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Module4 Unit1 Do you like meat?教学设计 徐小红一、知识目标(1)学生能听懂、会说食物类单词:rice ,meat, fish ,milk ,noodles。(2)能听懂、会说并运用句子Do you like? Yes , I do . / No ,I dont.二、能力目标会运用本课所学的语言谈论并询问他人的喜好。三、情感目标设计形式多样的课堂活动,营造和谐、平等、宽松的课堂氛围,提升学生学习英语的兴趣。通过小组合作学习,增强团结协作意识,培养学生的创新和竞争意识。四、教学重、难点1、掌握本课的食物单词。2、正确运用句型“Do you like?” 并能做出相应的回答“Yes, I do.或No ,I dont五、教学准备:多媒体课件,食物图片,单词卡片,调查表等。六、教学过程:教学过程:一 Warm up二、Leading in: RiddlesT: Do you like the chant? Yes or no?S: Yes.T: I like it, too. Look! What color is it?S: Its red.T: Hello, girl. Do you like red? Yes or no?S: Yes.T: You like red. But I dont like red. (教but采用卡片高低声音大小的方式读两遍。) Guess whats behind the red picture? Its a kind of fruit. Its red. Its round.S: Apple.T: Clever! Rice for you! What about this one? S: Yellow.T: Guess whats behind the yellow picture? T: Its a kind of food. It can swim. Cats like it.S: Fish.T: Super! Rice for you! T: Noodles team, read it Go on! T: Fish is so yummy. Im hungry. Are you hungry? Now lets go to Sams family and talk about food .三、New teaching:一进文本,解决重点单词noodles, meat, milk,并采用不同方式进行操练)Q: (Sam)I like _. (noodles) Q: (Amy) I like_. (meat) Q: (Tom) I like_. (milk)T: Listen and answer. T:No.1 question:(Sam)I like _.Which one is right? Noodles, meat, milk?T:(拿出noodles单词卡) Attention, please! “oo”【u:】. Noodles.T: Show me your fingers. Spell it together. N, o, o, d, l, e, s.(板书noodles). T: No.2 question:(Amy)I like _. Which one, meat or milk? T: (拿出meat单词卡) Eat-meat. T: Fingers, please! Spell.T: The last one. Answer it together.T:(拿出milk单词卡) Spell, please. M, i l, k. 二进文本解决本课重点句型Do you like meat? Yes, I do. Do you like fish? No, I dont. 并在操练中通过大小声游戏引入重点词语rice和句型Pass me the rice. Here you are. 继而进行重点句型do you like.?以及pass me the 的拓展练习。 Q: Do you like meat? (Yes, I do.) Q: Do you like fish? (No, I dont) do you like.?的学习T:You did a good job! Listen and answer again. Come on! Follow it.T: No.1 question, who can read it?S: Do you like meat?T: Answer. Yes or no? S: Yes, I do.T;Question 2, volunteer read it.S: Do you like fish?T: Answer?S: No, I dont.T: Read it together.(板书四句话)T: Time for play. Lets drive a train.T: Excellent train drivers! Now let me see who has a keen ear. Listen carefully.T: (whisper) Do you like noodles? Yes, I do.S: Do you like noodles? Yes, I do.(加奖励)T: (whisper) Do you like fish? No, I dont.S: Do you like fish? No, I dont.T: (whisper) Do you like rice? Yes, I do.S: Do you like rice? Yes, I do.T:(拿出rice单词卡) who can read it?S: Rice.T: A falling down game for you. Spell, please.(板书rice)Pass me the rice. Here you are.的学习T: Where is rice? Stand up, please! (手里有rice卡片的同学起立)T: Pass me the rice. You can sayHere you are.S: Here you are.T: Thank you.T:(拿出pass单词卡) Pass.S: Pass.T: Here you are.S: Here you are.T: Its happy time now. Ready? Go!T: Pass, pass, pass me the book. T: Pass, pass, pass me the pen.T: Pass, pass, pass me the ruler.T: you are so cute. Well, where is meat? Pass me the meat. Who can help me?S1 Pass me the meat.S2: Here you are.S1: thank you.T: Pass me the meat.S1: Here you are.T: Thank you.T: Where is milk? Lets say together.T/S: Pass me the meat.S3: Here you are.T/S: Thank you. 三进文本巩固学习效果,构建课文的整体框架。T: you are so brave in my class. Well, who can be a little teacher ? Come here,please(小老师领读知识点)T: Well done! Now enjoy the reading. Turn to page 20. Listen, point and follow it.四、Extension:(1)Role-play (2) 欢乐餐厅拓展练习,并教育学生不要偏食。(1)T: Were actors now. Im mum.(拿卡片mum)mum is mummy. Noodles team -Sam. Meat team -Lingling. Milk team -Amy. Fish team -Tom. Action!T: I like teams performance. Rice for you.(2)T: Boys and girls, look at the restaurant. Do you like it? Today well have a big lunch. Work in four: one waiter and three guests. T: For example. Im the waiter. You three are guests. Listen carefully.T: Hello! Do you like milk?S1: Yes, I do.T: Here you are.S1: Thank you.T: do you like ice creams?S2: Yes, I do.T: Do you like cake?S3: Yes, I do.T: here you are.S4: Thank you.T: Have you got it? Ready? Go!T: Who want to show?T: Wonderful Good performance! / Thank you for your show!T:Boys and girls, look at these pictures. These kids dont like food. You are growing children. Food provides nutrition for you. So dont be picky for food. OK?S: OK.五.Conclusion:T: Now look at the blackboard. What have you learnt today? Read it together.六HomeworkT: Any questions? T: Homework: Spring is here. Lets have a picnic. Finish the form. For example, you are Amy now.T: do you like meat, Amy?S: Yes, I do.T: A happy face here. Do you like fish?S: No, I dont.T: A sad face here. Understand? Yes or No?S: Yes.T: Look! Who is the wi


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