湖北省宜昌第一中学高中英语 Unit 1 Cultural relics导学案(必修2).doc_第1页
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必修2 unit 1 cultural relics 导学案【美文赏析】the way to achieve successmany people say that they owe much of it to the cultivation of certain good habits in early life. in forming good habits, i think we should pay attention to four things, that is, honesty, industry, enthusiasm and thrift.“honesty is the best policy.” this is a proverb to which we must pay attention. there are so many temptations in society that through a little carelessness we may go astray. but when we are honest, people will not be dishonest to us.industry gives every man and woman, every boy and girl, proper work to do. to do nothing is going to ruin him/her.enthusiasm is a great force. ones soul will expand if one devotes oneself to a noble cause. the difficulties in our way are tremendous, but what can we not accomplish, if with enthusiasm? there are many proverbs, which set forth the advantages of thrift. since we live in the world in which money is a very powerful thing, we should always try to save a portion of our earnings for future use.these are the four things to which we must pay attention. it is only by this way that we can achieve success.period 1 vocabulary study【学习目标】能记住并运用下列重点词汇和短语:rare,cultural, valuable, survive, vase, dynasty, dragon, design, amaze, select, fancy, style, decorate, jewel, artist, belong, trial, sink, evidence, worth, troop, remove, wooden, doubt, former, local, explode, informal, debate, amazing, castle, entrance, mystery, apart, eyewitness, reception, rebuild【自主预习】阅读下列含有重点单词和词组的例句,体会重点单词和词组用法的不同,并进行归纳总结其用法。1. _ (adj.) 稀罕的;珍贵的;半熟的_ (adv.) 很少,稀奇地_(n.) 稀有;珍奇2. _ (v.) 幸免;幸存;比活得久_ (n.) 幸存;生还_ (n.)幸存者3. _ (adj.) 贵重的,有价值的_ (n) 价值,重要性_ (v.)评价;珍视;尊重4. _ (vt.) 使吃惊;惊讶_ (n.) 惊讶_(adj.)令人惊讶的5. _ (vt.) 挑选,选择_ (n.) 选择;精选_(adj.) 精选的 6. _ (v.) 装饰,装修_ (n.) 装饰,装饰品_(adj.) 装饰的7. _ (n.) 接待;招待会;接收_ (v.) 收容;接受;招待8. _ (v.) 怀疑,疑惑_ (adj.) 可疑的;不确定的_(ad.) 毫无疑问地9. _ (adj.) 非正式的 _(反义词) 正式的10. _ (adj.)值钱的;值得的 _ (n.) 价值,作用_(反义词)没有价值的,没有用的重点词汇1. survive vt. 比.活得长; 经历.后依然活着; 幸免于; 经受得住; 在.之后仍然生存,从.中逃生【例句】the house survived the storm. 经过暴风雨袭击, 这所房屋并未倒塌。only two passengers survived the air-crash.这次飞机失事只有两名乘客幸免于死。she survived her husband by twenty years.她丈夫去世后她又活了二十年。vi. 活下来,幸存;残留活下来, 保存下来, 残存few survived after the flood. 洪水后极少有人生还。some strange customs have survived from the earlier times.有些奇怪的风俗是从早年留存下来的。【归纳拓展】 survive sth 幸免于 survive sb by years 比某人多活。年 survive from 从中脱险/留存下来【即学即练】with _ the financial crisis, the economy system has showed the sign of recovering. (survive)随着许多公司经受住了这次经融危机,经济系统已经表现出了恢复的迹象。2. in search of 寻找, 探求,搜寻【例句】i walked into a bookstore in search of some books i wanted. 我走进一家书店寻找我要的一些书。the police are in search of the lost boy. 警察正在寻找丢失的男孩。search for hidden treasure寻找隐藏的财宝search a house for a hidden weapon搜查房子找寻潜藏的武器he searched for work at various stores.他在各家商店寻找工作。【归纳拓展】 in search of 寻找, 探求,搜寻(在句中做状语或表语) search for sb. / sth. 寻找, 探求,搜寻 (动词短语) search somewhere for sth. 在某个地方搜寻某物 search sb. 搜身【即学即练】 她走进厨房想找点喝的。(翻译)(search) this was the second time that those firefighters _. (search)这是那些消防队员第二次在那个建筑物中搜寻幸存者。3. design vt. 设计;计划;构思 n. 设计;图案;构思【例句】architects design buildings.建筑师设计房屋。the design of the room was in the fancy style popular in those days.屋子的设计采用了当时流行的别致的建筑式样。the experiment is designed to test the new drug.实验的目的是试验新药。【归纳拓展】 be designed to do 目的在于;计划用来做 be designed for 为而设计 by design = on purpose 故意地【即学即练】there is a washing machine, a clothes dryer and all sorts of other household items _ save time. (design) 这里有洗衣机,干衣机和其它各种各样的为节省时间而设计的家用电器。4. fancy【例句】 n.(无充分根据的)设想,爱好,偏爱ive taken a fancy to that silly hat. 我特别喜欢那顶怪帽子。he took a fancy to the girl next door.他迷恋上了隔壁的女孩子。 n.想像;想像力;幻想 she has a lively fancy.她想像力丰富。v. 喜爱,爱好;想要 +v-ingwhat do you fancy for dinner? 你晚饭想吃什么?i dont fancy walking in the rain.我不喜欢在雨中行走。i dont fancy fish today. 今天我不想吃鱼。v. 想象,设想 +(that)i fancy that hes pretty happy.我猜想他很幸福。adj.别致的;花俏的;奇特的;(价格)过高的;昂贵的;奢华的both of them like fancy clothes.他俩都喜欢穿新奇的服装。the design of the room was in the fancy style popular in those days.屋子的设计采用了当时流行的别致的建筑式样。he sells poor goods and charges fancy prices.他出售的商品很糟,要价却非常昂贵。fancy restaurants with fancy prices价格昂贵的豪华餐厅【归纳拓展】 take a fancy to sth/sb 喜欢上,爱上 fancy sb/sth/doing sth 喜欢/想要 fancy+ that 从句 想象,设想【即学即练】 it is a common error for people _ in their own situation. (fancy)人们常犯的错误是从他们自己的角度去设想别人。the magazine was packaged in _ with attractive graphics. (fancy)这本杂志装在一个带有漂亮图纹的别致塑料盒子里。4. decorate vt. 装修;装饰【例句】 he decorated his room with pictures of all his favorite sports figures.他用他所喜爱的所有运动员的照片装饰自己的房间。when they came to decorate the bedroom, it was jemma who had the final say.他们开始装修卧室时,说了算的人是杰马。【归纳拓展】 decorate sth with sth 用装饰 be decorated with 装饰有 decoration n. 装饰,装修【即学即练】 the princess hat was really fancy, _ gold and jewels. (decorate)公主的帽子很精美,它装饰有金子和珠宝。5. belong (to) 属于;为的一员【例句】the house belongs to my father. 这房子属于我父亲。taiwan belongs to china, as is known to all of us.众所周知,台湾是中国的领土。what political party does he belong to?他是哪个政党的成员?【归纳拓展】 belong to 一般没有无被动形式,也无进行时。【即学即练】 he took over the company that _.(belong)他接管了属于他父母的公司。 the english exam was so difficult that even tom _ failed in it. (belong)这次英语考试如此的难以至于连属于顶尖学生的汤姆都没通过。6. remove vt.移动,搬开;调动;脱掉;去掉,消除;使离去;把.免职;撤去;迁移,搬家【例句】students removed several desks to another classroom.学生们把几张书桌搬到另外一间教室。she removed the painting to another wall.她把画搬到另一面墙上。she saw he had removed his glasses.她看到他摘下了他的眼镜。he was removed from the post.他被解雇了。the corrupt official was removed from office.这个贪官被免了职。the managers office has removed to another building.经理的办公室已搬到另外一幢大楼里。【归纳拓展】 remove sth from to 将某物从移动到 remove an obstacle/a restriction/a problem 消除(去除)障碍/限制/问题 remove sb from 将某人从职位上免职 remove from. to 从搬迁到【即学即练】 these chemicals _ from water. (remove) 这些化学物质很难从水中去除。 public officials _ for failing to perform their duties properly as well as for serious violation of law. (remove)不仅因为严重违反法律,而且因为没能恰当履行职责,公务员均应该被革职。7. doubt v.怀疑;不相信;不能肯定;n 怀疑,疑虑【例句】i doubt whether / if tom has taken my watch.我不太相信汤姆拿了我的手表。the judge doubted him.法官怀疑他。i doubt the truth of it.我怀疑它的真实性。i doubt that he will come.我看他不见得会来。i doubt whether /if he is at home.我看他不一定在家。i do not doubt that he can recite it.我相信他能把它背下来.i do not doubt that he will succeed.我肯定他会成功。can you doubt that he will win?你不相信他会获胜吗?there is no doubt that he is guilty. 毫无疑问,他是有罪的。there is no doubt about his honesty.他完全是诚实的。i have (my) doubts about whether he is the best man for the job. 我怀疑他是否做这项工作的最好人选。we have no doubt of his ability. 我们相信他的能力。the result remains in doubt.结果仍然不能肯定。there is not much doubt about it.这是没什么可怀疑的。【归纳拓展】 doubt whether/if +从句 怀疑(不相信)是否 dont/doesnt/didnt doubt+ that从句 相信/不怀疑 there is no doubt about sth/that从句 毫无疑问【即学即练】 _ today english is one of the most important languages. (doubt)毫无疑问如今英语是最重要的语言之一。 you can phone the doctor. however, i _come out on a saturday night. (doubt) 你可以给医生打电话,但是我怀疑他是否会在星期六晚上出来。8. worth adj.值钱的,价值的;值得的;n.价值【例句】a local jeweler says the pearl is worth at least $500.一位本地珠宝商说这颗珍珠至少值$500。his mother inherited a business worth 15,000 dollars a year.他的母亲继承了一个每年盈利15000美元的商行。hes decided to get a look at the house and see if it might be worth buying.他已经决定去看一下那所房子,看看是否值得买。most things worth having never come easy.大多数值得拥有的东西一向来之不易。this restaurant is well worth a visit.这家饭店很值得光顾。【归纳拓展】 be worth + n. 值钱的;价值的 be (well) worth +n./ doing (很)值得做 it is/was (well) worth doing sth. (很)值得做 be worthy of sth/being done; be worthy to be done 值得;配得上【即学即练】 its said that jackie chens new movie _. (worth)据说陈龙的新电影很值得一看。 he is a man _. we can count on his support. (worthy) 他是一个值得信任的人,我们可以依赖他的支持。9. think highly of 看重;器重; 高度评价【例句】they think highly of his acting. 他们对他的表演评价很高。she thought little of my work. 她不看重我的工作。quality, without quantity, is little thought of. 质虽好,量少也会没人重视。he thought nothing of walking 40 miles.走四十英里他并不当一回事。【归纳拓展】 think highly/well/much of 看重,器重,高度评价 think little/poorly of 不重视;认为.没价值;评价低 think nothing of 把.视为平常【即学即练】1). 她将熬夜视为平常。_2).他的作品深受评论家推崇。_19period 2 reading in search of the amber room【学习目标】1. 熟练掌握文中重点单词和短语,并了解重要句型的表达法。2. 运用略读和扫读策略迅速获取信息,并能够精读文章获取信息和分析信息。 【自主预习】1. read through the passage and fill in the form.yearperson what happened to the amber room_ the amber room _frederick william igave the amber room to_ as a gift1770catherine ii_1941_ the amber room_the russians and germans the amber room2. true or false. 1).frederick william i was the king of russia.2).the amber room has a strange history and it remains a mystery.3).the amber room was made up of seven tons of amber.4).the amber is as hard as stone and hard to be made into shapes.5). peter the great made amber room his summer palace.6).catherine ii added more details to the amber room and made it her summer palace.3. practice:1) the amber room was made for _ . a. catherine ii b. the palace of frederick i c. peter the great d. the prussian people 2) the amber room was one of the great wonders of the world , but it is now missing because _ . a. most precious pieces of the amber room could be taken apart, packed and moved away. b. the amber room was very small so that german soldiers could move it away easily. c. it was destroyed by peter the great. d. there was a mystery in it.3) the new amber room looks much like the old one because _ . a. the russians and germans are good at building the amber room. b. it was rebuilt by the russians and germans with the help of its old painting sand photos. c. they found the site of the amber room. d. catherines artists gave detail advice. 4) although amber feels as hard as stone, it easily melts when heated, “melts” here means _ . a. becomes liquid b. becomes freezing c. becomes solid d. is broken read paragraph 1 and 3 and tell why the amber room is one of the wonders of the world. 1. several tons of amber were used to make it.2. the design of the room was in the fancy style and popular in those days.3. it was also a treasure decorated with gold and jewels, which took the countrys best artists about ten years to make.4. almost six hundred candles lit the room, and its mirrors and pictures shone like gold.【合作探究】【重点句型】请你认真分析下列句子、补全所缺内容并进行仿写。1. 【原句】frederick william l, the king of prussia, could never have imagined that his greatest gift to the russian people would have such an amazing history.【分析】句子结构: 主语,加插入语,谓语 宾语从句。 此句中含有“could + have done”结构,用来表示对过去发生的事情的推测、批评、反悔等。它用在不同的句式中,表达的含义不同。1)用于疑问句中,表示对行为可能性的推测。如:could he have been told the news?他被告知这个消息了吗?2)用于陈述句和肯定句,表示与过去事实相反的假设,意为“本来能够去做却没有做”。如:- i stayed at a hotel while in new york在纽约时我住在一家旅馆里。- oh,did you? you could have stayed with barbara是吗?你本来能够和巴巴拉在一起的。3)用于否定句表示对过去事实的推测,常用结构“can/could not have done”,意为“不可能做过、肯定没有做过”they cant have gone out because the light is on.【翻译】普鲁士国王威廉一世绝不可能想到他送给俄罗斯人民的厚礼会有这样一段令人惊讶的历史。【仿写1】我们的老师john没想到他所给的例子会跟入学考试有关。_【仿写2】我的母亲,我生命中最重要的人,一直坚信我终有一天会取得成功的。_2.【原句】 this gift was the amber room, which was given this name because several tons of amber were used to make it.【分析】模仿要点 句子结构:主句+ 非限制定语从句 + 原因状语从句【翻译】这件礼物就是琥珀屋,它之所以有这个名字,是因为造这间房子用了好几吨的琥珀。【仿写1】礼物是一辆小汽车,我拒绝接受是因为它太昂贵了,而且,我没有必要开车去学校。_【仿写2】2008奥运会开幕式是极大的成功,它使世界感到震惊,因为它巧妙地把中国的历史成就和未来之梦结合在一起呈现给世界。_3【原句】there is no doubt that the boxes were then put on a train for konigsberg, which was at that time a german city on the baltic sea.毫无疑问,这些箱子后来被装上火车运往哥尼斯堡,当时德国在波罗的海边的一个城市。【分析】主句结构: there is no doubt that +从句,翻译为 “毫无疑问”。整个句子中包含了由which引导的非限制性定语从句,修饰先行词konigsberg【翻译】毫无疑问,这些箱子后来被装上火车运往哥尼斯堡,当时德国在波罗的海边的一个城市。【仿写】毫无疑问我在家乡度过的童年时期,自行车对我作用非常大,当时我的家乡是长江边的一个小城市。_4. later,catherinehad the amber room moved to a palace outside st peters-burg where she spent her summers【分析】1)此句是一个含有关系副词where引导的定语从句的主从复合句。主句中的谓语had the amber room moved是have sthdone结构,该结构中done是过去分词作补语,意为“使某事被做”“让别人做某事”,而不是主语自己做。例如:i had my hair cut yesterday昨天我理发了。2)句中where she spent her summers为定语从句,修饰先行词st petersburg,关系副词where在从句中作地点状语。又如:this is the place where 1 was born这是我的出生地。【翻译】后来,捷琳娜二世派人把琥珀屋搬到了圣彼得堡郊外她避暑的宫殿中。【练习】汉翻英1). 我要去医院检查眼睛。_2). 我不知道他们碰头的确切地点。_ period 3grammar focus定语从句(三)【学习目标】1. 理解记忆定语从句中关系代词和关系副词的句法功能和特点。2. 掌握非限制性定语从句的特点,能正确熟练运用。【语法聚焦】在复合句中修饰名词或代词的从句叫定语从句。被定语从句所修饰的名词或代词叫先行词。定语从句按其语法性质可分为限定性和非限定性两种。限定性定语从句用来限定先行词的范围,是不可缺少的成分;非限制性定语从句用来补充说明先行词,添加信息,省略后对全句没有太大的影响。一、限制性定语从句引导限制性定语从句的关系代词有that(指人或物,作主语或宾语),which(指物,作主语或宾语),who(指人,作主语),whom(指人,作宾语),whose(指人或物,作定语); 关系副词有:where(指地点),when(指时间),why(指原因),关系副词全是用来作状语的。关系代词和关系副词的用法和作用可列表如下:关系代词: 作用 功能用于限定性或非限定性定语从句只用于限定性定语从句代替人代替物代替人或物主语whowhichthat宾语whowhichthat定语whose(=of whom)whose(=of which)关系副词:关系副词被代替的先行词在从句中的作用when(=at/in/on/during which)表示时间的名词时间状语where(=in/at/from which)表示地点的名词地点状语why(=for which)只有reason原因状语1、关系代词作主语,宾语,定语。如:this is the man who / that helped me. 这位是帮助过我的那个人。he is a man who / that means what he says. 他是一个说话算数的人。do you know the man who / that came to see me this morning? 你认识今天早晨来看我的那个人吗?those who want to see the film please put up your hands. 凡是想去看电影的人请举手。the leader (that / whom) you are looking for is in the meeting room. 你找的那位领导在会议室里。he is a man (that / whom) we should all learn from. 他是一个我们大家都应该学习的人。the music (that / which) they are playing is beautiful. 他们演奏的音乐很动听。the pen (that / which) you gave me is very nice. 你送给我的钢笔很好。there are many books (that / which) id like to read. 有很多我想看的书。do you know the girl whose father works in a hospital? 你认识她父亲在医院工作的那个女孩吗?is there anyone whose family is in the street? 有谁的家在街道吗?he is the student whose handwriting is the best in our class. 他就是我们班书法最好的那个学生。that is our teaching building whose top you can see here. 那是我们的教学楼,你在这里能看到它的顶部。have you visited the house whose color (the color of which) is red? 你参观过那栋红颜色的房子吗?2关系副词在定语从句中作状语:1)where通常用于表示地点的先行词后面,一般不能省略。i know of a place where we can swim. 我知道一个可以游泳的地方。is there a shop where we can get fruit? 有可以买到水果的商店吗?注意:先行词表示地点时,有时用where, 有时用that(which)引导定语从句,这时要看从句的谓语动词是及物动词还是不及物动词。如果是及物动词就要用that (which),否则用where. 例如:this is the house where he lived last year. 这就是他去年住过的房子。this is the house (that / which) he visited last year. 这就是他去年参观过的房子。he works in a factory where (around which) the surroundings are very beautiful. 他在一个环境优雅的工厂工作。he works in a factory that/which makes computers. 他在一个制造计算机的工厂工作。2)when 通常用在表示时间概念的名词后。spring is the season when (in which) flowers are blooming. 春天是鲜花开放的季节。sunday is the day when (on which) the students dont go to school. 星期天是学生不上学的日子。但在不少情况下,可以不用when, 特别是在某些句型和时间状语中,作状语用的名词前不用加介词,这时关系副词when可以被that代替,或不用关系副词或关系代词。the second time (when / that) i saw him was in 1980. 我第二次看见他是在1980年。come any time you like. 你随便什么时候来都行。3)why 通常用在表示原因的先行词reason后, 有时也可以用that 代替或省略:the reason (why / that) he failed was his laziness. 他失败的原因在于他的懒惰。that is the reason (why / that) i did it. 这就是我这样做的原因。二、非限制性定语从句引导非限制性定语从句的关系代词有:which(指人,作主语或宾语),who(指人,作主语),whom(指人,作宾语),whose(指人或物,作定语),关系副词只有where, 非限制性定语从句一般要用逗号跟主句断开。you should go to see mary, who has been ill for a long time. 你应该去看看玛丽,她病了好长时间了。last night i saw a very good film, which is about the second world war. 昨天晚上我看了一部好电影,是关于第二次世界大战的。my brother, whom you saw just now, is an engineer. 我弟弟是个工程师,你刚才见到他了。my cousin, whose english is the best in his school, is going to study in australia this week. 我的表弟这个星期要去澳大利亚学习,他的英语在他们学校是最好的。the building, whose roof (the roof of which) we can see from here, is a church. 那栋楼是教堂,我们可以从这里看见它的屋顶。he is leaving for beijing, where he will attend a meeting. 他要去北京,在那里参加一次会议。 限定性定语从句和非限定性定语从句在语法性质和用法上有区别,有时在意思上也有区别。例如:he has a son, who is a writer. 他有一个儿子,儿子是作家。(他就一个儿子。定语从


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