is a technique dependence strong. Appropriation machine bed and its automatic lines are from the design, craft establishment, produce to make the assemble adjust the whole process that try, all needing an experienced of technical personnel, manage the personnel with the technique worker. The business enterprise( point the mass production, batch quantity produce or single piece small a production) of the different production mode abroad, the performance discrepancy of its production product is not too big, but the business enterprise of domestic this a few productions mode performance differs the .If do a comparison, can explain the problem very much, if a certain price of article of the abroad is 1, opposite and local car price then for 1.15 1.25, to local price in bed in general use machine is 0.7 or so, but the price of the local appropriation machine bed is only to 0.3 s 0.4. Because state of the nation or customers are not enough to appropriation machine bed manufacturing industry to comprehend to wait the reason, the sale price of the appropriation machine bed is total and low. In the last few years, the average selling price in single pedestal of the local market appropriation machine bed reports to descend the trend, regarding combining the machine bed as 23 of a from 540,000 years to 2000s for, average selling price in its single pedestal from the 1996s over ten thousand dollars, the reduction amounts to 附 录 23 25%.Purchase abroad a the set processes the central expenses standardly with for its go together with all process a certain spare parts a tongs, knife for needing has and related assist the expenses of it the ratio, generally is 100:60 or so, of so the latter occupies the such high comparison, is the risk that bring because in addition to considering the depletion of the hardware, the more is to considers the technical devotion with from here. But the general customer in this specific value in domestic can accept only 100:25 or so. If at consider 5% quantity security deposit want to then can get hold of after a year, this kind of reason compress the dinky space to the profits of the product. Six is a technique to grow up the period is long. The design manufacturing of the appropriation machine bed involves the profession wide, to have the abundant craft knowledge, want the manufacturing craft of the familiar with customer in comparison, to guarantee to succeed once, educate a well-trained supervisor designer, to spend several years, then can a good product design, good manufacturing craft, produce a good product, the technique grows up the period want to be long. Seven is a personnel to flow the difficulty. Because order unbalance, will cause the unbalance of the production, the abroad helps the term in addition to the parts of zero superior outside, still have the mature technique labor force market, the business enterprise can output or absorb according to the order circumstance relevant labor force, make this with business enterprise produce went with should. The domestic then cant attain this point, can sometimes recruit the temporary work in amount, but most can undertake the some assistance works, the well-trained technician is then hard to look for. Eight is a technique to usher in the difficulty, cooperate with abroad difficult. Because the appropriation machine bed is a design to make, usher in the technique if provide to use once only, then the cost is too high, can hardly realize. So far, then our country appropriation machine bed manufacturing industry has no a the house talk joint venture, although have the contact, be limited by all and only concrete the cooperation of the item. Eight characteristics, eight kinds of reasons, since mutually connection, again each characteristic, but assuredness are important aspects to affect our country appropriation machine bed manufacturing industry develop. Today, we want to adjust the industrial structure in bed in machine, the development appropriation machine bed is a very important work. Therefore, our suggestion: 1, the nation wants to be on the policy to further support to equip the industry, especially industrial development in machine in foundation. In the last few years, our country the number controls the machine bed although quick development, mostly in general use machine bed, and represent the nation material ability to gather with knowledge horizontally turn, the suit has, particularly with appropriation machine bed( include every kind of number control the appropriation machine bed) and its automatic linear production business enterprise with product yield however at atrophy continuously, have the appropriation machine bed market surely here to atrophy demandingly, and also useful a choice the prejudice on the material 附 录 24 .But the leading on the policy is necessary. 2, the appropriation machine bed manufacturing industry wants the necessary adjustment in proceeding. The ego of the manufacturing industry adjusts, on toing solve the good host produces to help with kit the relation that make; Two to solve the good technique usher in with the relation that independence set up; Three to solve to like to reforms to promote the business enterprise with the advanced technique with the relation of the product; Four to solve to like to use the high technique increases product file time, increase the additional and worth relation in product. 3, although appropriation machine bed and its automatic linear markets are taking place the variety, the business enterprise want to be according to own circumstance, actively orientation market, reforms with the new technique, new craft traditional appropriation machine bed, further increases its market orientation ability, further increase product file time with level, further increase product quantity. Efficiently the appropriation equipments has got the bigger market with the latent market, toing take aim at the big and medium-sized business enterprise in domestic with equal a the demand of part of run by private capitals, development manufacturing the quantity is better, more excellent appropriation in function machine bed and its automatic line, with its high-quality perfect service, meet the demands. At the same time, I also suggest the business enterprise that some be engaged in the special airplane the manufacturing, also should choose to develop a kind of or a few and in general use, be used as to produce with special airp
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