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关 键 词:
粒状 巧克力 糖包 装机 传动系统 设计 图纸 优秀 优良


25页 6700字数+说明书+开题报告+任务书+文献综述+外文翻译+9张CAD图纸


















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6 V带传动设计7




























结  论21


致  谢23




中国地质大学长城学院本科毕业设计外文资料翻译系 别:工程技术系 专 业:机械设计制造及其自动化 姓 名: 学 号: 2011年 12 月 31 日外文资料翻译译文包装机定义:简单来说,包装机就是把产品包装起来机器,起着保护,美观的作用。 包装机主要分两个方面,一是流水线式整体生产包装,二是产品外围包装设备。包装机的分类:包装机的种类繁多,分类方法很多。从不同的观点出发可有多种,按产品状态分,有液体、块状、散粒体包装机;按包装作用分,有内包装、外包包装机;按包装行业分,有食品、日用化工、纺织品等包装机;按包装工位分,有单工位、多工位包装机;按自动化程度分,有半自动、全自动包装机等。自动包装机的优势:要想在规定的时间内,为自己创造出最大的利益,就要确保自己的食品包装生产线运行良好,在生产过程中不会出现错误,这样在尽量避免错误出现和故障的影响,才会为企业获得最大的利益。自动化水平在制造工业中不断提高,应用范围正在拓展。包装机械行业中自动化操作正在改变着包装过程的动作方式和包装容器及材料的加工方法。实现自动控制的包装系统能够极大地提高生产效率和产品质量,显著消除包装工序及印刷贴标等造成的误差,有效减轻职工的劳动强度并降低能源和资源的消耗。具有革命意义的自动化改变着包装机械行业的制造方法及其产品的传输方式。设计、安装的自动控制包装系统,无论从提高包装机械行业的产品质量和生产效率方面,还是从消除加工误差和减轻劳动强度方面,都表现出十分明显的作用。尤其是对食品、饮料、药品、电子等行业而言,都是至关重要的。自动装置和系统工程方面的技术正在进一步深化,并得到更广泛的应用。研究现状:中国包装机形成行业仅20年,基础相对薄弱,技术及科研力量不足,其发展相对滞后,在某种程度上拖了食品和包装工业的后腿。预测到2010年,国内行业总产值可达到1300亿元(现价),而市场需求可能达到2000亿元。如何能够尽快的赶上并且抓住这个巨大的市场是我们迫切需要解决的问题。我国包装机行业的发展现状:我国包装机起步于上个世纪70年代末,年产值只有七八千万元,产品品种仅有100多种。近5年来食品和包装机行业每年以11%12%的平均增长速度发展,高于同期国民经济增长速度,销售总额由1994年的150亿元增加到2000年的300亿元,产品品种由1994年的270种发展到2000年的3700种。产品水平上了新台阶,开始出现规模化、成套化、自动化的趋势,传动复杂、技术含量高的设备开始出现。可以说我国的机械生产已满足了国内的基本需求,并开始向东南亚及第三世界国家出口,如我国2000年的进出口总额为27.37亿美元,其中出口额为12.9亿美元,比1999年提高了22.2%。在出口的机械品种中以食品(乳品、糕点、肉类、水果)加工机、烤箱、封装、贴标签机、纸塑铝复合罐生产设备等机械出口较多,食品机械如制糖、饮料、包装机等设备已开始成套出口。近十余年来,国际包装界十分重视提高包装机械及整个包装系统的通用能力和多功能集成能力,为市场开拓日新月异的多样化商品提供及时灵活应变的生产手段。同时基于合理简化包装和优势包装工艺方法的实际需要,不断探索,明显地加快了自身技术革新的步伐。尤其是与现代自动机床同步发展相呼应,逐步明确。要想建立多样化、通用化、多功能集成化的包装机械新体系,首先必须着重解决组合化和机电一体化的大问题,无疑这是今后的重要发展方向。随着我国商品经济的繁荣和人民生活水平的提高,食品包装机械包装技术的前景十分乐观。近年来,国家加大了对食品和药品质量和安全的监督力度,对食品的生产加工包装技术都提出了新的要求。一批食品生产企业先后投入资金进行包装设备的技术改造和生产技术的创新,在一定程度上提升了我国食品行业的水平和市场竞争力。尽管我国食品包装机械包装技术的水平有了提高,但是我国的食品包装机械包装技术与发达国家的相比在竞争中还是明显处于弱势。我国包装机械行业30%左右的企业存在低水平的重复建设。这种状况不但浪费了有限的资金、人力等重要资源,还造成了包装机械市场的无序混乱,阻碍了行业的健康发展,制约了我国中小食品机械包装机械的升级换代和包装技术的创新。我国的食品包装机械多以单机为主,科技含量和自动化程度低,在新技术、新工艺、新材料方面应用的少,满足不了我国当前食品企业发展的要求。一些食品企业为了技术改造,不得不花费大量的资金从国外引进一些技术先进的、生产效率高、包装精度高的成套食品包装生产线,导致很大一部分国内的市场份额被国外品牌所占领。我国的食品包装机械发展空间依然广阔,食品包装机械包装技术的水平有待迫切开发的需要。外国包装机械的发展现状:德国:德国的包装机械在计量、制造、技术性能方面均属世界一流。该国生产的啤酒、饮料灌装成套设备生产速度快、自动化程度高、可靠性好。主要体现在:工艺流程的自动化、生产效率高,满足了交货期短和降低工艺流程成本的要求;设备具有更高的柔性和灵活性。主要体现在生产的灵活性、构造的灵活性和供货的灵活性,以适应产品更新换代的需要;利用计算机和仿真技术提供成套设备,故障率低,可以进行远程诊断服务;对环境污染少,主要包括噪音、粉尘和废弃物的污染。 意大利:意大利生产的包装机械中,40%是食品包装机械,如糖果包装机、茶叶包装机、灌装机等。产品的特点是外观考究、性能优良、价格便宜。意大利包装机械行业的最大优势就在于可以按照用户的要求进行设计和生产,并能保证很好地完成设计、生产、试验,实现监督、检验、组装、调整和用户需求分析等。国产食品包装机械与国际的主要差距:1、生产效率低、能耗高、稳定性和可靠性差,产品造型落后,外观粗糙,基础件和配套件寿命低,国产的气动件和电器元件质量差。比如河南星火包装机械有限公司就在参照国外先进包装机技术的基础上,进行改造和创新产品,星火牌系列的灌装机上的气动部分均采用德国FESTO和台湾AirTac的气动元件。2、控制技术应用得少。比如远距离遥控技术、步进电机技术、信息处理技术等。专家指出,世界上德国、意大利、美国和日本的包装机械水平处于领先地位。其中,在美国成型、充填、封口三种机械设备的技术更新很快。如美国液体灌装设备公司(EJF)生产的液体灌装机,一台设备可以实现重力灌装、压力灌装以及正压移动泵式灌装。就是说,任何黏度的液体,只要通过微机控制来改变灌装方式就可以实现。近几年来,这种技术在国内出现了,比如江苏群杰包装机械厂、广州澳特包装机公司等等。包装机械产业发展趋势预测分析:食品包装行业正向打造新型包装机械,引领包装机械向集成化、高效化、智能化等方向发展。迈川伺服驱动器将成为一个核心的部件产品。目前自动化技术在包装生产线中已占50%以上,大量使用了电脑设计和机电一体化控制,提高生产率、设备的柔性和灵活性,增加机械手以完成复杂的包装动作。 总看食品包装机械的发展,其在设备规模上不仅扩大了,而且正加速向光机电一体化、自动化推进。随着科技的不断发展与进步,未来微电子、电脑、工业机器人、图像传感技术和新材料等在包装机械中将会得到越来越广泛的应用,各企业亟须引进新技术,向生产效率高、自动化程度高、可靠性好、灵活性强、技术含量高的包装设备进军。 目前在灌装设备、包装设备、包装材料生产设备等方面,国内企业都有了长足的进步。但是,我国包装机械品种约有1300多种,缺少高科技、高精度、高质量配套产品,产品性能低,稳定性和可靠性差。仍需借助高端端技术助力包装机械产品升级。效率化:食品加工的高度效率化,主要是采用机电一体化技术和光、电、液、自动化控制技术等来实现的,由连续式生产设备代替间歇式生产设备,由专业化生产设备代替通用化生产设备,由人性化生产设备代替中小型生产设备。使生产线实现连续化生产、专业化作业、自动化调节、规模化经营等,可显著提高生产效率和经济效益。自动化:未来的包装机械将配合产业自动化趋势,促进包装设备总体水平提高。如高智能数控系统、编码器及数字控制组件、动力负载控制等新型智能设备已经普遍应用到包装机械设备中,使设备使用者在操作过程中更具有独立性、灵活度、操作正确性、高效率和兼容性。外文原文The packaging machine definition:Simply put, the packaging machine is the product packaging up the machine, plays a protection role of the beautiful. The packaging machine in two main areas, the overall production pipeline packaging products periphery packaging equipment.Classification of packaging machines:A wide range of packaging machines, many of the classification method. Starting from different points of view can have a variety, by sub-state, liquid, massive, granular packaging machine; divided by the role of packaging within the packaging, outsourcing packaging machine; points, by the packaging industry, food, household chemical, textile, and other packaging machines; Packers points, single-station, multi-station packaging machine; divided by the degree of automation, semi-automatic and automatic packaging machines.Advantage of automatic packaging machines:To within the stipulated time for themselves to create the maximum benefit, it is necessary to ensure their own food packaging production line is running well, without error in the production process, so in order to avoid errors and failure of will enterprises to obtain the maximum benefit. Level of automation in the manufacturing industry, continuous improvement, is expanding its range of applications. Automation in the packaging machinery industry is changing the action mode of the packaging process and packaging containers and materials processing methods. Packaging systems for automatic control can greatly improve production efficiency and product quality, significantly eliminate the packaging process and printed labeling error, effectively reducing the labor intensity of workers and reduce energy and resource consumption. The automation of revolutionary change the transmission of the manufacturing method of the packaging machinery industry and its products. Design, install the automatic control of packaging systems, in terms of improving product quality and production efficiency of the packaging machinery industry, or from the elimination of processing errors and reduce labor intensity, have demonstrated a very significant role. Especially for food, beverages, pharmaceuticals, electronics and other industries, are essential. Automatic devices and systems engineering aspects of the technology is further deepened, and a wider range of applications.Research:The packaging machine form the industrys only 20 years, the foundation is relatively weak, and lack of technical and scientific research efforts, its development is lagging behind, dragged the hind legs of the food and packaging industry in a way. The forecast for 2010, the domestic industry output value reached 130 billion yuan (current prices), while the market demand may reach 200 billion yuan. How can catch up and seize this huge market we urgently need to be resolved as soon as possible.Development status of the packaging machine industry in China:Packaging machine in China started in the late 1970s of the last century, only seven or eight million yuan of annual output value, product variety is only 100. Past five years, the food and packaging machine industry an annual average growth rate of 11% to 12% higher than the national growth rate, total sales increased from $ 150 billion in 1994 to 30 billion yuan in 2000, product variety by 270 kinds of development in 1994 to 2000 of 3700 kinds. Product level to a new level, began to scale, complete automation trends, complex transmission equipment of high technical content began to appear. It can be said that Chinas machinery production to meet the basic needs of the domestic and export to Southeast Asia and Third World countries such as Chinas 2000 import and export volume of $ 2,737,000,000, of which exports $ 1.29 billion, compared to 1999 to improve 22.2%. Food (dairy products, cakes, meat, fruit) machine, oven, packaging, labeling machines, paper and plastic aluminum composite can production equipment and other machinery exports more varieties of export of machinery, food machinery, such as sugar, beverages packaging machines and other equipment have begun to complete sets of export. The current development of the packaging machineThe past decade, the international packaging industry attaches great importance to improve the general ability of packaging machinery and packaging systems and multi-function integration capabilities to provide timely and flexible response of the means of production for the market to develop the rapid diversification of commodities. Based on reasonable actual need to simplify the method of packaging and advantages of the packaging process, continuing to explore, significantly accelerated the pace of technological innovation. In particular, the simultaneous development of modern automatic machine echoes gradually clear. To build a diverse, universal, multi-function integrated packaging machinery system, we must first focus on solving the big problem of the combination and the mechanical and electrical integration, no doubt, this is an important development in the future direction.With the prosperity of Chinas commodity economy and peoples living standards improve, the prospects of food packaging machinery, packaging technology is very promising. In recent years, the state has increased the quality and safety of food and medicine supervision, the production of food processing and packaging technology have raised new demands. The number of food-producing enterprises have invested packaging equipment for technological transformation and innovation of production technology, to some extent, enhance the level of Chinas food industry and market competitiveness. Although the level of food packaging machinery in China Packaging Technology has improved, but Chinas food packaging machinery, packaging technology and compared to developed countries in the competition or significantly disadvantaged. About 30 percent of Chinas packaging machinery industry enterprises have low-level duplicated construction. This situation is not only a waste of limited financial, human and other important resources, but also resulted in disorderly confusion of the packaging machinery market, hindering the healthy development of the industry, which restricts the upgrading of Chinas small and medium-sized food machinery and packaging machinery and packaging technology innovation.Food packaging machinery in China more than stand-alone-based, low technology content and degree of automation in the new technologies, new processes, new materials applications, can not meet Chinas current food enterprise development requirements. For technological innovation, some food companies have to spend a lot of money from abroad to the introduction of technologically advanced, high efficiency, high precision packaging the complete food packaging production line, resulting in a large part of the domestic market share is occupied by foreign brands. Is still vast room for development of Chinas food packaging machinery, food packaging machinery, packaging technology level to be the urgent needs of the development.The development status of the foreign packaging machinery:Germany:Packaging machinery in Germany are world-class in terms of measurement, manufacturing, technical performance. The equipment of the production of beer, beverage filling production speed, high degree of automation, reliability. Mainly reflected in: the automation of the process, high production efficiency, to meet the requirements of short delivery and reduce process costs; equipment has a higher flexibility and flexibility. Production flexibility, the flexibility of the construct and supply flexibility, to accommodate the need for product replacement; use of computers and simulation technology to provide complete sets of equipment, failure rate, remote diagnostic services; less environmental pollution , including noise, dust, pollution and waste.Italy:Italian production of packaging machinery, 40% of food packaging machinery, such as candy packing machine, tea packaging machine, filling machine. The products are characterized by elegant appearance, excellent performance and cheap price. Italian packaging machinery industry, the biggest advantage is in accordance with the requirements of the users design and production, and to ensure the complete design, production, testing, implementation supervision and inspection, assembly, adjustment and user needs analysis.Major gaps in the domestic food packaging machinery and international:1, the low production efficiency, high energy consumption, stability and reliability, product design backward, rough appearance, the basic parts and accessories, low life, made pneumatic parts and electrical components are of poor quality. Such as Henan Spark Packaging Machinery Co., Ltd. in the light of advanced packaging machine technology on the basis of transformation and innovation of products, filling machine on the Spark brand pneumatic part adopts the pneumatic components of Germany FESTO and Taiwan AirTac.2, the control technology applied. Such as long distance remote control technology, the stepper motor technology, information processing technology. The experts pointed out that the level of packaging machinery in Germany, Italy, the United States and Japan, the worlds leading position. Which, in the United States forming, filling, sealing the three types of machinery and equipment, technology updates soon. Such as the production of liquid filling machine liquid filling equipment company (EJF), a device can realize the gravity filling, pressure filling and positive pressure portable pump filling. Means that any liquid viscosity, as long as the filling by computer control to change the way you can. In recent years, this technology in the country, such as the the Jiangsu Qunjie Packaging Machinery Factory, Guangzhou, Macao special packaging machine companies, and so on.Packaging Machinery Industry Development Trend Forecast of:The food packaging industry to create new packaging machinery, leading packaging machinery to the development of integrated, efficient, intelligent direction. Maichuan servo drives will become a core component of the product. Accounted for 50% of the packaging production line automation technology, extensive use of computer design and mechatronics control, improve productivity, equipment flexibility and flexibility to increase the robot to complete the complex packaging action.Always look at the development of food packaging machinery, its not only expanded the size of equipment, and is accelerating the integration of optical and electrical machinery, automated propulsion. With the continuous development of technology and progress, the future of microelectronics, computers, industrial robots, image sensor technology and new materials in the packaging machinery will be more widely used, and all enterprises urgent need to introduce new technologies to high productivity, high d
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