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北京市西城区20102011学年度第一学期期末试卷(北区)八年级英语(B卷) 2011. 1听力理解(共15分)一、听对话,选出与对话内容相符的图片。每段对话读两遍。(共4分。每小题1分)二、听对话。根据对话内容,从下面各题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选择最佳选项。每段对话读两遍。(共7分,每小题1分)5. When did Mike clean his room?A. At 5:00 pm. B. At 3:00 pm. C. At 7:00 pm. 6. What did the boy do yesterday afternoon?A. He read a book. B. He chatted online. C. He did his homework. 7. What is the man going to buy for his brother?A. A model plane. B. A toy car. C. A storybook. 8. Where is Jack now?A. In France. B. In China. C. In Japan. 9. What is Mary going to do at the party?A. Take photos. B. Sing a song. C. Play the violin. 请听一段对话,完成第10至第11小题。10. What does Bob think of his Chinese class?A. Its larger than Sallys classes. B. Its smaller than Sallys classes. C. Its as large as Sallys classes. 11. Why does Sally think Bob is lucky?A. Because he doesnt have to run between buildings. B. Because he has taken the Chinese class in the university. C. Because he has the classmates from different countries. 三、听独白,根据所听到的内容和提示词语,记录关键信息。独白读两遍。(共4分,每小题1分)知识运用(共25分)四、单项填空(共15分,每小题1分)从下面各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选择可以填入空白处的最佳选项。16. We should depend_ ourselves not others. A. toB. ofC. inD. on17. She has taken her doctors_ and she often goes running in the morning. A. messageB. informationC. adviceD. news18. You cant go on_ so much. Its bad for you. A. drinkB. drinkingC. to drinkD. drank19. She_ her dog in her garden when a stranger rushed in. A. is trainingB. was trainingC. trainsD. trained20. Scientists think there has been life on Earth_ millions of years ago. A. sinceB. forC. before D. after21. Is Mary abroad?Yes. She_ to Austria. A. has beenB. goesC. will goD. has gone22. The policeman told the little boy_ football in the street. A. not playB. not playingC. not to playD. to play23. Some people dont like cheese,because it_ too strong. A. eatsB. feelsC. looksD. tastes24. What will the weather be like tomorrow?It will be sunny_ cold. A. soB. orC. butD. because25. Mum,may I play computer games now?Sure,but you_ finish your homework first. A. canB. mayC. mustD. could26. You have never climbed the Great Wall before,_?A. didnt youB. did youC. havent youD. have you27. This book is a bit difficult. _reading something easier?All right. A. How aboutB. Why dont youC. Can ID. Will you28. John,your watch. You_ it on my desk yesterday. Thank you so much. A. leftB. have givenC. broughtD. have forgotten29. How long_ you_ the guitar? For only a month. A. did,buyB. have,boughtC. did,haveD. have,had30. A man has built a house with thousands of bottles. _How could he make it?A. How is it going?B. You cant be serious!C. Just wait and see. D. Thanks for telling me. 五、完形填空阅读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选择最佳选项。(共10分,每小题1分)Catherine sat on her bed with her chin(下巴)in her hands. “Why arent you getting ready for Grandmas birthday party?” asked Mother. “I cant make good presents like Anne and Sylvia. ”Catherine said unhappily. “All I made for her is a 31 . ”“No one can be good at 32 ,”said Mother. She sat on the bed next to Catherine. “When I was your age, I felt sad when I couldnt do certain things. But a shoebox game made me feel a lot better. ”Catherine asked,“How can a shoebox make me feel better?”“ Youll see,”said Mother. She disappeared(消失)down the hall,and then came back 33 a shoebox,a pencil,paper,and scissors. Catherine watched as Mother cut several pieces of paper into squares. “Now,I want you to 34 down all the things you can do,”said Mother. “Like what?” asked Catherine. “Why not start 35 things youve learned in school?”First,she thought of how she could add without counting on her fingers. Then she thought of how she could read bedtime stories all by herself. 36 Catherine began to write and write. Soon she wrote on every square of paper. “Do you think theyll all fit(容得下)in the shoebox?” said Mother. “I hope so,”said Catherine. “It was 37 thinking of all the things I can do. ”“And the next time you feel sad 38 you cant do something,your feel-good shoebox will remind(提醒)you of how much you can do just as 39 did when I was a little girl,”said Mother. “Now lets finish getting dressed for the party. ”“Happy birthday! ”the children said to their grandma excitedly when they arrived at Grandmas house. “We brought you cookies,”said Anne. “We 40 them ourselves,”said Sylvia. “Wonderful. ”said Grandma. Then Catherine gave her card to Grandma. “Why ,its the prettiest birthday card Ive ever seen!”That night,when she lay in bed,Catherine thought about her day. She thought most about her feel-good shoebox and how it really did make her feel very,very good. 31. A. kissB. pencilC. cookieD. card32. A. nothingB. everythingC. somethingD. anything33. A. openingB. takingC. carryingD. throwing34. A. writeB. lookC. goD. get35. A. toB. atC. likeD. with36. A. SlowlyB. CarelesslyC. HardlyD. Sadly37. A. hardB. smartC. funD. different38. A. untilB. becauseC. afterD. so39. A. mineB. yoursC. weD. they40. A. boughtB. foundC. tastedD. made阅读理解(共30分)六、阅读下列短文,根据短文内容,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选择最佳选项。(共20分,每小题2分)A41. Where is Mr. Gill taking his class?A. To an art museum. B. To a school. C. To a science museum. D. To a park. 42. Who will probably take part in the field trip?A. Teachers. B. Students. C. Scientists. D. Parents. 43. What are you going to do if you join the class on Monday?A. To bring a lunch. B. To reach school at 9:30 a. m. C. To call Mr. Gill. D. To buy a ticket. BA group of frogs(青蛙)were traveling through the forest and two of them fell into a deep hole in the ground. When the rest of frogs saw how deep the hole was,they told the two frogs that they were as good as dead. The two frogs ignored(不理)what they said and tried to jump out of the hole. The other frogs kept telling them to stop jumping,that they were as good as dead. Finally,one frog followed what they were saying and gave up(放弃). He fell down and died. The other frog continued to jump as hard as he could. Once again,other flogs shouted at him to stop the pain and just die. He jumped even harder and finally made it out. When he got out,the other frogs said,“Didnt you hear us?” The frog told them that he could not hear very well and he thought they were encouraging(鼓励)him all the time. This story teaches us two lessons. 1. An encouraging word to someone who is down can cheer them up and help them make it through the day. 2. A destructive word to someone who is down can be what it takes to kill them. Be careful of what you say. It is sometimes hard to understand that an encouraging word can go such a long way. Lets take the time to encourage others. 44. What happened to the frogs in the forest?A. The frogs got lost on the way. B. The frogs couldnt hear each other. C. Two of the frogs fell into a deep hole. D. Two of the frogs got angry with others. 45. What is the Chinese meaning of the word“ destructive ”in the passage?A. 破坏性的B. 激励的C. 精确的D. 愤怒的46. A frog in the hole stopped jumping because_. A. it was not strong enoughB. it was looking forward to some helpC. it was in a bad situationD. it followed other frogs words47. What can you infer(推断)according to the passage?A. Lets face the awful truth together. B. We should learn to encourage other people. C. A bad beginning makes a bad ending. D. We must learn to walk before we can run. CA childs birthday party should be one of the most interesting things of the year. The three keys(关键)to a successful child s birthday party are planning,more planning,and even more planning. Childs birthday party games are an important part of every party and we must think about it and get everything ready before the party. Luckily, there is a lot of fun and interesting games to keep children busy and happy,so it is not difficult to come up with more than enough ideas. It is important to remember that children have a very short attention span(注意力). For that reason,one or two activities will not keep the children entertained for a long time. Plan a lot of short,fun games that will meet their different needs. Make sure that the games are right for the children of different ages. Be sure to have enough ideas in mind that it is possible to“ throw away” any activity that is not going well. Childs birthday party games should be simple and fun. If a game is started and no one seems to be having any fun,simply end that activity and start another. Children can become successful and happy in change and will not mind a bit. If the party is held indoors,it is a good idea to clear a room for the games. For outdoor parties,make sure that the play area is free from dangers and that the games do not include tree climbing or other activities that probably get children hurt. Finally,remember to have prizes or something special on hand to reward(奖励)the players. They do not need to be large or expensive. Childs birthday party games are about fun,not rewards. Be sure to have prizes not only for the winners of the games,but for every child at the party,so that each child will go home with fun and remember the party time spent with friends. 48. If the parents stop a boring game and start a new one at the party,the children will_. A. get angry with the parentsB. stop playing both gamesC. still have fun with the new gameD. be very excited about the old game49. To have a successful childs birthday party,we will do a lot of things EXCEPT(除了)_.A. make a plan for the partyB. look for a safe play areaC. prepare expensive prizes for each childD. think about enough, short and fun games50. Which is the best title(题目)of the passage?A. The most interesting thingB. Childs birthday party gamesC. Finding a safe area for the partyD. Planning a childs birthday party七、阅读短文,根据短文内容。从短文后的五个选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有一项为多余选项。(共4分,每小题1分) If youve ever tried to catch a bird by putting salt on its tail(尾巴),you already know it cant be done. But do you know why?Birds can see behind themselves! But they dont have eyes in the backs of their heads. Its the special way birds eyes work. Birds can see whats on the side,in front of them and behind them,all at the sanle time. 51. _Compare a birds eye to your own. You can find your eye is having a round shape,like an orange. But a birds eye is flat and that helps the bird keep more things in sight(视野)at one time. Another way a birds eye is different,is that it doesnt move like yours. 52. _This is called“ bobbing”,and“ bobbing” helps some birds see the same thing many times over. That way the bird can decide whether(是否)what its seeing is something it wants to eat or something that wants to eat it. Many birds,like the owl,have very big eyes. In fact,owls have eyes as big as peoples. 53. _Owls can turn their heads easily around to the back. And,since they hunt(捕猎)in the dark,owls can see better in the dark than in the light. Hawks and other birds that hunt small animals have eyes designed to help them hunt. They keep their eyes on dinner when they dive(move downwards fast). 54. _While owls and other birds that eat at night can see more clearly in the dark, the birds that eat in the day can see colors better. Whether birds look for their food at night or during the day, they all have excellent eyesight. 八、阅读短文,根据短文内容回答问题。(共6分,55至58小题1分. 59小题2分)Winter is coming. Its time again for coughing(咳嗽)and sneezing(打喷嚏). You cant keep away from colds completely,but if you know more about how theyre caught and passed from one person to another,you can make your winter healthier. Lets test how much you know about your colds. To keep away from colds,stay inside as much as possible during cold weather. False. Cold weather does not make colds startviruses(病毒)do. There are more than 100 different cold viruses. Children most probably catch colds because they have no protection against more cold viruses in school. When you sneeze,cover(遮盖)your nose and mouth with your hand.False. This usually helps colds move over an area. When you sneeze,cold viruses are carried through the air and can give the cold to other people around you. Colds may also be passed in another way. A person who sneezes covers his mouth,touches an object(such as a glass or telephone),another person picks up the object and then touches her mouth,nose,or eyes. Its better to sneeze into a tissue(纸巾)and then throw the tissue away. If you dont have a tissue,sneeze into your sleeve(袖子),or turn your head toward the floor. Then wash your hands. Chicken soup helps you feel better when you have a cold. True. Studies have shown that hot drinks can help to make breathing easier. Aspirin will make headaches better for a short time. These ways often help you feel better,but you wont get over a cold faster. Your bodys natural defenses(抵抗力),along with time and rest,are the only known cure(疗法),but you can help stop colds by eating lots of fruits and vegetables. 55. Do hot drinks help you feel better when you have a cold?56. Which can make you catch a cold,viruses or cold weather?57. What should you do when you sneeze without a tissue?58. What food is helpful when you have a cold?59. Why is it better to know more about colds?书面表达(共20分)九、完成句子(共10分,每小题2分)根据所给中英文提示,完成下列各句。60. 能把你的新毛衣给我看看吗?Could you_ your new sweater?61. 我们为参加第十六届亚运会的中国运动员感到骄傲。We_ all Chinese players in the 16th Asian Games. 62. 我捡了一只流浪狗,父母同意把它养在家里。I found a stray dog and my parents _it at home. 63. 汤姆和他的朋友正在为一个新的环保项目筹集资金。Tom and his friends are_ for a new project_. 64. 在学校里和老师同学们相处得好会令你愉快的。Its_ classmates and teachers in the school. 十、文段表达(10分) 65. 假如你是Tom,来自英国。1月2日是你到北京旅游的第二天,天气晴朗。请你依据下面地图和图画所表示出的游览路线和活动写一篇日记。(日记的开头已给出。)要求:(1)根据地图的提示,简要写出游览路线;(2)根据图画写出你所到过的地方和在那里的活动;(3)字数:不少于60字。试题答案:听力理解一、听对话选图。1. B2. C3. B4. A二、听对话选择答案。5. B6. C 7. C8. A9. B10. B11. A 二、听独白记录关键信息。12. biggest13. 191014. Learning15. home知识运用四、单项填空16. D17. C18. B19. B20. A21. D22. C23. D 24. C25. C26. D27. A28. A29. D30. B五、完形填空31. D32. B33. C34. A 35. D36. A37. C38. B 39. A40. D阅读理解六、阅读短文,选择最佳选项。41. C42. B43. A44. C 45. A46. D47. B48. C49. C50. B七、阅读短文,还原句子。51. B52. C53. A54. E八、阅读短文,回答问题。55. Yes. /Yes,they do. 56. Viruses. 57. I should sneeze into my sleeve or turn my head toward the floor. (学生还回答wash your hands,不扣分。) 58. Hot chicken soup,fruits and vegetables. 59. Because I can make my winter healthierkeep away from colds. 书面表达九、完成句子60. show me 61. are proud of 62. agreed to keep63. raising money,to protect the environment 64. pleasant for you to get onalong well with十、文段表达说明:学生要写出三个要点。1简要写出游览路线 2到过的地方 3那里的活动教师阅卷时应关注到学生审题情况。本文是一篇日记,而不是导游词或其他,这也是要求简要写出游览路线的原因。评分标准:第一档:(8-10分)1. 所写的内容符合要求,文章整体性较好;2. 句子基本正确,表达错误较少,表达较通顺:3. 单词拼写错误不超过5个。第二档:(5-7分)1. 所写的内容基本符合要求;2. 句子表达错误较多,但尚可读懂;3. 单词拼写错误不超过10个。第三档:(0-4分)1. 所写的内容不符合要求;2. 只有少数句子表达正确;3. 单词拼写错误较多,影响对文章理解。65. One possible versionThis is the second day I have been here. I got up very early this morning and I left my hotel at nine oclock. First,I went along Changan Street to Tiananmen Square. It is a very big and beautiful square. I visited the National Museum of China. Three hours later,I turned right into Zhengyi Road and arrived at the most traditional restaurant called Quanjude in Beijing. Its just next to the bus station. The roast duck is really delicious. After lunch I took the bus to Lao She Teahouse. It is not too far and it took me 20 minutes to get there. It is on Qianmen Street and opposite I saw a supermarket. In the teahouse I watched Beijing opera and drank some tea. Today I had a good time. I think Beijing is a very different city and I have some wonderful experiences here. 听力录音材料:1. W:Excuse me, Jim. Could you please tell me where pandas live?M:Sure. They live in China. 2. W:What about going to Russia for our winter holiday?M:Its not a good idea. Its freezing there. 3. W:What do British people do when they meet for the first time?M:They usually shake hands. 4. W:You like classical music, dont you?M:Yes. I do. Im learning to play the piano. 5. W:Mike, its 5:00 pm now. Have you cleaned your room?M:Yes, Mum. I cleaned it two hours ago. 6. M:What did you do yesterday afternoon?W:I read a book and chatted online for a short time. And you?M:I did my homework carefully. 7. M:Id like to buy a model plane for my brothers birthday. W:Well, hes got too many model planes and toy cars. What about a storybook?M:Thats a good idea. He likes reading. 8. W:Is Jack in China?M:No. He has gone to France. W:Oh, he is so busy. He just came back from Japan last week. 9. M:Hi. Mary! I have invited Betty and Daming to my En


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