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河西区 2007 2008学年度第二学期九年级结课质量调查 英语试卷 第 I卷(选择题 共四大题 共 75分) 一 . 听力理解(本大题共 30小题,每小题 1分,共 30分) 略 二 . 单项填空(本大题共 15小题,每小题 1分,共 15分) 从下列每小题所给的 A、 B、 C和 D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 31. Susan could play piano at age of five . A. a ; a B. a ; the C. the ; / D. the ; the 32. Here a new pair of jeans for you . A. is B. are C. have D. has 33. Please help me move the box in . OK , but there is not enough for it . A. area B. room C. floor D. ground 34. How about your new teacher ? Shes very kind . And her voice beautiful . A. listens to B. listens C. hears D. sounds 35. There are quite a few magazines on the table , but of them is useful to me . A. all B. both C. none D. neither 36. There are about eight students in our school . A. hundreds B. hundred C. hundreds of D. hundred of 37. This year the farmers planted apple trees they did last year . A. fewer ; than B. as less ; as C. as few ; as D. less ; than 38. You didnt pass the English test . You spend too much time playing computer games . A. wouldnt B. mustnt C. may not D. neednt 39. Yesterday I met my old friend but I forgot him for his telephone number . A. asking B. ask C. and ask D. to ask 40. Too much salt can be bad your health . A. with B. of C. for D. to 41. do you write to our school magazine ? Twice a month . A. How often B. How soon C. How long D. How far 42. “What in your last summer holidays , Daming ?” asked Lingling . A. did you do B. are you doing C. were you doing D. do you do 43. How clean and tidy your classroom is ! Thank you . It every day . A. cleans B. is cleaned C. was cleaned D. is cleaning 44. Would you please tell me ? Sorry , I dont know . A. what is her telephone number B. what was her telephone number C. what her telephone number is D. what her telephone number was 45. Do you know the boy is listening to MP3 ? A. which B. what C. whom D. who 三 . 完形填空 (本大题共 10小题,每小题 1分,共 10分) 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的 A、 B、 C和 D四个选项中选出最佳选项。 Ive been saving money for a new guitar . It 46 me over a year , and now I have enough money to buy one . Northside Music Store has a lot of guitars 47 sale this week and Im going to buy one tomorrow . I 48 hardly wait ! I think the guitar can really help the 49 of our band . We call the band Skinny Dog(瘦狗) 50 the skinny dog that lives near our practice hall . Our music sounds very 51 now . Mr Walton , the music teacher, heard us 52 today at school and came to listen for a while . He seemed to enjoy it . Then he said we should try to play at a party or something . Tony , who plays the drums , knows a girl named Jennifer 53 is going to have a birthday party soon . Hes going to ask her if we can play 54 songs there . We wont get paid or 55 . Everyone has to start somewhere , Mom says . If Jennifer wants us to play , well sing a couple of our favourite songs that weve been practising a lot , like Summer Days and Deep River Rock . I guess we should learn to play Happy Birthday . I dont think that will be difficult to learn . 46. A. spent B. paid C. took D. cost 47. A. on B. in C. at D. of 48. A. may B. can C. need D. must 49. A. singer B. action C. band D. performance 50. A. because of B. because C. so D. though 51. A. well B. good C. bad D. badly 52. A. listening B. working C. practicing D. running 53. A. whose B. whom C. who D. which 54. A. a few B. a little C. little D. few 55. A. something B. everything C. nothing D. anything 四 . 阅读理解(本大题共 15小题; 56 65题每小题 1分, 66 70题每小题 2分;共 20分) 阅读下面短文,从每小题所给的 A、 B、 C和 D四个选项中选出一个最佳选项。 A James was a professor in Cambridge . He once was invited to go to New York for a lecture(讲座) . His house was an hours ride away from the airport . The flight was to leave at 8:30 , so he had to be at the airport at about 7:30 in the morning . He ordered a taxi for 6:30 , set his alarm clock(闹表) for 5:45 , and then went to sleep . Unfortunately , he forgot to wind(给上紧发条) the clock , and it stopped suddenly after midnight . Also the taxi driver over slept that morning . James suddenly woke with the terrible feeling that something was wrong . He looked at his alarm clock . It stood there sllently with the hands pointing to ten past twelve . He turned on the radio and discovered that it was in fact ten to nine . He switched on the electric kettle(电壶) . He was just pouring the boiling water into the teapot when the nine o clock pips(报时讯号)sounded on the radio . The newsreader began to read the news , “Reports are coming in an accident near the airport . A Boeing 707 leaving for New York crashed after taking off this morning . Flight Number : 2234.” James cried , “Its my flight ! If I hadnt overslept , I would have been on that plane .” 56. James decided to go to New York . A. by train B. by plane C. by ship D. by car 57. James planned to get up at am . A. 5:45 B. 6:30 C. 7:30 D. 8:30 58. Why didnt James hear the alarm clock go off ? A. Because it was broken . B. Because the sound was very low . C. Because James forgot to wind it . D. Because James left it in another room . 59. If James has taken his plane , he would have . A. lost his life B. gone to New York safely C. finished giving the lecture D. bought a new alarm clock 60. Which of the following is in the right order ? James ordered a taxi . The newsreader read the news on the radio . The alarm clock stopped at midnight . A Boeing 707 crashed near the airport . A. B. C. D. B A grown-up person has ten or eleven pints(品脱) of blood inside his or her body . We can lose a pint of blood without feeling anything , but if we lose a great deal of blood , we feel weak and cold . Our face becomes pale . We may die . This is what often happens when somebody is hurt in an accident , or a soldier is wounded in a battle(战斗) . Many people used to die in this way . But nowadays they can be taken to hospitals and given more blood . Almost at once they feel better . Their faces are no longer pale . They do not die . Where does the blood come from ? People who are bealthy give some blood so that it can be used in this way . Every three months they go to a place where blood is collected . A special kind of needle is put into the arm . It does not hurt . The blood runs through the needle and through a rubber tube(管子) into a bottle . A pint of blood is taken in this way . Then the person who has given the blood drinks a cup of tea or coffee . He sits down for a few minutes . Then he feels quite well and leaves . Three months later he comes back again and gives another pint . A person who gives blood in this way feels happy . He knows that his blood will be used to save someones life . Perhaps he himself will need blood . When you are old enough , you may decide to give blood in this way . But you cannot do this until you are eighteen . 61. The underlined word “pale” is closest in meaning to . A. with a bright red colour B. with little colour in the face C. with a lot of tears in the eyes D. without any sound or movement 62. A person who has lost much blood . A. has to drink some tea or coffee B. has to go to see a doctor at once C. must be given more blood D. must be given an operation 63. The healthy people . A. can supply some blood to the people who need it B. need to have a good rest if they give some blood to others C. can be given a little blood , too D. feel terrible after they give some blood to others 64. One person can give blood when . A. he is cold enough B. he is careful enough C. he is tall enough D. he is old enough 65. The passage tells us . A. everyone should give some blood to others B. itll be safe if you give a pint of blood to others C. one can give some blood to others before eighteen D. it is dangerous to lose some blood C On very cold winter days , a group of Japanese children traveled a long way and arrived at a small island where nobody lived . After setting up a camp , they caught fish in the sea , and walked on the snow to find firewood , wild fruit and fresh water . Then they made a fire to do some cooking . They were not homeless children or modern Robinson . They were all pupils from a primary school and campers of special “hardship camp”. Every year primary and middle schools in Japan organize such camps to train the childrens spirit of bearing hardship . Such places as thick forests and far-off mountains are often chosen as camp places . The Japanese education circles usually thinik it necessary to give children chances of suffering hardships . Children in Japan now may hardly find times of hardships , because of the rapid growth of national economy and improvement in the peoples living conditions . The experts think that such hardship camps can help children learn to live and develop in the struggle against nature in modern society . Its said that such hardship camps are warmly accepted by both Japanese school children and their parents . 66. Many Japanese children set up camps in far-off mountains or forests to . A. be modern Robinson B. enjoy traveling C. stay away from the troubles at home D. suffer hardships 67. Children in Japan now hardly find times of hardships because . A. they dont go out often B. their living conditions are greatly improved C. they have too much homework to do every day D. their parents do most of the things for them 68. It seems that hardship camps are in Japan . A. getting fewer and fewer B. not necessary among the children C. very popular D. good to those who are homeless 69. What one group of children did on a small island would help them learn . A. to live in the struggle against nature B. what to do at home after school C. about islands and seas D. how to travel in places where nobody lived 70. What seems to be a problem to children in Japan today according to the passage ? A. What to do at school . B. How to develop in modern society . C. Where to go to set up camps. D. Whether to get children to go out . 第 II卷(非选择题 共五大题 共 45分) 五 . 完成句子(本大题共 5小题,每小题 2分,每空 1分,共 10分) 根据所给中文意思完成句子,每空只填一个单词。 71. 如果你想保持健康,就戒烟吧。 If you want to keep healthy , smoking please . 72. 我们大多数人以大米为主食。 Most of us rice . 73. 我们要保护濒危动物,使它们不受到猎杀。 We should the animals in danger killing . 74. Tom今天早晨到校晚了,因为他的自行车坏了。 Tom got to school late this morning , because his bike . 75. 故事发生在 1857年。 The story in 1857 . 六 . 补全对话(本大题共 5小题,每小题 1分,共 5分) 根据对话内容,在每小题的空白处填入适当的话语,使对话意思完整。 A: The summer holiday will come next month . 76 ? B: Id like to go swimming . A: That will be very interesting . 77 ? B: Yes , my dad will go with me . He is very good at swimming . I need a teacher . I just started to learn it last year . 78 ? A: Im going to help my father with his farm work . Its the busiest time of the year for him . B: 79 ? A: Maybe three or four weeks . Then I can do some other things for myself , like playing football or swimming . B: 80 . A: Thank you . You too . 七 . 任务型阅读(本大题共 5小题,每小题 1分,共 5分) 阅读下面短文,完成下列各题。 There are two different kinds of wolves . One is the grey wolf , also called the timber wolf(大灰狼) , which lives in North America , the Arctic and northern Europe . The other is the red wolf , which lives only in the center of Southern USA . A wolf may go several days without food , but after a kill , it may eat up half of its body weight of meat . Wolves are not always cruel(残忍的) , however . There is good reason to believe that some wolves have even brought up(哺育) human children . In India , for example , a girl was looked after by wolves until she was nine . A grey wolf is nearly a metre and weighs about 70 kilograms . A red wolf is much smaller and lighter . The wolf is not a fast runner , though a grey wolf can run as fast as 30 miles an hour when it is running after prey(猎物) for a short period of time . But it can run very long distance at the speed of 5 miles an hour without stopping . A red wolf in Oklahoma was recorded as traveling over four mountain ranges(山脉) in two weeks , a total of 200 kilometres . A baby wolf is born deaf(聋的) and blind(瞎的) , although it is covered with fur . For the first few weeks , it still depends on its mother . Only at the age of about 18 months it is able to look after itself . 81. There are two different kinds of wolves . 82. The red wolf lives only . 83. Once in India , some wolves a girl until she was 9 . 84. Usually , the grey wolf is than the red wolf . 85. The baby wolf until it is about 18 months old . 八 . 综合填空(本大题共 10小题,每小题 1分,共 10分) 根据短文内容及首字母提示,填写所缺单词,使短文意思完整。 There are several ways you can find out about the countries and places you wish to visit . If your friends have been there , you can t 86 to them . They may give you detailed and vivid(详尽且生动的) descriptions about the place . Most important of all , they can offer some good advice for the t 87 . For example , which part is more interesting than o 88 ? How can you e 89 yourself better ? What should you pay more attention to ? The advice is all from their o 90 experience . Another way is to ask for help from a travel agency(代理处) . An experienced agent(代理商) may g 91 you a lot of information . Above all , they are always r 92 to help . Besides , you can also read travel books . They are h 93 too . Sometimes , they are b 94 than a friend or a travel agency , because you can always read them w 95 you want . 九 . 书面表达(本大题共 15分) Peter 来信向你询问你的学校是什么样子的,请你用 80 100 个词给他做个简单介绍,内容包括你对学校的整体评价,包括其规模、课程设置、作息等。短文的开头已给出,不计入总词数。 Dear Peter , Im very glad to write to you . Yours , Da Ming 英语试题听力录音稿 略 河西区 2007 2008学年度第二学期九年级结课质量调查 英语试卷参考答案 一 . A 1 5 BCCAB 6 10 ABCBC B 11 15 ABAAC 16 20 BCBAC C 21 25 BCACA 26 30 CABAC 二 . 3


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