



第 1 2 页完型填空与阅读Use of English该部分共有20 小题。在一篇240-280词的文章中留下20个空白,要求考生从每题所给出的四个选项中选出最佳答案。答题时应该考虑以下几个方面:1)通读全文,考虑上下文的含义;2)运用逻辑推理;3)注意惯用法和固定搭配关系。Read the following text .Choose the best word or phrase marked A. B. C .or D for each numbered blank.We often hear the_1_ “Bug” while using computers. But what is a bug? In computer science, a bug _2_ an error in software of hardware. In software, a bug is an error in coding or logic that causes a program to malfunction or to _3_in correct results. Minor bugs, for example a cursor that does not behave as _4_can be inconvenient or frustrating, but not damaging to _5_. More severe bugs can cause a program to “hang” (stop responding to _6_and might _7_the user with no _8_but to restart the program. Losing whatever _9_ work had not been saved. In _10_case, the programmer must find and correct the error by the _11_ known as debugging. Because of the _12_risk to important data, commercial application programs are tested and _13_ as completely as possible before release .Minor bugs found after the program becomes _14_are corrected in next update; more _15_bugs can sometimes be fixed with special software, called patches, that circumvents or otherwise _16_its effects. In hardware, a bug is a recurring _17_problem that prevents a system or set of _18_from working together properly. The_19_ of the term reputedly goes back to the early days of computer at Harvard University was _20_to a moth caught between the contacts of a relay in the machine.1. a. wording b.term c.diction d.insect2. a. recurs to b.prefers to c.attributes to d.refers to3. a. produce b. achieve c. recreate d.attain4. a.expect b.expectation c.expecting d.expected5. a. information b.material c.memory d.news6 mands b.monitor c.control d.supervision7. a. grant b.retain c.leave d.reward8. a.alternative b.objective c. collective d.derivative9. a.prestigious b. precarious c.previous d.precious10.a.both b.either c. neither d. cess b. operation c.performance mising b.potential c. prospective bable13.a.debugged b.analyzed c.released d.removed14.a.accessible b.affable c.available d.adaptable15.a.minor b.major c.important d.severe16.a.alleviates b.worsens c.reduces d.enhances17.a.mental b.physical c.formal d. substantial18.a. ompound positions ponents posure19.a.beginning b.start c.source d.origin20.a.tracked b.traced c.followed d.detectedReading comprehension能力要求:理解主旨要义;理解具体信息;推测生词含义;进行推理判断和引申;理解概念性含义;理解文章的结构、单句之间、段落之间的关系;理解作者意图、观点和态度;区分论点和论据;该部分有A、B两部分组成,A节:该节20题,考查考生阅读能力。根据提供四篇文章的内容,从每题给出的四个选项中选出最佳答案。B节:要求阅读一篇约400词的文章,将其中5个画线部分翻译成中文。A sixth grader settles downs to tackle her homework on a weekday afternoon in 2004. She is sitting on the bus with her laptop; logging on to the Internet to take a math-skills test in the school home page and get her own personalized assignment. She downloads the software shell need, seeks help from an online school librarian and emails the finished work to her teacher. Mom and dad check in from their office computer, comparing her scores with the class and the state averages.Homework in the future may not any less laborious, but it will certainly be more wired. And as more children gain access to computers and the Net75%of teens and 47% of kids aged 2 to 12 are expected to be online by 2002schools and technology companies are responding with unique assignment and high-tech homework help for parents and kids. On the menu: TAILOR-MADE ASSIGNMENTS. The most profound way homework will change is that instead of everybody heading home with the same lesson; each student will sit down to an individual assignment. The school server, or central computer, will maintain information on each students progress and dole out the appropriate work when the child checks the Web page.Keeping in touch. For students like high school junior Samantha Symonds of Pottstown, pa, the simple ease of getting assignments on line and turning in via emails is reason enough to take homework digital. Samantha, a competitive fencer, travels far from her school for tournament and boots up to stay on top of her assignment. Logging on in hotel rooms and airports, she gets copies of course lectures and lab assignments, emails her teacher when she is stumped and even takes tests on line. “You can actually focus on what you need to know rather than tracking down someone to answer your questions,” Samantha says.Unlimited research. Kids are rapidly becoming experts at searching websites and CD-RoMS for research projects and wowing teachers with what they find. The most profound way homework will change is that instead of everybody heading home with the same lesson; each student will sit down to an individual assignment.Wiring the Have-Nots. As computers become the homework to tool of choice, educators worry about children who dont have access to the technology. “The kids who dont have computers at home will be at such a fundamental disadvantage. It will be as if they dont have a pen or paper,” says Ellyot Solovay, a professor at he university of Michigan. Hes just finished a study in which internet TVs were placed in the homes of a class of Detroit public-school students, and found it not only benefited the kids but boosted parental involvement as well.Yet wining kids over to become fans of homework may take more than high-tech help. Annette Bitters seventhgraders love doing research on the laptops they got through a Microsoft study. “But of course there are always excuses” says Bitter, who keeps hearing a modern tale of woe. “The computer ate my homework.”1.How will assignments in 2004 be finished?A. Students will go to school and finish the school work assigned by teachers.B. Middle school teachers will require students to type our all their assignments.C. Different assignments will be given to students according ti their own will.D. Staying at home, students can get their assignments through the Internet and email to their teachers after finishing them.2. According to the passage, laptop probably refers to _.A. a small-sized portable computerB. a newly-invented TV setC. a kind of calculatorD. an old-fashioned private computer3.What does the author mean by saying “it (homework) will certainly be more wired”?A. More wires will be needed to finish homework.B. homework is going to be done by wiring the house.C. Students are expected to finish school work through the Internet.D. Teachers will inform students of homework by phoning.4.What kind of assignment will teachers give to students in 2004 according to the passage?A. Less laborious than todays homework.B.Assignment given according to students different conditions.C. Easy to complete with the help of online information.D. work that are most entertaining to the students.5.It is implied in the passage that _A. information technology enables education to vary from person to person.B. assignment in 2004 will be more entertaining and less painingC. all students are going to be fans of homework in the future.D. traditional education is doomed to disappear解析1.D 考查对文章具体内容的的理解。通过对第一段具体事例的分析和总结,即可得出结论。2.A 考查对不熟悉的词语的推断能力,通过上下文中的关键词可以推断该词的意思。比如:internet, home page, down load the soft ware, online, email.这些词都是和计算机密切相关的。3.C 考查对不熟悉词语的推断能力。通过上下文可以得知,未来的作业需要通过网络完成。4.B 考查对文章具体内容的理解。通过文章中出现的关键词TAILoR-MADE ASSIGMENTS 及其解释可以得知未来的作业是量身订做的。5.A 考查逻辑推理能力和对文章具体内容的理解。未来的作业将仍然是Laborioou 所以不是所有的学生都是fans of homework,文章当中也没有提及传统教育的命运.翻译PETS4 对于翻译的考查重点仍然是放在对于整篇文章的理解和掌握上。1.She downloads the software shell need, seeks help from an online school librarian and emails the finished work to her teacher.她下载所需要的软件,在网上校园图书馆查询资料,把完成的作业通过邮件交给老师.(seek help原义是“寻求帮助” )2.Homework in the future may not any less laborious, but it will certainly be more wired.未来的作业不会比现在会更轻松,但肯定会更多的与网络联接/更加依赖网络来实现laborious “劳神费力的,辛苦的” not ,less注意两个否定词的用法。3.The most profound way homework will change is that instead of everybody heading home with the same lesson; each student will sit down to an individual assignment.家庭作业最深刻的变化将是每个学生都有为自己量身定做的作业,而不再是千篇一律的功课。instead of “是而不是”,注意翻译成汉语要通顺。4. and found it not only benefited the kids but boosted parental involvement as well.(研究)发现电脑网络不仅有利于孩子们,而且提高了家长们的参与性。boost: promote, encourage提高,促进5.Yet wining kids over to become fans of homework may take more than high-tech help.然而要使孩子们喜欢做家庭作业,仅仅凭靠高科技的帮助是远远不够的。more than在英语中的用法很多,希望大家给予注意。I have talked about the issue more than enough.关于这个问题,我说的已经够多的了。You have too pay much more than patience.你需要付出的不仅仅是耐心/光付出耐心是不够的 听力.口语,写作听力理解能力要求:理解主旨要义;获取事实性的具体信息理解明确或隐含的概念性含义进行有关的判断推理和引申;理解说话者的意图观点和态度。考试内容:该部分由ABC节组成。A节(5题): 考查学生理解详细信息的能力。根据180-200词的独白或对话,填补句子或表格中的空白。录音放两遍。B节(5题):考查考生理解总体和特定的信息能力。根据一段280-320词的独白或对话,回答简答题。录音放两遍。C节(10题): 考查考生获取特定信息,理解主旨和详细信息,猜测词义,判断演讲者态度和意图的能力。根据三段独白或对话(每段200-300词),从四个选项中选出最佳答案。录音只放一遍。注意事项:1.总体来讲,听每一段录音之前,每一道小题都有5秒的阅读时间。2.A节两遍。第一遍完毕,考生有30秒的时间检查答案,之后听第二遍。最后还有20秒的时间完成答案。3.B节两遍。第一遍完毕,考生有50秒时间检查,最后还有30秒时间完成答案。4.C节每段录音只放一遍。边听边答题,最后有30-40秒的时间检查答案。5.A.B两节要求把答案誊写在指定的位置。在听力部分结束之前,给出5分钟誊写答案。字数的要求很严格。A节每题答案在3字之内,B节在5字之内。注意在补全句子的题目中一定要与前面给出的句子部分的内容和语法结构的连贯性,而且答案在原则上采用录音材料中的文字。part A You will hear a monologue. Listen and complete the sentences in questions 1-5 with the information you have heard. Write not more than 3 words in each numbered box. You will hear the recording twice.录音正式开始之前,切记抓紧时间看一遍问题,第一,确定题目的要求;第二,通过问题猜测文章可能会涉及的内容,作到心中有数。第三,尽可能看清题目,以便听的时候有重点,不盲目。并且建议大家在对于答题很关键的词或词组下面做个标记,这样有利于理清思绪。迅速浏


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