


预览图 预览图 预览图 预览图 预览图 预览图 预览图 预览图
编号:273336    类型:共享资源    大小:2.86MB    格式:RAR    上传时间:2014-04-26 上传人:上*** IP属地:江苏
关 键 词:
热盘加工 专用 机床 设计 图纸


47页 22000字数+说明书+任务书+开题报告+外文翻译+12张CAD图纸【详情如下】

























摘  要






目 录

摘  要III


目 录V

1 绪论1


 1.2 课题源公司的简介1

 1.3 本设计任务相关要求1

 1.4 热盘工件图样1

2 加工方法选择3

 2.1 工艺方案的制定3

 2.2 采用立式铣削加工的理由3

 2.3 数控机床4

  2.3.1 数控机床工作原理4

  2.3.2 数控机床的组成4

  2.3.3 数控编程坐标系的选取5

3 机床总体设计方案的拟定6

4 进给系统的设计9

 4.1 工作台进给系统的设计9

  4.1.1 传动部件的选择和分析9

  4.1.2 导轨的选择与设计10

  4.1.3 驱动电机的选择和分析12

  4.1.4 轴承的选择16

  4.1.5 工作台进给系统的结构18

 4.2 横梁进给系统设计19

  4.2.1 横梁进给系统的结构19

  4.2.2 横梁结构的分析20

  4.2.3 横梁进给系统零部件选择20

5 进给系统机械部分设计21


  5.1.1 滚珠丝杠的机械特性计算21

  5.1.2 导轨副的作用、计算与选择23

  5.1.3 步进电机的选择23

  5.1.4 联轴器的选择25

  5.1.5 轴承的选择25


6 电控系统部分设计26

 6.1 控制形式的选择和分析26

  6.1.1 开环控制系统26

  6.1.2 闭环控制系统26

  6.1.3 半闭环控制系统26

 6.2 控制系统方案确定27

  6.2.1 数控系统基本硬件组成27

  6.2.2 总体组成27

 6.3 软、硬件任务合理分配27

 6.4 主控器28

  6.4.1 主控芯片选择28

  6.4.2 MCS---51系列单片机介绍28

  6.4.3 三总线结构29

  6.4.4 存储器结构29

  6.4.5 时序29

  6.4.6 中断功能31

  6.4.7 MCS---51单片机常用系统扩展芯片31

 6.5 存储系统扩展设计31

  6.5.1 芯片选择31

  6.5.2 地址分配及译码32

 6.6 机床中部分电机控制电路34

  6.6.1 电动机正反转控制电路34

  6.6.2 冷却泵的控制电路35

7 结论与展望37



致 谢38


1 绪论









1.2 课题源公司的简介  


   该公司专门从事橡胶机械的生产.其各项性能指标均已达到国外同类产品的水平, 目前,该公司设计和生产的产品已为国内外几十家生产厂家配套。该公司除对现有产品精益求精外,还可根据用户需要专业设计,制造特殊的产品。


1.3 本设计任务相关要求                              

   厂方要求尽量降低造价,力争造价在5万元以内。并且本设计于四月初定稿,五月开始试制,七月装配完成并放入生产。因为年产1000件并签订了两年的合同,但顾虑到今后如长期合同,则购入大型立式镗铣加工中心加工,但该机床售价160万左右,目前经济上不可能,如这两年合同完成,又有(三年以上)加工合同,则可以考虑购买立式加工中心。(现每只零件铣加工费用为800元到900元)2 加工方法选择

2.1 工艺方案的制定





2.2 采用立式铣削加工的理由


   立式铣床铣削加工的特点:铣刀是典型的多刃刀具, 加工过种有几个刀齿同时参加切削, 点的切削宽度较大,铣削时的主运动是铣刀的旋转,有利于进行高速切削,故铣刀的生产率高于刨削加工。 铣削加工范围广,可以加刨削无法加工或难以加工的表面。立式铣床铣削过程中,就每个刀齿而言是依次参加切削,刀齿在离开工件的一段时间内,可以得到 一次冷却,因此,刀齿散热条件好,有利于减少铣刀的磨损,延长了使用寿命。由于是断续切削,刀齿在切入切出工件时产生冲击,而且每个刀齿的切削厚度也时刻在变化,这就引起切削面积和切削力的变化,因此铣削过程不平稳,容易产生振动,直接影响工件表面粗糙度。

立式铣床铣刀比刨床刨刀结构更复杂,铣刀的制造与刃磨比刨刀困难,所以铣削成本比刨削高。铣削与刨削的加工质量大致相同,经粗精加工后都可达到中等精度,但在加工大平面时, 刨削后明显接刀痕,而且直径小于工件宽度的端铣刀加工时,各次走刀间有明显的接刀痕,影响表面质量,铣削加工用于单件小批量生产,也造用于大批量生产

机床设计随着科学技术的进步和社会需求的变化,机床的设计理论和技术也在不断的发展。计算机技术和分析技术的飞速进步,为机床设计方法的发展提供了有力的技术支撑。计算机辅助设计(CAD)和计算机辅助工程(Computer Aided Engineering,缩写CAE0已在机床设计的各个阶段得到了应用,改变了传统的经验设计方法,使机床设计由传统的人工设计向计算机辅助设计,由定性设计向定量设计,有静态和线性分析向动态和非线性分析,由可行性设计向最佳设计过渡。数控技术的发展与应用,使得机床的传动与结构发生了重大变化。伺服驱动系统可以方便地实现机床的单轴运动及多轴联动,从而可以省去复杂笨重的机械传动系统,使其结构及布局产生很大的变化。随着生产的发展,社会需求也在发生变化。在机械制造业中,多种品种,小批量生产的需求日益增加,因此出现了与之相适应的FMS(柔性制造系统)等先进制造系统。数控机床是FMS的核心装备。前期的FMS,可以说是“以机床为主的系统”,即根据现有的机床的特点来构成FMS。但是,传统的机床(包括数控机床)设计时并未考虑到它在FMS中的应用,因此在功能上制约了FMS的发展。FMS的发展对机床提出了新的要求,要求机床设计向“以系统为主的机床设计发展”方向发展,即在机床设计时就要考虑他如何更好地适应FMS等先进制造系统的要求,例如要求具有时空柔性,与物流的可接近性等等,这就对机床设计的方法学提出了新的要求。机床的设计方法是根据其设计类型而定的。通用机床采用系列化设计方法。系列中基型产品属创新设计类型,其他属变型设计类型。有些机床,如组合机床属组合设计类型。在创新设计类型中,机床总体方案(包括运动功能方案和结构布局方案)的产生方法可采用分析式设计(又称试行设计)或创成式设计(又称解析式设计)。前者是用类比分析,推理方法产生方案,是目前创新设计一般采用的方法;后者则用创成解析的方法生成方案,创新能力强,这种方法尚在研究发展之中。机床设计步骤机床的类型和要求不同,设计步骤也不同。按新的原理进行加工的机床应按创新设计的步骤进行;成系列的机床产品应按系列化设计的步骤进行;通用化程度较高的机床产品,例如组合机床应按模块化设计的步骤进行。I.确定结构原理根据初步设计方案,确定被设计机床的结构原理方案的主要内容包括:(1)用途 即机床的工艺范围,包括加工件的材料类型,形状,质量和尺寸范围等。(2)生产率 包括加工件的类型,批量及所要求的生产率。(3)性能指标 加工件要求的精度(用户定货设计)或机床的精度,刚度,热变形,噪声等性能指标。(4)主要参数 即确定机床的加工空间和主要参数。(5)驱动方式 机床的驱动方式有电动机驱动和液压驱动方式。电动机驱动方式中又有普通电动机驱动,步进电动机驱动与伺服电动机驱动。驱动方式的确定不仅与机床的成本有关,还将直接影响传动方式的确定。(6)结构原理 主要零部件应满足的要求和结构原理,有时还需进行草图设计,确定关键零部件自制还是外协。(7)成本及生产周期 无论是订货还是工厂规划产品,都应确定成本及生产周期方面的指标。II.总体设计总体设计的内容(1)运动功能设计 包括确定机床所需运动的个数,形式(直线运动,回转运动),功能(主运动,进给运动,其它运动)及排列顺序,最后画出机床的运动功能图。(2)基本参数设计 包括尺寸参数,运动参数和动力参数设计。(3)传动系统设计 包括传动方式,传动原理图及传动系统图设计。(4)总体结构布局设计 包括运动功能分配,总体布局结构形式及总体结构方案图设计。(5)控制系统设计 包括控制方式及控制原理,控制系统图设计。III.结构设计设计机床的传动系统,确定各主要结构的原理方案,设计部件装配图,对主要零件进行分析计算或优化,设计液压原理和相应的液压部件装配图,设计电气控制系统原理图和相应的电气安装接线图,设计和完善机床总装图和总联系尺寸图。IV工艺设计机床的全部自制零件图,编制标准件,通用件和自制件明细表,撰写设计说明书,使用说明书,指定机床的检验方法和标准等技术文档。V机床整机综合评价对所设计的机床进行整机性能分析和综合评价。可对所设计的机床进行计算机建模,得到所谓的数学化样机,又称虚拟样机。采用虚拟样机对所设计的机床进行运动学仿真,在实际样机试造出来之前对其进行综合评价,可以大大减少新产品研制的风险,缩短研制的周期,提高研制的质量。上述步骤可以反复进行,知道达到设计结果满意为止。在设计过程中,设计与评价反复进行可以提高一次设计成功率。VI定型设计在上述步骤完成后,可进行实物样机的制造,实验及评论。根据实物样机的评论结果进行修改设计,最终完成产品的定型设计。关于深孔加工的工艺要求深孔加工 ,是本设计的重中之重 。所谓深孔,就是当加工孔的长度与直径之比达10倍左右,往往对精度及表面光洁度又有较高要求,使用一般的加工方法就比较难满足。I.深孔加工必须解决的问题:1) 刀具细长刚度差,易引起刀具偏斜及与孔壁摩擦,因此在刀头上均具有导向套来保证正确引入;同时,根据需要设置刀杆支承以减少刀杆的变形和振动。2) 切屑不易排出,采用分级进给或者通过高压切削液的内排和外排刀具结构排出切屑。3) 刀具冷却困难,通入高压切削液对刀具进行充分冷却。II深孔加工的类型: 结合深孔加工的特点,关于深孔加工的工艺困难,已有相应的方法进行克服。1)分级进給深孔加工:使用普通麻花钻头在铸铁件或钢件上钻直径610mm以下的孔时,一般一次钻深不宜大于610倍孔径。当钻孔方向为水平时,在钢件上一次钻深不宜大于6倍孔径,在铸铁上可达10倍左右孔径。如果加工的孔深超过这个范围时,可采用分级进給的加工方法,即在钻削过程中,使钻头加工一定深度后自动退出工件,借以排出切屑,并进行冷却,然后再重新向前加工,不断往复,直至加工完毕(每次钻深,铸铁件取36倍孔径;钢件取0.52倍孔径,孔较深时取小值)。这种加工方法适于钻削较小直径的孔深,但生产率及技工精度都比较低。2)一次进給深孔加工它主要是用各种类型的特殊刀头,并配备形影的接杆、传动导向系统、切削液输入器等,在深孔机床上进行钻、铰、镗及套料加工。从切屑的排出方式,可分外排屑(对铰、镗还可有向前或向后外排屑)及内排屑;从切削刃数目,可以分单刃、双刃及多刃,切削刃可采用高速钢或硬质合金。刀头上均具有不同数量的导向支承块,在加工过程中起导向作用,保证孔的平直度,同时也起挤光作用,提高加工孔的表面光洁度。内排屑深孔钻具有单管内排屑和双管内排屑(即喷射钻)。双管内排屑深恐钻比单管内排屑深恐钻及外排屑深孔钻的加工效率和精度都较高。对不通的深孔进行套料时,在套料完成后卸下套料刀,装上芯棒切断刀并使它的刀夹靠在芯棒上,通过专用进給装置进行切断,切断到芯棒直径4/55/6便退回切断刀,稍加外力把芯棒折断取出。一般来说,采用内排屑比外排屑的加工直径大,获得的加工精度和表面光洁度高。III.深孔加工的工作要点 机床在前及加工过程中,应检查和注意如下几点: 1) 主轴、刀具导向套、刀杆支承套、工件支承套等中心线的不同轴度应符合要求。2) 检查切削液系统是否畅通和正常工作,特备是多刃内排屑深孔钻(喷吸钻)的喷吸效应,尤其应该认真检查。3) 工件的加工端面上部应有中心孔,并避免在斜面上钻孔。4) 切屑形状是否正常。它与工件材料、刀具几何形状、切削用量等有关。两条分离而每条按一定方向向内卷曲的切削形状最好,应避免形成直的带状切屑。5) 采用较高速度加工通孔,当钻头即将钻通时,最好停车或降速,防止损坏钻头和出口处。6) 应避免在加工过程中停车,如必须停车,则应先停止进給并将刀具退回一段距离,然后停止油泵和主运动的旋转,以防刀具在孔中产生“咬死”现象。Machine DesignWith the scientific and technological progress and social changes in demand, machine design theory and technology are also constantly development. Computer technology and the rapid progress of technology, machine design methods for the development of a strong technical support. Computer-aided design (CAD) and computer-aided engineering (Computer Aided Engineering, Machine Tools initials CAE0 in the various stages of design has been applied, the experience has changed the traditional design methods, machine design from the traditional design of the computer-aided design, Qualitative to quantitative design design, static and linear and nonlinear analysis to dynamic analysis, from feasibility to design the best design of the transition. NC technology development and applications, the transmission makes machine tools and structure has undergone major changes. Servo drive system can easily achieve a single machine and multi-axis movement linked to possible to omit the heavy machinery complex transmission system, structure and layout to produce great changes. With the development of the production, the needs of the community is changing. In the mechanical manufacturing industry, a variety of species, small batch production of the increasing demand, resulting in a corresponding to the FMS (FMS) and other advanced manufacturing systems. FMS NC machine tools is the core equipment. Pre-FMS, can be said to be machine-based system that, according to the characteristics of the existing machine to a FMS. However, traditional machine tools (including numerical control machine tools) does not take into account when designing it in the application of FMS, in the functional constraints on the development of the FMS. FMS the development of machine has set new requirements for machine tools designed to system-based machine design development direction, that is, in machine design to consider how to better adapt to FMS, and other advanced manufacturing systems requirements, for example, Time and space with flexible, and the proximity to the logistics and so on, which means the design of machine tools has made new demands. Machine design is based on the design of the type set. Universal machine used serialized design. Series of products are innovative design type, the other is a variant design type. Some machines, such as the composition of a combination of machine design type. In the type of innovative design, machine tools overall programme (including motor function and structure of the programme layout of the programme) may be the selection of the design (also known as the trial design) or a 10% design (also known as the analytical design). The former is used analog analysis, a method of reasoning programme, is the innovative design of the method used in general while the latter used as a method of generating the analytical programme, innovation ability, it is still studying development. Machine Design stepsMachine tools and demands of different types, design steps are also different. In accordance with the new principles for processing the innovative design of the machine should be the steps; into a series of machine tool products should be designed serialization of the steps; higher degree of universal machine products, such as machine tools should be modular design combination of the steps . I.determine the structure principle According to the preliminary design, the machine is designed to determine the structure of the main principles of the programme include: (1) that uses the technology of the machine, including the processing of the material type, shape, quality and size range. (2) productivity, including the processing of the types, quantities and the required productivity. (3) performance requirements of the accuracy of processing (user orders design) or the accuracy of machine tools, stiffness, heat distortion, noise and other performance indicators. (4) the main parameters that determine the processing machine room and the main parameters. (5) drive machine-driven approach and a motor-driven hydraulic-driven approach. Motor-driven approach in general have driven motor, stepper motor drive and servo motor drive. Drive and the determination of not only the cost of the machine, will also directly affect the mode of transmission established. (6) of the main principles of parts and components should meet the requirements and principles of the structure, and sometimes needed to draft the design, identification of key components of home-made or HS. (7) costs and production cycle or whether orders for factory planning products, should determine the cost and production cycle indicators.II. Design Design of the contents (1) motor function design including the identification of the number of machines required for movement, form (linear motion, the Rotary Movement), features (the main movement, feeding movement, other sports) and the order, the final draw of the machine function map. (2) the basic parameters of the design parameters, including size, movement and dynamic parameters of the design parameters. (3) transmission system design, including transmission, transmission and drive system schematic design plans. (4) the overall layout of the structure including the distribution of motor function, the overall layout of the form and structure of the whole programme Design plans. (5) control, including control system design and control theory, control system design plans.III.structural design Design of the machine drive system to determine the structure of the major principles of the programme, design parts assembly, the main parts for analysis calculated or refine the design of hydraulic principles and the corresponding assembly of hydraulic components, electrical control system design schematics and the corresponding Installation of electrical wiring diagram, machine design and improve the hand and the contact size map. IV. Process Design Who all the self-made machine parts map, the preparation of standard parts, GM parts and pieces of home-made schedules, writing Design Manual, Manual, the designated machine test methods and standards, and other technical documentation. V. Machine Tool Evaluation On a machine designed by performance analysis and comprehensive evaluation. May be designed by computer modeling of the machine, get a prototype of the so-called math, also known as the virtual prototype. A virtual prototype of a machine designed by kinematic simulation, in the actual prototype test before they are made out a comprehensive assessment, can greatly reduce the risk of new product development, shorten the development cycle and improve the quality of development. These steps can be repeated, that the design with satisfactory results achieved so far. In the design process, design and evaluation of repeated a design can improve the success rate. VI.design type Upon completion of the above steps, the physical prototype manufacture, test and comment. According to physical prototype comment on the results of the modified design, the final product design type. On the deep processing of the technological requirementsDeep processing, is the top priority of this design. The so-called deep hole, the hole is that when processing the ratio of length and diameter of about 10 times, often on the accuracy and surface finish requirements and higher, the use of processing methods in general are more difficult to meet. I. Deep processing issues that must be addressed: 1) poor tool rigidity slender and easy to cause the tool deflection and friction with the hole wall, and therefore the head knives are correctly oriented to ensure the introduction of sets; At the same time, bearing in accordance with the need for holders to reduce the deformation and vibration Arbor. 2) is not easy from cuttings, the use of feed grade or high-pressure cutting fluid through theinner row and outer row chip from the tool structure. 3) tool cooling difficulties, access to high-pressure cutting fluid cooling of the tool fully. II. Deep processing of type: Combine the characteristics of deep-hole machining, deep hole processing technology on the difficulties, the method has been overcome. 1) Deep processing grade feed: Ordinary twist drill head in cast iron or steel pieces on the 6 10mm diameter drill hole below, the general should not be a deep-drilling of 6 10 times greater than the aperture. When the direction of horizontal drilling, the steel pieces in the deep drilling should not last more than 6 times the diameter, in the cast iron up to about 10 times the aperture. If the processing of the hole depth of more than this range, can be classified into methods for processing, that is, in the drilling process, so that bit processing automatically after a certain depth from the workpiece in order to discharge swarf and cooling, and then re-forward processing, constant back and forth until the process has finished (each drill deep, cast iron pieces from 3 to 6 times the diameter; steel pieces from 0.5 2 times the aperture, the deeper hole when taking a small value). This process is suitable for drilling deep holes of small diameter, but the productivity and precision mechanics are relatively low. 2) Feeding a deep-hole processing It is mainly used various types of special segment, and with the next shot, transmission-oriented systems, such as cutting fluid input in the deep-hole drilling machine, hinges, boring and the presentation materials. Discharged from the way the chip can be especially Chip (on the hinge, there is also boring things forward or backward Chip) and with Chip; from a number of cutting edge, can be divided into single-blade, double-edged and multi-blade, cutting edge can be high-speed steel or carbide. Cutter head have a different number of block-oriented support in the process-oriented role play to ensure flatness of the hole, but also from the role of squeezed light to improve the processing of the surface finish hole. Chip has a deep-hole drilling in a single tube and dual tube Chip Chip (ie, jet drilling). Chip fear of double tube drill pipe than Chip Chip fear deep-hole drilling and drilling outside the processing efficiency and higher accuracy. The deep hole on the barrier is expected to set at the completion of unloading Nesting Nesting knife, cut off the mandrel fitted with a knife and the knife folder to make it against the mandrel, the feed through a dedicated device to cut off, cut to the core diameter rod 4 /
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