



鍔瘝绫伙細1鈥滅湅鈥 look鐪嬬殑鍔綔/ see鐪嬬殑缁撴灉; watch瑙傚療/observe涓轰簡鐮旂杩涜 鐨勮瀵 Notice娉剰catch sight of鐪嬭/ stare濂藉 鍦扮湅 / glare鐬 潃鐪 Glance鐬呰/glimpse鐬 see a film watch TV2鈥滆 鈥 telll sth to sb.=tell sb sth鍛婅瘔鐨勫唴瀹 talk with sb about sth寮鸿皟璇磋瘽鑰呬箣闂寸殑浜祦 Say sth璇夎 鐨勫唴瀹 speak in English璇寸殑璇 whisper sth to sb 鑰宠 Inform sb of sth 閫氱煡鏌愪汉鏌愪簨 reason /talk/persuade sb into doing sth 璇存湇鏌愪汉鍋氭煇浜 Bargain璁环杩樹环 chat鑱婂 repeat閲嶅 explain瑙噴 warn璀憡 remind鎻愰啋 Discuss 璁debate杈 figure 鎸囧嚭declare瀹竷 claim鑷 mention 鎻愯捣 admit 鎵胯deny 鍚粷 describe鎻忚堪 announce 鍏 竷 introduce 浠嬬粛complain鎶辨3鈥滃彨鈥 cry鍝 彨 call鍙 shout澶枈 scream灏 彨 moan鍛 sigh鍙 quarrel澶 4鈥 鈥 ask 璇 interview 閲 express question瀹 5鈥滅 鈥 answer respond ( 浠 寮 reply 6 鈥滃 鈥listen to鍚 殑鍔綔 hear鍚 殑缁撴灉 pick up overhear 剰鍚 7鈥滃 鈥 dictate鍚 write sth describe鎻 drop a line draw take down/write down 涓8鈥currency1/ take“胯 bring“ hold涓fi潃 carry鎵fl 鎸 fetch“ lift涓 Put lay ” fi pull“push9鈥鈥 take hold of 鎶 潃 seize grasp 鎻 scratch 鎶10鈥鈥hit涓殑鎵 beat涓 殑鎵 strike 鐨勫鎵 blow鍚 attack 11鈥鈥throw鎵 drop fall 剰 wave “ shake 12鈥 send瀵 deliver閫 give缁 offer 涓 缁 see off缁煇浜 13鈥 /鎶 touch /fold鎶 /embrace“ / hug鎶hold 鎻 in one鈥 arms14鈥滆/ kick knock tip 15鈥滆 鈥 walk run climb jump skip slip come/go enter杩 move drive寮 ride ly crawl 嶅 鍓嶈繘16鈥滃潗鈥 sit down be seated seat oneself take a seat/ stand绔欙 鑰哥珛/ lean 潬17鈥滅潯/浼戞伅鈥lie /on one鈥 back/ on one side/ on one鈥 stomach stay in bed have a rest take a nap鎵 浌 be asleep bend turn over缈昏韩 rest 18鈥滅瑧鈥smile 寰瑧堜笉鍑哄 laugh burst into laughter burst out laughing 19鈥滃摥鈥 cry shed tears 鐣唱 weep鍛滃捊鍦板摥 sob鎶芥常 burst into tears /burst out crying20鈥壘/鏌find鎵 look for姝湪鎵捐 绋 find out鏌槑 discover/explore 鍙戠幇/储 hunt for search for seek / seek for in search of瀵壘 Search sb 滆韩 search sp. for sth 涓烘煇鐗屾悳瀵煇鍦 Check妫鏌 鏍稿疄 examine 鑰冨療鍙戠幇闂 /浣撴 test妫娴嬶 妫 inspect瑙嗗療21鈥滅鈥 put on 鍔綔 wear绌埓 have on璇曠 be dressed in 绌跨殑鐘舵make-up 栬 get changed鎹。鏈 be in red Take off 鑴remove 鍘婚櫎22鈥滃悆/鍠濃eat/drink sip鍚 惛 have a meal have supper toast taste treat sb to璇锋煇浜哄悆 help oneself to 闅忎究鍚23鈥滃緱鈥 get obtain acquire鑾峰緱鐭瘑鍜屾妧鑳 gain possess 24鈥滃鈥 lose 涓 簡 be lost /be missing浜 敊杩囧 涓嶈 gone涓嶈 堢墿 great loss die die off鐩哥户姝 die away 閫愭笎娑堝25鈥湁鈥 have 鏈 own鏄 嚜宸辩殑 conquer寰佹湇 occupy 湁=possess 26鈥鈥nothing left the remaining thing disappear be missing /gone27鈥滃/鍑忊 rise / go up /drop 浜轰富鍔姮浠 raise /bring down /reduce increase/decrease28鈥滀拱/ 栤buy purchase afford pay pay off pay for sell on sale bargain Bill / cheque / cash/ credit card notes/ coins discounts29鈥滃瓨鍦 娑堝鈥漜 ome into being exist appear survive live show turn up Disappear die die out pass away be out of sight30鈥滃彉 栤develop improve become grow go+ bad /wrong/ sour /withoutnegative adj.turn + colour change /change into reform 31鈥滆 璇嗙殑杩囩鈥漟 eel sense guess suppose wonder doubt know /learn realizeUnderstand remember be familiar with recall recite apply to 32鈥垚鍔 澶辫触鈥漨 ake it succeed make progress come true realize one鈥 dream win Lose fail to do failure defeat suffer loss beat turn sth. Into reality 33鈥滃姫鍔涒try /manage make efforts attempt do ones best do as much as one can to do 34绁濊春 congratulations on sb celebrate observe 嗙 get together 鑱氫細35 /鎵 praise think highly of / blame sb for sth/ sb is to blame criticize /scold sb. for sth. have a low opinion of sb Speak ill of 36鍠 like love be fond of be keen on be crazy about adore be into prefer enjoy in favor of Dislike hate be awful/disgusting ignore turn off 37 think believe consider find feel conclude infer doubt 38 arrive at reach return to get to stay in sp visit leave leave for on one鈥 way to upon one鈥 arrival on doing sth39鍙 hurt injured wound cut kill drown bleed get burnt suffer from suffer a loss40鎹 damage destroy ruin break down be broken crash 41 repair rebuild restore fix recover oneself 42 /鍙嶅 agree disagree accept receive refuse turn down be against elect vote for/ against43 鍋 cook wash cut chop boil fry steam make mix clean brush cover uncover cooker 44 鸿 advise suggest recommend urge propose demand persuade 璇存湇45 辫 sth/doing sth+cost sb+spend+ in doing sth Sb+afford +n/to do sth It +take some time/ money/energy +to do sth sb+ pay+$ for sth. at one鈥 expense 46 鐪 save /save up set aside put away spare no effort/ time 47 鍙傚 take part in join /join in attend compete in/ for/against 48憡 accuse sb. of charge sb. With 49 戞 help /help out save /rescue sb from sth. Treat杩囩 / cure 缁撴灉sb. Of sth Aid sb in doing sth / to do sth help sb with sth assist sb in doing sth 50 admire respect show respect for/to adore envy /be jealousy in honor of51閫 ran away escape from flee hide 52 / 佹 prevent / keep/ stop sb. From doing sth forbid doing sth. Ban prohibit 53 瀵 /澶 handle / do with / deal with /tackle /overcome sth solve settle 54 堜 copy imitate learn from learn 54 嗗/鍙戠 come about happen to take place break out burst out go off explosion 55瀹夎/ fasten fix set equip be armed with currency1 be equipped with 鏈 56 杩芥 pursuit ran after seek after chase catch up with “ keep up with 57 鑰fi think of 鑰fi/+as鎶flcurrency1堢湅 think about 宠捣 consider think over浠旂鑰fi be concerned “ be considerate towards sb.58 鎵 plan / intend / design to do be going to do /be about to do /will do 59 浼 /濂 seem appear look like as if as though 60 寮鍔 鍏 open start set up close/close up end close down 鍚嶈瘝绫”1鍋vacation holiday spring break ask for leave be on holiday have two days off2 trip journey tour voyage travel tourist passenger go camping/picnicking/hiking 3鑱 浜哄 clerk secretary passer-by friend minister manager waitress guest host hostess Assistant customer adult neighbor relative patient /vet staff crew nurse teacher Conductor tailor sailor inventor gardener guard 4愰/瀹 /灏 inn restaurant kitchen menu bill order tip fork and knife reserve /book table Taste delicious salad dash vegetables fruit tray napkin 5璇/鐪嬬/鏈嶈 clinic hospital take one鈥 temperature take medicine/pills have a fever/flu/headache doctor physician surgeon specialist patient6 /鏈哄 airport on board miss the train/bus catch a train meet sb.7 arm head hair brain waist back shoulder pulse wrist8 will courage patience determination faith effort confidence ambition energy9鎵嶈/鍝 talent gift ability potential intelligent promising smart stupid careful proud Strict honest cold serious easy-going learned knowledgeable 10浼 advantage disadvantage strength weakness 11鐩 aim goal intention purpose belief faith 12 means method way manner approach13 strong weak pale sick ill be well keep slim/ fit cut weight/put on weight 14 捐 photo picture graph drawing table line/bar graph pie chart draw a sketch 15囩 reading translation essay poem paper novel/fiction article magazine newspaper journal diary Files form make a list of16璇 class course lecture example reason message notes words phrase scholarship degree Subject question trouble difficulty grades read comment marks17 match game activity hold a meeting /debate /speech/ ceremony 18 鸿/瑙 advice suggestion idea proposal view recommandation19 澶 climate weather storm windy cloudy rainy snow hot/cold/freezing/heat/warmth 20浜 by train/bus /boat bike on the train/bus /a bike drive a car ride a bike give sb. a lift/ride21currency1 habit custom get used to regular鏈夎 寰嬬殑堝瀹 瘝 practice 堝璇 22 sight hearing touch smell sense 23 feeling emotion anger delight sadness sorrow 24 money possessions wealth belongings fortunes treasure diamond be rich/well-off25 杩 on the playground on the track and filed pitch event game match sports player Coach judge jogging weightlifting play volleyball/soccer/26 湇 clothes, cloth, clothing clothes缁 鍚 湇璇 璇 杩 澶 cloth鎸囧竷 负涓嶅彲 板璇clothing 鏈嶈 鐨勬荤 屾涓浠惰。鏈嶇敤a piece of, an article of27浜嬩欢 incident, accident incident鎸囧皬浜嬩欢, accident鎸囦笉骞哥殑浜嬫晠褰 璇嶇被1浜虹殑鍚 彈 currency1恏appy delighted to one鈥 joy pleased amused 鎮sad unhappy painful bitter骞潤 calm quiet silent/still peaceful鐑other bored be fed up with


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