高中英语 BBC听力03月合辑(文本+翻译)BBC0327素材.doc_第1页
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高中英语 BBC听力03月合辑(文本+翻译)BBC0327素材.doc_第3页




bbc英语听力2012年03月合辑(文本翻译):bbc0327the united nations has said itll join a government-led humanitarian mission in syria this weekend. the un humanitarian chief valerie amos said technical staff would accompany the syrian authorities to observe conditions. she said the visit would include cities which had seen thousands of casualties in anti-government protests. heres barbara plett.联合国称将于本周在叙利亚加入一支由政府领导的人道主义使团,联合国人道主义负责人valerie amos称,技术人员将与叙利亚当局一道观察局势,调查地包括在反政府抗议中伤亡数千人的城市。barbara plett报道。valerie amos said un technical staff would accompany a government-led mission to aid population centres. these include the city of homs, parts of which were devastated by a month-long government siege, and deraa, where the uprising against the syrian regime began a year ago. members of the organisation of islamic cooperation will also participate. ms amos said the un officials would observe condition first-hand and gather information on the overall humanitarian situation, but she stressed the urgency of unhindered access to provide emergency care and basic supplies.valerie amos说,联合国技术人员将陪同一个由政府主导的使团援助居民点,包括部分地区已被政府军围攻摧残一月之久的胡姆斯市,以及一年前反叙利亚政权起义的发源地德拉市。伊斯兰合作组织成员也将参加进来。amos说,联合国官员将实地观察情况,收集整个人道主义局势的信息,不过她强调,应立即允许外界的紧急救助和基本物资进入这些地区。the united states says it remains committed to reconciliation in afghanistan even though the taliban has said its suspending peace talks, which have barely begun. the white house said no end to the conflict in afghanistan was likely without a political resolution. the taliban had been talking to the americans about possibly setting up a political office in qatar and exchanging a kidnapped american soldier for five taliban fighters. american sources said the taliban objected to the idea of involving the afghan government in the negotiations. a state department spokeswoman, victoria nuland, said afghans needed to talk to each other.尽管塔利班称将暂停几近开始的和平对话,美国称将继续为调解阿富汗问题而努力。白宫称如果不采取政治途径,那么阿富汗的冲突永远得不到解决。塔利班已与美国进行对话,讨论在卡塔尔建立政治办公室和将一名被绑架美国士兵交换五名塔利班武装人员的可能性。美国方面称,塔利班反对阿富汗政府涉入协商中,国务院女发言人victoria nuland称,塔利班和阿富汗政府应互相进行对话。the process that we have been willing to support is one where we facilitate a dialogue, afghans to afghans. thats going to take two to tango. theyre going to have to decide what they want to do in this regard. we think that if we have taliban who are willing to renounce violence, that that is a process that we should support.“我们愿意支持的这一进程,其实是在促成阿富汗人与阿富汗人之间的对话,一个巴掌拍不响,他们得决定在这个问题上怎么做,如果塔利班愿意放弃暴力,我们就愿意支持这样的进程。”argentina has said itll take legal action against companies involved in oil exploration in the british-controlled falkland islands, which it claims. the argentine foreign minister hector timmerman said the search for oil in falklands waters was illegal. mike wooldridge has this report.阿根廷称将起诉在英控福克兰岛上开采石油的公司,英国称对该岛有所有权。阿根廷外长hector timmerman称在福克兰岛水域勘探石油是非法的。mike wooldridge报道。tensions have been growing between argentina and britain ahead of the 30th anniversary next month of the war between the two countries over the falklands. among other actions, last month, buenos aires refused to allow two british cruise ships to dock in southern argentina after visiting the falklands. the issue of britain authorising companies to explore for oil in falklands waters has been a source of controversy between the two countries for some time now. argentinas foreign minister says his government aims to dissuade investors by raising the political cost for any company involved. the foreign office in london says it will work closely with any firm potentially affected to ensure that the practical implications for them are as few as possible.下月就是英国与阿根廷因福克兰岛挑起的战争30周年,如今,两国关系再度紧张。上个月,阿根廷不许两艘来福克兰岛访问的英国游轮在阿根廷南部进港。英国授权公司在福克兰岛水域开采石油一事,一直是两国之间争议的焦点。阿根廷外长称,为了阻止投资者在此开采,对于任何涉入其中的公司,将抬高其政治代价。而英国外交部称,将与任何可能受损公司紧密协作,确保它们受到的牵连最小化。the international monetary fund has approved a new rescue loan for greece worth 28bn. the move follows a decision by the eurozone countries to go ahead with a second bailout of greece worth a total of 130bn. private sector lenders have already accepted a deep cut in what they are owed.国际货币基金组织批准为希腊提供的价值280亿美元的一笔新救援贷款,此前,欧元区国家决定对希腊提供总价1300亿美元的第二笔援助资金。私营部分贷方已同意大幅度减少欠款。an organisation that handles most international payments between banks says itll cut off sanctioned iranian banks from this saturday. the move by swift is designed to enforce eu sanctions on iran. heres mark gregory.一家处理国际上银行间多数交易的组织称,自本周六起隔离受制裁的伊朗银行。swift的这一举动意在实施欧盟对伊朗的制裁。mark gregory报道。swift is a non-profit-making organisation owned by its 7,000 financial institution members around the world. it provides a secure electronic channel for banks in different countries to transfer funds, letters of credit and other cross-border financial dealings. the decision to exclude some iranian banks will make it harder, but not impossible, for the countries to do business abroad. swift had come under intense pressure from the us and european governments to cut off iranian entities associated with the countrys nuclear programme.环球银行金融电讯协会(swift)是一家拥有全世界7000家金融机构成员的非盈利组织,为各国银行在转移资金、信用证等跨境金融交易提供安全的电子渠道。将伊朗的银行排除在内,可能会使各国在国外的生意难做些,但也不一定。美国和欧洲政府一直对swift施压,要求其切断伊朗实体与该国核项目的关联。the government of ethiopia says its attacked military posts inside eritrea which it says were being used to arm and train militias. a government spokesman accused eritrea of using proxy militias to launch attacks on ethiopia. he blamed the groups for the kidnapping and killing of foreign tourists in ethiopia in january. ethiopia and eritrea fought a border war from 1998 to 2000.埃塞


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