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_本科生毕业论文论文(设计)题目:On Business Etiquette in Cross-Cultural Communications学 院、 系:外语学院、商务英语系 专 业 (方 向):商务英语 年 级、 班:2012级(1)班 学 生 姓 名:丁聪 指 导 教 师:许菁 2016 年 4 月 18 日声 明本人郑重声明:所呈交的毕业论文是本人在导师的指导下取得的成果。对本论文的研究做出重要贡献的个人和集体,均已在文中以明确方式标明。因本毕业论文引起的法律结果完全由本人承担。本毕业论文成果归兰州财经大学所有。 特此声明 毕业论文作者签名: 2016年 4 月18 日On Business Etiquette in Cross-cultural Communication ABSTRACTSince the whole world is globalized and connected, cross-cultural communication has been becoming increasingly significant in todays international business. When doing international business, we will face people with different cultural backgrounds, languages, and ways of getting business done. Thus there are a variety of things we should pay attention to such as the languages including the non-vocal languages, gestures, and etiquette. First, this paper introduces some related concepts about etiquette like the definition, functions and features. Next, it shares some commonly-agreed etiquette in cross-cultural communications. Then, it compares the etiquette of eastern countries with western countries to find out the similarities and differences. Finally, it draws a conclusion based on the analysis given above. Key Words Business Etiquette; Cross-cultural Communication; Comparison 摘要由于经济全球化的进程日益加快,各国之间联系日趋紧密,跨文化交际在如今的国际贸易中扮演着越来越重要的角色。当我们进行国际贸易时,我们会遇到具有不同文化背景,说着不同语言,以及使用不同方式进行贸易往来的人们。因此,在国际贸易中有许多我们需要注意的事项。例如语言(包括非言语交际),手势以及礼仪。本文首先介绍了一些和商务礼仪相关的概念,例如礼仪的定义,功能以及特点。接着,它分享了在跨文化交际这个大背景下一些被普遍接受和认可的商务礼仪。然后,它将东方国家和西方国家的商务礼仪进行了一个对比,从而找出它们之间的相同和不同之处。最后,基于以上的分析,给出了一个结论。关键词 商务礼仪 跨文化交际 对比Contents1The Definition, Functions and Features of Business Etiquette(1)1.1The Definition(1)1.2The Functions(1)1.2.1Improvement and Discipline for Mankind(1)1.2.2Harmonization of Interpersonal Relationships(2)1.2.3Regulation of Social Order(2)1.3The Features(2)1.3.1Internationalism and Commercialization (2)1.3.2Inheritance(2)1.3.3Intercommunity(3)1.3.4Timeliness(3)2The Etiquette in Cross-cultural Communications(3)2.1The Etiquette in Business Communication(3)2.1.1The Etiquette of Telephone or Cellphone (3)2.1.2The Etiquette of the Internet Communication(4)2.1.3The Etiquette of Business Letters(5)2.2The Etiquette in Business Meeting(7)2.2.1The Etiquette of Business Negotiation(7)2.2.2The Etiquette of Business Exhibition(7)2.2.3The Etiquette of Business Annual Meeting(8)2.3The Etiquette in Business Dining(9)2.3.1The Etiquette of Business Working Meals(9)2.3.2The Etiquette of Business Banquet(9)3 The Comparison of Etiquette in Eastern and Westen Countries(10)3.1Etiquette in Japan (10)3.1.1Etiquette of Date(11)3.1.2Etiquette of Negotiation(11)3.1.3Etiquette of Entertainment(11)3.2Etiquette in China(12)3.2.1Etiquette of Date(12)3.2.2Etiquette of Negotiation(12)3.2.3Etiquette of Entertainment(12)3.3Etiquette in America(12)3.3.1Etiquette of Date(12)3.3.2Etiquette of Negotiation (12)3.3.3Etiquette of Entertainment(13)3.4Etiquette in the UK(13)3.4.1Etiquette of Date(13)3.4.2Etiquette of Negotiation(13)3.4.3Etiquette of Entertainment(14)4Conclusion(14)References(16)精品资料On Business Etiquette in Cross-cultural Communication With the increasing number of intercultural corporations and the internationalization of the economy, cross-cultural business communication continue to become more important. More and more governmental leaders, educators, and businessmen agree that internationalizing the studies of cross-cultural communications is important to maintain the competitive positions of their own countries. While recognizing the significant differences that exist across cultures, its important to acknowledge the existence of individual differences within any given society. Just as it is naive to assume that all cultures are similar, its equally fallacious to fall into a trap called “cultural stereotyping.” To quote Lao Tzu, the famous Chinese philosopher who is considered to be the spiritual leader of Taosim, “The one becomes many.” Although people in a given society may share certain common values and characteristics, there can be important differences in how these are applied and exhibited in specific situations. Since all international activity involves communication, businessmen need knowledge of cross-cultural communication to prepare them for upward mobility and promotion. When doing international business, we will face people with different cultural backgrounds, languages, and ways of getting business done. It is very important for us to pay attention to such as the languages including the non-vocal languages, gestures, and etiquette. 1. The Definition, Function, Features of Business Etiquette In this part, some related concepts for business etiquette will be introduced. There is a need for us to understand the basic information concerning etiquette before making the research further. 1.1 The Definition Etiquette refers to manners and behavior considered acceptable in social and business situations Lilian H. Chaney&Jeanette S. Martin: Intercultural Business Communication, the sixth Edition, China Renmin University Press, Published in July 2013, Page 164. While the business etiquette is the etiquette which gradually formed in international business.1.2 The Function In modern society, etiquette has been much emphasized by people of different social levels. It has penetrated into our day-to-day lives and played a great role yet. 1.2.1 Improvement and Discipline for Mankind Etiquette is a kind of norm including language norm, behavior norm that obeyed by us. Ones self-refinement, self-cultivation, and level of morality are revealed by how well he or she uses etiquette. Since etiquette is gradually formed in social interactions and is widely accepted and obeyed, people living under the atmosphere will be restricted by that kind of etiquette. Therefore, people regard it as a kind of rule to discipline themselves. For example, people are supposed to shake hands, give a hug, or kiss cheeks when greeting others, both of those are the symbols of a civilized society and an educated person. 1.2.2 Harmonization for Interpersonal RelationshipsBecause the social status, backgrounds, personality, career of each people differ from each other, different outlooks can be seen when we contact with others. Nowadays, through various means, people make contacts, build friendships with others, adjust their lives and receive information. By taking advantage of etiquette, people are able to stay confident in social relationships, express their respects and friendly feelings to others, deepen their mutual understandings and trusts and promote the formation of good interpersonal relationships. Take the telephone manners as an example, if you call the other side for some requirements, will an unfriendly tone and informal words make you feel you still want to further your relations? On the contrary, you might just want to end your cooperation. 1.2.3 Regulation for Social Orders In a harmonious society, people need to be regulated by some social orders and have to act under those rules and regulations. Etiquette has played a great role in restricting our motivations and attitudes, regulating our behaviors and balancing the interpersonal relationships. The steady movement of society, the systematic situations of social orders and the harmonization of interpersonal relationships all rely on the commonly accepted regulations. 1.3 The Features Based on the definition and functions of etiquette, we can see etiquette is in everywhere in every time. Of course, different countries have different etiquette, however, with the development of business, there will be more and more commonly-agreed etiquette shared worldwide. 1.3.1 Internationalism and Commercialization International business etiquette is the regulations or rules gradually formed in international activities which include business negotiation, business meeting and so on. They can be seen between different countries in some economic areas and the aim of those activities is based on the economic benefits of each country, each enterprise or company. Take writing a business letter as an example, the Americans prefer to use month, day, year as their sequence of date while the British uses day, month, year. When writing a international business letter, we shall take that difference into considerations. Since the purpose of listing business etiquette is to help businessmen conduct business better, thus business etiquette does have something to do with commercialization. 1.3.2 Inheritance Etiquette is the gradual accumulation of social civilization. With the developing of our society, those manners and rituals will be inherited by generation and generation and will be perfected and enriched. Based on the etiquette in ancient and modern times, the international business etiquette nowadays is discarding the dross and selecting the essential in business activities. Its still developing and will leave the best or the quintessence for the future society. Like Chinese people, most of our etiquette today is inherited from our parents or grandparents such as eating after the elder, teachers should be respected like our parents or giving a hand to those people who need help. And undoubtedly, those merits, as we can call them, will be left to our children in the near future. 1.3.3 Intercommunity International business etiquette is the manner or ceremony that is commonly accepted by businessmen from different countries. Although each nation, each area and each country has its own special etiquette and the way they are expressed differs from each other, some international business etiquette in commercial activities are universal. No matter where you come from, no matter which nation you belong to or the religion you believe in, there must be some common manners or regulations that should be followed. For example, respecting the elder and the guests should be treated well by the host are the common etiquette for nearly all countries in the world though their concrete ways may differ from each other. 1.3.4 Timeliness With the development of society, international business etiquette has developed a lot. On the one hand, with the emerging e-commerce, new features and new problems have risen which require new contents to be added into the etiquette to catch up with those changes. On the other hand, because of the fast growth of globalization and the reinforcement of the economic connection between each country, each area, and each nation, the manners or ceremonies have mixed with or penetrated into each other. It is so natural that more and more new meanings will be added into the former one. For instance, before the Internet or computer comes into existence, there is no rules in regulating people doing business via Internet, however, nowadays, not only do we have a series of rules but a new noun concerning the etiquette in doing business through the Internet, which is netiquette. Maybe in the future, we will have more nouns like netiquette indicating doing business through some new means. 2. The Etiquette in Cross-cultural Communication When you conduct business abroad or in the US with someone of another culture, knowledge of certain rules of business and social etiquette is important. Thus, the following parts are the specific explanations for business etiquette from some aspects. 2.1 The Etiquette in Business Communication In business world, one of the most important step is about contacting the other parties. Since many businesses are conducted between different countries, it wont be that easy as contact the internal business partners. So there are something you should pay attention to. 2.1.1 The Etiquette of Telephone or Cell Phone First of all, you need to have a blueprint of what you want to say in your mind. Before making a phone call, you need to get fully prepared which means you need to get the name and the telephone number of the other side in advance. The call must follow a main idea and need to be limited into three minutes. Try to be brief and concise as much as possible. Therefore, in order to save time and leave a good impression for the opposite side, businessmen usually make a draft or outline of their calls firstly. Secondly, choosing the right time. If you call for business, youd better do it on working time and avoid to call them when its close to get off work or dining since your partner may be too hurry to give you a good answer. If there is a need to call them at their home, the dining or sleeping time should be avoided. The best time to call is 9:00 to 11:00 in the morning and 2:00 to 4:00 in the afternoon. If you call someone who is overseas, youd better take the jet lag into account. Try to avoid making a phone call during the rush hour or at the break after lunch. Moreover, you d better not call your business partner in their holiday. Thirdly, when the phone is connected, you need to inform the other side of your name, your work place and your position firstly. For example, “Hello, this is Mr. Wang, general manager of Wal-Mart.” In addition, you need to ask whether its suitable for he or she to talk through the phone right now. If the one you look for isnt answering the phone, sentences like “could you please ask Mr.Lee to answer the phone” or “could you please take a message for me to Mr.Lee” should be adopted. Or you can call him or her later. Fourthly, at the end of the conversation, you need to say “thank you, good bye” or if you are on the other side, youd better ask “Is there anything else?” If the connection of phone is disturbed by some kind of reason, you need to dial again and some explanations are needed. Once youve dialed the wrong number, apologizing immediately.2.1.2 The Etiquette of the Internet CommunicationSometimes the cyberspace etiquette refers to netiquette(network etiquette). E-mail is a kind of mail sent to the other side through the Internet. It is convenient, time-saving, cost-saving, environmentally friendly, capacious. The etiquette of sending an e-mail is as follows:Firstly, every mail should adhere to a theme. Since whether we will read the e-mail or not mostly depends on the headline of an e-mail, the words we use must have something to do with the content of our mails. On the one hand, by doing this, the receiver can clearly understand, it helps him or her to measure whether its an emergency that should be handled immediately. It also helps them to classify all the e-mails they has received which will be convenient to be found later on. On the other hand, because of the fear of virus, if an e-mail doesnt have a theme, it might be mistakenly regarded as virus hacking the receivers computer which would result in the deletion of the e-mail before they are read. Thus, before sending an e-mail, we need to use anti-virus programs to scan our e-mails. Make sure the mails we are sending are totally safe. When we receive some anonymous e-mails, wed better scan them firstly.Thirdly, use proper words. Try to avoid some spelling and grammar mistakes as much as possible. Dont type all the words in capital form which would cause trouble in reading. Abbreviations should be avoided. For instance, some like to replace “you” with “u” and “see” with “c”. However, when you send an e-mail to your business partner like that, it would be a little informal. Since every detail may lead to a failure, wed better avoid that. Like the etiquette in business telephone or cell phone manners, we also need to be brief and concise. Punctuation marks like “!” should also be avoided. Lastly, we should inform the other side of our coming mails in advance. Since sometimes, the problem of the Internet may result in the failure of sending e-mails, the approaching of e-mails of great importance should be known to the other side in advance. When youve sent an e-mail, you can call others to confirm theyve received your mail and to reply as soon as possible.If youve received an important e-mail, you have to reply it as soon as possible. Tell the other side that youve received theirs. 2.1.3 The Etiquette of Business LettersBefore writing a business letter, you are supposed to make a draft, which contains the purpose, the facts and the solutions. Then, you can take the design, layout, format, style into consideration. In order to leave a good impression for your client, many companies have adopted the uniform envelop, papers and have set a standard in arranging the contents. What if there is no standard? Then you have to give some thoughts about the design. The color of the envelop had better be white, gray or cream. The receivers name, title, address and the postcode should be written at the middle of the envelop. The name, logo or the seal of your company should be placed at the lower left corner. The stamp should be stuck at the upper right corner. As for long business letters, youd better choose A4 paper. If its a short or a personal thanks letter, youd better choose A5 paper with a smaller envelop. The letter had better be printed when it is aimed at solving clients complaints. As for personal letters, youd better write it by your own hands which can be


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