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福建省厦门外国语海沧附属学校2011-2012学年八年级英语下学期期中试题(无答案) 人教新目标版考生须知: 请考生将答案书写在答题卷上。(一)听力测试(共20分). 听音,选择符合内容情景的图片。听两遍。(每小题1分,共1.5分). ,听简短对话,然后挑选最佳答案回答所听到的问题。(听两遍)(每小题1.5分)5. a. the boys b. the girls c. the girls mother6. a. in ten hours b. in twelve hours c. in twenty hours.7. a. at school b. at home c. at the doctors8. a. reading in the library b. traveling in a mountain c. walking in the street9. a. to travel around the world b. to build a big house c. to build a childrens hospital10. a. an artist b. an athlete c. a lawyer.听一篇较长对话和一篇短文,然后选择正确答案作答11-16小题。(听两遍)(每小题1.5分)text a11. when did lucy get her sport card?a. yesterday morning b. yesterday afternoon c. yesterday evening12. the english teacher said lucy was good at _. a. speaking and listening b. speaking and reading c. listening and reading13. lucy was lazy at _. a. history b. science c. chinesetext b14. when did they go to the mountains? a. on saturday morning b. on sunday morning c. on sunday afterday15. how did they go to the mountains?a. on foot b. by bus c. by bike16. who called the police? a. mary b. leo c. bill.听一篇对话,用恰当的单词填空完成17-20小题,每空一次。(听三遍)(每小题1.5分)information cardtomfell off (17)_ and hurt his (18)_feels much better todayhas to stay in bed for a few (19)_annsends (20)_ to tomwill help tom with his lessons.选择填空:从a、b、c中,选出一个最佳答案完成句子。(10分)21.the clothes are too heavy, please _. a. take away them b. take them away c. take it away 22. i think there will be _pollution and _ cars in the future. a. fewer; many b. less; fewer c. more; less 23. _ the alien got off the ufo, i was walking down the street. a. while b. when c. after 24. half the students in our class_ interested in watching english movies. a. are b. is c. be 25. he didnt live in xiamen_.a. any more b. any long c. no longer 26. the boy found _ hard to get along with the new classmates.a.its b. it c. / 27. i had a hard time with science, so i wasnt_to receive a_ result from science teacher.a. surprised; disappointed b .surprised; disappointing c. surprising; disappointing 28. can you remember _ when i called you up last night. a. what were you doing b. what you did c. what you were doing 29. i dont know if mr. wang _ to the party today?. i think he will come if he _ free. a. will come; is b. comes; will be c. came; is 30. i didnt go to the concert yesterday. _. i studied for the math exam at home. a. me, too b. i neither c. me neither . 完型填空。(10分) i was riding my motorbike along a country road near chilton on the evening of february 15. i _31_ it was about 9:30. it was_32_ and i couldnt see things clearly. so i was driving very _33_ , but the road was bad and suddenly my bike _34_a stone, and before i could stop my bike, i was already_35_ on the ground. my whole _36_ hurt, especially(特别) my left arm. i knew i was bleeding(流血), and i _37_ get up. luckily i was _38_ by a policeman. he made a telephone call and i was taken to the _39_ . there i was examined. i had a broken arm and lots of cuts. my arm was put in a cast(石膏绷带) and my cuts were _40_ and bandaged(包扎). ( )31. a. told b. guess c. thought ( )32. a. dark b. far c. later ( )33. a. fast b. carefully c. carelessly ( )34. a. kicked b. hit c. beat( )35. a. standing b. sleeping c. lying(躺) ( )36. a. arm b. body c. head ( )37. a. couldnt b. didnt c. wouldnt ( )38. a. caught b. held c. found ( )39. a. police station b. village c. hospital ( )40.a. cleaned b. repaired c. served.阅读理解(40分)amy name is betty sanders. im a telephone operator, and i work for universal telephone company. my job at utc is an interesting one, i work five days a week, and my hours are from 9 oclock to 5 oclock. i do a lot of things - i place long-distance calls for people. i answer questions and i help people when they are in trouble.today, for example, i had an interesting experience. at 11 oclock this morning, i got a call from some man. i didnt know who he was. he was in trouble and i could tell that he was worried about something. he gave me his address and asked me to send an ambulance(救护车) right away. i asked him if somebody was hurt, he didnt answer my question. he told me he needed a doctor at once, so i said id call an ambulance for him, but i still wanted to know what was wrong. then he said, “our keys are gone!” i didnt understand that! why would he need an ambulance just because he couldnt find his keys? then i found out what the trouble was.the man and his wife left the car keys on a coffee table, and later they couldnt find them. their little boy johnny was playing in the room, and they thought he swallowed (吞下)them.but before i could help him, he told me he wouldnt need an ambulance any longer. his wife foud the keys in her bag. they were there all the time.41. betty sanders works _. a. in a factory b. in a shop c. in a hospital42. the man called betty sanders because _. a. he thought betty was a doctor. b. he had lost his keys c. he wanted to take an ambulance.43. in fact, his keys _ a. were swallowed by his little son b. were on a coffee table c. were put in his wifes bag44. from the passage we can see _. a. betty sanders likes her work b. bettys job is to place long-distance call only c. the mans little boy likes playing with keysbaugust 14,2008 classified ads the biggest shopping center krf will open on august 18. everybody with todays newspaper will get a small present that day. you are welcome.address: no.6 bridge street. english newspaper is looking for native english speakers as editors. he (she) should study news in college. the salary is 8,000 a year. please send your application from in ten days. tel: 3898766. address: no.5 longway street. e-mail: traditional chinese doctor treatment. rmb200 yuan/hour. ill go to your home. mobile: 137629390 new madrid vs chinese dragon teamtime: 7:00pm, sunday, august 17place: star stadiumticket price: rmb300 yuan, rmb280yuan, rmb180 yuan, rmb80 yuanhot line: 3456754url: http:/www.sports45. if anyone has the newspaper of today, he will get a small present _. a. on august 18 b. in august 19 c. on august 1746. bob is from britain and studies news. he wants to work for the english newspaper. he should send his application form before _. a. august 23 b. august 24 c. august 2547. where and when will the football match be? a. in new madrid on sunday. b. in star stadium at 7:00am. c. in star stadium on august 17.48. which of the following is not true? a. the shopping center is in no.6 longway street. b. the telephone number of chinese doctor is 137629390 c. you can order football ticket by calling 3456754.cthe second monday of january is coming-of-age day (成年节) in japan. it is a holiday to celebrate those new adults. the holiday used to be on january 15, but in 2000 it was on the second monday of the month.the governments have special meetings for 20-year-old persons because they grow into “adults” when they are over 20 years old according to the japanese law. they get the right to vote (投票权) on their twentieth birthday, and they may smoke and drink from then on.in the past boys were looked on as(被看做)adults when they were about 15 years old, and girls were 13 years old.these days, men often wear suits to their coming-of-age meeting, but a lot of women choose to wear traditional social type of kimono(和服).many of them look it as the event showing the start of their adult life.the number of children in japan is slowing down. for example, about 1.74 million joined the adult groups in 1999; that was 80,000 fewer than 1997 and it was about 1.4% of the total population of japan.49. what day is the coming-of-age day in japan? a. the day to celebrate new adults. b. the day to vote. c. the day to have a meeting50. people can call them adults when they are _ according to the japanese law. a. over 20 years old b. over 18 years old c. over 14 years old51. they are allowed to _ when they are new adults. a. look ofr jobs b. have the right to vote c. spend money52. what does the passage mainly tell us? a. something about the coming-of-age day, b. when japanese can smoke and drink. c. how to become an adult in japandit was a very cold, winter night. coming near the town to look for food, a very hungry wolf met a house dog. the wolf saw that the dog was fat and comfortable (舒适的), so he asked,cousin dog,im from the north! where can i find some food?oh, there is always food in my house, said the dog. my master (主人) gives me plenty of meat. master? said the wolf,whats that? the man i work for, said the dog.my job is easy. i bark and keep thieves away form the house.its a good life. why dont you try it?yes, said the wolf. your life sounds much better than living in the cold woods. id like a roof over my head. ill come with you and ask your master for work. as they ran toward the town together, the wolf saw a mark on the dogs neck.whats that? he asked.that mark on your neck. oh, said the dog,its nothing. my collar is a little tight - my chain (链子) is tied to it.chain? asked the wolf.you are not free?well, they chain me during the day, because the neighbors are afraid of me, said the dog. but at night i can go freely. anyway, i sleep during the day, so that i can watch the house better at night. its really not bad. and think of all the food i get! where are you going?thank you, but no. id rather (宁愿)be hungry but free than be a slave (奴隶)with a full stomach.53. the wolf came to the town to look for _. a. his cousin b. food c. the dogs master54. the house dog was fat and comfortable because _. a. he had enough food to eat b. he had a big house to live in c. he could sleep day and night55. according to what the house dog said, the collar around his neck is used to _. a. chain him b. make him cool c. keep thieves away56. in the end the wolf didnt go with the house dog for work because _. a. the wolf couldnt get enough food. b. the wolf wanted to be free c. the dog was afraid of losing his jobea change in seasons can mean a change in your life. for example, the start of fall means back to school for many kids. animals lives change with the seasons, too. many animals migrate, or move, from one area to another at different times of the year.the wildebeest (海马)is one example. this grass-eating animal moves from place to place, looking for food and water. some animals like the lions and the cheetahs follow the wildebeests or lose their food. so the wildebeests travel in large group. look at the map to learn about the wildebeests yearly journey.57. what does the underlined word migrate mean in chinese? a. 蜕变 b.迁徙 c.冬眠58. the wildebeests live in the _ of africa. a, northwest b. southwest c. southeast59. when the dry season begins, the wildebeests leve because _. a. lions and cheetahs follow them b. they love moving from place to place c. they want to look for food and water60. the smiths are planning an april trip to see the wildebeests. where should they go? a. to serengeti national park b. to masai mara game reserve c. to uganda(四)情景交际运用(共20分) (a 层)viii. 根据对话情景,填入恰当的单词,每空一词。(6分)father: did you _61_ your report card today, scott?scott: yes. father: so, _62_ did you do?scott: i did well _63_ some subjects.father: what did your history teacher _64_?scott: ummshe sheshe said i was _65_.father: oh!you must study harder. if not, you will lose the _66_ to get an further education.ix. 根据情景提示,写出恰当的句子。(8分) * 你想知道100年后,人们是否会有机器人,你会这样问: 67. _ in 100 years?* 你妈妈想知道你的学习,你告诉她英语老师说你很努力,你应该这样说:68. “my english teacher said _”* tom想穿牛仔裤去参加聚会,你告诉他如果这样做,老师不会让他进去,可以这样说:69. “if you do, the teachers _.” * 你想知道当ufo到达的时候,人们正在做什么,你会这样问: 70. _when the ufo arrived?.根据语篇情景,用恰当的短语填空,使之意思完整。(6分)end of year partyi want you to remember the rules for school parties.dont _71_ to the party. if you do, the teachers will take it away.dont leave the gym during the party. if you do, the teachers will _72_.dont run of shout at the party. if you do, youll _73_.dont bring your id card. if you dont have your id card, you cant go to the party.(五)写作(共20分). 英译汉,汉译英 (12分)(请在答题卡上标明序号)74. 组织 _ 75.很生气,很气愤 _76. 消息,信息 _ 77. 再也(不),(不)再 _78. pass on _ 79. be supposed to _80. do well in _ 81. in good health _82. have a great time _ 83. around the world _84. make a living _ 85. all the time _. 短文写作。(8分)假设你叫tommy,下面是你的成绩单,请你以第一人称写出这份成绩报告单(report card)的情况,稳重要体现各科老师对你的评价。词数:不少于60词name: tommyclass:class 3math: hard-working japanese: good at listeningscience: can do better history: lazy(四)情景交际运用(共20分) (b 层)viii. 根据对话情景,填入恰当的单词,每空一词。(6分) father: did you _61_ your report card today, scott? scott: yes. fat


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